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File: 7 KB, 301x167, stev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20256313 No.20256313 [Reply] [Original]

accidentally bought a ketchup sweetened with this shit, absolutely foul. how the fuck did this catch on?

>> No.20256381

>how the fuck did this catch on?
IDK when stevia was first announced I was like cool finally a sweetener that has no after taste.

FUCKING BULLSHIT. it taste worse than all of the other ones.

>> No.20256399

I find stevia leaf extract to be the most pleasant sugar substitute.

>> No.20256474

It’s a progesterone blocker

>> No.20256494

>how the fuck did this catch on?
the "le sugar bad" shits

>> No.20256555

I am a connoisseur of chocolate bars and grabbed one I hadn't seen in my local grocery clearance (red flag #1) not realizing it said plant-based stevia on the label. Was excited to try something new. Genuinely the most piss-awful, satanic thing I've eaten.

>> No.20257087

Stevia tastes like shit, however it doesnt give me head aches like all other sugar substitutes.
But obviously the best is sugar. Second best is corn fructose sugar.

>> No.20257129
File: 9 KB, 179x170, 1628909153504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>diet ketchup

>> No.20257408

I have to wonder if there's a genetic factor among people like there is with cilantro and how cilantro tastes like rancid soap to some people. Stevia aftertaste is like you're licking some kind of burnt battery acid to me. Its actually gagworthy. There's no way this is the case for everyone or it wouldn't even exist as a product.

>> No.20257425

God said Adam and Evia, not Adam and STEVIA!

>> No.20257680

Cilantro is disgusting and makes me gag, stevia tastes fine and has no notable aftertaste. However, if I eat something sugary just before eating something with stevia that makes the stevia taste unbearably bitter. I've never had something with both sugar and stevia in it, but I wonder if that would give a similar effect and impart bitterness from the direct taste comparison with the sugar.

>> No.20257795

All "sweeteners" are fallout from 90's low-fat craze. Manufacturers reduced fat content but added tons of sugar to help things continue to taste good. This changed American tastes to expect a high level of sugar in foods. Once society realized that sugar was causing obesity, manufacturers started to reduce sugar, but the products didnt sell because people wanted things to taste the same. This drove the development and use of artificial and "natural" sweeteners.

They all taste like shit, do not provide the same mouthfeel, and some fuck with your body chemistry. Manufacturers try to hide it in damn near every product and I can tell within one bite or sip if something is using sweeteners. Every single imported potato chip flavor at my local Asian market has aspartame in it.

I tried to find a pre-workout drink that didn't contain any sweetener and there is only ONE product on the market that fits the bill. Everything else has acesulfame K, stevia, or monkfruit extract. Bro, just make them full sugar, I'm only drinking it a few times a week.

>Second best is corn fructose sugar.
Fuck right off. Corn subsidies are ruining America by making corn sugar so goddamn cheap that companies can't afford to not put it in every food item. Not everything you eat needs to be as sweet as candy.

Anon, you might be a super taster. Buy some PTC paper

>> No.20257858

reminder that stevia has more robust evidence of being unhealthy than aspartame(which has no compelling replicable evidence at all)

>> No.20257862

do NOT try anything sweetened with monk fruit
makes stevia seem like sweet nectar from the gods

>> No.20258543

All the SUGAR BAD propaganda + needing an alternative to other artificial sweeteners that cause more problem than sugar ever did (aspartame).
Whatever the sweetener Monster uses for its Zero Ultra brands is the least offensive of the bunch, just giving me a kind of hungry/uneasy feeling in the stomach like what I get with most coffee.

>> No.20258553

Erithritol and allulose are the only good ones, not sure why stevia is still a thing

>> No.20258745

white women.

>> No.20258774

if you ruin your taste buds with smoking, drinking, and working in a normie environment filled with pollution, you cant tell the difference.

>> No.20258834
File: 231 KB, 655x599, naked pepefrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you need a sweetener for your ketchup?
Ketchup has virtually no fat to begin with. the fuck are you on about.

>> No.20258839

I can eat cilantro fine, stevia I like, and my pee smells funny after eating asparagus

>> No.20258888

>stevia tastes fine and has no notable aftertaste
fuck off it doesn't. you must be one hell of a tastelet stevia is nasty.

also when you taste 2 very similar foods, the second one will taste only of the taste and smell missing from the first.

>> No.20258891

>more robust evidence of being unhealthy than aspartame
and taste fucking nasty.

>> No.20258896

cilantro good
stevia nasty
asparagus pee smells like a new vinyl beach ball.

>> No.20258900

The only time I could stand it was in coke life
Otherwise the aftertaste is unpleasant

>> No.20258916

I understand the offputting flavor you're referring to, but I only taste it if I have sugar and stevia back to back. Maybe you just eat too many sugary foods so your taste buds are always ready to seek out the gross flavors hidden in stevia.

>> No.20258918
File: 2.87 MB, 854x480, he's beginning to believe.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably. I've heard there's people on this gay earth who think that coke zero and diet coke taste exactly like actual coke which is just ludicrous to me. I thought it was extreme cope for a while but a couple of people have told me they can't tell the difference.

>> No.20258998

the sweet part of a a coke zero tastes like something I would imagine you would synthetize in a lab from used truck tyres

>> No.20259056

I don't think Coke Zero tastes bad, but to say it tastes the same as regular Coke is the most ludicrous thing I've ever heard. Diet Coke even moreso because it specifically doesn't have the same flavor recipe as regular Coke. At least with Coke Zero it's TRYING to imitate Coke so I can KIND OF understand, but Diet Coke intentionally has a distinct flavor so anyone who thinks it tastes the same as Coke is just an actual lobotomized retard.

>> No.20259120

your ketchup is sweetened? what the fuck america no wonder all of you guys look like the bowling balls with feet

>> No.20259172
File: 393 KB, 355x679, afbeelding_2024-03-02_113042077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally no fucking clue. This shit sucks so much ass the first time I had it in the form of a shitty cola (picrel) picked up because I was hanging with my diabetic friend.
It tastes like genuine, unadulterated rancid fucking ass. Worst flavour I've ever had, and I've tried grass and leaves just to see if the animals were on to something.
you add brandy to your ketchup if you go by older recipes friend, and that is quite literally packed with sugars if you've ever had a drink before- especially when you consider that distillation back in those days was likely done with lead pipes which would've leeched sweet lead acetate into the food.
tl:dr, go fuck yourself retard, you're no better than we are.

>> No.20259434

>aspartame(which has no compelling replicable evidence at all)
Bullshit, myself and other people I have known have experienced joint pain.

>> No.20260064

tastes awful so i avoid it, but post the evidence of it being worse than the others

>> No.20260086

i prefer the taste of diet coke

>> No.20260263

Are you even aware how much sugar bottled ketchup usually contains? it's disgusting no wonder amerihamplanets are suffering from obesity. Stevia is just an alternative

>> No.20260275

I don't mind Stevia, but occasionally it makes my face swell up. Found out at a party when someone mixed me a rum and stevia rootbeer.

>> No.20260285

It was this shit!