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File: 534 KB, 522x559, ELYSIAN-SPACE-DUST-IPA-6PK-NR-12OZ-Beer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20236895 No.20236895 [Reply] [Original]

what is the appeal of IPAs? every single time I've tried them I've hated them. both craft and larger brews, they all taste like you pissed on wheat soil fermented with rotten apple for 200 years

>> No.20236904

I enjoy the overwhelming bitter with the hint of sour/malty.

>> No.20236911

I like them. Just don't have a sweet tooth.

>> No.20236919

Some people like the bitterness. They're easy to make but difficult to get right, I can't think of a single traditional IPA that I really enjoy. I can do Hazy IPAs though, they're less harsh and more flavorful in my opinion.

>> No.20236921

>Just don't have a sweet tooth
that actually explains every single IPA lover i've known and never realized until now

>> No.20236932

I guess this makes sense. I enjoy bitter but not overwhelmingly amount. I look for a crisp finish which is probably why I like pilsners and lagers

>> No.20236934
File: 256 KB, 530x535, 1699150969328545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try hazies. New Trail is my favorite IPA brewer and they are getting popular with normies now. IPAs can be really shit or really good. Another option is dogfish head, their IPAs are very malty and sweet, which I don't care for in an IPA, but someone who doesn't like IPAs probably would. Their 90 minute IPA is cheap and popular, and can be found nationwide. The hops IPAs use have a unique citrus profile, which make them distinct from other beers. I generally like stouts and porters, but IPAs are appealing to me.

>> No.20236951

I like 'em, once went through a bit of a phase, but I'm not so hopped up over them any more. ha. There are interesting complexities to be found in high IBU beers, pleasant tropical, citrus floral and piny notes are common, and more unusual ones. You do have to get over the bitterness hurdle, which means it becomes the beer equivalent of super spicy memefood at times. Doesn't mean it can't be good. They can be sweet though, and that balances the bitterness. Fucking Dogfish Head 120 minute IPA is a bottle of delectable syrup.

>> No.20236964

the hazy fruity ones and "milkshake" ones with lactose in them are less bitter, maybe try some of those

>> No.20236986

they're just strong beer, but they're not malt like mad dog 40/40 blue raspberry cans or high gravity shit like hurricane/steel reserve/king cobra
elysian i almost kind of like as a break from shit like tropical beer hug or green voodoo ranger

>> No.20236996

I hate IPAs but recently had a tropical milkshake IPA or something that I thought I wasn't going to like but it was actually ok.

>> No.20237452

>Aw snap! My hoppy malty IPA is splooging out of the can!
*slurrrps excess of tip of the can*
Mmm yeah
*takes tiny 0.5ml sip out of the can*
>Oooohhh damn! That's freakin fruity and hoppy! Reminds me of the 2021 Cat's Asshole Special Brew (Atheism Edition).
*pours 1/4 of can into beer can shaped glass*
>Let's let this sucker decant and reach temperature for JUST a few minutes. In the meanwhile, I can introduce you to Jamal? Hands off though, he's mine!

>> No.20237458

was your dad a movie theater 'cuz you're good at projecting

>> No.20237459
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Depends on the IPA, I don't like the super bitter ones, but there are plenty which are sweet and fruity. Plus the extra hops make them the perfect beer to drink while smoking weed.

>> No.20238170

why not just drink german beers that were brewed under the german purity laws of 1516?

california is drowning in the faggotry brought upon the state via indian pajeerte-ale

>> No.20238183
File: 71 KB, 720x765, 1629671475347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just drink beers brewed under the reinheitsgebot!
>most ipas fall under that description
Literally every IPA thread.

>> No.20238195
File: 263 KB, 1242x932, BD83DF1F-DBCC-42F8-94C1-B039F48F34B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y’all mind if i just post the best ipa on the market?

>> No.20238198

Is your comment a big pile of dogshit because IT STINKS :/

>> No.20238205

somehow you've managed to be more cringe than the utter faggots you're trying to mock

>> No.20238254

They're usually stronger so I can get drunk more quickly

>> No.20238347

>gluten fizzle pops
>*jaw drops jazz hands!!!!*

>> No.20238381

I like IPA's but unlike other beers i can drink if i leave an opened unfinished out, IPA's do taste like piss, soil, and rotten apples

>> No.20238383

That's not Two Hearted.

