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20265997 No.20265997 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics

Arrivederci Mokafrà edition

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz
If you're old and confused, follow any blood type diets lately?

Previous thread: >>20250816

>> No.20266009
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Mmm, goffee

>> No.20266012

if you don't like moka pot brews do you even like coffee?

>> No.20266022

Threads already ruined. Updated grinder chart/grind size comparison chart has been moved back to July.

>> No.20266046
File: 133 KB, 1063x1063, Soot_cryboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Threads already ruined. Updated grinder chart/grind size comparison chart has been moved back to July.
Thanks for ruining it, finocchio.

>> No.20266053

>Get a p0 or a p2.
Any particular reason to go with those over the other options mentioned? And any particular reason the p1 isn't an option (or is it just a weird middle ground that's not worth considering)?
>Not really worth checking ali listings imo
You're completely correct when it comes to the kingrinder p-series grinders. For the timemore stuff, I'm seeing a difference of 10-20 euro in price, and they come with 5 to 10 day shipping from ali. Which they have, surprisingly, been consistently able to succeed in for my orders until now.

>> No.20266072

P0 is a very similar burr to the c2 and 3(non spike2cut). P2 is a very similar burr to the 1zpresso q2 and comandante. The sub $100 market was just shifted around with those plastic bodied grinders.

>> No.20266191

The p series kingrinders are best value right now. Like you said the p1 is just kind of a weird middle ground between the two others, I don't see much of a reason to get it.

>> No.20266235

When dialing in, when do you adjust your temp and when do you adjust your grind?

>> No.20266258

idk bro i could tell you to brew at 80 and adjust solely with grind but you're not brewing in an aesirpress doing water first bypass

>> No.20266279

What the fuck is coffee?
Who drinks this shit these days?
I never understood the point of coffee or the people succoring to it.

>> No.20266285

i feel your temp should be a constant based on roast level unless you're experimenting. grind size should be the first adjustment.

>> No.20266291

Have you considered getting therapy to deal with your coffee addiction?

>> No.20266294

you're getting scammed kiddo

>> No.20266299

Have you considered getting coffee to deal with your therapy addiction?

>> No.20266300

No, but you're the one scammed into the coffee addiction. Smoke a joint and these freaks think that's a federal crime but being addicted to coffee is ok. Explain that.

>> No.20266306


>> No.20266320

Porque no los dos? I smoke a bowl, make an espresso and go check on my plants.

>> No.20266328

I see, thanks for your patience so far. I feel like it'll help me get something decent and that'll last a while.
>P0 is a very similar burr to the c2 and 3(non spike2cut). P2 is a very similar burr to the 1zpresso q2 and comandante.
So how do these burrs compare to eachother? Is there much reason to go for the P2 type burr if I'm not going to be using it for espresso? And how does the spike2cut version compare, since I can get one of those for about the price of the P2?

>> No.20266346

The p2 does better with filter coffee as well. If you were going for espresso I'd probably recommend shilling out for a k4 or k6 honestly, the p series is barely serviceable for it.

>> No.20266380

>The p2 does better with filter coffee as well.
Ah, does it? I think I'll jump for that one then, 50-ish euro is within my budget for sure. Would you say either the P2 or the C3S (with the spike2cut) have any clear advantages over the other? Both are about the same price from what I can see.
>If you were going for espresso I'd probably recommend shilling out for a k4 or k6 honestly, the p series is barely serviceable for it.
I don't really see myself going for espresso any time soon. I like my aeropress and pourover coffee enough for my morning coffees, which is the main purpose.

>> No.20266396

The comandante is known as a top tier filter grinder, its just (over)priced from being entirely made in germany with a bunch of man hours tacked on top. Thats why so many others knock it off. Chinese innovation has brought a $300 grinder down to $44. Is it the same? No, but its close enough. I think most people are better off with a $40 grinder and $260 of nice beans than a $300 grinder and no beans.
>So how do these burrs compare to eachother?
The p2 shits all over both. I'm using a p0 as a peppermill. That "line" has shitty catch cups, shitty lid/handle, and shitty internal adjustment. But they grind well and will let you learn about coffee until you're ready to get something "better".

>> No.20266454

>The p2 shits all over both.
Well, that's pretty clear. Thanks. Guess I'll go order that one then, lest I keep being indecisive forever.
>That "line" has shitty catch cups, shitty lid/handle, and shitty internal adjustment.
Just so I know what to expect, how shitty are we talking here? There are just objectively better ones but these aren't bad, using these will make you want to kill yourself from the hassle, or somewhere in between?

>> No.20266622
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For me, it's the O'Connell TKO. The workflow is grind, dose, tamp, pull a shot.

>> No.20266623
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Minorly inconvenient shit that will bug you over time. The catch cup is plastic on plastic threads. Not particularly a big deal but the simple o-ring cup on the $200 kinu feels like a more usable solution. You don't twist and twist while you feel the threads grind, it just pops off. There's nothing actually "attaching" the lid so the slightest bump knocks it off and the wooden handle is probably going to pop off and roll away. You know that little ball on a ratchet that locks the socket into place? Yeah they didn't put one on these P grinders. Maybe to prevent you from yanking anything out of the plastic housing? Even a little magnet in the lid would help. And having (finer) external adjustment is just a godsend. I don't change my pepper setting that often. Having to unscrew the shitty cup and click the shitty feeling adjustment daily would get on my nerves. But they grind pretty well. I'd rec going up to a higher pricepoint if you can stretch it, but the Ps will get the job done for our struggling brethren.

>> No.20266653

For me its the custom underdog I had made a few years back. Figured walnut on a blue woven leather base.

>> No.20266669

>There's nothing actually "attaching" the lid so the slightest bump knocks it off and the wooden handle is probably going to pop off and roll away.
That actually sounds like a pretty big deal. Is it liable to just come undone while you're grinding?
>And having (finer) external adjustment is just a godsend.
>Having to unscrew the shitty cup and click the shitty feeling adjustment daily would get on my nerves.
External adjustments would be nicer, I agree. But I'm going to be grinding for my aeropress most of time anyway. I think I have company over maybe once or twice a month on average where I'd need to break out the pourover set. So I'm assuming I won't have to change the adjustment much? Or does it need readjusting after every grind or something?
>I'd rec going up to a higher pricepoint if you can stretch it
How much higher of a pricepoint are we talking before I get something significantly better than the p2? I can up my budget a bit if it means I get a more solid device. I'm just trying not to go too deep into things from the get-go considering my needs are fairly simple and I'm not planning of going down the coffee hobby rabbit hole.

