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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 456 KB, 2400x2400, Haagen-Dazs-Strawberry-Ice-Cream-Gluten-Free-Kosher-14-0-oz_56b4b77a-b726-4217-a591-004523530596.5b2ae3a76787aff635cf779e704408a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20212299 No.20212299 [Reply] [Original]

And why is it haagen dazs?
Ben and Jerry cucks and frozen dairy dessert plebeians need not reply.

>> No.20212304
File: 662 KB, 1400x1637, Tillamook-Ice-Cream-Publix-1-725926381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haagen dazs is overpriced as hell

>> No.20212308
File: 1.07 MB, 908x1060, Screenshot 2024-02-16 182038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like HEB Swoon.
It's more like Ben&Jerry's than Haagen-Dazs. Has that slight chew from the corn syrup that I tend to prefer over the super clean finish of an all sugar ice cream like Haggen-Dazs.

Tillamook imo has way too much air for an all sugar ice cream. It comes off as super cheap.

>> No.20212309

Tillamook is a close second but I thoroughly enjoy the milky taste of hagaen daz

>> No.20212311

The taste in Häagen-Dazs is just much better. My favorite is peanut butter chocolate. I will sometimes get cookie dough B&J, I was boycotting Ben & Jerry's for being communist for a while but my sister is trans and B&J supports trans people so I forgave them

>> No.20212313

nah man I love how fluffy it is

>> No.20212319

i was in san francisco a couple years ago for a work thing and someone told me to stop at birite. i ate a pint of their birthday cake ice cream in one sitting and i could have probably eaten an entire second one.
it's kind of like trying heroin, you're better off just living in ignorance.

>> No.20212321

GV rainbow sherbet only and always

>> No.20212325

It's all subjective. I like the texture of a Bluebell over Tillamook or a Ben&Jerrys over Haggen-Dazs.

Biggest problem with Ben&Jerrys is that their vanilla base is garbage and their chocolate flakes taste like bottom tier baking chocolate.
All their Topped and Core varieties are also garbage, so that's a good 80% of their lineup in the garbage.

Tried the Snoop Dog ice creams the other day.
All were c-tier except the cookie dream which was D and the Waffle which was FFF-tier. Both had a chemical taste but the waffle had a far stronger off flavor.

>> No.20212331

Are you a child? Eat a real man's ice cream pansy boy.

>> No.20212333
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>> No.20212339

How about the fact they load down their ice cream with chunks of cloyingly sweet garbage

>> No.20212348


>> No.20212351

Nice trips, also I'm intrigued. Where can I find this, is that white chocolate covering the blueberries

>> No.20212421

They used to have an horchata flavor that was fucking dimes

>> No.20212447
File: 427 KB, 482x602, van leeuwen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you ever try any of the meme flavors from VL?

>> No.20212449

I'm more of a man than you chudcel

>> No.20212470

Haagen daz is just next level compared to any other supermarket brand. I got their white chocolate raspberry for the first time in a long time today and was literally shocked by how flavorful it was. Im used to white chocolate being bland, but they do it properly.
Their coffee and pistachio ice cream are my favorites, they just bring the flavors through way better than other brands.

>> No.20212490

I tried the pickle. Was kinda hoping it would turn out something like a key-lime pie or something. Sour+sweet can def work but that shit was vile.

Van Leeuwen is a social media brand. They try and pull that same 14oz bullshit Haggen-Dazs does and position themselves as a premium ice-cream with a premium price but the quality is a step below Haggen-dazs. A bit more air a bit less fat.

>> No.20212546

haagen-dazs advertising thread

both 'haagen' and 'dazs' are made-up pronouns, by the way. no ice cream maker was ever named either of those names.

>> No.20212569
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Worth the potential listeria

>> No.20212583

Both Brides Cake and King Cake, which are top 5 BB flavors imo, are out right now.

>> No.20212640

What are all the flavors?

>> No.20212657
File: 82 KB, 550x412, fake-ben-and-jerrys-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ben and Jerry shit lol detected. Your kind isn't welcome here, you want a brownie? Eat a brownie, you want to drink chocolate syrup like a diabetic pig? Go ahead. You want to eat ice cream? Okay. But don't you dare take a couple tablespoons of ice cream and them pack the fucking pint full of chocolate syrup and brownie bites and try to eat that shit like it's good.

