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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20245727 No.20245727 [Reply] [Original]

What’s your saddest story of food going to waste?

>> No.20245732

11 day power outage.

>> No.20245770

when I was a kid, I'd often not want to finish my morning cereal. My father would finish it for me, and my sisters too, rather than just dumping it. He was a 300+ pound man, or so I was told, and he eventually succumbed to obesity in the form of a heart attack in his late 30s.

>> No.20245774

thats your saddest story of food not going to waste, mate gtfo

>> No.20245782

it's okay to be sad, but don't let it morph into anger. Control yourself.

>> No.20245793
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Lobsters 2 ways.
Died in transportation left whole cooler on the side of the road in the Bronx.
Delivery of lobster (Christmas present) sent to wrong address then picked back up by UPS who did not tell me for 2 days, didn't even go to try to claim them.

>> No.20245810

Im not angry, the story isn't relevant

>> No.20245831

>be fatfuck
>buy too much food
>too many jars in refrigerator
>be clumsyfuck as well (#blessed)
>playing jar tetris to access tasty snacks at 2am
>giant fucking jar, almost new, falls out and breaks
>food: wasted
>money: wasted
>floor: disgusteng mess
>paper towels: soon exhausted (more money wasted)
>days later, still stepping on missed shards of broken glass
>but not as broken as my booty
>his smile and optimism: gone
>just like those $15 worth of olives

>> No.20245835
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What color olives? So I can judge you.

>> No.20245845

>be me
>at my friends property in Montana
>decide to full retard and buy $220 14 lb prime brisket
>smoker is rolling, we have hours to waste
>head into "town" to get some beer and sides
>end up drinking some beer at his friends bar and bullshitting
>massive storm rolls in
>literally creates a river to where we can't get back
>cops blocked off the road
>storm intensifies
>thinkin about that damn brisket
>hours go by
>finally we take off
>brisket is one huge burnt end
>dont give a fuck
>start eating it
>it's pure charcoal

>> No.20245857
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I was staying at an Airbnb while in the middle of a move/looking for a place in a new city. I had a new fancy job and bought an expensive cut of meat (maybe $20-25 in 2017) at the grocery on that “I’m rich bitch” high. I then proceeded to completely forget about it, and a week or so later the Airbnb host (that lived in the house) kind of politely chided me for it going bad and how expensive it must have been. Apparently I looked so ashamed of myself that she apologized for making me feel bad/saying anything.
She sort of came into the conversation like she was going to tell off a spoiled rich kid and then realized I wasn’t and didn’t know what to do.

>> No.20245861

This has little to do with the op but you’re apparently still carrying it around, so I feel the need to say that the days you did finish it he just poured his own extra bowls.

>> No.20245862

Many minor stories involve buying Costco portions and discovering that yes, mold can apparently grow on fucking anything, even in "airtight" sealed packages (salt, vinegar, and other preservatives be damned).

There are also some incidents involving potluck dishes getting spilled in the car, although it was more tragic for the upholstery. Do you know how much time it takes to clean liters of chunky tomato sauce out of a blacked-out Escalade?

Also, have you ever smelled rotting, flyblown potatoes filled with maggots, and what that smell can do to wood cabinets? Unfortunately ozone generators weren't available in the 50s.

But real talk? Jokes aside? Saddest is elderly war survivors crying when you clean the forgotten science experiments out of their fridge.

>> No.20245865

$220 briquette

>> No.20245874

I work at a grocery store. We routinely throw away dozens of pounds of food every day, and that’s just in my department. The store should really be working with some kind of homeless program, but they’re Jews and don’t care. It’s always a shame to waste that much

>> No.20245884
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I worked at a pasta factory for 6 months or so a couple years back, their process was so shitty and inefficient that every day I worked there I saw more pasta than I would eat over the course of a year probably just go straight into the trash. And that was just my position on just one production line. They would also take shit like pic related that fell off the conveyor and put it back on the production line.

>> No.20245889

Kalamatas and castelvetranos, low/mid tier but still sorely missed. They were favorites, and so they were nearest the dropzone, the first causalities. Ironically the cheap canned black olives (still the best for pizza, fite me) were safe because the tupperware goes on a more secure lower shelf.

Since you're a man who likes olives, can you recommend a brand of jalapeno stuffed green queens? All the brands supermarket brands are so bland. It might just be the time to upgrade to habanero stuffed.

>> No.20245907

Went to my favorite Mexican place and got tacos and horchata.
Had tacos in a bag in one hand, and horchata in the other.
With my horchata hand I reached to grab the door handle but I basically slipped my hand when pulling because it was a piece of shit that didn't have keyless entry, so I dropped my horchata spilling it all over the ground.

>> No.20245908
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I usually just buy these they are very consistent.

>> No.20245954

>force feeding to avoid food waste
ok ol' buddy ol' pal!

>> No.20245955

I waste more food than anybody I know.
Like the food is fine but I don't want to eat any more of it, and I want to prevent myself from eating it at some point in the future too.
So I'll just throw the rest of the bag or jar in the trash once I've decided that I'm "over it"

>> No.20245965

>saddest story of food GOING TO WASTE

>> No.20245966
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i have 2.

1. it was mid summer. garden booming. made couscous with fresh basil, fresh tomatoes, fresh garlic and onion. added a can of tuna and went to pour in the broth and a big ass mold cap sloughed out into the pan.

2. made a brilliant pan of mushrooms, peppers, sausages and onions. cracked my second egg in and it was rancid.

>> No.20245984

OK, might give 'em a try. The "Tasso" olives at Costco's are decidedly mid (like, not bad, just no heat).

>> No.20246517

just eat the food really fast

>> No.20246558
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never had a problem with anything canned (3rdie here), not specially mold, is it just the weather up there?

>> No.20246566

My wife made soup two days ago and didn't refrigerate the leftovers and I was seething.

