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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 654 KB, 1279x1280, schnitzel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20228128 No.20228128 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.20228155

That's a milanesa.

>> No.20228159

that's fried chicken

>> No.20228194

>starts gossiping about pronounciation

>> No.20228232

going to restaurants (they all use bottom of the barrel seed oils)

>> No.20228236

I suggested we split the check and they tore it In half.

>> No.20228244
File: 1.50 MB, 250x233, 1678301567962299.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tell the young woman i'm with how to pronounce gnocchi when she asks me before the waiter even shows up to ask
>tell her how to pronounce it a second time because she is nervous and wants to make sure she gets it right
>she ends up fumbling and asking the waiter how to pronounce it anyway
>for some reason she thought they would be like ravioli and so she ended up being disappointed anyway
>despite the fact I told her exactly what they were and what they would taste like
>"Hehe, guess this is what I get for ordering something different, huh anon?"

>> No.20228252

We allow these retards to vote think about that one

>> No.20228278
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>> No.20228282
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Sauce Katsudon

>> No.20228289
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>> No.20228482

>they eat mayo
>they eat italian dressing
>they eat/drink memes (soda [includes energy drinks because energy drinks are just soda], things with brand name crap added to other things [cinnadust, etc.])
>knife in left hand
>has wine with dinner
>"must. try. something. new."
>steals fry from you
>orders a salad
>tries to have a convo with the waiter/waitress
>uses dipping sauces
>doesn't order lemonade or coffee as the drink
>doesn't dash salt on their food before eating it as a blessing
>is vegan

>> No.20228856

Chicken fried chicken, technically.

>> No.20228878


>> No.20228917


>> No.20228921

where kartoffeln

>> No.20229052

much better than a shitzel

>> No.20229079

You’re batting about 0.400, placing you snuggly in the faggot category.

>> No.20229110

why is nobody talking about the schnitzel to sneedcel pipeline

>> No.20229116

Picture this: A schnitzel, golden and crispy, lying there in all its glory. It's not just food; it's a testament to the skill, tradition, and cultural heritage. A dish that demands respect, both in its preparation and consumption. It's the kind of meal that brings families together, that serves as the centerpiece of a feast where stories are shared, and bonds are forged. But somewhere down the line, we lost our way

Enter the sneedcel, the latest evolution (or devolution, depending on how you look at it) of the modern internet dweller. The term itself, a bastardization of words so convoluted yet so fitting, represents the decline from that golden, crispy pinnacle of the schnitzel. The sneedcel doesn't dine on schnitzel; no, they subsist on a diet far removed from tradition, opting instead for whatever is easiest, most accessible, and least demanding of effort or respect

This isn't just about food, though. It's a metaphor for what we've become. From taking the time to learn and perfect the art of cooking a schnitzel, to mindlessly clicking "Order Now" on whatever app fills the void with the least amount of human interaction. It reflects a broader shift from valuing craftsmanship, tradition, and community to prioritizing convenience, isolation, and instant gratification

The schnitzel to sneedcel pipeline isn't a simple cause-and-effect; it's symptomatic of a society that's lost its way, that values the individual's immediate needs and desires over the collective well-being and continuity of cultural heritage. It's a warning, an omen of what happens when we forget where we came from and no longer care about where we're going

So, what's the solution? Do we abandon all hope, resign ourselves to our sneedcel fate? Or do we take a stand, reclaim the schnitzel and all it represents? The choice is ours, but remember, every time you opt for that easy, soulless meal, you're not just feeding yourself; you're fueling the pipeline

End of rant. Anon out.

>> No.20229155


>> No.20229170

>they eat mayo
Nothing better with french fries.
>has wine with dinner
Nothing wrong with a nice glass of wine with a meal
>uses dipping sauces
A number of foods are designed to be eaten with sauces, such as french fries.
>doesn't order lemonade or coffee
That is just you a fuck. Just because I prefer to have water with my meal?
>doesn't dash salt on their food before eating it as a blessing
What kind of retarded superstitious bullshit is this? You're not just a fuck, you're a retarded fuck.

>> No.20229186

Having a drink with your meal is stupid because you have to put your cutlery down to take a sip. It's eating time, not drinking time.

>> No.20229195
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>> No.20229414

Based. Americans should fix their retarded nigger tier language or be faced with shit like this.