>> No.20238385

thank god

>> No.20238425
File: 244 KB, 1015x1280, pils.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IPAfags are the absolute worst. Drink pilsners like a real man.

>> No.20238465

Two Hearted is mediocre. Most IPAs are better than it.

>> No.20238488

thank you for confirming that only people with utterly defective senses enjoy IPA's
Enjoy the man tits.

>> No.20238492

Bitter plant with a wide range of complex flavors in water. It's the same appeal as tea.

>> No.20238498

ah yes, because nobody has ever enjoyed dark roast black coffee before.

>> No.20238528

>real men drink the smoothest most girly beer

>> No.20238536

>real men drink room-temp sour urine that exceeds any reasonable ABV & gives you literal breasts the next morning, while pretending that it tastes good

>> No.20238555

German purity laws have nothing to do with purity, they were imposed so that people didn't malt all of their wheat & rye grain to make beer instead of bread and so that brewers had to use hops which were heavily taxed compared to gruit beers. like the other anon says most IPAs comply with the reinheitsgebot.

>> No.20238576

IPA is a meaningless label that just means "we put in a bunch of strong tasting hops"
Your average IPA ceased to be a fucking Pale Ale like a decade ago
You've got sweet, you've got bitter, you've got everything in between

>> No.20238584

Where does this idea that "real men" aren't supposed to take pleasure in anything or enjoy themselves come from?

>> No.20238594

coming at it the wrong way. they like the bad things

>> No.20238604

I haven't seen an IPA in a decade. I thought they had disappeared (which they should have).

>> No.20238612

That's a long time to stay in the basement. You should unironically touch grass.

>> No.20238722


This is true of most beer types; there aren't really any laws regulating which beer is allowed to be called which type & most of it is decided by marketing, besides ales & lagers using fundamentally different kinds of yeast.
To qualify as an IPA a beer just has to use ale yeast & be somewhere on a scale of bitterness associated with the style.
You can brew a beer with pilsner malt, German or Czech hops & it will technically be an IPA if you use ale yeast and add enough hops for its IBU (bitterness measurement) to be within the range accepted for IPAs.

>> No.20238767

They have an appeal for both the brewer & the consumer:
>Can be high ABV & hence sold at a higher price than a lager or normal ale.
>Hop flavours actually degrade with ageing meaning that the beer doesn't have to be aged at all. High ABV, low hopped beers normally need to be aged for a very long time which takes up lots of storage space (look how expensive cask ales/imperial stouts are compared to DIPAs)
>Brewers can just crank out IPAs, can & bottle them and they'll end up on a shelf or in a bar in a month compared to half a year or longer.
>Hops are freezable and take up very little shelf space compared to malt. With just a sack of pale ale/2 row malt, you can create exponentially more IPAs with like 10 hop varieties in your freezer
>Hops are much more replaceable in ingredients than malts or specialty malts.
>Craft lagers or pilsners don't sell well because commercial alternatives are always cheaper & more consistent and will basically taste the same as yours. They also must be lagered in a special refrigerator which costs a lot of money & takes up space in your brewery. Not worth the investment.
>People don't give a shit about malts anyways, malt is cheap but it takes up lots of space and can go stale/rot/be eaten by rats

>They can buy high ABV beers and people won't look down on them the same way they would if they bought malt liquor or a handle of vodka
>Learning a bit about hop varieties makes them feel smart & they like to show off that they can tell the difference between a beer with Galaxy or Cascade hops & why
>The brewery that is churning out new IPA recipes every month gives them an excuse to drink a couple 8-9% beers every couple days and go to bars weekly even if they have a wife or GF who disapproves of them drinking

>> No.20238796

>They can buy high ABV beers and people won't look down on them the same way they would if they bought malt liquor or a handle of vodka
Because they taste good.
>Learning a bit about hop varieties makes them feel smart & they like to show off that they can tell the difference between a beer with Galaxy or Cascade hops & why
Knowing the difference between galaxy and cascade doesn't make anyone feel smart. If you can't tell the two apart you must have broken taste buds. You don't know have to know specific hops to enjoy a beer. It's like knowing different grape varietals with wine; sure, it can help you choose something you know you like, but it doesn't really matter for most people.
>The brewery that is churning out new IPA recipes every month gives them an excuse to drink a couple 8-9% beers every couple days and go to bars weekly even if they have a wife or GF who disapproves of them drinking
People go out to bars with their wives and gfs. What the fuck are you even talking about? Beer isn't a male or female thing, nor is IPA specifically.

