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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20237879 No.20237879 [Reply] [Original]

Post foods you refuse to eat, even as a guest at someone's home

>> No.20237888
File: 215 KB, 1600x1200, Suelze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20237894

>being a gay little baby who is picky about food

>> No.20237906

Look at currywurst on this thread >>20237828, that's plain nasty looking.

>> No.20238019

>being a hog instead of having discernment
you're the one who's wrong, anon.
simple as.

>> No.20238826

i only refuse to eat desserts because i'm afraid of sugar

>> No.20238837

I refuse desserts because i'm allergic to tree nuts

>> No.20239007

It is rude to decline food unless it will literally kill you. I'm not rude.

>> No.20239019

I don't usually eat dessert either. I have a mean feed at dinner then continue pounding the liquor. I'll only have dessert if it's still on the table an hour later when I'm nice and ripped.

>> No.20239027
File: 251 KB, 1240x1887, 35CE6EF3-4C49-4430-8146-E2D798163625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever decided that mayonnaise and cold pasta go together should’ve just been humanely put to sleep by the vet.

>> No.20239028

Grapefruit because it fucks with my pleasedontdie pills
I will at least nibble at most other things offered, even if I know already that I won't like it.

>> No.20239040

macaroni salad is delicious. brownoids will never understand.

>> No.20239074

it's called "sylta" in my cunt
my dad makes it every christmas with pig feet, pig skin, and calf meat for some reason.

>> No.20239081

Ironically, then, it's only good when it incorporates middle eastern or indian spices. Curry pasta salad is great.

>> No.20239090

Nah, you're just gross.
t. Norwegian

>> No.20239229

I've seen your local "food", Sven. You don't get to comment here.

>> No.20239240

Prison food

>> No.20239251

nah it doesn't need all that. a little dijon, apple cider vinegar, and fresh herbs, oh baby. I don't get why brown people freak out about mayo like it's the most disgusting thing in the world when it's just an emulsified oil. it can certainly be overused, but a well balanced pasta salad is perfection

>> No.20239259

Sorry you're gay.

>> No.20239336

I enjoy sweets but for some reason they repulse me when drinking
I think my liver and pancreas subconsciously tell me to fuck off you're already hurting us enough

>> No.20239553


>> No.20239596

I always refuse to eat meats, including fish. I never tell my hosts about this either, because I think it's fucking hilarious to see their faces when I say to them that I am a vegan, and that they are being bad hosts by not catering to my needs.
I'm not actually a vegan.
I just do it for the lulz.

>> No.20239605

dog, cat

>> No.20239607

more accurately it's because alcohol IS a sweet and your body is like "bro, we just had that."

>> No.20239617

>alcohol IS a sweet

>> No.20239621

and then you wake up in your carboard box behind the dumpster. it was all a dream.

>> No.20239623

I meant that alcohol is a sugar, you fucking dumbass.

>> No.20239624

most nuts
most beans

>> No.20239626

>I meant that alcohol is a sugar, you fucking dumbass.
Sugars are carbohydrates
Alcohols are alcohols

>> No.20239627

it's a simple carbohydrate that is converted into sugar very fast and very easily in the body.
You're not me

>> No.20239631

>it's a simple carbohydrate that is converted into sugar very fast and very easily in the body.
Alcohols are not carbohydrates

>> No.20239636

>Alcohols are not carbohydrates
I say they ARE carbs, and unless you can provide evidence that alcohol is not a carb, I will win this argument by default. So there.
Eat yeast poop and live, motherfucker

>> No.20239642

>I say they ARE carbs, and unless you can provide evidence that alcohol is not a carb, I will win this argument by default.
Weird ask but okay. I'll start you off: https://www.google.com/search?q=is%20an%20alcohol%20a%20carbohydrate
It should be easy for you to go from there.

>> No.20239648
File: 6 KB, 441x311, 320px-ethanol_v1.svg251245538920540994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up, You false flagging retard.
while it's not technically a carbohydrate, it is functionally the same thing from a dietary stand point. an extremely simple one too.
It sates any and all sugar cravings for this reason.
and when you quit alcohol, guess what you crave?

>> No.20239654

>while it's not technically a carbohydrate, it is functionally the same thing from a dietary stand point. an extremely simple one too.
>It sates any and all sugar cravings for this reason.
>and when you quit alcohol, guess what you crave?
So you intentionally lied about alcohol being a carb despite knowing the truth. What did you hope to achieve by gaslighting /ck/?