>> No.20229463

isn't that correct

>> No.20229506

If you're eating so ravenously that putting your utensils down to quench your thirst is that abhorrent to you, maybe you shouldn't wait so long to eat fucker?

>> No.20229524


>> No.20229538

And drive cars for that matter

>> No.20229543

>forgetting UK has its own type of digganobs
its all bad anywhere ya go.

>> No.20229623

You're telling me a chicken fried that chicken?

>> No.20230674
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>> No.20230676

you're telling me a cis teen painted that chapel?

>> No.20230688

That joke wouldn’t land 10 years ago. Nice to see new comedy!

>> No.20230696

That boring plate looks like it could use some mustard to sparkle it up.

>> No.20230766

why are americans scared of schnitzels?

>> No.20230835

fat fuck
bet the salarymen laughed at you behind your back

>> No.20230960
File: 708 KB, 2267x3209, IMG_9333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs some ham, pineapple, peas, carrots, fried tomato, sausage, banana fritter, and a Guinness for a drink

>> No.20230983

not a speck of seasoning on those vegetables. probably not even salted. grim

>> No.20230990

see them posting on this board

>> No.20231004

I'm more worried about your ravenous thirst that isn't sufficiently assauged during the course of your meal by the moisture content of your food. It could be diabetes.

>> No.20231011

imagine not having a drink with your meal. fucking alien

>> No.20231016

What for?

>> No.20231025

The tonkatsu looks greasy. Real greasy. This place looks low quality.

>> No.20231028

sorry i dont exchange dialogue with non-human entities

>> No.20231034

I see. You're starting to suspect you might be retarded and are afraid to have that confirmed.

>> No.20231043
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>> No.20231046

Anglos are a plague on this world

>> No.20231048

They could have just called it a kebab or doner, but Gr**koids have to pretend they're not Turkish

>> No.20231082

sorry i dont exchange dialogue with non-human entities

>> No.20231174
File: 3.38 MB, 480x270, 4ehmxsrofw191.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

signs you are dining with a retard.

>> No.20231175

open your mouth, the airplane is coming in for a landing

>> No.20231190

Plus there's no curry.

>> No.20231192

Creepy types grab and pocket ketchup or mustard packets, that's a good sign that the person is a scumbag and to not go anywhere with it again.

>> No.20231201

Mayonnaise packets also, anyone that grabs and pockets those is a guaranteed scumbucket to be avoided.

>> No.20231228

I never leave Taco Bell without at least two fistfuls of hot sauce packets

>> No.20231236


>> No.20231291
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>> No.20231296

Apparrently that didn't work out too well for musselini did it?

>> No.20232809

That's a tonkastu

>> No.20232821

It was all a very elaborate and specific fetish.

>> No.20232838
File: 51 KB, 500x638, cdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're telling me some wood fired a pizza?

>> No.20232856
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>go back in time and steal all the best jokes ever written to be the greatest comedian in history
Never actually imagined doing that. Bretty funny though.

>> No.20232875

They winge about making carbonara with bacon.

It makes the euro-nigger guineas from shithole NYC and Jersey ree with uncontrollable convulsions.

They talk about authentic cuisine but don’t know noodles are from Asia and tomatoes and peppers are from the Americas. Italians have no culture. Unless you count being greasy assholes who commit crime and dress like buffoons.

>> No.20232907

>they like jacket potatoes
that's disgusting and anyone who like potato skins is a retard

>> No.20232916

also, ppl being vegan or vegetarian is not a sign of retardation but it is proof that that person is self-centered, preachy and likes to make other people feel uncomfortable.

>> No.20232919

>irredeemably shit taste
>on /ck/

>> No.20232932

it's just as I said

>> No.20232934

>also, ppl being vegan or vegetarian is not a sign of retardation but it is proof that that person is self-centered, preachy and likes to make other people feel uncomfortable.
I will eat freedom fries with my cheeseburger, and if you don't like it, go to France or Canada and live with the rest of those surrender monkies.

>> No.20233047

Stop taking my wife out to dinner you bastard

>> No.20233075

I know Im in the minority but I avoid the burger section on any menu. They just kinda suck. Ground up and then reconstituted mush

>> No.20233087

I can tell you've never dipped fries in vanilla milkshake

>> No.20233096
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>> No.20233099


>> No.20233113
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>> No.20233217


>> No.20233633


>> No.20233651


>> No.20233654

Looks good actually

>> No.20234331

I have, it's not to my taste personally.