>> No.20246707

when I worked at youfoodz we would regularly throw out literal tons of food every day because the business' value proposition to the customer was that the meals would last seven days in their homes without freezing. sometimes items didn't come down to temp before the packing team ended their shift so it sat around an extra day. once I had to tell a member of my team to throw out 500kg of sliced roast beef that was cooked 48 hours ago and kept refrigerated. also that team member had been previously homeless.

>> No.20246846
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I remember being pretty bummed out as a kid because of bullies or something and deciding to make some kraft mac and cheese to make myself feel better, but when I went to pour the noodles into the colander I wasn't thinking and ended up pouring the water and noodles straight down the drain.

>> No.20246887
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I cracked an egg into the garbage can and tossed the shell into the pan.

>> No.20246930

If you crack it on the pan instead of the trash can this is hard to accidentally do

>> No.20247114
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Half the time i bring my mom food that she says smells/looks delicious, she puts it in the fridge and "forgets" to eat it.
If she doesnt like something i wish she would just tell me so i dont give away a portion for no reason.

>> No.20247125

When i was a kid i made kraft dinner and strained the boiling water onto the floor. The noodles were fine but that sticks out as the one time my mom called me a retard.

>> No.20247137

When I was like 12 my mom would wake me up for school in the morning. Then she would bring me my breakfast, which was a bagel. Sometimes I would tell her that I didn't want cream cheese on it, because I was going to secretly just stuff it under my mattress and go back to sleep for another half hour until I had to get up and get dressed and shit. Then one day she found the bagels under my mattress. Oh, the look on her face.

>> No.20247184

hope you taught that bitch to know her place

>> No.20247208

he was the bitch being put in his place in this instance

>> No.20247587

fuuck, ive had the same with your second one
>making pumpkin pies at grandparents house
>using fresh pumpkin i grew, spend the hour or two baking the pumpkin soft, food processing it, letting it cool
>spice the pumpkin, condensed milk, the works smells great looks about right
>crack in one egg, perfectly fine
>crack in second egg, splatter shit of rotten racid egg that goes everywhere, completely unsalvagable
>throw out what was almost all of my fresh pumpkin
>make a shitty super thin pie using whatever was left
>it sucked, i havent made pumpkin pie since

now no matter what im using the eggs for i crack them in a bowl and smell them first, that hurt too bad

>> No.20247597

Its standard, any mf can sue them if they hand out almost expired food

>> No.20247827

>buy nice NY strip for $20
>season it
>leave it in fridge overnight
>A week passes
>find shriveled meat demon in fridge that I forgot about

>> No.20247835

That's what you get for pouring yourself a bucket of cereals every day

>> No.20247852

sounds like the bullies were right

>> No.20247867

This is isn’t true, some stores do work with programs that take almost expired food. A lot still gets tossed though, especially produce.

>> No.20247877

>NY strip for $20
What was it, 4 pounds?? My brother in Christ that piece is awful

>> No.20248905


>> No.20249635
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>be drunk on saturday
>order five guys over doordash
>easily over 100 dollars
>drink the milkshake
>eat a bacon dog
>already full
>still have the fries to go
>pass out before I eat them
>wake up
>fries are stale and gross
I tried to eat a few but I just couldn't do it, bros

>> No.20249694

>Saddest is elderly war survivors crying when you clean the forgotten science experiments out of their fridge.
Both my grandparents are horrible about letting stuff age. One had gray mayonnaise in their fridge that they were using and also a squirt bottle of mayonnaise that was fine...but the fact they had two of the same types of mayonnaise baffles me. They were chill about us raiding their fridge for the most part. But my other grandparents were upset having their stuff rummaged through. But they had ketchup in their cupboard that had been in there since like the 80s. It's rough

>> No.20249707

He slid his rotten cut of meat right into her AirBnB...if you know what I mean ;)

>> No.20249742

Before my mom died at the start of last year I was a happy neet who never cooked anything in his life. Then with mom gone I had to learn on the fly after I got sick of fast food which I ate for like a month straight for lunch and dinner with the occasional frozen pizza thrown in.

The issue is that even though I cook now, I have depression phases where I don't. Two weeks ago on the anniversary of her death I let an entire week's worth of meat (ground beef, hamburger patties, chicken and pork chops) go bad. I know I could have frozen it but I've never done that before and if I'm too lazy to cook it then I'm too lazy to freeze it. Even right now I'm eating a frozen pizza even though I went to the store today.

I also struggle to clean up my messes and clean in general. During the summer I cooked hamburger helper (which was about as good as mom used to make it) then I didn't clean the skillet for a week. Flies got in and laid their eggs and I had maggots crawling over the kitchen counter. So I had to throw away that electric skillet and buy a new one. Then did the same thing to a roasting pan after cooking a roast for thanksgiving, except this time it sat on the counter for months (with the lid on) until I finally got rid of the whole thing last month.

I don't know I can live alone. I feel like I'm treading water but slowly drowning.

>> No.20249790

Do you not have a sense of smell or something? Your kitchen must have reeked. I feel you about living alone, personally I can't do it, the longer I lasted was a few days before I moved back in with my parents lol.

>> No.20249791

I live alone also. I know that feel. its hard to keep all your shit together with no one to split the work or duties.

you made good progress to be cooking your own meals, things will improve. good work anon

>> No.20249803

I'm a fat neet who at the time showered every 2 weeks (now I shower 2 times a week). I barely even have a sense of smell. It gets even worse, let's just say the toilet doesn't work anymore so I have to... make do... with other options. I have cats as well.

>> No.20250588

Why do the dirtiest most unhygienic people ALWAYS have pets? Like is it not dirty enough in there for you?
I refuse to live with my mom because she has 9 pets and only "cleans" (aka run a duster and a vacuum lightly over the mess) once a week

>> No.20250623

I was dicing and sweating vegetables for hours. Started with the mushrooms, moved onto onions, a few beer and wine deglazes, finely chopped carrots, celery, some leeks. This is like four hours of hands on and hands off work for some lazy sunday stew.
I went to move it off the heat and the motherfucking rivet popped from the handle of the stock pot and it spilled all over the floor in front of the sink. I whipped that fucking handle so hard into the cabinets it still has a noticeable scratch.