>> No.20266715

>Is it liable to just come undone while you're grinding?
Possible but unlikely. the lid sits well enough into the body, its just "tippy" from the lightweight plastic and metal handle jutting out.
>readjusting after every grind
Your coffee is constantly changing. You can and probably should be tweaking per cup and definitely per bag.
>How much higher of a pricepoint are we talking before I get something significantly better than the p2?
Depends where you're at and what you can get your hands on. The k6 is just a bigger p2(48mm vs 38mm), with finer external adjustment and an alu body. You can get them on US amazon for $99 usually. Unfortunately they just got taken down from EU amazon from legal shenanigans.

>> No.20266722

why the fuck is EVERY SINGLE 9 bar gaggia spring on amazon shipped from the fucking usa? is it fucking illegal to have a 9 bar gaggia in europe????

>> No.20266735

>get a batch brewer
any suggestions?

>> No.20266746

>Depends where you're at and what you can get your hands on.
I'm in the benelux, so central europe. I can use most of the european amazons except for maybe spain.
>The k6 is just a bigger p2(48mm vs 38mm), with finer external adjustment and an alu body.
>Unfortunately they just got taken down from EU amazon from legal shenanigans.
Damn. It looks pretty good and I could convince myself to put down 100 if it means I get something sturdy that'll last a while and doesn't have the problems you described with the p2. Just my luck though that I can't get them anymore. Maybe I should wait until they're back and get one with the discount they talk about in that insta post, but I'm guessing there's not telling how long it'll be until they're back.

>> No.20266757

uk amazon has it for £82.50 +£11.51shipping if thats doable.

>> No.20266779

based logfag

>> No.20266806

>uk amazon has it for £82.50 +£11.51shipping if thats doable.
Comes down to about 120 euro with 5 euro shipping in my cart. But they're very unclear wether I'll have to pay customs too. I know from experience that our customs here loves slapping UK packages with extra fees and shit if they can.
I dunno, paying a 20+% brit tax doesn't really sit right with me. Unless you have any other models to recommend, I think I'll just wait a week or two to see if the K6 gets reintroduced to their EU store, and get the p2 if it doesn't.

>> No.20266860
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A week ago they said 3-4 weeks.
>Unless you have any other models to recommend
The k6 and p2 really fucked up the rest of the budget landscape with their pricing. Someone posted my grinder chart last thread but I haven't updated it lately. It'll give you an overview of some popular shit. At ~$99 there's no reason to get the q2 over a k6 UNLESS you're travelling with an aeropress. The q2 fits inside the ap body. Assuming the p2 will as well.

>> No.20266893

>At ~$99 there's no reason to get the q2
Yeah, I think I'll keep 100 euro as my maximum budget, so the K6 or P2 are what it's gonna be then. I'll keep an eye on their socials to see when the K6 returns and suffer my ancient blade grinder for a lil bit longer until then.
Thanks for your help and explanations, senpai, I appreciate it

>> No.20266930
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>no, you HAVE TO spend at LEAST $100 on a grinder or else don't talk to me

>> No.20267056

Beans are over a month old and my shots are suddenly pulling super fast. Is this because the beans are too old or is it user error?

>> No.20267060

If I am going to do both pour over and aeropress I should get a K Ultra over a ZP6 right?

>> No.20267062

That's right. I don't talk to poors

>> No.20267066

>9 bar gaggia spring
Why didn't you get an Evo

>> No.20267106

Depends on the roast levels you're drinking. Both are high clarity, but in different ways. K ultra is going to be a slight bit "blendier" which people tend to like. zp6 would be a little bit more exposing which you might not like going further into medium roasts.
Just means the beans have less co2 to give off than before.

>> No.20267505

is the hario switch worth it

>> No.20267555

>is the hario switch worth it
I got mine for a big discount so I don't know if it's worth retail price but I fucking love it - it's a very lazy way to make very good filter coffee but it also offers a few ways to experiment if that floats your boat

>> No.20267558

i have one just sitting around that i've barely touched. do you do the weird hybrid brew methods or just straight immersion?

>> No.20267681

I drink more espresso than filter currently so straight immersion more often than not but I have been getting good results out of a largish bloom with the switch open then immersion on the remainder. One of the weird vagaries with steep and release is that you get much faster flow if you pour the water first then add the coffee rather than the other way around, so if I'm in a hurry I'm more inclined to be lazy and just dump water, then coffee, then release after ninety seconds rather than have to babysit a little but that's with Hario's papers, I've been meaning to try some Sibarist filters.

I have found for me that the various hybrid methods, if you're dialed in, tend to emphasise acidity and fruit in a good way, and that straight up steep and release tends to be a little less floral and characterful but is quite a bit more forgiving on grind size.

>> No.20268040

>Trying to get a 9 bar spring without the proper licence
That's a paddlin

>> No.20268048

Mr shades is out in the UK. OG gaggia modder.

>> No.20268083

Got a used old Baratza vario. Don't know if it was like that when I got it or if I did it taking it apart and putting it back together, but the adjustment levers seem to not move the burr at all. Anyone have any idea what might be causing that?

>> No.20268251

>That's a paddlin
bro gaggias don't have a flow control paddle

>> No.20268264

Medium and Light Robusta's exist, so why are you still bitching about the dark and French roasts in your espresso's and blends?

>> No.20268292


>> No.20268327

What kind of filters do you prefer for your coffee?

>> No.20268330

Grind finer
Maybe add a teaspoon of sugar for a cafecito

>> No.20268371

>cancerous flaking boiler

>> No.20268391
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Some don't like coffee and robusta is a reminder. They cope saying they like coffee so much and that's totally why they dilute it with water.

>> No.20268402

What would it take to break them into permanently switching to tea?

>> No.20268405

A debilitating genetic condition.

>> No.20268429
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>new euphemism just dropped

>> No.20268481

I can’t find an 1zpresso JX Pro anywhere in Canada. I have a 1zpresso Q2 tho, will that be able to grind espresso until I can get the JX?