>> No.20238893

>pretending that it tastes good
I'm not gonna weigh into this faggy back and forth about IPA ,except to say that this implausible cope that people that like things you dislike are "only pretending" is because you're a bitch that's quiveringly fearful of the existence of subjectivity
larping as a real man on the fast food appreciation channel of an autism support messageboard is as close as you'll get to being a real man

aktion t4 didn't happen, but it should have

>> No.20238950

Most women I’ve met don’t like beer, but of course some do. I’ve met girly girls who drink carlsberg elephant and dykes who’d only touch mixed drinks.

>> No.20238964

At least in the US, women definitely tend to order wine more often while men tend to order beer, but it's not like if you go to a brewpub or a restaurant with 16 rotating taps it's going to be all men. And among the women who do prefer beer, I don't think IPA really skews more toward either sex. Lot's of men who are really into beer don't like IPA. Some people just don't like beer that's hop forward, both men and women, and some people do. It's really that simple.

>> No.20239034

>IPA means nothing except that it uses a very specific kind of hops in large quantities
What did anon mean by this

>> No.20239247

Anon's post was incoherent before you misquoted her.

>> No.20240806

>what is the appeal of IPAs?
They're fast, cheap and easy to make and sell like hotcakes. On the drinking side, a big part if the appeal is the hop profile.

>every single time I've tried them I've hated them. both craft and larger brews, they all taste like you pissed on wheat soil fermented with rotten apple for 200 years
IPAs come in different styles. So called west-coast IPAs tend to go full retard on the bitterness and I generally hate them. East coast IPAs are basically just pale ales with more hop flavor and I like them a lot.

>German purity laws have nothing to do with purity, they were imposed so that people didn't malt all of their wheat & rye grain to make beer instead of bread
And also price-fixing as a form of protectionism against imported beer. The Reinheitsgebot was more-or-less just a Bavarian thing for the first 350 years of its existence and wasn't national until Bavaria made it a condition of unification. Even then it was mostly ignored or viewed as token legislation until after WWII when Germans were desperately looking for a national identity that didn't involve genocide.

>and so that brewers had to use hops which were heavily taxed compared to gruit beers.
Literally the opposite; the political impetus behind the mandate to use hops was because the Catholic church held a monopoly on the commercial production of brewing herbs while hops grow prodigiously in southern Germany in general and Bavaria in particular.

>> No.20240852

A six pack will get me buzzed better than a 12 pack of regular beer
All there is to it

>> No.20240867

It's the aftertaste. I like a stiff beer I can sip and get a ton of flavor out of through the long lingering aftertaste.

>> No.20240873

>every single time I've tried them I've hated them
Try one that wasn't brewed on the West coast. Califags have no taste whatsoever.

>> No.20240907


IPAs are usually pretty expensive because they have shitload of new world hops which are relatively expensive

>> No.20240982

>IPAs are usually pretty expensive
I meant to brew, not to buy.

>because they have shitload of new world hops which are relatively expensive
First, that depends on the beer. Something like a DIPA, yeah, sure, that's a lot of hops. The average IPA? Not so much. You throw in something like chinook during the boil for that mouth-raping bitterness and then toss in some citra or something at the end and wa la; stick some vaguely countercultural art on the can and you're good to go. Second, the ingredient bill is not the only cost involved with making beer. IPAs are quick and dead simple to brew and that also reduces the price per barrel.

>> No.20242477

Hazies are great

You get some really delicious and interesting tastes/notes from the hops but yeah the extra bitterness is something that you need to get acclimated to. Plus they usually have a higher ABV which is nice sometimes.

You can do all of it anon. That's like saying "Yeah bro real men only drink cabernet" it's fucking stupid.