>> No.20212665

I try to eat the ones that have the least amount of bad shit in them. Among those brands, Dolcezza and Howling Cow (NC State Dairy) are my favorite.

>> No.20212667


>> No.20212669
File: 452 KB, 2400x2400, Haagen-Dazs-Matcha-Green-Tea-Ice-Cream-14-0-oz_9704250b-5ea3-45c4-8adc-764443888a5c.adcde91a0620d120c1a1435d000b7541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried their banana pudding and was not impressed, it stayed in my freezer until is got freezer burn. Wife likes cookie two step though. This is my all time favorite. Sadly can't find it in my area anymore

>> No.20212673


>> No.20212687

>i enjoy eating gum in my ice cream
pass. ill spend the extra dollar on haagen dasz

>> No.20212700

>haagen-daz??? My pronouns are U S A
why are you like this

>> No.20212711

incredibly based, everyone gives me weird looks when I say matcha is my favorite ice cream

>> No.20212714

tell me whats wrong with it without being a schizo

>> No.20212743

Smooth ice-cream purists are so fucking weird. Nothing wrong with liking a lot of mix-ins.

Gums and things like corn syrup are used for shelf stability and texture. These major companies use them to provide what most people would consider a superior product.
Value brand ice creams made without these ingredients are trash tier. You can get away with "pure" ingredients in a higher quality ice cream but you're also going to be paying 3x the price.
HaagenDazs costs 3x what a decent value brand will. It's disingenuous to compare the two.

Their Banana Pudding gets a lot of love but I think it's a pretty mid-tier flavor of theirs.
Kroger has a "salvageable" matcha ice cream.

>> No.20212767
File: 185 KB, 1024x1024, d5db4e184c1f822d48f21bee21c731f787630a8e540928e12f53548e4ca84e43 - instasize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because they are on a different, exponentially lower IQ tier than us anon, they don't understand that the slight bitterness compliments the sweetness well, so as to not be overwhelmingly sweet, while the milky undertones bring out the earthy and fresh note from the matcha. They are filth pigs wallowing in their chocolate syrup muck, eating brownie bite from their feeding trough. We are different. We are the elite. Do not feel abnormal for being better.

>> No.20212771

simply the best ice cream you can find in groceries. agree

>> No.20212776

It's just gross, I love the pineapple coconut haegan daz and the strawberry ice cream(both have fruit chunks of their respective flavors). I like to taste my ice cream when I decide to eat ice cream, I don't want a mouth full of frozen chocolate syrup when what I want is ice cream

Also I was the banana pudding anon too. I'll have to check out Kroger, unfortunately the nearest one is 45 minutes away

>> No.20212779

Bros look at the flavours this local place has


>> No.20212801

>Blueberry lemon sorbet
That sounds amazing

>> No.20212813
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Graeter’s mogs them all.

>> No.20212818

How do they close the lid with those gobs on top???

>> No.20212836
File: 76 KB, 500x458, Homemade-vanilla-HG-WEB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said KNEEL

>> No.20212849

They eat a couple bites in front of you if you say you want it to go. Of you change your mind they spit it back into the cup. If I find a a particularly good looking goth woman behind the counter I always seem to change my mind

>> No.20212850

Sir I only kneel for god and haegan daz ice cream, take that bumpkin goop somewhere else

>> No.20212858
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>no stores within 200 miles stock it
>try to order it online
>$128 + shipping for 4 half gallons

>> No.20212900
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>eating ice cream
Are you 12?

>> No.20212910
File: 306 KB, 629x541, Screenshot 2024-02-16 212854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your ice-cream vs. my ice-cream

>> No.20212913

>Not eating ice cream
Do you hate life? (Pic related, its you being big boy watching all of us "kids" eating delicious frozen treats)

>> No.20212920
File: 64 KB, 600x686, UiXAker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic because mentally I am 12

>> No.20212925

What are the respective brands you're showcasing here anon?

>> No.20212934
File: 203 KB, 365x367, Screenshot 2024-02-16 215640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tillamook v Acme Valley peppermint bark.
Acme Valley is pretty unique. It's extremely thick and stretchy. Many people wouldn't like it.