>> No.20268494

I believe it's discontinued. Jx turned into j, they dropped the jx pro for the xpro xultra and jx pro s and the j max for j ultra.

>> No.20268548
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The moka bed. Post brew. 63 clicks on K6. 6 cup Bialetti Venus. The small amount of water left over in the base was crystal clear, which is a good sign. Brewed coffee tasted about average for this grind setting, these beans, and this water.

>> No.20268678

Can you slot kingrinder p-series burrs into a k-series grinder?

>> No.20268687

Isn't it exhausting to have to count out 65 clicks?

>> No.20268698

Based retard.

>> No.20268974

S&Ws El Salvador anaerobic natural is very clean! Papaya upfront with a light mango behind. Couldn't taste the nectarine until the last few sips.

>> No.20268987

love coffee so much.. getting emotional..

>> No.20269008

I actually did eat beans straight from the bag during my college years a few times, it's not bad, but really it's too fibrous, the desirable taste is all extracted with water and you're leaving behind a ton of no-taste woody fiber.
that said, robusta is for people that genuinely don't like coffee but just want a caffeine shot via inert bitter coal with none of the flavor that makes coffee good. I wouldn't necessarily pass up on a light roasted robusta if I came across it but I ain't ever seen that shit in the wild, it's something you only hear about brought up by robusta defenders, if it was delicious and not extremely hard to produice I suspect it'd be widespread.

>> No.20269042
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New beens bros, honey Kerinci Gunung, Tujuh Sumatra.

>Discover an exceptional coffee straight from Indonesia. The coffee is "Sumatran honey hulled" quality. The producing farm/cooperative is Koerintji Barokah Bersama. The coffee variety produced on the estate is Sigarar Utang. It is produced between 1400 and 1700 meters above sea level at the beautiful Koerintji cooperative. The cooperative is located in the heart of the Gunung Tujuh sub-region. The Koerintji cooperative has 250 members. Each member is in fact a producer family, each of whom manages a plantation, sometimes for generations. In the heart of Sumatra's Kerinci region, many families grow coffee cherries on less than 2.5 hectares per family. For most families, coffee is their main source of income. At the heart of the cooperative, management is led by Tryiono. He looks after all the members in the process of growing, harvesting and processing the coffee, right through to roasting if required. Tryiono also provides a washing station for families who don't have access to one. The Koerintji cooperative is a phenomenal success, having been up and running since 2017.

First Sigarar Utang for me if i may say so. Came out evenly balanced, 1:2 in 33s, no overly bitter nor sour with a thicc syrupy mouthfeel.
They nailed the honey process, making it not excessively obvious, still retaining familiar coffee taste if you want, but with a real discernible yet subtle dry plum aftertaste. Some honey processes are so present and perceptible that they become the sole aspect erasing the terroir and cultivar.
Much more interesting to drink than the previous unidimensional Mexican.
I'm contented.

>> No.20269383

>>no, you HAVE TO spend at LEAST $100 on a grinder or else don't talk to me
But don't all the cheaper grinders have some kind of glaring flaw in their design? Or have I just been looking at the wrong brands/models?

>> No.20269387

The hand grinder market has absolutely been revolutionized over the past 2 years. It is possible to get a good grinder under $100 now. Some anon posted a price chart last thread with recs.

>> No.20269536

I didn’t know that

Which is the better grinder between X-pro and X-Ultra? Does the grinder matter whether you’re grinding light roast/dark roast?

>> No.20269554

Pretty sure the x ultra is just an x pro with a magnetic catch cup, same burrs and general design

>> No.20269555

>Does the grinder matter whether you’re grinding light roast/dark roast?
strangely worded question, does the grinder matter whether you're grinding light or dark? yes.
does it matter what grinder you're getting depending on whether you're grinding dark or light? strictly speaking, you need to be able to grind finer for light, but it's not a big difference, and all the ezpresso and other popular espresso grinders can grind more than fine enough for both. in terms of quality of the grind, you are likely going to value the same characteristics for both

>> No.20269572

5am goff
2 hours of sleep

>> No.20269574

Xpro and ultra are just fancy q2 hept. Finer external adjustment and a magnetic catch on the ultra.

>> No.20269768


>> No.20269770

The error was letting your beans get old

>> No.20269791

If you don't like properly rested coffee, do you actually like coffee?

>> No.20269802

Do you mean the chart the other anon linked to earlier in the thread? here
They mention that the chart is outdated and that the ~100 segment is essentially the p2 at about 50, which has some caveats. Or the K6 at around 100, which fixes most if not all of the problems the p2 has.
Are you also referring to those models, or did you mean some other ones?

>> No.20269835

I like my coffee alert, I have an alarm rigged to go off at random intervals throughout the day to ensure my beans never get a chance to rest

>> No.20269845

Brew'em a nice hot cuppa, that'll wake'em up.

>> No.20270153
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What have you been drinking bros?

>> No.20270214

so basically, I measure 350 to 400 ml of water and heat it up to a boil on the stove, then in the measuring cup i throw in a good spoonful of coffee and pour the water on it, let it steep. i stir maybe two or three times. after about 5 minutes or so, I strain it into a chemex with a paper towel as the filter, then serve.
that's my morning coffee, I think it tastes pretty good.

>> No.20270219

mostly stuff i roasted myself from sweet marias and a bit from my local roasters because theyre pretty good

>> No.20270270

Imagine how much better it could taste if you weren't retarded.

>> No.20270516

>show up to my FLCR
>on the one day between running out of their single origin stock and getting their next delivery
Their blends are OK but this has made me realize I'm fucking ruined

>> No.20270521

thoughts on 3rd wave instant coffee

>> No.20270706

Try looking for Hanoi Peaberry
If you're feeling adventurous, try looking for butter-roasted beans with popcorn notes

>> No.20270807

i fucking hate how much cheaper good coffee seems to be in yurop

i see lots of yuro roasters doing 250g for 10-13 euros. same coffee and amount goes for $18-26 in USA. S&W is the only roaster here that seemingly that does good coffee for good prices

>> No.20270822

Monarch and if that runs out backup bustelo or folgers singles.

>> No.20270907


>> No.20270908

Better than what most people drink.

