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20265346 No.20265346 [Reply] [Original]

what are the key ingredients for a good peanut butter and jelly sandwich?

>> No.20265356

creamy PB
grape jelly (strawberry also acceptable)

>> No.20265361

growing up

>> No.20265363

I've watched a few bri ish youtubers "try" peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the first time
Of course, they get it wrong

>> No.20265365

I like to dip mine in yogurt. Try it sometimes.

>> No.20265377

peanut butter

>> No.20265392
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I eat pb and j as an adult more than when I was a kid.

>> No.20265398

When I was a kid my favorite was crunchy peanut butter with apple jelly. I never really saw anyone else use apple jelly for that.

>> No.20265401

do you know what time it is?

>> No.20265405

No jelly for me. Jam and preserves spread better and you get chunks of fruit.

>> No.20265409
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>hating on the kino anytime snack that is a PB&J

>> No.20265408

tool time

>> No.20265420

boiled eggs

>> No.20265424
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Grow up and ditch the jelly

>> No.20265438

>grow up
>replaces the jelly/jam with something infinitely more childish
fat people literally need dessert everytime they slam food into their mouths, don't they?

>> No.20265448

>not american
>grew up watching american cartoons in the 90's
>they seemed to love these things
>fast forward 20 years
>one day I stumble across peanut butter
>buy a jar and some sliced bread
>fast forward at home
>make my first butter and jelly sandwich at the ripped age of 30
>it's tasteless and bland
do americans really?

>> No.20265463

>not american
>surprised when the garbage available in their country also tastes like garbage

>> No.20265464

>it's tasteless and bland
I don't believe you. Peanut butter has an incredibly strong flavor.

>> No.20265467

>load a sandwich with sugar
>"it's tasteless and bland"
really not the own you think it is, nigel

>> No.20265469

europe has way better food safety standards

>> No.20265471

Peanut butter has a strong taste and jam is so sweet and fruity. How could it taste bland?

>> No.20265475

which means literal fuck all when the topic of conversation is how it tastes

>> No.20265476

>be American
>hear about pickle and cheese
>get some branstons pickle and English cheddar
>it's fucking disgusting

>> No.20265477

idk about apple jelly but apple butter is great on a pb&ab

>> No.20265482

artificial flavours ruin your taste buds ergo the food over here also tastes better

>> No.20265491

redpill me on the key ingredients for a good BLT

>> No.20265493

>creates pb&j with the resources available in his respective country
>the pb&j is bland as a result of said ingredients, again, from his respective country
if it tasted better he wouldn't be saying it was bland, you idiot

>> No.20265502

lose the lettuce and tomato, they're just empty calories

>> No.20265509

stay mad

>> No.20265512

stay bland

>> No.20265519

What is wrong with that peanut butter? It looks like vomit.

>> No.20265520

stay fat

>> No.20265527
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what an absolutely pitiful, wet fart of a response.

>> No.20265529

so is your head

>> No.20265538

that's what organic homemade chunky pb looks like chud. guess you've only ever eaten Skippy brand goyslop

>> No.20265539
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>nice thick pieces of country white bread
>can of the good stuff
throw in a nice cold drink of choice and you're all set. you don't eat this sandwich for its nutritional value, so if you're gonna do it, do it right lads.

>> No.20265544
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JAR* of the good stuff, oops

>> No.20265566

just looks like chunky peanut butter to me

>> No.20265575

Smooth peanut butter, sliced bananas, and bacon jam.

>> No.20265588

>so addicted to sugar he thinks jam is bland
Your own evidence seems to suggest you might be the fattest one here.

>> No.20265759

Use organic peanut butter, jam from your locals, and bread that's not shitty store brand dollar bread. Quality will improve three fold.

>> No.20265787

For me it’s whole grain bread.

>> No.20265790

Sourdough bread
Skippys Peanut Butter (low fat, it's extra sweet for some reason)
Jelly, Welches preferably
Toast the bread too

>> No.20265812

I only ever saw this stuff when I went over to my poor friend's house.

>> No.20265824

Nah, only after fucking your mom and I knocked her dust off, later makes me fluffernutters and cuts the crusts off, cause she knows how I like it and that I'm a lil young to be in the bed buttnaked doin' your mom

>> No.20266187

Toasted bread

>> No.20266196

This post reeks of middle school dropout.

>> No.20266270

>he thinks the caloric/sugar content difference of jelly/marshmallow fluff matters
Manlet or DYEL? If you're clutching your pearls over 100 calories, I can't imagine how low your TDEE is.

>> No.20266392

They need *something* to lord over Americans so they choose the food that their 1/3 US salary pays for.