>> No.20250705

you got some kind of self healing cabinets, dickhead? why would the scratch go away.

>> No.20250719

I misread the post at first and thought you were asking for just pickled jalapenos and was trying to think of the ones I have in my fridge to recommend them and it's this exact brand lol. Also recommended

>> No.20250720
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Technically it's industry standard that if yo can't see it from six feet away it's not a blemish, and you'd be surprised how much a half-assed application of wood polish can fill in the divots.

>> No.20250745

Power was out for 3 days a couple weeks ago due to wind and rain in my supposedly 1st world country. Had to throw away most things

>> No.20250771

Tried to make duck but it had something weird going on with its skin so I threw it in the bin. Burnt the next one and threw out my antique toaster too.

>> No.20250781

My ex girlfriend's mom has like 12 cats. They are all indoor cats. They just shit and piss wherever they want and she does not clean it up. There is a room in the house that is nothing but a sofa and cat shit piled at least a foot high throughout the whole room. I am not lying or exaggerating.

>> No.20250790
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I dropped $50 worth of cooked lobster and sherrfish down the crack between the counter and the stovetop and it landed in all that grime and dust and horror in the crack. It took for fucking ever to clean in there as well it was a disaster

>> No.20250827

Reminds me of when I was cooking an amazing chicken stock, had it simmering all day, strained it right into the sink. A whole roast chicken and several hours of waiting just down the drain.

>> No.20251367

in my case we had them before mom died and everything was hygienic. she kept the house up. it's truly disgusting what I've let it turn into over just a year.

>> No.20251391

Had to throw out 1kg of chicken breast because my mum bought it from aldi. The chicken was probably fine, but it was from aldi.. So I wasn't eating that shit.

>> No.20251453

I bought few kilos of eggplants in the summer to cube and freeze them for winter and somewhere in the November my fridge died, with all my frozen stuff thawing first and I had to throw out it all away. It's been almost seven years and I'm still salty.

>> No.20251463

like 8 years ago i dropped 4 steaks into a fire pit coal bed drunk as fuck on a 4 mile hike. one of my best friends was so fucking mad, he legitamately wantsd to fight me
we ate them anyway but they got really.fucked up
also i tried 'fixing" a crockpot of beef stew with chicken flavouring powder and put entirely too much in and had to throw it out it was too salty. i also managed tk save the roastbeef and eat it but the potatoes and carrots were fucked so was the broth
also i recently added salt to mac and cheese boiling not knowing my wife already did and after it was prepared my daughter said "it tastes like the beach"

>> No.20251474


>> No.20251493

i used to work at the safeway in vail
i fucked up bigtime and took some microwave dinners home, not realizing how expired they were
i almost died of food poisoning, hospital trip and everything
i now check expiry dates religiously

>> No.20251498

those rotini look FUCKED up

>> No.20251519

>Live with roommate
>Roommate is a stoner
>I have to go out and fulfill a family obligation, friend stays home and smokes
>Leave apartment to take care of business
>Shitsux but at least I have three hot dogs left that I can make chili cheese dogs with
>Cravings intensify more and more throughout the day
>Done dealing with family bullshit
>Approach my block, all the tenants in my building are out on the sidewalk and plumes of smoke hang in the air
>Roommate fucking got omegastoned and left my hotdogs on to boil while he took a nap
>All the water evaporated and they burnt down to raw charcoal
>Flush all his snacks as revenge
>Begin process of finding a new roommate
I fucking hate stoners

>> No.20251531

That pissed me off reading it

>> No.20251567
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>be cooking a chicken wrap
>microwave tortilla so it can be wrapped easier
>thing looks bussin, all the fixins
>tortilla rips, ingredients start squeasing out
>pic related is what my wrap sees
>thing explodes all over the kitchen, shit everywhere
>scoop the godaweful mess onto my plate
>don't even use cutlery and just eat it with my hands
>tears of rage

>> No.20251586

this is why you shold ALWAYS have a bag of yellow corn chips availible

>> No.20251587

I had an ex that didn't swallow.

>> No.20251680

why did you punch your sandwich LMAO

>> No.20251689

>chicken wrap
I want to punch you

>> No.20251772

Show crack

>> No.20251836

a few years ago my dad died in a pretty public way and a lot of my neighbors started giving me and my family a lot of food to eat. we did not have enough room in the fridge and freezer so like 80-90% of it ended up going to waste by rotting around our house

ur post just reminded me of that

>> No.20251844

this is the excuse that is given yes.
reminder that insurers, advertisers, shareholders, and payment processors are the true evils of the world.

>> No.20251853

>be me
>have to take a taxi with my mom somewhere
>steal an old freezer burned steak out the freezer
>put it in my coat pocket
>sit behind driver
>drop steak and nudge it under drivers seat with my foot

>> No.20251861

I had some rather expensive diced moose meat that I got as a gift. I was going to make a stew out of them, but I was so afraid of fucking it up that I procrastinated until the meat went bad. I never told the gift-giver, and I feel bad about it to this day.

>> No.20251862

had a hurricane knock out power at my grandparents in the keys

lost a freezer full of lobster tail

>> No.20251894

similar one, anon. I was making quinoa salad. I had put all the chopped veg (cucumber, tomato, olives, walnuts) and went to dump in the feta cheese. It was moldy :(

>> No.20251900

Sorry about your mother, buddy. Mine has been dead 25 years as of last month. Hang in there, try to do well for yourself as a tribute to her memory. Best wishes to you.