>> No.20244355

>Try one that wasn't brewed on the West coast. Califags have no taste whatsoever.
SD IPA's are the best. NE Hazies are for fucking faggots. Just drink some juice, FFS.

>> No.20244384
File: 23 KB, 377x251, 1578844531258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like all beers. Especially stouts. Nothing wrong with expanding your horizons a bit.

>> No.20244485

Midwest pale ales are undoubtedly the best. They are the happy medium between the sugar bomb east coast hazy and the hop bomb west coast. Simple as that.

>> No.20244695

Fuck off reddit nigger. Go choke on some soy milk. Ipa drinkers are objectively more gay and pathetic. You have no way to overcome this obvious notion pleb.

>> No.20245147

That one in particular is gross, my dad said it tastes like sweat.

>> No.20245222
File: 46 KB, 1200x800, sierra_nevada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actual best ipa coming through

>> No.20245238

>I like all beers
That's the weird thing about people like that. They hate IPAs, and then always bring up one specific other style and say that's the only good beer, when in reality 99% of people who enjoy IPAs drink a wide variety of different styles. It's like a vegetarian saying a non-vegetarian never eats vegetables, which is absurd.

>> No.20245242

That's not an IPA.

>> No.20245261

it is an ipa.

>> No.20245278

Sierra Nevada makes an IPA. It's called Torpedo. Their pale ale is great, and probably one of the most important beers in the craft movement, but it's absolutely not an IPA. Try it next to their Torpedo and you'll be able to tell the very clear difference in style.

>> No.20245280

real men base their masculinity on their jobs, their accomplishments, their skills and their ideals
beta males base their masculinity on objects and food, because they have nothing else to prove their masculinity with. Saying shit like “real men drink ____” just shows that you a lesser male whose idea of masculinity begins ands ends with the bottle

>> No.20245284

>real men base their masculinity on their jobs
Cuck take.

>> No.20245355

>what is the appeal of IPAs?
For me it's the high ABV with a somewhat beer like drinking experience.
Same reason I buy steel reserve and similar. But once in a while I'll see a gay looking can of 10% ABV IPA and drink that instead.

>> No.20245361

Anyone talking about what "real men" do is just trying to convince themselves they're a "real man".
You'll make it anon, just don't overthink life.

>> No.20245380

Some people like bitter flavors.
It's not that complicated when you think about it. Cocoa, vanilla, cinnamon, all of these taste extremely bitter on their own. But a lot of people can still appreciate their flavor regardless which is where they get the idea of mixing them with milk and sugar.

Simply put, some people like those flavors with and without the milk and sugar. And there's a lot to say about hops as far as citrus and pine goes.

If anyone gives you shit for not liking them, they can fuck off. But conversely, you need to realize that other people actually like fermented barely tea with hops infusions.

>> No.20245438

>i don't care about the flavor, i just like a high abv
>the only times i pick an ipa over malt liquor is when it has a gay label
Anon...I think you might be gay.

>> No.20245445

Pilsners/lagers are just as popular with women as with men. The only male-dominant beers are porters and maybe red ales

>> No.20245458

>a lot of people can still appreciate their flavor regardless which is where they get the idea of mixing them with milk and sugar
That's my main problem with people who rage against IPAs. They don't seem to understand that their pilsner or stout also contains hops, and wouldn't be as good if it didn't. It's the same thing with the reinheitsgebot always being brought up as an argument against IPA, when most IPAs are made from those 4 basic ingredients. I think the most straight forward example is milk chocolate vs dark chocolate, and how dark chocolate has different percentages, because people prefer different levels of bitterness.
>if anyone gives you shit for not liking them, they can fuck off
That's the other thing that annoys me. People online who don't like IPAs act like they're being persecuted or something, but I've never met anyone irl who gives a shit if you don't like them. It's just a preference, and it's completely understandable that some people simply don't enjoy a hop-forward beer. It's also worth noting that a beer being hop-forward isn't the same as it being unbalanced. That's the reason IPAs tend to be higher abv. More hops means higher IBU, which means you're going to need more malts to balance it out, which means a higher abv. It's really not that complicated.

>> No.20245498

hoppy beers have by far the most phytoestrogens, worse than any other beer or alcohol. makes you a bitch. ever notice the guys who prefer hoppy beers? they look like fags and this is why

>> No.20245518

idk I like IPAs and dislike lagers. Stouts and porters are good too.

