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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20274785 No.20274785 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone stopped eating out? I make a good living, but it's literally burning money getting fast food slop. Wendy's etc is now the same price as a sit down restaurant.

>> No.20274791

wanting to pay normal prices is bad
you are a bad person for having experienced happiness because now i have to figure out what to do with you

>> No.20274795

I stopped going when they removed the BBQ bourbon burger. Everything else they make i can outdo at home for cheaper and not too much more time.

>> No.20274807

you dont have to tip 25% at wendys

>> No.20274819

I stopped this year. Fast food was always gross but at least it was cheap.

>> No.20274844

Still cheaper than ordering in

>> No.20274860

I've been eating out more than ever thanks to apps and rewards points.

I did stop getting it delivered though, to save that extra money I can spend on more food.

>> No.20274864

>I've been eating out more than ever thanks to apps and rewards points
Sorry to hear. The first step is admitting there's a problem.

>> No.20274867

I finally own my own place and have enough room for a chest freezer. Have gone all in on batch prepping shit.

Being I am in Canada, food prices are absurd. Two combos at McDonalds will run me 30 bucks after tax.

Or I can take that thirty bucks and one afternoon and end up with 32 portions of scratch made lasagna... I eat out only to socialize.

>> No.20274894

i feel like i am the only person on this board that has always stayed away from restaurants, i grew up with stingy parents

>> No.20274899

IKEA and Costco cafeterias are my lifeblood, last cheap meals you can consistently get.

>> No.20274966

Haven't eaten out or had food delivered for almost 5 years. It's too expensive and I can make better at home.

>> No.20274971

I only eat out with family and when I do I always force them to go somewhere unique. Two weeks ago, my dad became an Indian food fan. It's amazing how many awesome cultural foods are out there when you step off the racist internet basket weaving forum and experience the real world. I know most of you don't.

>> No.20274974

yeah i dont eat out unless on vacation anymore. i dont know how goyslop merchants will stay in business charging these prices. even some of the most obese retards i know have started asking me for cooking tips.

>> No.20274977

I did recently. Just seemed like an all-around good idea: healthier, cheaper, I don't have to sit in a cold spot or in a loud place. I do feel like somewhat of a bother when someone asks me if I want to eat out and I decline.

>> No.20274986

minimum wage was 3.35 in 1986

>> No.20275020

>is now the same price as a sit down restaurant.
a sit down restaurant you're looking at minimum $50 now for a simple meal and 1 drink.
i swung by my local bar for some loaded fries and 2 beers yesterday after work and shit set me back almost $60.

>> No.20275095

only go when it's a pretty good/ridiculous good deal. i'll always remember $1 double cheeseburgers at mcdonalds, but 2/$4 once in a great while compared to the 1/$3.49 it is normally, they won, i indulge, and it tastes the same as it did 22 years ago

>> No.20275100

i ahve to say it seems to have forced restaurants that charge ~$20 per person to serve much better food. as an example, my wife and i went to TGIF and we got the share sampler. that's all we got it was enough for us for lunch. it was about $30 with 1 fountain drink and a small tip, and everything i found out later, is mostly made in house - not frozen. i was blown away

>> No.20275102

Inflation calculator says this is equivalent to $24 today.

>> No.20275106

minimum wage then could afford that on 1.15 hours work

>> No.20275114

Hand microwaved in house by gourmet chefs
Coughmade by syscocough

>> No.20275116

I just did this order in the app. $46 dollars

>> No.20275121

I cook way more because going out is a shittier deal unless you carefully select your restaurants.

It's one thing to be spending more money, but at most places the quality is going to shit and/or you're getting less for your money.

on a semi related note, apparently many name brands are finally starting to see drop in sales while sales for generic/store brands of products are at an all time high. People used to pay an extra dollar for the name brand ketchup, but now the name brand cost 5 bucks more and is in a smaller bottle

>> No.20275125

>BBQ bourbon burger.
looks and sounds like it wouldn't take much. fried onions, and vinegar based bbq sauce on a bacon cheeseburger with cheddar is my guess. maybe tomato and lettuce but i doubt it. those never have that other shit cause it just gets soggy

>> No.20275130

$20 for one entree here, no extras and no drinks

I could buy so much more food for what I spend on lunch every week at work

>> No.20275135

>hotdogs, pizza, shitty meatballs
How do you not know how to cook that at home? Don't you feel ashamed?

>> No.20275174

>spending $186 for a family lunch in 1936
wtf happened to make it so cheap nowadays? Was Burger King a high end restaurant back then?