>> No.20239656

>and when you quit alcohol, guess what you crave?
Even normal seltzer water fills the void.
Maybe I'm just built different. Or addicted to carbonation. Probably the latter.

>> No.20239658

tripe. Hate it

>> No.20239660

Oh, be quiet. Do you think anytime somebody calls a Kilocalorie a Calorie, they are gaslighting?
Did you even know that a dietary calorie is actually one thousand chemical calories?

>> No.20239676

Shut the fuck up, liar.
Nobody likes pathological liars.
You fucktards lie for no reason whatsoever, and you get off on it.

>> No.20239679

live octopus or veal

>> No.20239682

If one day comes where you’re literally starving to death you’ll remember all the food you turned down and sent to the bin.

>> No.20239694

>If one day comes where you’re literally starving to death you’ll remember all the food you turned down and sent to the bin.
That's a bit like saying "One day when you die in a car accident, I hope in the moments when you are dying, you will remember all those times you drove a car."

>> No.20239704

>One day when you die in a car accident, I hope in the moments when you are dying, you will remember all those times you drove a car.
this but unironically.

>> No.20239709

>this but unironically.
You should go to McDonald's and order a hamburger with no meat and only pickles

>> No.20239717

yeah I saw that thread too

>> No.20239725
File: 165 KB, 1200x630, gingered-brussels-sprouts-95831-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geniunely curious, how do you feel about potato salad? Or coleslaw for that matter? They're essentially the same thing in my mind but I never see people seethe about it like pasta salad.

Brussel sprouts, specifically steamed ones, I just don't like the flavor of brussel sprouts so if it's not covered up with something strong like a shitload of cheese or bacon or whatever I can't deal with it.

>> No.20239727

anything beef or pork. I eat once a day and often time fast, so it's no biggie

>> No.20239754

Cheese pizza. It’s not pizza without toppings. That’s like pouring a foundation and calling it a house.

>> No.20239827

>Cheese pizza. It’s not pizza without toppings. That’s like pouring a foundation and calling it a house.
Except by definition a cheese pizza IS a pizza. A foundation by definition is not a house.

>> No.20239856

cheese is a topping

>> No.20239859

Anything involving brains
I would probably refuse to eat the food of someone who cooked brains regularly

>> No.20239865

>Anything involving brains
>I would probably refuse to eat the food of someone who cooked brains regularly
Brains are literally brain food. They make you smarter.
By not eating brains, you are getting dumber.
Why do you hate Black people of color?

>> No.20239907

nta but as someone who dislikes pasta salad, i also dislike potato salad and coleslaw

>> No.20239959
File: 83 KB, 750x563, IMG_4981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alfredo sauce

>> No.20239976

I dislike everyone's pasta salad and cole slaw but mine and everyone's potato salad but mine and my dad's. My dad doesn't make pasta salad or coleslaw and my mother's country makes all three of them very differently from the American mayo-based versions.
I mention this to say that maybe if you made your own, you might like it. I dislike that everyone else's versions of these things are either soupy or sweet, both of which make horrible fucking salads.

>> No.20240188

No you don't. You dream of being invited to a dinner party. If you ever were, the last thing you'd do is purposely jeopardize having friends by being a show-stopping prick. You'd never ostracize yourself from everyone by making some twisted social faux pa that only you think is funny but just makes everyone else uncomfortable. You'd never be invited again and you know it. Keep pretending you have a social life. It wouldn't work in the real world.

>> No.20240192

What does alcohol have to do with carbonation? You drank beer? That's a you thing.

>> No.20240199

Your filename got it correct; Brussels. BrusselS. Not "brussel", you casual retard. You probably pronounce sherbet sherBERT, too. In fact, I know you do.

>> No.20240207

nobody cares autist

>> No.20240376

Your father is abhorrent

>> No.20240378

Cheese pizza is not a pizza, it's just called that because otherwise nobody would know what you're referring to.

>> No.20240401

I tried chicken livers for the first time earlier today, I won't eat those again.

>> No.20240402


>> No.20240678

Anything with mushrooms,

>> No.20240685

Cheap carbs. Smoked, singed or cured meats. Fried anything. Catfish, carp or other bottom feeders. Processed foods. Most people who still invite me know I carry two apples and just eat those until I'm home again, then it's soup or sald with protein. I refuse to eat crap.

>> No.20240689

Ironically, the best macaroni salad I've had was made by "brownoids." Hawaiian macaroni salad changed my fucking life.

>> No.20240690

Non-white rice.