>> No.20212945

love this brand but no, i will not try ze wacky meme flavors.

>> No.20212953

it hurts my tummy

>> No.20212959
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>> No.20212976

you know what, I kneel
still like mine better tho

>> No.20212986

valid, Im sorry buddy

>> No.20212994

damn bro. i can understand not wanting to pay $65/gallon. it's less than $6/half gallon when it's on sale here.

>> No.20213000

i have the same issue. i made ricotta cheesecake and the ricotta had gums in it. gave me cramps and made me poop a lot. no issue when eating ricotta without gums in it though.

>> No.20213019
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>> No.20213027
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>> No.20213033

The good stuff under the Costco Kirkland brand

>> No.20213044

I hope you pooped your pants

>> No.20213047
File: 155 KB, 1000x1000, KawarthaDairy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yeah, brother.

>> No.20213056

Why is one 84grams heavier than the other?

>> No.20213061

Some ice cream has a lot of air in it. Haagen-Dazs is denser than most other ice creams. That's partially why it's more expensive.

>> No.20213245
File: 11 KB, 225x225, joeyjojo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will laugh
you may even sneer...

but this shit is the best store brand ice cream I've ever put to my lips.

>> No.20213638

>food and cooking board gets mad about airy ice cream
These people are retarded and don't understand food and how we taste or they don't actually like ice cream.

>> No.20213756
File: 1.69 MB, 3920x2509, front_sv.18.full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heavenly mess: Ice cream + butterscotch + chocolate sauce + marshmallows

>> No.20213776

>vehemently disliking one of G*d's greatest gifts to mankind

You are one sick puppy.

>> No.20213856

look it up, mate. "häagen" is not a name, and neither is "dazs". they made up both words for the brand, aiming for a danish kind of sound. which in itself is dumb because danish doesn't use ä or z.

>> No.20214004

Ok and...?

>> No.20214337

it was unironically a jewish trick to escape persecution in ww2 iirc

>> No.20214362

I don't have a favorite brand I just get the flavors I like, I wish haagan daas didn't get rid of the banana chocolate peanut butter one that was so fucking good.

Fuck I wish I could get this.

>> No.20214406
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That's not the only cream youve put to your lips

>> No.20214415

They have made many a mistake, like removing the matcha flavor from my local stores, but they're still top tier

>> No.20214802

Kopp's and it's not even close.
People from SE Wisconsin know this.

>> No.20214832
File: 32 KB, 560x560, double_nutty_peanut_butter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never stop being mad that Tillamook stopped making this

>> No.20214850
File: 79 KB, 600x600, Haagen-Dazs-Ice_Cream-Dulce_de_Leche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These two are also really good, not brand but specific product.

>> No.20214857
File: 117 KB, 600x600, Haagen-Dazs-Pineapple_Coconut_Ice_Cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#2 Pineapple Coconut
In no specific order.

>> No.20214858

Canada, and yes

>> No.20214861
File: 246 KB, 500x500, ezgif-1-0bd9da971c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Swoon enjoyer
For me its Salted Caramel Truffle

>> No.20214866

this isnt that good, my local grocer was discounting these for like 5 weeks and no one bought it

>> No.20214867

But for me? It's Chapman's

>> No.20214869

I would have bought a couple of them, the people around you must be savages.

>> No.20214880

Who remembers gino ginelli ice cream. Tgat stuff was amazing

>> No.20214898

Not that but those old dudes running carts in manhattan doing ices I do remember. Not that mattered but I always suspected that they were coppers.

>> No.20214901

it just tastes like watery pina colada. but yes you are right, its just chinese people nearby

>> No.20214912

With no rum in there? That's a travesty.

>> No.20214922

It's not overpriced at all, it's priced correctly for the quality of ingredients (which is fairly high). YOu think Haagen-dazs wouldn't like to lower their prices more and completely btfo all the whipped air iced milk bullshit that crowds the ice cream aisle? Compare weight nigger.

>> No.20214925

calm down son

>> No.20214927

good taste brother. I prefer soft serve matcha though, ever tried it?

>> No.20215126

The salted caramel is legit my goat ice-cream.
I also like the banana triple chocolate and the mint one.
They used to have a honey cake and blueberry streusel which were s-tier too but they've been discontinued. The holiday raspberry danish was also good.