>> No.20271401

I'd be interested to try something like cometeer to see what it's like, but I haven't had any so I have no opinion.

>> No.20271436

Currently cheap Ethiopian but I plan on doing some big orders at the end of the month

>> No.20271497

Yeah but you seem to get better picks on the lots, Americans seem to have more diverse coffee and dank processes, but maybe that's just better maketing. 10-15€ is standard for specialty roasters here with the 17-25€ stuff being geishas or other exceptional lots.

>> No.20272125
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Coffee tastes best within minutes after roasting it. The smell while grinding is incredible.
You'll understand why blooming is a thing if you try this. Most coffees you buy don't need to be bloomed, they're simply not fresh enough.
"Experts" are all full of shit. They're just overcomplicating things to prop up the consumerist facade.

>> No.20272152
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Mark never lied to us

>> No.20272235

cute slave negress

>> No.20272276

>dual mahlkonig / fellow setup off the cybertruck
>nobody showed up
just whitewashed chinkshit things

>> No.20272284

i would definitely get the zp6 if you're going to dodge roast notes down the road, there are a lot of cheap grinders that taste like a k ultra
it depends on supply chain, kingha estate is pretty damn cheap here in bc

>> No.20272286

She's pretty cute but her hand looks funny.

>> No.20272291

>pourover iced coffee
>can't tell any difference from bean to bean

>> No.20272329

it's from all the manual labor since she was 4 years old
imagine the grippy

>> No.20272491

T. Retard

>> No.20273159

bringing my aeropress to work tomorrow
we're not allowed to plug in kettles but we have a water dispenser that does 75°C (167°F) water
will I be ok

>> No.20273183
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Thoughts on this for 300€?The fact it's an all in one machine really appeals to me but if none of those parts are good then what's the point you know?

>> No.20273188

>The fact it's an all in one machine really appeals to me
but it really shouldn't

>> No.20273211

but my convenience...

>> No.20273274

Could work. Grind very fine, use more water than you would normally, brew inverted, vigorously stir after adding the water for atleast 1 minute, let steep for 10 minutes.

>> No.20273360

Hallo. Is it possible to make a french press type coffe without the press's filter? Like with only a pyrex glass. I think with the Hoffman method it could be plausible. Has anyone tried this?

>> No.20273385

Yes. I've done this often when I don't have my usual coffee brewing stuff. It works great, a little more silt in the cup, but that sinks to the bottom if you drink slowly. If you have a sieve or tea strainer put that over your cup before pouring the coffee in to filter out some of the bigger particles.

>> No.20273411
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get you some good stuff

>> No.20273460

Cool, thanks fren.

>> No.20273545

Bean-to-cups tend to produce a grey, watery extraction, and instantly clog or fail with dark roast beans

>> No.20273622

>full city roast
>that marketing
why do american roasters always seem so unbelievably trashy? can't even tell if this is specialty or just some grocery store tier shit

>> No.20273821

To make themselves feel better about drinking "American" coffee

>> No.20273882

AI generated text is not a good sign.

>> No.20273952

bought gardelli for the first time, am I gonna be alright?

>> No.20274035


>> No.20274041

bear :)
honestly i kinda miss this style of bag art
most specialty coffee these days comes in bags that are all more or less in the same style
but this one brings me back

>> No.20274047

best bean to cup does not mean GOOD bean to cup. it's a fundamentally flawed principle and a 100 dollar semi auto with a 100 dollar grinder will make better espresso than a 5000 dollar full auto all in one

>> No.20274052

but hes not looking for a semi auto you stupid bitch
so im not going to sell him one

>> No.20274081

But anon said they wanted something good, so they're not in the market for a bean to cup either if properly informed

>> No.20274171

>use a coffee filter as a teabag
>coffee tastes a lot better than with the machine
so my coffee machine is shit?

>> No.20274242

what machine

>> No.20274666

you've just discovered why some people prefer immersion brew over percolated, and it seems your grind size is better suited for that than your machine.

but on another note, anon you evil genius sonofabitch. i work on smallish aircraft and the people i work with are content to drink shit instant so i've fucked around a few ways to try and have decent coffee on board but have pretty much settled with drinking good coffee at home and then taking a cup to work in a travel mug to drink before we depart. lots of methods that are simple on the ground, even camping, are a pain in the dick on board with no sink, no easy way to dispose of water, no easy supply of running water to rinse shit, vibrations that fuck with scales, etc. i just tried your idea on a whim and while the aeropress-ish ground size i tried ended up a little weak, it was a surprisingly decent cup. i might experiment a bit with ground size and dose and agitation but damn, son, that's not the worst idea in the world.

>> No.20274684

la cabra sells teabags of coffee and that's pretty good

>> No.20274763

yeah but if I can dial in for this I can ziploc a couple of homemade coffee bags in ten minutes of a morning and it'll be somewhat fresher that way.

>> No.20275161
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We are truly in the golden age of basket technology. Sworks knockoffs for 25eur.

>> No.20275177
File: 753 KB, 654x654, idiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are truly in the golden age of textile technology. Philipp Plein knockoffs for 10eur.

>> No.20275197

Sounds like some gay shit anon. Sort yourself out.

>> No.20275235

today i had 2 coffee
and i have enough for 1 more
is today going to be a 3 coffee day?

>> No.20275279

You already know

>> No.20275351

Coffee for this feel?

>> No.20275514

ok but what's the point if the machining isn't as precise? any pics under the microscope?

>> No.20275528
File: 30 KB, 626x417, 1699640062411849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any pics under the microscope?
yes :)

>> No.20275754

Damn those are like 4 to 5 times the price of the one I was considering lmao. Might get it anyway desu can't be that much worse thanks

>> No.20275830

Do you understand how laser ablation works? There's not going to be that big of a difference between sworks having his baskets made in China and everyone else.

>> No.20275843

the whole point of precision baskets is actually that there were hard provable differences between brands

>> No.20275854

He's literally just doing a french press immersion brew poured through a paper filter instead of strained through a mesh press. You should try pulling your head out of your ass, it smells much nicer out here.

>> No.20275867

Geisha's that cheap tend to be blends of multiple estates or even cut with non-Geisha's
Spain has Torrefacto Roast coffee AKA "Hoffman Repellent" where you glaze the beans in sugar during the tail end of the roasting process.