>> No.20251919

hope you're doing better, anon

love you

>> No.20251924

damn nigga imagine being excited about 3 hotdogs

>> No.20251981 [DELETED] 

>select my preset
>click buy parts
>cant click 'purchase all' because some of them are unneeded like barrels that people have listed for 100k+
fucking hate this shit

>> No.20252070

lol I remember being young and poor in college. have had some similar situations

>> No.20252334
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sure theres others worse that i cant think of but just spent like $60+ on drinks at total wine and everything but the plastic handle i shouldnt have bought in the first place shattered on the ground getting out the car
picrel was $30 and didnt even get to taste it

>> No.20252356
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My mom made 2 different flavor cheesecakes for a party one time, one of which got eaten entirely, while most people didn't touch the other.
My dad was very drunk and made a poorly judged joke about it, after which my mom sadly threw it in the garbage before I got a chance to tell her that I really liked it

>> No.20252628

the worst I've done is drop a bowl of leftover pasta bake on the floor. it was too late for me to want to cook something else, so i just ate it with hairs and crumbs and stuff.

>> No.20252728

>early 20s
>rode my roommates bike to McDonald's
>spent 20 bucks on too much garbage
>riding back home, bag and drink cradled on handlebars
>lose grip after hitting a bump, drop everything
>stare sadly at the ruin before riding home in disgrace

>> No.20252830

if u really liked it u would have fished it out of the garbage and went to town

>> No.20252858

I had a big block of cheddar, like 2lbs. It had a small spot of mold so I tried to slice it off. But as I kept cutting the mold just went deeper and deeper. Turns out the mold went almost entirely through the entire block of cheese, from one side to the other. Just ended up throwing it out.

>> No.20252952

Got pretty close to doing this every time I mess with flour, teaching the gf to do it so I don't ruin dinner over a torntilla

>> No.20252955


>> No.20253066

For fun. Anti social tendencies and what not. It’s been 30 years and I still wonder what the drivers reaction was when he found a raw steak under his seat. I’m remembering that I also used to steal random food like pudding cups, ice cream, fruit, vegetables, meat etc. and throw them in the very busy street near my apartment and sit and watch as cars and trucks ran over the food and got splattered.

>> No.20253086

It’s the little things you have to have gratitude for, otherwise you’re just some gluttonous nigger who lives to consume and leave nothing of value behind

>> No.20253100

i just had the broth in the fridge for too long. it was all my fault.
same i check all eggs now

>> No.20253211

$30 for a 4.5% stout? lol. lmao even

>> No.20253240

>spend hours making beef stock
>colander over sink
>dump it down the drain
>almost cried

>> No.20253244

ive left a roadkill snapping turtle in our drivers truck cab
except it wasnt dead and when he went to open to side door toolboxi out it in it came.out in a fury
yea i dont fuck with peoples vehicles anymore the guy lost half his right hand ring finger and threatened to kill me after we got done fistfighting. i lost the fight, he threw blood in my eyes
fuck you pat snyder you old jew fuck im glad you got to watch your wife suffer and die of cirrhosis

>> No.20253313

That's rough.

>> No.20253336

>ive left a roadkill snapping turtle in our drivers truck cab
Based anti social behavior anon.

>> No.20253527

I had a fairly successful garden one year without really knowing what I was doing. I fell in love with it and tried again the next year, spent about $300 on starter equipment and seeds. The starters turned out great and a month later I was so pleased to plant them outside and care for them for months. They were doing fantastic, I had about 50 plants outside. It got to about a week before harvestable fruit before gophers came. Sometimes they just eat the roots but most of the time they pull the entire plant underground. Every morning I’d come check and 1-3 more plants had been pulled down. I tried everything- the “humane” option, gassing, sitting outside with a gun… nothing worked and eventually they took them all.
The next year I used fabric pots instead of ground planting, made a smaller garden but still spent about $200 on starters and supplies. Plants at least got to production then but still the gophers came and chewed through the pots and ate all my shit.

I hate gophers so much. I haven’t had Ichiban eggplant in 3 years now. I know it’s only $500 but the amount of TIME and EFFORT gone into tending these beauties before just being mulched by some gay little rodent infuriates me. I’d build a better garden with chicken wire beds and such but it’s not my fucking house and I’m not putting any more time or money into it

>> No.20253654

yea i was going to suggest puttjng a below ground metal barrier and or straight fuckin rat poison, moles voles prairie dogs and woodchucks dont fuck around they will burrow and eat it all.
t. lost the most beautifjl radishes and stringbeans ever to ground rats.
i djno if it was raccoon or gopher but i set hav a hart live teaps.for 8 months and ended up killing 8 coon and so many squirrels i ended up being pestered by gisnt blue jays because the squirrels were all dead and i had an over abjndanfe of pine nuts in my yard because no squirrel
fuck i hate blue jays
loud ass idiots
i did get to make a.bad ass codpiece and trouser liners though

>> No.20253666

chaotic evil

>> No.20253688

Chaotic neutral, anon basically gave the taxi driver free steak. If he noticed before it thawed out that was a blessing

>> No.20253695

satanic trips don’t lie, anon.. it was pure evil

>> No.20253698

>let me just check beneath my seat to see if theres a rapidly melting steak with lint and crumbs and shit from god knows how many passengers in the past year all over it

>> No.20253715

>cracked my second egg in and it was rancid.
I hate these like you wouldn't believe. The smell of the latest one I cracked open was so vile that it completely took over my kitchen. Couldn't toss it in the trash or the smell would stick around, so I went into the woods behind my house and buried it.

>> No.20253727

the ethnic butcher was my friend
i bought 3 steaks from him
he gave me 3 steaks, almost a pound of beef each and winked at me
it was the most tender meat i have ever eaten still to this day
it was around the hollidays so i didnt get the chance to eat the last one
i found out he had to go back to his country
the steak was still in my fridge, a week old steak, i cooked it and ate it and cried and got dhiarrea
no food goes to waste

>> No.20253729

Let's be real, if that anon was in the back of any of our vehicles we'd be double checking everything as soon as he waddled out. If only to confirm the smell was from a human being and not a dead animal.