>> No.20215258

I harshly judge people who buy any other ice cream when Tillamook is on a good sale. Breyers is better than most people give it credit for as well. The down side it that it's full retard expensive now and you should only buy it when it's on a buy one get one tier sale. The stuff used to be like $2.50 full price 10 years ago, now it's like $7. It used to be the discount option of choice when you were feeling cheap or wanted to feed the undiscerning masses without resorting to complete garbage.

>> No.20215260

oberweis, tillamook, hudsonville, haagen daas are on my depth chart

>> No.20215720
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For me, it's Blue Bunny because I miss my home state.

>> No.20215975

Tried the Dijon with pretzel and it was pretty much fuckin nasty, their business model on these is crazy flavors in short runs because they know a lot of people will try them once but no one will buy it a second time

>> No.20216808

honestly not the worst idea in the universe. if you can churn out weird ones for 5 bucks a pop or whatever, and constantly roll out new ones, you'll get people buying them just on "i wonder what that's like" alone.
it doesn't even have to be good, just "interesting".

>> No.20217503

I don't get it.
Left 2/3 cup is 91g, right 2/3 cup is 175g, so almost double. Yet left is 9 servings (918g) while right is only 2.5 servings (437,5g).
If you standardize the nutrition facts per gram on both sides it's almost the same except that left has more salt.

>> No.20217543
File: 73 KB, 400x400, In my kitchen (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheap supermarket brand but it tastes so good.

>> No.20217552

Some brands froth up the mixture before they freeze it so it has lots of air bubbles, which equates to free space in the volume metric but does not go unnoticed in the weight metric. Cups is a volume metric.

>> No.20217814
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If you know, you know.

>> No.20217817

Enjoy your Listeria related recalls.

>> No.20217823

pick three lads
>cookie dough
>choc peanut butter
>mint choc chip

>> No.20217833
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The Lion and the Bear

>> No.20217897
File: 230 KB, 1500x1500, 8711327480438.h-30103025-png-2664128650.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magnum. Simply the best.

>> No.20217902


Are you lactose intolerant?

>> No.20218150

This one but if the grocery store doesn’t have it I’ll get Haagendaz

>> No.20218165
File: 154 KB, 1025x1280, IMG_4268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. Forgot my image. Yes I’m hungover

>> No.20218166

Local grocery stores selling high end ice cream with same price per kg as beef tenderloin makes one wonder
why does sugar, milk, choccy, dough in ben and jerrys cost that much? Do they use gold plated bowls to mix it in?

>> No.20218702

for me:
caramel butter pecan
mint chip
vanilla bean

>> No.20218746

Unironically, what is sold on an ice cream truck, so usually Good Humor.

For the British, consider Wal's ice cream shops.

>> No.20218812

I thought this was a joke. Who would advertise stretchiness a a positive quality in ice cream?
Apparently "Acme" would.

>> No.20218828

Udderly Chocolate tastes like a frosty if you let it melt a little for 5 or so minutes.
Any of their vanillas
Cookies and Cream

I would have White Chocolate Raspberry instead of Cookies and Cream, but it's twice as sweet as it should be.

>ben and jerrys
It's not even that good. I'd buy sooner buy Dreyer's/Edy's

>> No.20218875

Same here. Their "Super premium" or whatever they call it cold brew coffee ice cream is awesome.

>> No.20218893

Any ice cream brands/flavors that don't have weird additives like gums and come in larger than pint size?

>> No.20218895

I'm American btw in major city

>> No.20218902
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This, for under $2 a pint it's actually really good

>> No.20219153

Untouchable, bottom of the caste system.

>> No.20219286

Has anyone here ever tried making their own ice cream?

>> No.20219320

Sure, but without an ice cream machine or some stand mixer attachment, or pacojet/Ninja Creami its not going come out smooth, the ice crystals will be noticeably large

>> No.20219481

Yeah and it was some of the best ice cream I ever had

Not true if you mix it often enough

>> No.20219503

A local ice cream producer used to make sweet potato ice cream with a marshmallow swirl at their cafe. It was really, really fucking good but they haven’t sold it in years so I guess it’s over

>> No.20219521

>eating carbs with other carbs

>> No.20219525


>> No.20219526

Haagen dazs is pretty good
Choccy peanut butter is hard to beat
Been mad at them for shinkflating the pint to 450ml though

>> No.20219538

I will say Haagen-Dazs is better, but its also like 4x the price per weight and twice as many calories. I'd rather spend half the amount and have twice as much at a time, than have a slightly better taste. Especially for flavors with strong toppings. I guess if you're eating plane vanilla and really focusing on the cream or something.