>> No.20245526

Biers are cringe

>> No.20245550

I base myasculinity on wearing dresses and not giving a fuck when right wingers chimp out

>> No.20247534

Some lagers are great. I remember there was this "space" lager that tasted amazing (it was 7%).

>> No.20247541

just drink hard liquor then.

>> No.20247546

I didn't realize people still believed this retarded nonsense.

Have you been disconnected from society since 2018?

>> No.20247556

The problem is through lack of control you only want to drink a certain amount that night. You can buy a certain amount through buying bombers (19.2oz beer) and not have any more. A 750mL liquor is like 17 drinks. Yeah I get I'm a lessor person for not being able to control myself, but I can pretend to have control by just buying how much alcohol I want to drink that night.

>> No.20247560

You can do that too with liquor, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.20247564

There are 375mL liquor or those single-shot 50mL. Strong beer is better in my opinion and tastes better.

>> No.20247567

You don't have to drink the entire bottle you retarded alcoholic.

You might need to stop drinking completely

>> No.20247583

>but I can pretend to have control by just buying how much alcohol I want to drink that night
>You don't have to drink the entire bottle you retarded alcoholic.
Yeah I get that and I was just trying to make that the point. At the later stages I drink everything I can so by only buying what I can to have a fun night I actually limit myself.

>> No.20247778

>both craft and larger brews
The fuck does this mean?

>> No.20247796
File: 284 KB, 780x2340, 1579300802312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean it took me awhile to get to this point, but its possible as long as you give it time and acquire a taste for beers besides ales.

>> No.20247800
File: 1.22 MB, 500x250, 1513023667411 (2020_09_30 14_42_46 UTC).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look there's nothing inherently wrong with not liking bitter beer, but acting as tho everyone who doesn't have the palate of an 8 year old is somehow defective is, uh, quite embarrassing for you

>> No.20247804

oh fucks sake, this >>20247800 was meant for this guy >>20238488

>> No.20249087

>pissed on wheat soil fermented with rotten apple
it unironically sounds like you are drinking old beer that's been sitting in a gas station or grocery chain for too long
after about 3 months from when the beer was brewed the flavors from hops starts to break down and can eventually taste as you described, bitter, sour apple

try finding something with a born on date within 3 months if you want to try ipas again
but honestly why bother, just pick old world style lagers and ales
the market needs to return to that anyway

>> No.20249094

The appeal is the same as it was the last 10 times you made this thread.
Stick to your hard lemonade and smirnoff ice, fag.

>> No.20249114

>they all taste like you pissed on wheat soil fermented with rotten apple for 200 years
yeah except for extremely bitter, you nailed it.

>> No.20249193
File: 160 KB, 480x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not gay. I have relationships with women... and drink IPAs.

>> No.20249358

High alcohol content.
Anyone telling you anything else is a filthy liar.

>> No.20249713
File: 297 KB, 550x736, screencap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit is delicious but it really doesn't taste like an IPA

>> No.20250131

>t. bitchtits

>> No.20251225

that's the quintessential IPA dumb ass

>> No.20251252

>that's the quintessential IPA for normies dumb ass

>> No.20251278

for me its amber ales and stouts
I like my fermented grain tea to taste like fermented grain
hoppiness is a false god

>> No.20252503

>hops are from same family as cannabis
>can't smoke weed bc of job
>want to have some of the relaxing effects of hemp and don't want normie roommates drinking my shit.
>like exploring different strains of hops

>> No.20252546
File: 93 KB, 207x225, luhffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the appeal of beer in general?
Tastes like shit and takes forever to get buzzed or drunk and is literally liquid bread caloriewise

Why not something hard?
>I'm not an alcoholic
Don't drink alot of it then, just enough to get buzzed or drunk
>It tastes bad
So does beer, but at least with hard shit you can mix with soda/juice/tea/etc.