>> No.20253754

Hey man, fuck you. I was a skinny regular looking 7 year old when I steaked that taxi.

>> No.20253765

Once my dad was making beef stock and gave me some vague instruction to throw the bones out so I dumped the whole thing into the bushes

>> No.20253907

>satanic trips don’t lie, anon.. it was pure evil
do you not think about how cringe that post was? reddit incarnate

>> No.20253923

Hey kid, sorry your dad an heroed. Here's some bacon to cheer you up.

>> No.20253926

unrelated but anytime some wastes food I like to remind that
>"the fuck asshole, some kid in Africa would suck dick for that"

>> No.20253928


>> No.20254040

I'm glad u lost the fight and hope you lose more and everything you love. Why are you happy his wife died a horrible death wtf

>> No.20254075

Probably that time my mom and I went grocery shopping at costco and bought more beef than normal but it fell behind the seats in the back of the car and we didn't realize. No idea how we didn't realize like 4 pounds of beef was missing from the giant pile of groceries but we didn't notice. Over the coming weeks the car smelled worse and worse and worse and we didn't know why until we lifted the seats looking for whatever died (we assumed) in there. Lo and behold there's the steaks we bought like 3 weeks ago.
Absolutely awful feeling seeing that.

>> No.20254294

probably the most common one but my dad used to pack lunch for me every day and i sometimes either threw it away because i didnt like it or forgot to eat it and found it rotting away in my breadbox days later, still feel bad about it

>> No.20254442

oh boo fucking hoo

>> No.20254445
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>> No.20254529

then at least post picture of bacon

>> No.20254533

is that your hampter

>> No.20255898


>> No.20256123

>Go to family party at grandparents place
>Hang out for the weekend, have fun catching up
>Grandma makes me this lasagna before I go, since she knows it's my favorite
>Take it home, put it in fridge
>Gets super hectic at work, start working OT hours
>By the time I remember the lasagna, it's gone bad
>Throw it away
>Grandma dies around two weeks later
>Realize I missed my last chance at eating her lasagna, one she made with love and care, cause I was working some stupid job fixing computers for doctors who couldn't give a shit
>Hit me like a truck
My mom makes a good lasagna too, but still, sucks to think about

>> No.20257207


>> No.20257230
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Not much of a food waste story, i just makes me angry every time I think about it. I was with a group of douchebags and dumb bitches on Malta, government-supported work expat thing, because I had trouble finding a job, so I did some work in a foreign country.

One of these guys was a previous cook, the other currently worked in a Zoo on Malta. So the Zoo guy had access to freshly-butchered chickens (killed on the same day) and the cook could create some good stuff out of it.

First time I've eaten a chicken heart, tasted like sausage. Well, down to our kitchen come the dumb fat bimbo bitches. One of them eats like a pig and then she takes a heart, bites into it and then spits it out and she's like
>"eeewww I just realized I'm eating a chicken heart, disgustiiiiing"

I wasn't even cooking that day, but this made me so fucking mad I had to hold myself together to not slap the shit out of her.

>> No.20257237

>I want to prevent myself from eating it at some point in the future too
why lmao are you insane?

>> No.20257247

>Had a bad bout of depression
>Would just heat up canned goods or eat crackers
>Cooked something for the first time in a month
My favorite pasta dish
>Roommate who notoriously keeps the fridge crowded decides to clean out the fridge
>Throws out my fresh pasta
>their 2 week old chicken stays

>> No.20257704

saw some chicken hearts on deep discount a while back, so made up some curry with chicken hearts instead of thighs like i usually do
some of the most intensely chicken flavored food i've ever eaten

>> No.20257869

That was a lucky happenstance. You didn't need that junk in your system anyway.

>> No.20257968

I waited 3 hours for an Über eats delivery. it was about $50 and a good amount of food, but it tasted like ass. Felt so wrong about it that I deleted the Über eats app on the spot.

>> No.20257998

Keep your chin up

>> No.20258011

If it makes you feel better their were probably at least five people whose days were made by watching this happen.
Like I would feel bad for you but at the same time it’d be the funniest thing I’d seen in real life in a long time.

>> No.20258045

>, fresh garlic and onion. added a can of tuna and went to pour in the broth and a big ass mold cap sloughed out into the pan.
this happened to me making pancakes as a kid and since then i crack eggs into a separate bowl and its saved me over 4 times so far

>> No.20258051

employees aren't allowed to take any of the """bad""" stuff home? there's no charity set up or anything? fuck...

>> No.20258067

Worked at a supermarket deli, so much would go to waste especially chicken (fried/rotisserie). It would sit under heat bulbs until it was no good, then we would try to repurpose it in chicken salad or sell it cold. Very few people buy cold rotisseries so they often got thrown out after their shelf life.
I assume any food service place that doesn't cook-to-order experiences this kind of thing. I'm not vegan and I don't really care about the rights of chickens, but it's still sad they wouldn't even get eaten

>> No.20258119

you were basically feeding your dad as much sugar as a can of soda, so 3+ sodas for breakfast every morning

>> No.20258139

also true, I'm glad this was pre-social media

>> No.20258144

what did they gift to you? there are many food preservation techniques that don't require a fridge

>> No.20258244

Don't eat at 2am you fat fucking faggot

>> No.20258269

Made a big batch of beans that was supposed to last me a week. Well seasoned and spiced. Turned it on low and let it go while I slept. Not used to the stove, so when I woke up it had boiled dry. Imma still eat it, prolly small amounts over rice, but its got that burnt taste to it. Disappointed as hell.

>> No.20258278

Member my boss at a resteraunt insisted to me things pickled in vinegar cant go bad, and I had to tell him I've literally seen mold grow on top of brine in pickling jars.