>> No.20219668

marionberry ice cream is something that sounds genuinely intriguing if they kept the tartness of the berries, but i guarantee they massively oversweeten it

>> No.20219675

How did you make it?

>> No.20219740

its very rare for an ice cream brand to appreciate things like that unfortunately

>> No.20219772

>twice as many calories

>> No.20219924

but is frozen custard ice cream?

>> No.20219932

>Breyers is better than most people give it credit for as well. The down side it that it's full retard expensive now and you should only buy it when it's on a buy one get one tier sale. The stuff used to be like $2.50 full price 10 years ago, now it's like $7.
it also seems to me that breyers has gone down in quality

>> No.20220004

It was lemon gelato and went something like
>cook egg yolks, cream and sugar to X degrees
>mix everything together
>refrigerate over night in metal bowl
>put in the freezer, removing frequently to beat with electric mixer
Last step takes the better part of a day iirc because you want it to freeze slowly and prevent ice crystals

>> No.20220061

Look it up. It actually is nearly twice as much as cheaper brands. Depends on flavor but for vanilla, 2/3 cup:
Haagen-Dazs - 320 calories
Tillamook - 210
Breyers - 158

So it literally is 2x as much as cheaper ice cream, and still >50% more than tillamook which i'd call midshelf. Obviously this is because of the cream vs fillers. But if cheaper brands are tolerable you can eat like 50% or 100% more for the same calories. I don't really like breyers but tillamook is good enough and I'd rather just have 50% more volume than just a marginally higher quality cream or w/e.

>> No.20220326

For all intents and purposes I will say it is, yes.

>> No.20220350

I get quarts from the local ice cream shop

>> No.20220362

I have this with a splash of tequila

>> No.20220725

I finally figured it out. Most Americans don't actually like cream.

>> No.20220888

I just ate a pint of the OP. Pure heaven

>> No.20221029

dilp iggle :D

>> No.20221035

>he doesn't eat ice cream

>> No.20221080

calories are measures by weight

>> No.20221376

Used to love Tillamook when they kept their ingredients simple like Haagen. Was like getting Haagen Dazs quality ice cream in 1.5qt tubs at the same price as the HD pints. They went to shit shortly after becoming mainstream and sticking all those preservatives in there. The gums changed the flavor and creaminess for the worst.

>> No.20221390

Both Blue Bell and Blue Bunny are trash.

>> No.20221651

You can measure it however you want. But you eat with a spoon which is by volume, not weight, so they should be compared by volume.

>> No.20221661

>air has less calories than ice cream
>if you eat air instead of ice cream, you eat less calories
genius right here

>> No.20221692

>if you eat air instead of ice cream, you eat less calories
Uh... duh? Think of whipped cream cheese. Its less calories, and if you like it nearly much as normal, why not use it? But I don't even know that its air that is necessarily the difference, since I can't find haagen-dazs nutrition per weight only volume. It could be air, but also haagen-dazs uses more real cream while cheaper brand use more fillers and stuff. But the point is even if I find haagen-dazs marginally better, I'd rather just have a much larger bowl of tillamook at less than half the price.

>> No.20221708
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can you stop coping for a second and understand that ice cream is literally milk fat and sugar? of course it is high in calories, and no amount of added air is going to change that. it just means that you are paying for air instead of ice cream, and yes, that's the main reason why it is more expensive.

>> No.20221731

>it just means that you are paying for air instead of ice cream
Except you aren't, because the cheaper brands are literally half or 1/4th the cost. At my grocery store tillamook is 11 cents/oz while haagen-daz is 28. Now 2/3 cup of haagen dazs is 129g while 2/3 cup of tillamook is 95g. So haagen is still nearly 2x the cost per gram.

>> No.20221747

plus weight still doesn't matter. no one eats in units of weights, you put a spoonful in your mouth, not a measured weight. And a spoonful of cheaper ice cream like tillamook is like 90% of the way there taste-wise vs haagen, I don't care if it weights slightly less.

