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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20257689 No.20257689[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do communists eat?

>> No.20257694

Historically, nothing. En masse.

>> No.20257695

whatever their personal chefs serve

>> No.20257698
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>> No.20257699

They are way worse than commies, if that's possible. At least 20th century Ivan and Cheng were men enough to have fought wars with just AKs and knew what a woman is.

>> No.20257707
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>> No.20257710

Actual communists? Shows because the central planning committee allocated resources incorrectly and there are too many shows and not enough bread.
>these people
Whatever the mega corps tell them to, with a side of their own farts.

>> No.20257712 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20257716

Shoes, fml

>> No.20257717

Goyslop, seed oils, bugs. The usual.

>> No.20257718
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Guarantee this is the most evil mother fucker in the bunch

>> No.20257721
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>> No.20257723

Why would the CIA, which was created to destroy communism, lie to make communism look better?

>> No.20257725

Idk how people get to a point where their scalp has fat. Fuckin beluga ass motherfucker.

>> No.20257726
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>> No.20257735
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>> No.20257742

The bug made me kek

>> No.20257746

Why would the CIA, which was founded with the sole purpose of creating disinformation, tell the truth?

>> No.20257753


>> No.20257764

Because if they only ever lied, then it wouldn't be as easy for them to spread disinfo. A core part of propaganda is mixing falsehoods that aren't easily proven in with easily provable truths to muddy the waters. So, now that we establish that the CIA frequently tells the truths in order to more effectively sell its lies, are you capable of answering the question "why would the CIA, which was created to destroy communism, lie to make communism look better?"

>> No.20257766
File: 82 KB, 1246x687, cia_terrorism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have* established

>> No.20257773

also, the truth* not truths
I need my boomer sips before I make any more HUMILIATING typos

>> No.20257774

Who knows. They for all intents and purposes faded into obscurity decades a go.


>> No.20257782

Just look at the catalog. /ck/ is a communist board.

>> No.20257784

Every morning I wake up and pray to the CIA and thank them for keeping the country safe from communists. They are heroes.

>> No.20257785

So you acknowledge that they cannot be trusted, and yet continue to demand we trust them.
Your name also aligns with the "falseflagger trying too hard" vibe you give off.

>> No.20257792

>still not answering the question
Why would the CIA, which was created to destroy communism, lie to make communism look better?

>> No.20257799


>> No.20257800
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He did answer the question.

>> No.20257803

Oh ok its a bot. Ironic.

>> No.20257807

Except he didn't, retard.
I'll stop asking the question once it's been answered. Sorry retard, but if the dumb faggot kike CIA were going to lie about this, it would be in the opposite direction, with them claiming that the dumb faggot kike commies were starving en masse. Sorry your brain is incapable of critical thinking, jewboy.

>> No.20257808

Your question was answered, but mine was not. Funny how that works out, the person who isn't an intellectual dishonest servant of the Synagogue of Satan is actually capable of defending his points, while the glownigger kike faggot is not.

>> No.20257809

>I'm smarter than the CIA
>also its the jews
talk about an oxymoron

>> No.20257811
File: 82 KB, 828x575, lies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He answered it right here:

>> No.20257810

and then set yourself on fire, because the only good ZOGbot is a dead ZOGbot

>> No.20257812


>> No.20257815
File: 477 KB, 989x1280, jewish communism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

communism is jewish btw

>> No.20257817

If their aim was to destroy it, they'd lie to draw out supporters. But the CIA does more harm to the American people than anyone else.

Why would the CIA ally with Mexican drug cartels to smuggle drugs into the country, killing American citizens both in the process and as a direct result?
Why would the CIA distribute narcotics throughout low-income neighborhoods, killing American citizens both in the process and as a direct result?
Why would the CIA assassinate multiple figureheads of various movements for citizen's rights?

The CIA simply cannot be trusted. And that includes you.

>> No.20257819

>Why would the CIA, which was founded with the sole purpose of creating disinformation, tell the truth?
That's another question, not an answer.
>So you acknowledge that they cannot be trusted, and yet continue to demand we trust them.
That is not an answer. We have already established that the CIA frequently tells the truth in order to sell their lies, so what reason is there to believe that this is not one of the many times they have told the truth in their pursuit of global kikery?

>> No.20257821

Dysgenic white people.

>> No.20257823
File: 1.42 MB, 4985x4995, gladio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh yeah I literally said that here:
>Sorry retard, but if the dumb faggot kike CIA were going to lie about this, it would be in the opposite direction, with them claiming that the dumb faggot kike commies were starving en masse. Sorry your brain is incapable of critical thinking, jewboy.
>t. Limited hangout CIA stooge
You faggots run a globe-spanning criminal organization that commits false-flag terror attacks on civilians.

>> No.20257824
File: 144 KB, 1170x1082, thats what leftism is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"So you acknowledge that they cannot be trusted, and yet continue to demand we trust them" is the logical answer, and "we have already established that the CIA frequently tells the truth" is clearly a lie.

>> No.20257827

I don't demand you trust them; I'm asking you give me a logical reason for why they would claim the people in the USSR aren't starving. How does that help them defeat communism, which is what they were created to do?

