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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20265976 No.20265976 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /ck/. I have made a terrible mistake and I need your advice.

Earlier today I was tricked into buying 4.3kg (~9lbs) of parmesan cheese. I bought it for 126$ and I regret everything now. I wasn't drunk nor was I high.


>> No.20265985


>> No.20265988

Maybe it freezes well?

>> No.20265992

Make a shit ton of Alfredo sauce. Also, how stupid are you?

>> No.20266001

Dont freeze it, it lasts a long time refrigerated. Just start making pasta with it, grate it and mix it with pasta water and you'll make the best alfredo sauce you've ever had

>> No.20266007

Donate to food bank

>> No.20266008

double-wrap it in cling film and put it in a zipper back at the back of your refrigerator
It doesn't need to be frozen it will keep refrigerated if sealed well just fine

>> No.20266014

You can freeze parmesan. Also, parmesan (in smaller quantities) is always useful, give some to your friends. You grate it over pasta and into salad dressings, over green vegetables, or into mashed potatoes. It's a common ingredient in white sauces. The rinds go in stocks. You can bake it in bread. You can mix it into breadcrumbs to coat meat or fish, or into stuffing.

>> No.20266027

When baking in bread, do you add the parmesan before or after baking in the oven?

>> No.20266043

Before, just grate it right into the flour.

>> No.20266054
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>saves you money
Nothing personnel, kid.

>> No.20266058

>I was tricked into

>> No.20266071

Oh like you've never been taken advantage of by predatory cheese merchants.

>> No.20266096
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>It's a sunday evening
>Be me. omw home from church.
>I'm alone. Cheese merchant beckons me.
>I heed his call
>what's the worst that can happen?
>He gives me an accord. Buy butt tons of cheese at 50% discount so he don't need to hog his unsold stock home.
>After purchase I check how much it costs at supermarket. It costs just as much as I bought it for.

>> No.20266106


>> No.20266125

well, you got gyped anon.
you should give it away as gifts to friends at church with this story as well, they'll probably get a kick out of it

>> No.20266265

just eat it I eat like a pound of parmesan at a time when its on sale

>> No.20266293


>> No.20266704

I work at a food pantry. Please do not do this. The poor's will not take it.

>> No.20266739

Sell it on marketplace. Keep some for yourself and sell it at cost, you'll find a buyer

>> No.20266743

Sell it for more

>> No.20266747

you can age it for later, a lot of people like to age their own parm, but yours looks pretty old already. how old is it exactly?

>> No.20266750

So did your parents.

>> No.20267311

hey cool it with the anti-cheesemonger racism man

>> No.20267396

What? They don't want parmesan cheese? They could spice their mac and cheese up or something.

>> No.20267441
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>> No.20267512

They typically don't take anything "good".

>> No.20267543

Never underestimate how adverse actual poor people, not someone who's just broke or was unlucky, actual generationally poor people are to anything unfamiliar. Something piquant as real parmesean would be disgusting to most of them lol

I know how it sounds saying this but it's not coming from hatred or haughtiness, it's just knowing who you're dealing with

>> No.20267583

It keeps for a long time and you can put that shit on everything. Honestly having a hard time thinking of anything savory and dinnery that wouldn't survive the addition of parm. Basically any kind of pasta, soup, or stew can take it. You could probably use some in a steak marinade without problems. Even Asian or Indian type dishes, although it's by no means conventional, would mostly be alright with some parm in there.

>> No.20267758

>Honestly having a hard time thinking of anything savory and dinnery that wouldn't survive the addition of parm.

>> No.20267869

With an intellect like this, I suggest that you prepare for a lifetime of bad decisions and being taken advantage of.

>> No.20267974

Parm-crusted white fish is breddy gud.

>> No.20268027
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I pay $20.99/lb for my parmigiano...

>> No.20268249

Not even true. Simplest case is any kind of bread and fry operation, just mix the parm straight in there.

>> No.20268272
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how does one get tricked into buying 4.3kg of parmesan?

>> No.20268280

Parmesan lasts forever, that cheese will be fine for at least 6 months by which time you will have used it up

>> No.20268285

>Italians NEVER mix fish with cheese
If the Italians wanted to dictate how I live my life, then maybe they should have tried harder during WWII.

>> No.20268301

>9lbs of spaghetti condiment
This guy's got deep pockets.

>> No.20268759

There are very honest people who do not think they have had a bargain unless they have cheated a merchant.

>> No.20268770

The ol' "Speakers from the back of a van" but cheese.

>> No.20268967

I won't be repeating it. My wife and I sold our wedding and engagement rings to buy guns and gun training courses. We won't let them take our ethnic neighbors some day. We all need to train ourselves to protect our democracy before it's too late. It sucks that I wake up crying every day now because this is our world. I wasn't meant to be a soldier I was a cheese maker. I made fucking cheese. But now I'm a soldier thrown into some Hitler remake god it's awful

>> No.20269015

lmao, is it even actual parmesan?

>> No.20269019

It does.

>> No.20269022

cmon tell us how this happened to you.
you dont need to freeze it just wrap it airtight and keep it in your fridge. Research pasta and italian cousine bcs youre going to eat it a lot might as well get good at it lmao

>> No.20269920
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Who the hell is Alfredo?

>> No.20270326
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>> No.20270525

Post rind or I don’t believe you.

>> No.20270593

You never studied Mongolian death cheeses? Far more efficient than any gun.

>> No.20270600

i worry too much about my teeth.

>> No.20271289

send one piece to me

>> No.20272832

i bet it is dick cheese

>> No.20273010
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>I was tricked into buying 4.3kg (~9lbs) of parmesan cheese. I bought it for 126$

Enjoy one of the worst cheeses, retard.

Also just sell what you don't want.

>> No.20273013

>It keeps for a long time
not in my experience

>> No.20273345
File: 100 KB, 602x286, main-qimg-328b55e72c4cfb512bbb7c504d172fb4-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone hasnt been keeping up with their shakespearian poetry

Beware the cheese merchant's sly disguise,
His promises wrapped in a sweetened guise.
His prices climb beyond the azure sky,
Yet his wares oft leave tongues with a bitter sigh.

With every wedge, a tale he deftly spins,
Yet beneath the surface, deceit begins.
So guard your coin, be wary as you tread,
Lest his false words leave your pockets bled.

>> No.20273468

You're doing it wrong, retard. Parmesan is at it's best after 10-12 years.

>> No.20273484

be very generous with it when you make pasta and itll be gone in 4 months easily.

>> No.20273538
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>> No.20274098
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>Also just sell what you don't want
How often do you buy cheese on the street? I really want to know.
>"Gee, anon. This Alfredo is excellent."
>"Thanks, I got the cheese from a guy on Craigslist."

>> No.20274967

parmesan will last for literal YEARS in the fridge. I just finished off a wedge I bought 4 years ago. Never molded, flavor definitely declined a little after the second year but it was still OK.

>> No.20276140
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>buying parm on craigslist

>> No.20277597

You fools, if he sells the cheese another sucker is gonna make a thread just like this about how they got tricked into buying OP's cheese.