>> No.20266456

as a big adult manly man, i exclusively eat wheat germ porridge and drink water, because i am a big adult manly man and i have to be sure people know how much of a big strong adult manly man i am, as a big strong adult manly man i spend most of my day obsessing over what is and is not considered big strong manly man adult behavior, like a real man

>> No.20266478

quite bland innit, doesn't e'en hav any beans or chips or pajeet toenails in it innit

>> No.20266517

It's extra sweet for the same reason all low fat food is, the fat just gets replaced with sugar and thickeners

>> No.20266569

peanut butter and honey
for a fancy add basil and sriracha

>> No.20266790

never had either but your version seems way too sweet and disgusting honestly, pb&j on the other hand sounds like it could be good. Man, wtf is that liquid marshmallow stuff anyways? fucking americans

>> No.20266792

back when I was a teenager when calories were meaningless I would butter the bread before adding the pb and j and add a sliced banana. also use pb with no sugar added. compensate with extra jam. blueberry jam is the best.

>> No.20267655

toasted bread for a pb&j goes so crazy

>> No.20267940

1. Peanut
2. butter
3. jelly
4. sand
5. witch

>> No.20267958

how much do you weight?

>> No.20267996

i luh deez goobas

>> No.20268024


>> No.20268058

Don't tell him about popcorn and chocolate

>> No.20268617

I buy the Smucker's natural PB its just peanuts and salt

I buy the whole foods concord grape jelly on amazon.

I buy the least processed wheat bread in the store.

That's about it famalam. You dont need more.

>> No.20268906


>> No.20268924

toasted rye bread
local/organic peanut butter
local/organic seasonal fruit jam/preserves. grape isn't the only option, or the best.

>> No.20269055

>what are the key ingredients for a good peanut butter and jelly sandwich?







I like buying frozen mixed berries and reducing them by simmering them in a pot. No added sugar. THAT'S IT, THERE'S MY OWN FRUIT MUSH.

whole grain whole wheat multigrain
or at least
cheese cake factory brown bread loaf (sold in stores)

>beanut buddr
I even like to add more peanuts and chia and flax seeds at home to make it EVEN MORE CRUNCHY


>peanut butter layer goes on BOTH interior sides of bread
>peanut butter is fatty and protects the bread from absorbing too much water from the fruit mush so it doesn't get as soggy
then you put your fruit in.


I even just smoosh some blueberries or slice some strawberries or even thaw frozen fruit and just smoosh that bitch in there

OPTIONAL: get peanut butter power (sometimes called peanut flour) and add a small amount of water. low fat peanut butter THERE YO UFUCKING GO


try peanut butter and pickle on pumpernickle
>crunchy peanut butter
>sweet bread and butter pickle chips
>cheesecake factory brown bread



>> No.20269094

Drop the jelly. The jelly does nothing for me except mask the flavor of peanut butter. Also i sprinkle extra salt on the peanut butter so its more savory.

>> No.20269097

Peanut butter is so dry though.

>> No.20269109
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Good bread. Pic related is the best bread for pb&j. It's thick but also very soft and chewy.
Peanut butter with no added sugar.
Jam. Not jelly. Not preservers. Jam.

>> No.20269159

How'd you learn to be so unfunny?

>> No.20269380

swap jelly for jam (ideally cherry or blackberry) and peanut butter for ordinary butter

>> No.20269534

pb, hold the j

>> No.20269565

Hold the bread, hold the peanut butter
Add scone
Add cream
Add jam (not jelly ya fucking nonces)
wa la

>> No.20269591
File: 123 KB, 303x417, 1695871234488060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a jam so amazing it defies human knowledge of flavor

>> No.20269675

that is way too fucking much peanut butter and jelly wtf

i know as soon as you bite into that it's just gonna all either go onto the plate, your lap or your shirt

>> No.20269705

So not a peabut butter and j sandwich?

>> No.20269827

Crunchy peanut butter, bananas, and raw honey. Fuck jelly.

>> No.20270414

that's not a pb&j

>> No.20270603

Holy shit, I forgot this existed.

>> No.20270635

>not chunky
>not strawberry

>> No.20270645

jam instead of jelly. Those big chunks of fruit gives it so much more flavor

>> No.20270703

I do.

>> No.20270800

Any PB, J, bread of your choice the trick is to "grill" it like a grilled cheese. That or use a bagel for the bread.

>> No.20270897

creamy peanut butter
grape jelly
peanuts and raisins

>> No.20271006

i just made one of these with banana, pressed on the good ole george foreman

in fact i made one every night for the past 2 weeks and don't plan on stopping