>> No.20257828

>get answer
>um well uh
>n-no you're the falseflagger!
Now answer the other questions, faggot.

>> No.20257830
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A system is what it does, snd what the CIA does is not "defeat communism"

>> No.20257831

Do you understand the nuances and complexities of string theory?
No. You dont. Just because you dont comprehend something doesnt meant it doesnt exist.

>> No.20257832

>they did it to draw out communist supporters!
Makes no fucking sense when it was just some throwaway internal report that didn't see the light of day until well after the jewish capitalists defeated the jewish communists.

>> No.20257835

Answer the questions, faggot.

>> No.20257838
File: 1.12 MB, 788x2480, fascism6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Ivy League failsons at the CIA like to believe they're brilliant puppetmasters, but they're actually a bunch of incompetent retards who have only succeeded because they have unlimited resources and no conscience.
jewish communism was defeated in the 90s, and we live under the rule of jewish capitalists. jews have internal factions that fight amongst themselves for control all the time, and that's exactly what capitalism vs communism is. The only way to defeat them is fascism.

>> No.20257840
File: 97 KB, 600x881, strategy_of_tension_by_orderofthenewworld_d865ftp-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would the CIA ally with Mexican drug cartels to smuggle drugs into the country, killing American citizens both in the process and as a direct result?
Strategy of Tension
>Why would the CIA distribute narcotics throughout low-income neighborhoods, killing American citizens both in the process and as a direct result?
Strategy of tension
>Why would the CIA assassinate multiple figureheads of various movements for citizen's rights?
Strategy of tension

>> No.20257848

So they kill American citizens to "combat communism"?
Nah. Try again.

>> No.20257850
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I'm trans btw

>> No.20257852

Strategy of tension.

>> No.20257853

I hope bullets

>> No.20257854
File: 15 KB, 803x139, tension88.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Communism was a threat to their control, which is the only reason they opposed it. They had no actual problems with it on a philosophical level, just a practical one. It's all about power and control to them, and they will do whatever it takes to spread and maintain it, up to and including killing Americans. Strategy of tension makes people fearful, and fearful people attach themselves to strong central authorities.

>> No.20257856

>Makes no fucking sense when it was just some throwaway internal report that didn't see the light of day until well after the jewish capitalists defeated the jewish communists.
If this were some highly publicized study, you might have a point, but basically nobody outside of the CIA knew it existed until a few years ago.

>> No.20257861


>> No.20257865

Nah mate, strategy of tension.
The CIA loves communism because fearmongering about it is the only thing that keeps them in service.

>> No.20257866

Except they switched their boogeyman from communism to terrorism 30 years ago lmao

>> No.20257874

And yet here you are, hijacking a thread to falseflag about communism being good actually.
How odd.

>> No.20257875

I never said communism was good, just the jewish communism and jewish capitalist both fed people at about the same rates. The issue is that they're both spiritually bereft materialistic jewish systems that are both inherently inferior to Fascism / National Syndicalism.

>> No.20257888
File: 376 KB, 1080x926, 1593663009174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kill all the farmers
>everyone starves
who could have predicted that?

>> No.20257899

One day soon, people will realize that the only way to defeat jewish communism is to embrace Fascism.

>> No.20257904

>What do communists eat?
50 g of stale bread per week.
CIA are dumb lol. And you guys are scared of them? Install Linuxes because of them? Pffff

>> No.20257907

read the whole thread before replying next time

>> No.20257917

how about no? I dont need to.
>just the jewish communism and jewish capitalist both fed people at about the same rates
This isnt true. In USSR there were massive issues with food availability and quality, and that is in Moscow. Outside of Moscow, it was much worse.
So think north korea. Would be close enough.
Furthermore, somehow they managed to make countries like Cuba to have no food, which is impossible given the climate, but they managed to do it somehow.

>> No.20257923

Nothing and then each other.

>> No.20257926

Nothing. Communism is so great you don't need food. Glory to our leader!

>> No.20257933

yeah, in the 30s. people were starving here, too. Like I said before, jewish capitalism and jewish communism have the same capacity to feed its people, and the issue with both of them is that they are jewish.

>> No.20257945

You don't seem to understand.
In normal system, you work, you earn money, you buy food.
In commie system, you work, you earn money, you can't buy food. Money is worthless. No food. Fuck off. Store closed, workers stole all the meat, sausages. It has been stolen by workers and sometimes sold in black for inflated prices.

>> No.20257947 [DELETED] 

You don't seem to understand
The reign of jewish capitalism is at an end, and it will be replaced with anti-semitic Fascism.

>> No.20257952
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you gotta go back

>> No.20257959 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 827x973, smug_hitler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, sorry, jews lose

>> No.20257962
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jewish capitalism*

>> No.20257963
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rent free

>> No.20257970 [DELETED] 
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cope + seethe shlomo, you've already lost. literally everyone hates jews except for boomers.

>> No.20257977

/pol/estine lost

>> No.20257981
File: 819 KB, 1332x1000, ronniefinal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guarantee I've been on this board longer than you have.

>> No.20257991

i've been here since '05