>> No.20275184

>Avatar of Obesity

>> No.20275297

Ah, yes. Like the authentic Turkish doner kebap prepared by an Arab, or the authentic Italian pizza prepared by an Arab, or the authentic Mexican restaurant food cooked by an Arab, or the authentic Japanese sushi prepared by a Vietnamese.

>> No.20275309

I've tried cuisines from all over the world in the US. I've also tried them overseas. Indian food sucks. All southeast Asian sucks. Most European food sucks (French and Italian obviously excepted). Mexican food sucks. It's just corn on corn. It'd be like making mashed potatoes as a dip for your potato bread topped with potato chips and a side of fries cooked in potato oil. That's Mexican food except with inferior corn.

If we only imported people from cultures with good food we would have almost no immigrants because people from France, Japan, and Italy don't want to move to America. And the next best cuisine comes from America so we already have enough of the good stuff.

But hey if you're not racist how about you import more Texans to new york and California. Nothing beats Texas BBQ cuisine and boy no other state has it. Better start providing free houses for Texans so they can serve you smoked brisket

>> No.20275317

>I like ethnic food
>hence as many people as possible from that ethnic group should live in my country

>> No.20275319

retards keep buying so they keep jacking up the price

>> No.20275326
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>stopped eating out

>> No.20275358

i've probably had 3 or 4 restaurant meals in the last 4 years. any restaurant with a website is guaranteed to be overpriced bullshit.

>> No.20275801

it’s so over

>> No.20275823
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Getting fast food is not "eating out".

>> No.20275850

You have smoked cigarettes for at least a decade and therefore your taste buds are shit and your opinions are worthless

>> No.20275852

My wife and I don't go out to eat as much. It's just easier and cheaper to cook at home. We only go out if we know it's a good place or we think it will be worth it to try.

>> No.20275858
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I don't earn a 1986 salary so it's fine. I also don't eat at fucking burger king, wtf is wrong with you, have some self respect you flyover freak

>> No.20275860

nothing you said was a defense of inflation

>> No.20275863

>projecting this hard
stay mad

>> No.20275871

Inflation is important because it promotes liquidity and investing which are important for keeping unemployment low. The tradeoff is that people who keep their savings as wads of fiat money stuffed in a mattress lose out, which is also the whole reason for having inflation, so people don't keep wads of cash and instead do something useful with it like buy a house

>> No.20275892

yeah people are buying houses like crazy because of inflation

>> No.20275899

That is why most people do it, yes. Are you like 12 or something?

>> No.20275903

if i’m 12 you’re dumber than a 12 year old

>> No.20275904

Good point, so if a dummy like me can figure this out, why can't you?

>> No.20275908

what can’t i figure out

>> No.20275921

There should be a screenshot of this post next to "skill issue" in the dictionary

>> No.20275925

because you are incapable of answering it
so you’re projecting

>> No.20276260
File: 149 KB, 720x1267, JitB 3 5 24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent almost the same amount just last night and got two burgers and eight tacos.

The real question is, why did they order three burgers when there's only two freedom fries and two shakes?

>> No.20277037

>Wendy's etc is now the same price as a sit down restaurant.
Yeah. So I occasionally pay the little extra and just go to a sit down restaurant. Still cutting that down because inflation though.
I'm still considering just quitting eating out for the year though. I'd have to double check if I have yet at all but if I have, its only been once.

>> No.20278162

that's a good deal. i wish sauces were free here as well..

>> No.20278168

>I'm still considering just quitting eating out for the year though.
Have you been fired or something?

>> No.20278175

yeah same my family only ever ate out at restaurants like once every two weeks
they're now multi-millionaires

>> No.20278185
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I live on the edge of a "little saigon" so I just go to the cheap asian places. Can get a pork belly banh mi for $7.

>> No.20279189
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I don't eat too much fast food, and haven't been to Jack in the Box in years, because they've always been one of the worst, but I was kind of drunk and thought, "fuck it". To be honest, part of the reason I asked for the extra sauces and spoon was just to see if they'd actually give it to me. I looked up the location on Yelp beforehand and it was all one star reviews saying how bad they are... They ended up getting everything right, and their shitty tacos weren't dripping in oil for a change. The burgers were terrible, though. All fast food burgers are terrible, because you can't really do much with a well-done beef patty to make it edible other than fill it with chemicals and artificial fillers.

>> No.20279193

people aren't buying houses like crazy, black rock and other equity firms and investment funds are buying houses which is driving up the price