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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20217423 No.20217423 [Reply] [Original]

>I WONT EAT THE BUGS I WONT EAT THE BUGS I WONT EAT THE BU........ Mmmmmmm wow fresh Lobster, delicious!

>> No.20217426
File: 52 KB, 600x400, fresh-lobster-rolls-served.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lobstre meat is fucking delicious

>> No.20217430

>my retarded argument only hasn't worked because I haven't posted it enough!

>> No.20217454
File: 351 KB, 900x446, native, signal, galizisk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i trap crayfish down at the river, does that give you the ick OP? are you gonna cry? piss shit and cum?

>> No.20217484

Yeah bro, lobster, cockroach, no difference.

>> No.20217602

Lobster meat sucks compared to crab

>> No.20217692

why is this stupid meme still around

>> No.20217754

>I won't post the shitty thread I won't post the shitty thread I won't........no wait I'm gonna post the shitty thread!

>> No.20217755

if grasshoppers were as big and delicious as crab or lobster we'd be eating those fuckers too

>> No.20217815

fast lil buggas. imagine if 100x their size with relative speed and strength. thatd be a trip lol.

>> No.20217838

>wow fresh Lobster, delicious!
lobster is not an insect.

>> No.20218146

That will be $39.99 plus tip. Have a nice summer.

>> No.20218151

if lobster and shrimp cost the same, everyone would just eat shrimp

lobster sucks, fight me

>> No.20218157

Lobster costs more than shrimp and yet people eat lobster, and your argument is that raising the price of shrimp will make people eat less lobster and more shrimp?

>> No.20218164

Very original post buddy, did you think of that all by yourself?

>> No.20218215


>> No.20218234

>wet bugs

>> No.20218236
File: 3.47 MB, 498x282, OldPoor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be destitute, how are you on the internet?

>> No.20218250

he’s not destitute you’re just stupid

>> No.20218251

they aren’t the same

>> No.20218253

Lobster is overrated, crab is better.

>> No.20218284

I'm saying people eat lobster because of its cultural symbolism of being "something expensive", it's no different from eating fruitcake at christmas, no one actually likes it but it's about the ceremony so we all just choke it down, satisfied that we've done our service in upholding The System. shrimp is delicious, lobster is substandard and not pleasant to eat

>> No.20218289

both are mid
crab is better

>> No.20218291

you sound like you've had it overcooked and rubbery every time.
Lobster is king

>> No.20218294
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I do not like lobster, I loved it as a kid but now I find it too 'sweet'. Still like crab

>> No.20218295
File: 92 KB, 822x1024, 1706993784031226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now eat the entire lobster including the massive amounts of shell and chitin
This is what insect fags really believe.

>> No.20218303

they don’t believe anything other than what they assume will get them power

>> No.20218308

Shellfish shells might actually be a solution to some single use plastics interestingly enough

>> No.20218310
File: 404 KB, 300x168, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If sloths were a bit faster they would be one of the most dangerous animals in the world

>> No.20218312

nebraskan take

>> No.20218327

Don't forget the feces.

>> No.20218338

I can get behind that. How lony does it take to break down? Plastics have been a net negative on the world, should have used a different material

>> No.20218356

I'm unsure how long they take to naturappy degrade, but they're technically edible by wildlifr and even if they don't break down they're not plastic polymer so they eventually become humus if simply discarded in soil. The real problem is sourcing crustacean and shellfish shells, since if you were going to raise them for their shells alone you have to separate the shells and flesh pre-emptively and sell the meat out of shell.

>> No.20218367


When this insect thing started coming out I thought oh right they'll grind the shells up into a dust and then mold it into containers and shit that will break down in a landfill but turns out no they just eat that shit too.

>> No.20218370

Anon, I don't think these people are posting such threads in good faith. However, my view may be clouded by projection because I post these types of threads in bad faith.

>> No.20218373

If you're going to make organic containers, the current trend is growing puffball mushrooms inside of molds that forces them into the shape of the container, as a substitute for styrofoam.

>> No.20218400

That's fucking dumb, it was traditionally a poor mans dish. You also have clearly never had fruitcake in your life. How often do you go around posting on the internet pretending to have lived a life you know nothing about?

>> No.20218431

crustaceans aren't bugs

>> No.20218436

wait until you learn about everything else you eat

>> No.20218439

Because we haven't yet euthanized all the stupid people needing euthanization.

>> No.20218443

Wanna know how we know you've never had fruitcake?

>> No.20218445

Nasty dripping bug claws typed this post.

>> No.20218494