>> No.20258321

He's right, but they need to be IN the vinegar.
It's when they're no longer submerged and exposed to air that they rot.

>> No.20259102

yeah clearly i was already plastered
said fuck it
poor decision

>> No.20259223

gonna try this.

>> No.20259488

b-but anon, this is a blue board!

>> No.20259565

just spent 40 minutes making risotto and its too fuckin salty will probably have to toss it all i cant even finish this bowl

>> No.20259600

bro just add more shit to it that isnt salt

>> No.20259615

i dont have any shit to add unless i spend another half hour making a plain water risotto

>> No.20259633

They don't give it away because of liability

>> No.20259632

probably like $15 worth of ingredients down the drain too fml

>> No.20259637

Every day in an average grocery store.

>> No.20259667

then just save it and fix it later nigga damn

>> No.20259681

i aint spending another half an hour on this shit just to get what probably wouldnt even turn out too good anyway

>> No.20259704


>> No.20259722

by tomorrow no even by now it is no longer fresh risotto the dish which i desired to create is no longer possible with what i have no matter how much i struggle sure ill stick it in the fridge and maybe try frying some up with an egg or two tomorrow but it wont be any good and eventually after doing my best to ignore it in the fridge ill throw it out either because its started to smell or more likely because i want to use the bowl its being stored in and then the cycle continues maybe i should get food out for a change

>> No.20259764

man you gotta be more optimistic than that

>> No.20259788

you strike me as the kind of person who hits their head against the wall shouting "stupid! STUPID!" when things go wrong

>> No.20259839

im not being pessimistic im just describing what will actually happen

>> No.20259844

>I cant quit any time I want

>> No.20259926

i quit years ago

>> No.20259930

hey thats literally me

>> No.20259933

Left defrosting turkey out on the counter the night before thanksgiving. The next morning, to our horror, it was covered in ants.

>> No.20259935

i dont hit my head i hit other body parts not when things go wrong though mainly when jerking it

>> No.20259949

you missed my point

>> No.20259951


>> No.20260760

Around a decade ago I witnessed a kid punt one of those lobsters you see in the grocery store, it shattered into pieces and fucking died.

>> No.20260841
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>Make really awesome buttermilk devil's food layer cake
>Slice and eat 1 piece a day as a treat
>By day 5 notice white fuzz growing on the cut side like picrel
I guess you can make cakes too moist after all... I swear it wasn't there the day before, I chopped off a few inches of the cake past the surface growth, through the rest of it in the fridge and would go on to finish it without being sick. Still feels bad man.

>> No.20261004

Sorry bud

>> No.20261097

I’d buy that stuff but supermarkets are assholes about it. Clearance prices are just half off for stuff that’s gonna expire the next day. Who’s buying that shit?

>> No.20261829

>his smile and optimism: gone
>just like those $15 worth of olives
Fucking kek my sides never stood a chance.

>> No.20261835

not saddest but most recent
>buy different flavor of a snack I buy often just to try it out
>don't like the flavor within the first bite
>whole bag wasted with no one to give it to
sure its junk food and it deserves to be wasted, but it still cost money

>> No.20262724

I work at a food factory. You don't realize the sheer amount of complete waste we produce until you see the bins upon bins of product that was somehow contaminated or fucked up being wheeled around to be disposed. Every single day without fail.

>> No.20263252
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Idk if this counts but when I was 14 I had some new neighbors move next to me and I kinda got along with the son who as close to my age but older. He was pretty moody and so were his siblings.
One day I was in their kitchen after school and their daughter who might've been 11 went to grab some bread and the bag fell. In
Within a second the mother made the face of a demon and shoved her down and yelled at her that all that bread is wasted.
The bread was literally still in the bag and the bitch mom had mopped that floor every single day.
It was then I realized she had sever OCD and was a massive cunt to her family. That daughter never smiled, because her cunt mom would terrify her for the most inconsequential thing.
Just makes me think about all the time I've abused the 5 second rule. There's more stories of that bitch mom but it's kinda sad how much she emotionally exhausted her family.

So tl;dr a cunt with OCD throw out an entire bag of bread because her daughter dropped it on freshly cleaned floors. Then yelled at her daughter like a psycho with no control.

>> No.20263302

you could have saved her anon

>> No.20263372

I really really couldn't. The mom accused me of being gay and forbid her son from speaking to me, and he listened. Also he wore a cross necklace one day and he admitted it was because he was having night terrors and his mom insisted that it would help.

>> No.20263377

In school we had a cooking project, the class was split in 3 groups each making the same thing so there were 3 big pans of food by the end. We got to eat it at the end but at most each group only ate half a pan and the rest all got tossed

>> No.20263979

I was in a car crash while driving home from the liquor store, 3 bottles of vodka from the car got thrown out while I was in the hospital

>> No.20263989

thats unironically what I would have been upset about too anon, hope you found a way out of that

>> No.20264225

I stole some bread from outside a market at like 4 AM when I was stumbling home drunk once. It looked like it had just been delivered but not brought in the store yet. I then walked blocks stuffing bread in peoples mail slots and mail boxes.

>> No.20264985


>> No.20265607

you were stressed as fuck most likely, it wasn't your fault I really hope you know that

>> No.20265728

My sister donated food to a homeless shelter once.

>> No.20265747

fucking gross dude

>> No.20265758
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>buy expensive booze for a change
>on the way home, bag rips and bottle explodes
I double bag everything now.

>> No.20265834

>Sure I'm destroying the environment, but at least muh booze is safe!!

>> No.20265846

did you think that extra bag was going to remain safely underground as a fossil fuel if he didnt use it?
have you considered the concept of paper bags?

>> No.20265847

I say this every time, even when it's mot booze

>> No.20265855

>Power is out for three days
>Throw out everything in the fridge
>Power comes back
>The moment I get home, power goes out for two more days.