>> No.20234613

You mean Milanga, right

>> No.20234661

why is it always chubby, pasty faggots who wear iWatches?

>> No.20235728

Why do spics cling to their language so stubbornly even when speaking in English? No spic will ever say wienerschnitzel, they'll always say milanesa. And likewise they'll always say morcilla instead of blood sausage/black pudding. It's like though Spanish were a linguistic virus of some sort.

>> No.20235754

>bruh-shetta, not bruh-sketta

>> No.20235821
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>> No.20237604
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Clear your palette and take the time to taste your food you goddamn pig.

>> No.20237646
File: 49 KB, 780x439, donair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one is calling your pic donair. Donair is a type of beef kebab only found in Canada. Donair and döner are mutually exclusive

>> No.20237813

Great question OP.
>Difficulty maintaining eye contact or engaging in conversation.
>Challenges with understanding social cues, such as interrupting or speaking at inappropriate times.
>Difficulty following the flow of conversation or responding appropriately to topics.
>Struggles with using utensils or navigating the dining experience independently.
>Limited awareness of personal space or table manners.
>Repeating certain phrases or topics excessively.
>Showing signs of anxiety or discomfort in social situations.
>Unusual or repetitive behaviors, such as tapping, rocking, or fidgeting.
>Expressing frustration or confusion about the dining environment or expectations.
>Needing extra support or assistance with various aspects of the meal, such as reading the menu or making choices.

>> No.20237825

>Needing extra support or assistance with various aspects of the meal, such as reading the menu or making choices.
women confirmed for retarded

>> No.20237826
File: 215 KB, 1024x767, 1b9afdf7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20237835

>No other sizes of this image found.

>> No.20237870

>Mutt cant even write it properly
>Calls other retards

Mutt moment

>> No.20238886


>> No.20240758

>mayo with french fries
hou je mol kankerflikker

>> No.20240761

because they think it will help them "exercise" and "count steps". Lets be real, if you're the type of person who counts steps you aren't walking at all

Same as women buying fancy cups to remind them to drink their water uwu and somehow are still always dehydrated and complaining of headaches

>> No.20240855

Do Americans really?

>> No.20241441

>assauged during the course of your meal by the moisture content of your food
Unless you're eating highly underseasoned soup, the odds of your meal succeeding at quenching your thirst are low. Salty liquids from food are thirst provoking.

>> No.20241506

based. but how can i fry them without getting the burning taste of flakesbthat went black?

>> No.20241514


>> No.20241518

strain the oil after each batch

>> No.20241609

Stop posting this

>> No.20241613

tazeekee drives me up a wall. You can't pronounce a "ts" sound? Like we do all the time in pluralizing words that end in 't'?

>> No.20241617
File: 53 KB, 480x357, IMG_0061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just needs some sketti and a sauce of some sort

>> No.20241641
File: 1.87 MB, 2272x1704, Pork_tenderloin_sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just needs a bun, some pickles, onions, and mustard

>> No.20241997

i call that Milanesa, and eat it with mashed potatoes

>> No.20242020
File: 427 KB, 1200x945, Mama-Z-combo-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fired chicken and spaghetti
the greatest combo that most don't know about. fried chicken and pasta with marinara sauce. this would be popular in Australia where most people's favorite dish is chicken Parma. word hasn't reached down there yet.

>> No.20242081

here in Peoria, Illinois a place called Aggatucci's does this, and so does Bernardi's, which is an offshoot of a place called Mona's.

>> No.20242099

>i'm at the table

>> No.20242126
File: 3.97 MB, 360x640, pajeet-slop3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys pajeet and stick to your floor poo slop.

>> No.20242384
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, IMG_0064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dis what I like, fried chicken, side of spaghetti

>> No.20242387

I want this. Where do they serve this?

>> No.20242418

>schnizzle fo rizzle

>> No.20242459

I don't understand the decision to use a random semi-obscure 40k reference here

>> No.20242490


Flips are crazy for bullshit pairings as well. Have you ever been to a Jollibees? Fried chicken, spaghetti with sweet red sauce, and fries are a regular combo there

>> No.20242536

like splitting hairs with limeys.