>> No.20275895

And that hard provable difference comes from the variable flow. You'd be shocked to see how jagged wafo's holes are. Stop watching thewiredgourmet.

>> No.20276188

white people graphic design hits different doesn't it

>> No.20276331

grind should be adjusted when you get a new bag and on/off as the bag ages. temp should be adjusted when you switch to a different type of bean from what you brewed previously - one that requires slightly higher/lower brew temp. ex. going from a medium/dark roast to a light roast or vice versa. for exact "recipe" (i.e. ideal dose, brew temp, pressure, temperature, time) refer to roaster. most decent specialty roasters will list a recipe for best results. in general light roasts brew 200-205F, medium 195-200, and dark 190-195.

>> No.20276340

you have to move the levers while the motor is running

>> No.20276354

**to add to that:
do this while there are no beans in the hopper (you should keep the hopper empty and single dosing anyway for best results). if you set the right level to the very top and move the left lever up and down you will be going through the very finest grind range. there should be an audible (and maybe unsettling) whine as the burrs come into and out of contact with each other. similarly there will be a change in pitch as you ease the right level back off the finest grind and onto one of the lower settings by moving the dial down a notch or two.

if you don't hear any difference in pitch or tone of the motor running and or burrs impacting each other then maybe you didn't align the burrs properly when you put it back together. empty out the grinder, clean everything and disasemble and reassemble the burrs. refer to yt or coffee forums for suggestions on properly assembling and aligning the burrs.

>> No.20276362

One more thing. There's an issue with older Vario's where the levers SLIP. Baratza offers shims to resolve this for free. But you can use something like a piece of rubber (from an eraser or whatever) as a wedge. Just stick it under the RIGHT lever (macro grind lever) as that is the one that really matters if it slips.

>> No.20276604

What did you get?

>> No.20276779

if you're working for gardelli please don't poison me

>> No.20276793

bought a moccamaster
had to get a timer for it, but good shit.

>> No.20276794

I'll be interested in how the decaf taste. Filter or espresso?

>> No.20276801

gonna do both but the decaf will be used for espresso only

>> No.20276807
File: 126 KB, 968x750, 1691188528865645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30 yurobucks for 250g of coffee

>> No.20276813

yeah when I buy specialty coffee I buy the best, but that's not really the majority of my coffee consumption, it's a lil treat a couple times quarterly. fwiw it's cheaper than the last specialty coffee I bought

>> No.20276996

I was saying it in the other thread, but I need a coffee maker that my wife won't get pissed at me for getting. Anyone have experience with Ninja CFP101?

>> No.20277126

Does it need to be automatic? Get a French press and an electric kettle within your (wife's acceptable) price range. If you want something fancier get a pourover brewer and a gooseneck kettle. Get a manual grinder if you don't have one already, the chart's floating around somewhere.

>> No.20277138
File: 50 KB, 800x560, how-to-make-coffee-on-the-stove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem.

>> No.20277153

simply nostalgic
when i was growing up there was a ton of that kind of art
where it wasnt even really considered something to be art, its just how stuff looked.

>> No.20277165

>huh 30 eurocucks thats only like 20 dol-
50 BUCKS?!
fuck off cunt.

>> No.20277172

get one with a vibrator attachment to the steam wand
she wont have any objections.

>> No.20277187

it probably will make fine coffee, most batch brewers do an okay job and that one seems solidly built, almost prosumer vibes, no experience with it though.
heed my list https://sca.coffee/certified-home-brewer in the prior thread if you want the best coffee, they'll almost certainly have higher more consistent extraction, SCA does good work. If you want the absolute best, something like this https://www.hiroia.com/products/samantha is used for competition and third wave cafes, but you seem pretty sold on something with long thermal stability/heating element, and also the price is stupid for a batch brewer if you're not making 6 figures.
moka pot or french press definitely are also good options, and you could always buy a heating mug.
only you know what'll piss off your wife

>> No.20277210

And you wonder why all the euros are so butthurt itt.

>> No.20277218

it's 32 dollars they're basically the same

>> No.20277271

$60/lb for italian coal. Sad.

>> No.20277395

not all dollars are dollars anon

>> No.20277408

Correct her when she complains.

>> No.20277703

it's not dark roasts

>> No.20277827

Ignore British opinions, anon. It's easier that way

>> No.20277838

It because the new coffee companies want to make their packaging resemble the minimalist labels of expensive wine bottles

>> No.20277848

>bought moka pot for the first time
>studied how to properly use it
>did exactly how it supposed to be done
>didn't overheat or anything
>got HALF my coffee cuppa of bitter shiet coofee
Worst purchase ever.

>> No.20277934

Must be light roast oils.

>> No.20277938

>did exactly how it supposed to be done
describe your process
also what coffee did you use

>> No.20277940

sometimes I like to go on kikstarter to see what kinda stupid projects they're doing for coffee this month and I think this one might be the dumbest I've seen in a while

>> No.20277953


>> No.20278004

10 years ago Rubens Gardelli was roasting fairly light. In recent years he's started to cater more and more to the inferior Italian palate and roasting darker and darker.

>> No.20278021

>describe process
Look it up for yourself, I'm not gonna write down entire process here. And no, I did not fuck it up.
Grounded dark brown coffee beans, what do you mean what coffee?

>> No.20278027


>> No.20278051

really? I guess I'll see. if it's too dark it's just all going to espresso, it'd be a bit of a waste.

>> No.20278052

im not even going to give a (You) for that one
get the fuck off my board.

>> No.20278072
File: 815 KB, 662x968, Screenshot_20240306-182334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is where that $60/lb goes to.

>> No.20278080

Yeah that doesn't really bother me anon, not that bothered by how other people spend their time, but I hope you have fun

>> No.20278082

Kek filtered

>> No.20278163
File: 701 KB, 1080x835, Screenshot_20240306-182134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as you're aware anon. Being an informed consumer is important.

>> No.20278234

Yeah it needs to be automatic. I'm going to get an aeropress for morning where I have the opportunity to make my own coffee, or a second cup in the afternoon. We already have an electric kettle I use for tea.
Unfortunately we still use k cups every once in a while and if I replaced our existing combo machine with something that lost functionality I'd get nagged so unfortunately going to steer clear from those fancy options for now.
The one thing I'm willing to do that on is getting a grinder and whole beans and starting to do that myself to prove to her it makes way better coffee.