>> No.20265865

thats your own fault at that point

>> No.20265962

bought a whole lamb and then apparently my chest freezer died not even a week later. smelt so bad i had to wear a vinegar bandana on my face to clean it out

isn't food going to an obese man kind of wasteful?

>> No.20266015

the time i was mugged at knifepoint stumbling home drunk at 2 am from the store with a frozen pepperoni pizza and they stole not only my phone and wallet but ALSO the pizza ;____;

>> No.20267979


>> No.20268000

>Get rice krispy bar from grandma when I visited
>Leave it in the ziploc bag on my desk
>Pick it up a few days later and realize it's stale as hell and basically inedible
It was only one rice krispy bar but I still felt like a dick throwing it away

>> No.20268004

it only has to happen once. i bought a six pack of bottle beer, drank it, put the empties back in the carrying thing. was walking it to the garbage when the bottom fell out and one shattered. figured if one can fall out when it weighs so much less, to never trust another 6 pack holder again. always cradle it or have a bag.

>> No.20268007

what an ungrateful lil shit you were
not checked because you g'ma is looking up from hell and frowning

>> No.20268011

forgot to mention, it was because I sealed the bag wrong. It looked sealed but it wasn't. I know it's not a big deal and it's not like I've never let food in the fridge get moldy then thrown it away but it's different when it's Grandma's rice krispy bar you know?

>> No.20268021

>implying my Grandma will go to hell
I get that there's a lot of retards on here, but you really took the cake with that one.

>> No.20268038

i put a can of sardines in my tomato sauce instead of some anchovies. that was a very long drinking bender

>> No.20268049

Not even. I've been to the store a few times recently and these packs of raw meat, all kinds, fish, pork, chicken, beef, the "sell by" date is within 1-2 days so they cut $2 off $14 or 80 cents off $8, they would rather throw it out than sell at a reasonable discount.

>> No.20268104

All 4channers and their family will burn.
That’s just how it goes

>> No.20268113

Sounds like cope to me. Maybe I'm not heaven worthy but you're on crack if you think my Grandma isn't

>> No.20268515

Tell you what faggot, you tell me where you live and I'll turn you into Blood and Bone to feed the forest and that will offset his, and my, carbon footprint.

>> No.20268587

Saddest and most baffling thing that ever happened to me. I was still in high school, junior year, obviously at my parents' house. Steak dinner with peas, rice, and a frosty glass of milk. Set 'em down at the same place on my computer desk I always ate at, went to the kitchen for a napkin, came back all that shit was gone. Vanished. Looked around everywhere, no trace. My dad was pissed. We moved later that year and I remember thinking I was going to find a mummified steak while I packed up my shit. Nada. The Zone Eater ate my steak or some shit. I still think about it to this day.

>> No.20269245

i bought ingredients to make brownies. my mom made them while she was drunk and fucked it up pretty badly
i dont know if ill ever recover

>> No.20269927

Someone wasted a McDonald’s pie on me once. I was riding my bike in the rain and a person in a passing car yelled HEY FAGGOT and hurled a whole McDonald’s apple pie at my head. I fell off my bike and slid in the filthy wet street grime and scratched up my bike frame. Almost cried desu

>> No.20270456
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>buy off-brand 2 gallon jar of pickles at grocery store
>they're a little sketchy but I need to save all the money I can
>wake up at like 2 AM the following night
>really tired and hazy
>go to kitchen and open fridge to grab the shit jar
>go outside to do it
>come back inside to place the jar back in the fridge
>it's not the shit jar
>I just made 2 gallons of pickles inedible

>> No.20270668

why are you bothering with a shit jar if you're shitting outside anyway

>> No.20270674

wait also why did you keep your shit jar in the fridge
i hope you're on disability because this event alone should qualify you

>> No.20270693

I don't wanna shit inside and get poop fucking everywhere
The cold makes it smell less and doesn't really leave a funky taste in the food

>> No.20271141

you misunderstand
if you are going outside to shit, why did you need a jar
just shit outside and leave it there

>> No.20271171

Oh I've got a good one
>at the store with my mom a few weeks ago, I'm grocery shopping and she's picking a few things up
>I grab some strip steaks (pack of 4) and some chicken thighs, put them in the cart
>send my mom to checkout with my card since I had something i wanted to check out real quick
>notice everything seems really cheap once I get out to the car and get home
>apparently she didn't scan the strip steaks since they were hidden behind the chicken and she didn't notice
>well im not going back to fucking wally world to set shit right
>wagies didn't notice either
>get home, order some freezer paper (because everywhere was out of stock) so takes a few days
>cook one of the four the following night
>I wrap the rest on the 3rd day i got them in freezer paper, put them in a gallon bag
>put them in the freezer
>OOPS except I accidentally left them in my fucking fridge for a week because im a retard and wasn't paying attention
>3 strip steaks had to be thrown away that day

I know they were free but it still hurts

>> No.20271184
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I worked in a supermarket bakery for awhile and the only thing we were allowed to eat was flawed, unsellable products.
I think the problem with taking the old goods in the eyes of the corporation is that you may be an employee but you are still a potential customer. So anything you get from them for free is theoretically one less thing you buy from them. Also you could theoretically be taking all those donuts home to your baby mama and 5 kids, taking away even more potential profits.

>> No.20271228

I went through a 2 week local power outage. I moved the important stuff in the fridge to the freezer and it stayed cold for like 4 days.

>> No.20271260
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>> No.20271261

Two-thirds of our wedding cake growing mold in the fridge while we were on our two-week European honeymoon. Foreshadowing, really.

>> No.20271286

I've been on the delivery end of that
>in HS
>me and a friend are driving around with nothing to do
>stoner friend works at taco bell
>anytime he was working we could go to the drive thru and he'd just load us up with a bag of free shit
>one day he's feeling especially generous, gives us literally like $30 of food (early '00s prices)
>eat all we wanted but still a ton left
>drive to other friend's house while he's mowing the front yard
>drive-by throwing tacos at him

>> No.20271649

i would have fallen to my knees and wept

>> No.20271749
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I see anon upgraded from his bike & bread combo.