>> No.20242894

Nta but that was always my plan with a time machine. Steal all the best jokes, every great movie script before it was written, all the best songs. I would keep it all in secret and dripfeed it for long-term fortune.

>> No.20242990
File: 80 KB, 622x960, 1704412529082327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cover that in sausage gravy it will be delicious

>> No.20243019
File: 84 KB, 540x432, 1.+toptitle_11-16-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here in Peoria, Illinois a place called Aggatucci's does this"
Are you familiar with the blog, "the sandwiches of Peoria?"

>> No.20243608

nah, he's too busy crying into his beer.

>> No.20243641
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>> No.20243649
File: 288 KB, 531x563, Screenshot_137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayo homes be makin sure ta wash dem meats fo you put em in da pasta o dey gon be dirty as shieeet maine

>> No.20243661
File: 210 KB, 404x436, Retarded3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm there?

>> No.20243740
File: 302 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_0068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need waffles up in dat shit. And wash dat chicken fo you cook ‘cuz it be dirty n’ shit

>> No.20243757

>schnitzel, japan

>> No.20244426

They're called "snitties" around these parts, bucko.

>> No.20245179

Damn that does look good. I might have that for dinner tomorrow now. Thanks anons.

>> No.20245243

Can you blame them

>> No.20245591

>its like though
what? ESL

>> No.20246283

Low brow thief detected

>> No.20247776

It looks like texas with a haircut.

>> No.20247780


>> No.20248053

Silly anon this is why u dont date non autism women id rather they do the teeheee i dunno what to order autism overload thing then that

>> No.20248851

filete pollo

>> No.20249698
File: 558 KB, 1250x833, 20160418-Steak-au-Poivre-NM-5__1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They order:

>pepper crust steak well done
>with creamed potatoes
>every time

>> No.20250128
File: 130 KB, 642x857, Ron_DeSantis_portrait_2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> thighland

>> No.20250805

is it though?

>> No.20250833

If you're perpetually underhydrated it will remind you that you're not self-aware enough to drink at appropriate times.

>> No.20251157

i got 8/10

>> No.20251947

Holy Christ, you're actually retarded. Sorry, I didn't realize. It isn't sporting to fight a duel of wits with an unarmed opponent.

>> No.20251994

I don't get thirsty eating food because I am always adequately hydrated. Meanwhile, your body malfunctions when food is put in your mouth and you refuse to improve when informed how to correct this. Then you lash out and call other people retarded for having superior habits.

>> No.20252234

no, fuck off

>> No.20252359

Women are pretty retarded

>> No.20252504

If your habits are superior then why are you an autist?

>> No.20253028

what if that's what happens in reality?

>> No.20253168
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You dumb bitch

>> No.20253509

>I want this. Where do they serve this?
That dish is called “Chicken Maryland” and you can find it in Scotland most often at Chinese restaurants even though it’s not a Chinese dish.

“In some Chinese restaurants in the United Kingdom (particularly in Scotland) Chicken Maryland can be found under the "European" or "British" section of the menu. It consists of a breaded, deep fried chicken breast served with a slice of bacon, a banana or pineapple fritter (or both) and chips”


>> No.20253536

They destroyed our civilization with their suffrage

>> No.20253540

All of these are non-issues except the last one

>> No.20253563

That's a fucking retarded leap you're making here. All food has changed dramatically over the millenia, they are living creatures not static objects.

>> No.20253574

Being adequately hydrated doesn't preclude you from having a beverage with a meal tho

>> No.20255187

Who gives a rats ass about the opinion of a salaryman?

>> No.20255193

They call it a "sammich."

>> No.20256749
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>> No.20257127

I don't understand zoomer speak.
Can somebody translate this retarded kiddy babble to proper English terms?

>> No.20258516

What the actual fuck

>> No.20258532

they're eating cow manure, very rich in nutrients.

>> No.20258566

no, they're italians

>> No.20258893

four kinds of liquid, non-panko katsu, vegetables not chopped up properly, dry orange slabs: Is this all Nihon has to offer?