>> No.20278308
File: 157 KB, 1200x673, 1706543193384706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely filtered

>> No.20278398

Friend went to Andytown Coffee yesterday and asked if they’d changed their beans for me. Apparently they changed their whole roasting team. Their stuff is all different now. Pretty cool!

>> No.20278402

>asked if they’d changed their beans for me. Apparently they changed their whole roasting team
holy shit you must be a really important person

>> No.20278450
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If my opinion was that important blue bottle wouldn’t have sold to nestle

>> No.20278462

You won't find blonde roasts if you got to Turkey or Ethiopia
Why do Anglos try to act like they invented coffee
>um actually sweaty coffee was first discovered in 5000 BC in the Cumbrian mountains

>> No.20278465

*go to

>> No.20278507
File: 12 KB, 466x161, the_origin_of_coffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You won't find blonde roasts if you got to Turkey or Ethiopia
yes and? Why would I yield to an inferior method because a turkroach did it? you realize that the history of coffee as a colonial trade made the local producers stuck with the absolute worst grade of the product for generations, right? they had to adapt to shameroasting inferior product because it was horrible
>Why do Anglos try to act like they invented coffee
they didn't, scandinavians did, the australian third wave, people like hoffmann, gardelli, onyx, gagne, scott rao, every specialty roaster, they're just working on what tim wendelboe and the first barista world championship winners established. why mention anglos?

>> No.20278528

shame with kopi lowak btw, the locals weren't allowed to use the beans they produced, so they'd eat the ones that were shat out by animals. don't be under the delusion that because you produce something it means your culture is more intertwined with its consumption

>> No.20278553

NO, I will not buy your overpriced, chinese plastic pourover. In the future we will come to realize dark roasts are being used as an analog for black people, this is why a majority of the big Coffee Influencers are white and want to cater to "white people" palates

>> No.20278562

Is this an admission that Italians aren't real white people?

>> No.20278584

Their roasts are part of Latin Coffee Culture which is distinct from white coffee.
The sour, diluted, acrid taste of American Diner Coffee should have never been used as a control or baseline for championship roasting competitions

>> No.20278588

>The sour, diluted, acrid taste of American Diner Coffee should have never been used as a control or baseline for championship roasting competitions
good news, it wasn't, american diner coffee is usually city or full city

>> No.20278590
File: 2.96 MB, 720x720, CaffePasticceriaCucchi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sour, diluted, acrid taste

>> No.20278612

Yes now tell me how I'm supposed to somehow taste notes of feminism in these beans from a women-only plantation

>> No.20278626

I'd start with a clean portafilter and grounds that haven't been sitting around oxidizing in a doser.

>> No.20278636

>caring about some politics that don't matter and is present in every coffee industry in the world regardless of roast or metholody
>not drinking the coffee that you think tastes good because it tastes good

>> No.20278657
File: 147 KB, 2764x1843, F3053_1__34844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're not pulling the worst, contractually obligated, dark roast robusta blends through essentially a pressurized 7g basket, do you really like coffee?

>> No.20279156

I only weigh as much as I need for each shot, and no more, there are never any residuals left
What's Tavistock Institute's stake in the coffee industry?

>> No.20279206

You really like sperging out about brits huh? I'm not british.

>> No.20279224

Did your mother forcefeed you boiling hot espresso as a form of punishment or something

>> No.20279238
File: 211 KB, 1440x810, 422448231_925765852121055_3824465475648671763_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't pulled a shot under 96c in years. If you're running dark italian blends at boiling you might just be more retarded than I thought.

>> No.20279243

Not saying that from personal experience, I'm genuinely curious as to why dark roasts traumatize you like this or if you're just doing this to fit in with the rest of the coffee crowd right now

>> No.20279253

Sometimes I wonder if these AI/autists that constantly bitch about Espresso are related to the ones from liquor threads that would bitch and moan endlessly about Diageo

>> No.20279274

>fit in with the rest of the coffee crowd right now
I've been roasting for about a half decade. When you've got a sample roaster, you tend to test things. I've run some very nice coffees dark over the years to see just how they turn out. There's no comparison.

>> No.20279381

what roaster do you use?

>> No.20279417

what's the difference between 10€/250g coffee and 25€/250g coffee

>> No.20279419

Started on a borrowed 2lb rk drum over a Primus propane camp stove. Little too big/inconvenient for my needs so I moved onto smaller more controlled fluid beds for the past few years. Modding scene has picked up recently so I may be looking at a 1lb AliExpress halogen lamp+fan+drum roaster later this year.

>> No.20279431


>> No.20279450

>I've been roasting for about a half decade
what model have you been using?

>> No.20279484

Gutted and tc4+'d popper* from sweet marias. Pid heater control through a solid state relay and Artisan, fan is controlled from a DC boost converter because they used an industrial 120v DC motor. Kind of a ship of theseus situation.

>> No.20279527

So you're shitting on beans to sell a roaster?

>> No.20279531 [DELETED] 

autism. kys immediately

>> No.20279539
File: 996 KB, 4096x1846, IMG_8958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is for mokafrà.
I actually went to torrefazione Giamaica like he suggested and this place is heaven.
It’s not fair that he didn’t get to go there, but at least his legacy passed on.

>> No.20279548

I was asked why I don't like dark roasts. The answer is because I've tried them. Has nothing to do with any particular roaster, the Brits, or fitting in with the rest of the redditors you follow.

>> No.20279620
File: 715 KB, 1562x2026, 1000038695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gnome mug check: you have 30min to brew a cuppa and post it with your gnome based mug

>> No.20279685

Reddit are the ones who hate dark roasts, anon. Even r/Espresso prefers Arabica-only in mediums and blondes like you.
You're acting like the Reddit takes are grassroots from this site

>> No.20279686

Anyone checked the archive to see how many times this clip was reposted?

>> No.20279709

>You're acting like the Reddit takes are grassroots from this site
They are. Are you new to the internet or something? Redditors come over here and poach our culture and our opinions and then regurgitate them back on their own hellsite.