>> No.20253905

I personally despise IPAs but I still drink them because of price. My local liquor store has a huge discount if you buy 4 six-packs that are on a rotating list. A 50 dollar bill can turn into 30 bucks, so when IPAs are on special I will choke them down. I love Abbey ales, trippels, Belgium dark ales, smoked beers, Old Ales/Barley wines, dopplebocks, almost anything trappist, and a handful of lagers that arent brrwed with rice or corn. That being said I can stand a couple styles of IPA, the ones that use citra hops are palatable because they have a strong citrus flavor and some Brand's imperial IPAs that balance out the bitterness with sweetness. Most IPAs aren't like that though, they just taste like bitter piss with the small burn of alcohol. Not pleasant.

>> No.20253919

Good beer doesn't taste bad. For most of my young life as a US citizen I just assumed shit like Budweiser, Coors etc was what beer was. The second I tried a real beer, I was hooked. My first real taste of beer was new Belgium fat tire, the original recipe. Then I got some Samuel Smiths oatmeal stout and my eyes were opened.

>> No.20254210
File: 15 KB, 400x400, 1575864491967.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the appeal of beer in general?
If you have to ask you don't really need to know. Stick to water.

>> No.20254340

IPAs are over 50% of what smaller breweries all over the world makes, thus there are countless bad/poorly balanced IPAs out there.

The main appeal is from the high amount of dry hopping done to it, an ideal IPA should be very sweet, bitter enough to make you wanna keep drinking the sweet, and then finally and very crucially FRESH herb/earth flavors coming from the dry hops, flavors like citrus, mango and all that stuff should be a result of a high amount of hops added while fermenting and the freshness requies high amount of oxygen control.

They should also be enjoyed cold, and young. an IPA older than 5 months is probably starting to go "bad" aka losing the freshness of the hops

>> No.20254354

Actually the calories in Beer almost all come from the alcohol content.

So in reality hard liquor is way more unhealthy for you, wine too!

Wine enthusiasts often spout the health benefits of wine, and it's true, wine has several substances in it that has positive effects, but almost all those substances are also found in beer...

Also, If you want to give it another try, I'd suggest you to try a belgian blond or a saison at 6-7%, cool it down to cellar temp and try that!

>> No.20254416

I disagree. In my experience as a liqour store clerk 5 years ago and my experiences in bars and pubs over the past 10 years hoppy beers attract more men than women and its probably at a 5:1 ratio.

>> No.20254561
File: 93 KB, 258x177, mead nerd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is the appeal of IPAs? every single time I've tried them I've hated them. both craft and larger brews, they all taste like you pissed on wheat soil fermented with rotten apple for 200 years

>> No.20254568

Restaurant worker: Yeah when women go for beers, they usually go for sours/fruited beers, at least from my experience. They do go for IPAs after that, but I wouldn't say they do any more than men. Usually dwarfed immensely by women who drink wine, mixed drinks and seltzer/canned cocktails.

>> No.20254776

They have lots of alcohol, that's the appeal

>> No.20255207

Traditional English IPAs are great. American IPAs are way too fruity and floral in comparison.

>> No.20255217

It's for 25-39 year old faggots who enjoy the high abv, once your hit 40 you return to the lower abv beers that don't taste like shit. Nobody really enjoys IPAs lol.

>> No.20255220

If a novel subject tasted your favorite beer for the first time, they'd think it tastes bad. We only think it tastes good because we already like beer in general.

>> No.20255536

Based and East Kent Goldings-pilled
Can't stand cloying New World hops & German noble hops are just too bitter & plain. English hops are the best all round IMO.

>> No.20255555

The strength is what gets people to acquire a taste. Most popular IPAs are 6.5-9abv and heavily mask the taste with bitterness and a bunch of flavors. Hops produce a shit ton of different resins and compounds, they are in the same family as weed which can taste like anything from blueberries to pine trees. So using a shit ton of them creates uncommon beer flavors. Also alcohol tastes like alcoholy the more intoxicated you are. So essentially IPAs are popular with people that wanna get beer drunk but don’t want to drink cheap strong beer. Many of them eventually wind up into wine or whiskey.

>> No.20255837

I tried it all, starting with normal beers, whisky, and wine that my parents had. When I started buying my own alcohol, I bought mostly vodka. Then I had a phase of very cheap port wine, but it was too sweet to keep up for too long. Finally I settled into Colt 45 and Steel Reserves, and high ABV IPAs, with vodka once in a blue moon.