>> No.20259300

it's more of a nutch-e, to rhyme with boi pucci

>> No.20259307
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>go to chinese restaurant with friends
>everyone orders one dish like it's a personal meal

>> No.20259394
File: 59 KB, 550x412, jfswhegfuw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try Giovanni's Lubianska in Italy for a change.

>> No.20259999
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>> No.20260016

>American discovers things are named differently in different parts of the world

>> No.20260044

is that some kind of chink foe paws? you gotta all eat together out of the same slop trough of cat meat in gutter oil?

>> No.20260054

That's what they serve at Jollibee only that the spaghetti is on the sweeter side.

>> No.20260073

I had a friend complain to me about having to share when we invited them out once. Like, Jesus Christ.

>> No.20260464

that's because if you don't explicitly state how you're planning on divvying it up then everyone is going to fucking think they're paying for exclusively their meal, ergo they're just gonna get one entrée for themselves and pay for themselves, just like every other kinda restaraunt.
I'm pretty sure its a US thing, yankees in the tri-state area and new england do it weird.

>> No.20261019

it's "faux pas" meaning mistake or blunder.

>> No.20261022

these mistakes are a diamond dozen. good catch

>> No.20261043

>orders breakfast after 11am
>Orders chicken tenders at Mexican or Chinese place. Why? They're just deep-frying Tyson chicken strips you can get at the store.
>Orders a cheeseburger at Mexican or Chinese place
>Ordering salad to-go/delivery at any pizza joint
>unironically cares about texture more than taste.
>Odering sweet tea or lemonade they're all bad or mid at best. Either shitly handmade or prepackaged shit.
>People who eat jello or prepackaged puddding

>> No.20261065

>can't enjoy a meal without consulting a list of "red flags"

>> No.20261099
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>> No.20261261

it's a doggy dog world out there

>> No.20261308

>Why? They're just deep-frying Tyson chicken strips you can get at the store.
I don't like to deep fry in my house because my fume hood is broken.

>> No.20261618
File: 696 KB, 2560x1320, two-hot-dogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are multiple full grown men in my extended family who still eat like literal babies
>separate dinner of frozen pizza when everyone else is eating stew for example
>have NEVER tried a vegetable in their lives besides french fries
>refuses to ever try new things or adult food like sushi, oysters, etc

>> No.20261676

Yeah I guess if I ate at shitty restaurants like Olive Garden or Cheesecake Factory I’d skip their rancid wine too. Fortunately I am not a poorfag and have access to excellent food and drink

>> No.20261685

This is the type of woman who eats fast food religiously or pretends to be vegetarian

>> No.20261690

>gnotshi with gorgonzola sauce please
>it's pronounced "gnyokki"
>stfu bring me my food wagie

>> No.20262059

It's pronounced "knot-see"

>> No.20262111

shouldn't have called moms videnske knedlicky gnocci, dumb bitch

>> No.20262141
File: 220 KB, 1280x720, catfish sketti dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's fried catfish, sketti and "meatballs", and hot sauce

>> No.20262489

I pronounce stuff wrong all the time to trigger autists. I once made a Portuguese girl nearly cry by pronouncing chorizo wrong constantly.

>> No.20262509

How did you say it to her?

>> No.20262595
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>calls salting something "dry brining"

>> No.20262627

>the greatest combo that most don't know about.
Bitch. Chicken parmigiana on a small bed of pasta, or with a side pasta, is the fucking standard.

>> No.20262643
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>> No.20262759
File: 131 KB, 1536x2048, 1689362925551320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

>> No.20262851

Holy fricken upvotearino!

>> No.20263367
File: 59 KB, 720x405, Ñoqui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its called Ñoqui

>> No.20263409

>that's a good sign that the person is a scumbag and to not go anywhere with it again.

>> No.20264493

tfw no key
hes just a tightwad queer, literally everyone ive ever known who was based loaded up on these freebies at every opportunity

>> No.20264514

>has wine with dinner
Are you retarded? What are you doing on this board?

>> No.20264537

It took me a long time to notice this, but wine drinkers are all mentally ill. Just remember the phrasing used here, "excellent food and drink," and look out for its like used by people you meet in ordinary life. You'll start to see the pattern.

>> No.20264724

vegetables tastes like ass anyway, seasoning won't save them either.

>> No.20264806

Jesus wept, thank god I haven't been in a family function in years with the autistic cousin.