>> No.20279729

>Redditors come over here and poach our culture and our opinions and then regurgitate them back on their own hellsite.
at this point you have to be a troll or severly mentally ill

>> No.20279829
File: 30 KB, 500x500, 646275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy an aeropress
>it's a hassle to use

>> No.20279830
File: 181 KB, 1280x686, dark_French_in_cup__96533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of dark roast autism, I'm really into French Roast right now, what are some really good whole bean French Roasts I can order on the internet?

>> No.20279832

I accept your concession, Redditor.

>> No.20279835

it's really not

>> No.20279836

it really doesn't matter at that point, I suggest saving some money and not even using coffee, maybe chickpeas taste the same as coal

>> No.20279841

Well it is for me, too many parts to move and use around when I just woke up, it's fucked up that a moka pot is more convenient lol

>> No.20279848

severly mentally ill it is

>> No.20279850

>wooaooaghhghh mental illness!
You never belonged here.

>> No.20279851

Skill issue, learn to brew coffee.

>> No.20279882

I accept your concession :)

>> No.20279892

I accept your concession as you attempt to run from the conversation.

>> No.20279894
File: 1.47 MB, 1853x1042, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw use my espresso machine daily
>tfw just made my first 2024 cappuccino/latte
>tfw i'll never be good at flavored milk drawings

>> No.20279905

if you dont look EXACTLY like that lady on the right, dont talk to me.

>> No.20279916

it really isn't. you've just become more efficient with it. you can even make aeropress just by heating watern and putting in a paper filer if you like, and make a pour-over.

>> No.20279919

It just means he's exposing the threads, and himself, as being controlled opposition from Reddit
"WE" are nothing, there is no legion, there are no oldfags present
"Hellsite" was originally a slang term on Tumblr, for Tumblr

>> No.20279927

He also seems to think coffee didn't exist before the year 2000 and will probably point to a white influencer that's only grown popular in the last decade or so as being the inventor of the drink
The first people to drink and roast coffee were, historically, Ethiopians and Turks, despite all the cringe /pol/ memes he may inject into his posting to try "blending in"

>> No.20279984

>old thing is... LE GOOD

>> No.20279986
File: 476 KB, 422x738, IMG_4974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arrivederci Mokafrà edition
Made a stainless steel moka brew in his honor. Grinder was sert for french press though.

>visiting the legacy of Gianni Frasi
Extremely based anon, you got some good beans too i suppose.

>It’s not fair that he didn’t get to go there, but at least his legacy passed on.
You were chosen to fulfill mokafrà's legacy. You have to visit Alberto Trabatti and his Torrefazione Caffè Penazzi in Ferrara.
Godspeed anon.

>> No.20280015

He's severly mentally ill.
He is audiofool level of delusional, believes USB cables make a difference.
In his mind Rubens Gardelli, a multiple roaster champion sells "italian coal". Yet he believes he is superior roasting on an $80 popcorn popper since 5 years because he uses a $2500 grinder.
Enjoy the madness, that is pure untreated mentall illness on display.

>> No.20280022

the anon you're responding to hates gardelli and third wave and thinks ethiopians must make better coffee because they did it earlier.

>> No.20280024

>Grinder was sert for french press though.
christ that is coarse

>> No.20280039

I never mentioned anything about Gardelli so your attempt at claiming "le dead internet is true" is futile, You're lumping me in with another anon because we both prefer darker roasts and disregard competition trends

>> No.20280067

You've been harping about light roasts this whole time. Gardelli makes specialty light roasts
>le dead internet is true
I'm not even the anon you're arguing about reddit with, nor is that what they said

>> No.20280178

like a 5% quality increase

>> No.20280212

best roasters in the world working with uniquely processed varieties vs best in your 20k people town.

>> No.20280297

Good to know he kept sperging out the entire time I slept.

>> No.20280313

Pretty close to what Tardelli did, but keep seething. I'm working on the Skywalker software over on homeroasters right now.
>While working at the coffee shop, Gardelli learnt almost everything about coffee and roasting on the Internet. He gave huge credit to two amazing websites that help his self-learning, sweetmarias.com and homeroasters.org. He even built a 5kg roasting machine by himself with instructions online.

>> No.20280345

Turbo retard here.
I brew using a V60 and an electric kettle, but the coffee bed after the 1st pour looks like Bakhmut: a huge crater.
How do I get a flat bed without resorting to the reddit swirl?

>> No.20280347
File: 1.86 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_2964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20280371

Does the coffee taste bad or something? Why are you concerned about the appearance of the grinds in your cone yet you make no mention at all about the quality of the coffee you drank?

>> No.20280402

It comes out watery if I don't flatten the brew bed because there's only a thin layer of grounds the water needs to go through.
Problem with swirling is that sometimes the fines move to the top of the bed stalling the drawdown making it taste bitter.

>> No.20280419

Why do you have a picture of my mug?

>> No.20280435
File: 74 KB, 328x302, Screenshot_2024-03-07-23-35-51-663-edit_com.android.chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmm, feet

>> No.20280505

check this guy's videos, you could be doing a bunch of other things weird if you rely on getting a perfect bed for a decent v60 cup

>> No.20280509

find a japanese roaster, their standards for umami in dark roast without scorching are insane. the local dude here does a vienna ethiopian that knocks my socks off.

>> No.20280545

I literally just drink it for the caffeine kick. I had a phase where I wouldn't even bother boiling the water and would just add hot water from the faucet to some instant coffee.

>> No.20280560

What's the best grinder I can get on amazon for $100 or less

>> No.20280563

I've heard that instant coffee has much less caffeine than regular pour over coffee.

>> No.20280574

be sure to post that in all your Norman Rockwell 'we need to go back...' threads

>> No.20280601

Very helpful, thanks.

>> No.20280636


>> No.20280644

US Amazon? KINGrinder K6. It regularly goes on discount for $100. Regular price is $130 and there's usually a $30-off coupon on their Amazon store page.

>> No.20280675

don't think you have quite the right read on me anon, but it was a valiant effort

>> No.20280684

Thanks kings, got it

>> No.20280773

Enjoy your Alzheimer's fuck face.
I don't like making anything in aluminum for consumption.

>> No.20280778

bit too strong for me

>> No.20280785

nah I've got you dead to rights, faggot.
nice passive response though.