>> No.20222522

Tillamook has gums and it's cheaper because it's an inferior product. You shouldn't be miserly when it comes to something as beautiful as ice cream. If you are indulging go all the way. Many things in life are like this

>> No.20222536

>no pistachio
That's a no from me, dog

>> No.20222584

No shit tillamook has gums/fillers, but its not like haagen-dazs is some artisanal masterpiece lol its marginally better but way overpriced. If you're getting store bought just get cheaper shit. If you want to "indulge" you should make your own ice cream and using high quality flavorings and topping, or it should be a component of a desert not just own its own. I only eat store bought ice cream as a low effort treat so I'd rather just eat cheap shit and save the calories / money. If I have people over I'll make a real desert, I'm not just going to serve them store bought shit out of the bin unless its just to compliment a pie or something.

>> No.20222701

>getting this worked up over storebought ice cream.
I've I'm tempted into the price range of Haagen-Dazs, I'm sure as hell not thinking about grocery store ice cream.

>> No.20222924
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>> No.20223080

and what was that about the USA? I've never been there myself.

>> No.20223975

Blue Bell's chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream

>> No.20223981

Based, love that one. The checkerboard you slice is a hit at parties too.

>> No.20223992
File: 162 KB, 800x886, BR-2021CupRenders-PralinesNCrm@2x[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not even that great but I can't stop buying it
it's available everywhere and it's good enough

>> No.20224113
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>> No.20224309
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got this a couple of times last year, was real good, i love marshmallow stuff

>> No.20224330

I didn't like the Tillamook marshmallow base.
Was a very plain flavor. Almost came off a bit metallic.

Ben & Jerry's gimme s'more is the best mass market smore flavor out there right now imo.

>> No.20224331

basically i only buy haagen-dazs, tillamook, and helados. when i have extra money to spend on ingredients i make my own with a manual ice cream maker from the 80s.

>> No.20224360

Haagen dasz is best. Ben and jerrys is cringe, but i like the americon dream one once or twice a year. Need to try tillamook since all you shitposters are hyping it up.

>> No.20224458

sounds awesome, wish they would keep some of these limited flavors in regular stock

>> No.20224607

It's great however I can't find green tea ice anywhere here in Germany
It's over...only cucknilla, cuckberry and cuckolate

>> No.20224831

Those cheap plastic spoons some anons are eating from are leaching plasticizers and forever chemicals into your blood.

Use wood, metal or ceramic spoons instead. Your balls are probably worth it. On second thought ...

>> No.20225099

maybe you can order it online?

>> No.20225132

Brand: Breyers
Flavor: cookie dough

>> No.20225414

how are the higher quality brands able to achieve shelf stability by charging more without those ingredients? Magical reflected sounds of underground spirits?

>> No.20225418

Ice cream elitists wouldn't be eating mass produced supermarket ice cream

>> No.20225426

Ben and Jerry and Haagen-dazs are both owned by Unilever. You may as well eat shampoo.

>> No.20225590

I have two strawberry Haagen Dazs in my freezer right now.

>> No.20225605

Because gum and sugar aren't added for stability lol. Its a frozen product, it doesn't need stabilizers or preservatives. The gum and sugar are for texture and taste.

Look at Haagen Dazs vanilla vs tillamook ingredients, the only differences is that tillamook uses less cream and adds gums. They both use sugar, its ice cream, it has sugar.. Haagen Dazs does use "cane sugar," but tillamook doesn't use corn syrup anymore, is probably just sucrose from other sources than sugarcane.

They both use artificial flavorings. The only major differences are the amount of real cream, gum, and air. Which the type of sugar being a marginal, theoretical benefit that I doubt you could tell. Cheaper ice cream like Breyers do use corn syrup, but they still don't use preservatives or stabilizers. Its just even less cream and more gum and air, lower quality milk/sugar, etc.

Haagen is just denser and creamier. But that doesn't make it a better ice cream. Some prefer airier texture of cheaper ice creams, especially if its complementing another desert. Haagen-dazs and ben&jerrires can be too heavy and rich, especially ben&jerries which also has really overpowering toppings imo. They're better as a stand alone desert.