>> No.20271866


>> No.20271880

That's why you have to shake the pickle jar after every time you use it.

>> No.20271887

This is what real OCD looks like.

>> No.20271903

I would laugh if somebody locked the doors to the building during peak hours and lit the building on fire lmao

>> No.20271907

I literally unironically have nightmares about that.
There's so much good meat in the freezers.

>> No.20271913

>But they had ketchup in their cupboard that had been in there since like the 80s. It's rough
My grandma never refrigerates her ketchup, and ive used bottles that were 5 years past due with no issues, even as a kid. We're being scammed.

>> No.20271989

>buys products made from chinesium
>noooooooo i never thought this would happen :(
bot post

>> No.20271992

>and threw out my antique toaster too.
You definitely could have sold it for much more above its market value. What's it like being a retard? Did your wrangler make you throw it out?

>> No.20272013


>> No.20272139

>it was too late for me to want to cook something else, so i just ate it with hairs and crumbs and stuff.
That's why you always have emergency frozen food on hand. Piggy.

>> No.20272145

>thinks being peckish is an "emergency"
>calling anyone else a pig

>> No.20272154

bait or not, neck yourself

>> No.20272161

>having sympathy
you're asking to much of them anon, please

>> No.20272175
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>go shopping with parents at walmart as a kid
>they let me get some mcdonalds while they check out
>order, waiting
>parents finish checking out and come up, ask what the hold up is
>"what's your order number? oh sorry we completely forgot"
>manager gives me free side of fries to make up for it
>getting into car
>accidentally knock container of fries over, dropping most of them to the pavement

>> No.20272200

>I then walked blocks stuffing bread in peoples mail slots and mail boxes.
It's what Jesus would have done.

>> No.20272251

Could have just brushed the ants off and cooked it.

>> No.20272261

>being an environmentalist means you have to kill yourself immediately
False. It means retards like you where the concept of consequences is too far out of comprehension due to low IQ that need to be fed to the forests.
Death to tards.

>> No.20272262
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This thread reminds me of a story where an entire pizza I bought went to waste
>be me
>live in NYC many, many years ago
>order a pizza to go
>take the bus, anticipating eating some delicious 'za at my apartment
>clumsily reach for my phone after receiving a text, causing the box to tilt and all the pizza to spill out onto the bus floor
>my disappointment is compounded by the embarrassment of everyone on the bus staring at me
>reach my apartment, only one measly slice left in the box

>> No.20274062

>I literally unironically
Please contemplate how much better everyone else would be if you unalived yourself. I hate stupids. They aren't human.

>> No.20274070

If you were desperate enough to eat hairs and crumbs, you better fucking hope it was an emergency situation.
Otherwise you can start oinking anytime.

>> No.20274214

Did it land cheese down while still hot and get smeared? If that shit landed crust down then it's getting put back in the box, brushed off when I get home, and eaten. Unless NY buses are so disgusting every square inch is covered with feces and syringes.

>> No.20274572

Not everyone has a stockpile of snacks "just in case". Genuine fatfuck behavior.

>> No.20274695

I have never, in my entire life, felt compelled to eat food covered in floor debris.
I do, always, have some frozen crap i can easily heat up in under 10 minutes if my meal goes tits up for whatever reason.
I was simply trying to provide a solution so you never feel the need to eat vacuum food again. If you want to be a faggot about it, guess i can't stop you from doing so. Gays gonna gay or whatever. Enjoy your hair weirdo.

>> No.20274743

>I do, always, have some frozen crap
Yeah, we know.
>(gay projecting)
Oh wow, you're worse off than I gave you credit for.

>> No.20274776

Went to visit my kids mom and upon arriving I had noticed there was still 2/3 of an uncovered Thanksgiving turkey in her fridge sitting on a cutting board.
It was Christmas Eve

>> No.20274793

that time I slit the bottoms of my former roommates chips. in 2024 money it was about $80 of damage. I knew, from the way his flaming ass would whip the bag out of its resting space, it would result in chips flying everywhere. Eat shit and die Marquis.

>> No.20274803

You literally munch carpets for food. No insult you throw in in your tantrum means anything. Now go eat some pebbles fatty.

>> No.20274810

>in 2024 money it was about $80 of damage.
I sure as shit hope they were truffle flavored.

>> No.20274815

>Went to visit my kids mom

>> No.20274826

My kid lives with me dipshit
Have sex

>> No.20274827

>more projecting

>> No.20274865

Nigga it’s Enn Dubya Sea. Eating that crust is like licking a public restroom floor, fuck that.

>> No.20274873


>> No.20275079

>b-b-but my bastard children live with me!

>> No.20275352
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I was about to eat your mom's big fat banquet of a pussy and she said she had to pick you up from school because you shit your pants and that was the biggest waste of food i've ever had in my life, you dumbfuck pussyfaggot.

>> No.20276322

; (

>> No.20276346

God I wanna eat big fat banquet of pussy

>> No.20276656

Spend a whole day prepping and cooking some salmon and veggetable stew, served it to my mum, and she clumsily dropped the whole salt shaker in it :(

>> No.20277155

I live in an apartment that's within walking distance to a grocery store and I basically eat that stuff exclusively. I save like $200 a month and I always have my meals planned out by eating whatever needs to be cooked immediately.

>> No.20277196

why was she salting the pot you had already prepared?
or was it her own serving she ruined?

>> No.20277374

That's harsh dude. Really sad.

>> No.20277415

Based smart shopper

>> No.20277648
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not a specific story, but I work at a nursing home, the amount of food I see wasted enrages me, especially when we get steaks or lobster. Working in dining we aren't supposed to share the food after the residents eat, but we give what we can away anyways.