>> No.20280820
File: 49 KB, 640x480, 29327_moka3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he's upset his boyfriend can't participate in the hobby anymore.

>> No.20280831
File: 626 KB, 1194x672, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was my life until i switched to vietnamese robusta brown packs and then got an ode

>> No.20280841

>and then got an ode
A what?

>> No.20280844

robusta and a pour over grinder seems like a weird combo.
fellow ode, it's a grinder

>> No.20280877
File: 1.07 MB, 4096x1846, IMG_8959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I also bought some bags as gift to family and friends since this is quit a fancy coffee here.
Surprisingly the price is also lower than I expected at 19€/kg considered that it’s 100% arabica.
I got myself a bag of afribon and one of giovanni erbisti 1947, they’ll be brewed in a moka pot.

>> No.20280904

The aeroccino 4 seems very convenient and nice bros should I do it I can't find anything similar for the price

>> No.20280947
File: 6 KB, 247x204, IMG_5849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my Breville Bambino Plus today. Mom and dad laughed at me while I set it up for paying $500 to make coffee. They think I’lm too lazy to use this machine everyday

>> No.20280955

they're probably wondering why you haven't moved out if you can spend 500 on a caffeine machine.

>> No.20280960

Have to go into the office on Fridays
Doesn't give me enough time to brew and properly enjoy a cup at home, so I just drink instant at work

>> No.20280961

Why are you living at home

>> No.20280964

>"Hey honey look at what our kid spent his tism'bucks on this time"

>> No.20281000

For me, it's decaf.

>> No.20281006
File: 196 KB, 1440x1800, 418660632_1619681605509520_990774334301388532_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, personally, its the JoyResolve.

>> No.20281039

>dirty water

What the fuck

>> No.20281073

Watch your mouth. I studied under the great mokista Bernardo Iovene.

>> No.20281085

They're probably very exact with the temperature and timing, the difference between roasting and charring could be a single degree

>> No.20281197

>find a japanese roaster, their standards for umami in dark roast without scorching are insane. the local dude here does a vienna ethiopian that knocks my socks off.

>> No.20281208

buy an ad

>> No.20281295

>robusta and a pour over grinder seems like a weird combo.
as i said, i was in it for the caf just like the other guy then had my first 25g v60 dose at a cafe

>> No.20281556

I am wired.
Been a while since I've felt this.
Must have been a strong batch.

>> No.20281610

because hes literally you

>> No.20281623

>Alzheimer's fuck face.
the study you are referring to was fraudulent
it had no basis in reality.

>> No.20281628

why dont you make it into an americano?
or a milk drink of your choosing
a cortado perhaps?

>> No.20281631

>spending $500 ONCE means you can move out and spend $2000+ every month just on rent.

>> No.20281645

buy a rope

>> No.20281649

if you live with your parents, then 500 dollar fun purchases should not be in your wheelhouse, that's almost a month of my rent.
that's a cheap car, so he can get his lazy ass to work.

>> No.20281651

puckcucks eternally btfo

>> No.20281655

>that's almost a month of my rent.
in 1995?
>that's a cheap car,
in 2003?
grandpa wake up, its 2024

>> No.20281681

Oh I need a cup like that

>> No.20281682

rent is variable, who knew?
used cars exist, who knew?

if you can't find a car for 500 bucks, you aren't looking.

>> No.20281711

>yes anon buy a piece of shit for $500 that will break down and immediately cost more than your initial buy in repairs

>> No.20281723

>if you can't find a car for 500 bucks, you aren't looking.
+ insurance every month + registration + fuel + maintenance
>if you can't find a car for 500 bucks, you aren't looking.
found 1(ONE) car with 400,000 miles for $480, on the other side of the country.
next cheapest is double the price and half the miles
average rent in my area is $2560
>rent is variable, who knew?
you said "that's almost a month of my rent."
well im telling you that the closest thing in that price range in my area is a parking spot.
well lets see i found a place for 300 A WEEK that is a room just large enough for a single bed and has bars over the window like a jail cell.
yeh anon, if that guy can afford A ONE TIME PURCHASE of $500 he should move out because he can spend $500+ every single week forever.
and instead of living in a nice house with other people(HIS FAMILY) he should live in a jail cell.

stupid fucking retard.

>> No.20281736

no one will validate your coffee maker, NEET.

keep crying, your parents do every night.

>> No.20281744

i accept your concession anon.

>> No.20281792

>here's all my facts and figures explaining why this was 500 dollars well spent despite being NEET
nah, fuck that.

>> No.20281802

>despite being NEET
you have no proof that guy is a neet
and im not saying it was a good decision because i dont know what he financial situation looks like
i dont know what his life looks like
i dont know where he lives
i dont know if he's working or in school or both
>nah, fuck that.
you are just seething and coping that you were proven wrong.

>> No.20281811

I'll validate the bambino. You sound like a jelly fgt.

>> No.20281812

Nigger monthly cost of car insurance is $500 in some jurisdictions

>> No.20281816

Please be respectful. This site is available in the third world. I bet you can get a bitchin rickshaw for $500 american dollars.

>> No.20281820

i didnt consider that
maybe hes just a jeet.
$500 usd is more than most of them see in a year.

>> No.20281821

wait, you're not even that guy?
wow, what a loser.

I hope he fucks you.

>> No.20281823

i accept your concession anon.

>> No.20281828


>> No.20281832

your argument depends on a mountain of assumptions, because you know it's a bad purchase on its face.

first conceed to occams razor, then I'll conceed that you could, potentially, be correct nonetheless.

>> No.20282533

hey guys, I'm from vietnam
recently I went to a specialty coffee shop, the coffees are all imported from other popular places, the coffee cup is 8 times more expensive than normal price here
but it tastes so bland even though the aroma is nice and has an unique after taste
is it just me too used to normal coffee slop, or its objectively bad??

>> No.20283391
File: 178 KB, 837x917, Robusta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're used to drinking robusta. That specialty shop is importing and selling 100% arabica. Different species of coffee. Vietnam grows ~40% of the world's robusta, mostly used in cheap cans of supermarket preground.

>> No.20283403

>t. Aluminum vendor
Did you know people who dye clothing love aluminum because it makes the colors more vivid? Imagine having examples of chemical reactivity and pretending it doesn't do it when you're cooking food.