>> No.20241349


>> No.20241352


>> No.20242393

You mean


>> No.20242399

Daily reminder that pickiness is associated with neuroticism and lower IQs.

>> No.20242539

i like it but i had some "mediterranean" style pasta salad from maybe publix or wally world and it was sex, much more so than 'oni 'lad

>> No.20242547

why do you refuse to eat that OP?)
schizo or autism?

>> No.20242556

Nice paragraph of seethe, faggot. lmao

>> No.20242562


>> No.20242565

are you american? I've found that the only people who complain about mayonnaise online are americans and it's because the mayonnaise they buy from the store is made with shit ingredients and tastes nothing like actual mayonnaise

>> No.20242572


>> No.20242585

Anything that includes raw tomatoes. I just hate the flavor.

>> No.20242619
File: 55 KB, 800x804, asian laughs at you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i raughed

>> No.20242643

Bet you ain't allergic to DEEZ NUTS

>> No.20242686

you will not eat.. pasta? weird.

>> No.20242722
File: 127 KB, 635x395, 98degrees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mostly the only thing I usually pass up is the chips and dip before dinner, because of the seed oils, but my family is mostly pretty cool about putting out vegetables to dip instead, like carrots and celery sticks, the major foods i just put a small scoop of everything no matter what it is

>> No.20242729

All the more for me

>> No.20242828

>because of the seed oils
meds, take your

>> No.20242885

Anything with horseradish or Dijon mustard. Totally overpowers any other flavor and makes it inedible. Same goes for wasabi on Japanese food.

>> No.20242927


regardless, chips are high calorie, and soaked in oil

>> No.20242933

Why are you like this? Are you really so addicted to processed slop that you feel the need to be so defensive when people mention that they avoid foods that have been proven beyond any doubt to be terrible for your health? Do you get mad when you hear people say that they don't drink or smoke?

>> No.20243045

>foods that have been proven beyond any doubt to be terrible for your health?
Just like the moon landings have been proven fake, right retardo?

>> No.20243076

Yet you will eat plant oils by the gallon

>> No.20243601

you mean sorbet?

>> No.20243618

are you autistic? genuine question

>> No.20243754

I agree. Only boomers like this shit. I like pasta and I like mayo on a chicken sandwich or something, but mayo salads suck. Don't like potato salad either. Coleslaw is ok.

>> No.20243773
File: 896 KB, 175x200, 1595489182954.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get that is possible to go your entire life without eating good Mac/pasta Salid but holy shit try a little harder. Mac Salad especially the stuff you get from hawaiian places are fucking amazing. And I don't even like tuna or Mayo that much.

>> No.20243787
File: 68 KB, 768x1024, PoutineStupidestFoodEver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was picrel.
That's the only thing I wouldn't eat. On principle alone.

>> No.20243829

i also hate canada

>> No.20244260

Those two things are inversely correlated

>> No.20244267
File: 97 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_4145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably anything with this on it. And not just the Hellmans variety

>> No.20244272

I have had it many times and the only time it was good was at that poorfag store in the uk, nescos or something.

>> No.20244546
File: 252 KB, 125x125, zzz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about the true alfredo sauce of just butter and parmesan, no heavy cream

>> No.20244576

Yeah, can't recommend it either.
>It's delicious !
Indeed ; it's also the only thing that could give Teen Me "Taco Bell diarrhea", a status Taco Bell food itself didn't inflict on my younger self.

>> No.20244585

I just never got dessert as a child so I fill up on main course out of habit and never really developed a taste for sweets outside of soda pop or fruit pies. Even then I love strawberry rhubarb since it's nice and tart

>> No.20244637
File: 63 KB, 700x467, Marinated-Olives-Mushrooms-and-Mozzarella-bowl-cookingwithcurls.com-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Olives and mushrooms. Olives because of the taste, mushrooms because of autism.

>> No.20244642

If their only exposure to "mayo" is miracle whip, i could hardly blame them.

>> No.20244668

i refuse to drink anything with a straw. it is the faggiest most ridiculous way to consume a beverage

>> No.20244685
File: 197 KB, 1200x680, huitres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two common foods I can't stand : raw tomatoes and cucumber (raw or cooked) .
I suffer in summer parties.

>> No.20244689
File: 47 KB, 550x413, salade-tomatesconcombres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong pic but i also dislike oysters.

>> No.20245198

it bypasses the ice

>> No.20245264
File: 612 KB, 3000x3000, 1687485157299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the only thing I *wouldn't* refuse!

>> No.20245270

You've never been a guest in someone's home.