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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20202490 No.20202490[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you usually do when you're on your period and you get that weird urge to eat something very specific but you have no way of acquiring that particular food product? I want some corn on the cob badly.. Can't find them anywhere.

>> No.20202493 [DELETED] 

you're an anime pedophile NEET incel, stop pretending to be a woman online, you weird fuck.
>inb4 300 replies from other anime-watching pedophile NEET incels who are so deprived of female attention that they'll entertain this larping freak

>> No.20202494 [DELETED] 

Please be in Calgary

>> No.20202498 [DELETED] 

>anime pedophile NEET incel
Nuh uh, I have a job.

>> No.20202500

i try to make something adjacent next time i can, corn on the cob i would say something with corn and nice butter should be fine

>> No.20202503 [DELETED] 

>there are women on the 4chans

Now watch as this thread gets purged because of you.

Not me btw.

>> No.20202502

Post menstrual discharge. On a slice of bread so it's food related.

>> No.20202522 [DELETED] 

I point out men's problems.

>> No.20202599

You wait for the craving to pass and chances are the next craving will be something you can approximate or maybe even something you already have. But generally if you want something sweet eat another sweet thing. If you want something salty, eat something salty.

>> No.20202612

Cravings generally mean your body is lacking in a nutrient that the food contains, since it's corn which is basically nutrient deficient maybe it's the macros you're craving, have you been getting enough carbs, fat and salt? If you have then just take a multivitamin to help balance out any deficiencies you might have

>> No.20202620

WTF are you talking about. I have three sisters never heard of this nonsense. YWNBAW. "Waah, I can't get what I feel like all the time!" Advice: Grow up and stop being a decadent slob. Are you one of those people who eat food in the grocery store before you pay for it? Who TF cares if you want corn on the cob. Take your ADHD meds and go think about something productive.

>> No.20202644

Menstrual discharge qualifies as food on it's own

>> No.20202647

post tits or gtfo

>> No.20202706

Uhhmmmmm, just fry canned corn with butter??

I don't think you know what you want. What you want is pickles and liver. You want pickles and liver to replenish your inferior woman body's wasted resources.

>> No.20202707
File: 1.76 MB, 400x360, 1690165667632621.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's nutrients why is it I eat nothing but eggs, dairy and meat and I crave chocolate all the fucking time?

>> No.20202766 [DELETED] 

Thinly veiled off topic shitposting threads are cancer and against >>>/global/rules/6 and >>>/ck/rules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of lawless subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.

>> No.20202824

>Eggs, dairy and meat
Protein and fat
Iron and sugar

>> No.20202856


>> No.20202860 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 404x404, 1372372625875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

>> No.20202994 [DELETED] 

nary has there ever been a more peddled lie...

>> No.20203009

Eat the period blood. You wont have any appetite after. Trust me.

>> No.20203019 [DELETED] 

Global rule 7: Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.
You will never be a real janny.

>> No.20203043 [DELETED] 

acsksually he never said that he reported the thread, just that others should. so not technically breaking the rules

>> No.20203059 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 300x300, 1549523077088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I want some corn on the cob badly
And you also want to be a woman badly, too bad so sad. You can't always get what you want. Think about how much you hate your body and your face is ugly without plastic surgery. That should get your mind off butter and corn, kek.

>> No.20203094

found the incel

>> No.20203203 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 1140x741, DeLay_Close.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does it ever get tiresome? repeating the same jabs, telling yourself that the silence you get in response save for bored people like me means they still work? or is throwing out something as shocking as the february 16th issue of dilbert for the 500th time enough for you to be amused by it? i wish i could say i await your response, but i sincerely believe you'd put me to sleep in your attempts to explain it without going for number 501.

>> No.20203263 [DELETED] 


>> No.20203316

where the hell do you live that you cant find corn on a cob??

>> No.20203638 [DELETED] 

Hate too tell you this, but sticking a frozen tomato-soup pop, up your ass, does not make you a woman and, no, you will never be a woman.

>> No.20203753 [DELETED] 

quality post

>> No.20203899

Being a girl isn't cute any more.

>> No.20203953

tits or gtfo, or at least post the remains of your tally wacker

>> No.20203961

>can't aquire some corn

>> No.20204490


>> No.20204499

kys election tourist misogynist

>> No.20204507
File: 77 KB, 425x567, 4chan4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, he is correct, we are all equal.
There are no "girls" on the internet.

>> No.20204517

Elote salad.

>> No.20204524

>number 12 cock

>> No.20204546

I think i got something for your cravings...

>> No.20204568

being on your period doesn't give you cravings, I suspect you're not a woman
kill yourself

>> No.20204572
File: 9 KB, 332x336, Fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20204762

WTF OP now I crave corn

>> No.20204832

I haven't seen that image in over a decade

>> No.20204850

Fasting has killed all my cravings and hunger for the most part. I'm trying to gain lean mass right now and it's hard to eat enough, I just chug protein shakes because I have no appetite now. At least I don't crave eating potato chips all day now

>> No.20204912

How fucking helpless are you that you can't get an ear of corn and boil it or roast it or grill it or one of the other 26 ways to heat up an ear of corn so that you can melt butter on it

Women are children stg

>> No.20204993

You need salt and iron

>> No.20204997

All of those foods are high nutrient. If you mean chocolate in particular its the caffine and thrombine which the latter girls are more reactant to

>> No.20205013

>I have no appetite now
you might be low on certain nutrients.
I had low magnesium told by a blood lab, turns out that can cause loss of appetite
how long has it been since you had labs done
when corn season comes I cut the corn off the cob add a bit of water and sugar and freeze it.
it will for sure get you through these cravings

>> No.20206212

>when you're on your period

>> No.20206227

I don't have periods

>> No.20206257

There is iron in meat, anon

>> No.20206317


>> No.20206772 [DELETED] 
File: 171 KB, 731x640, titsorgtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for those who did not get anon's reference because they are newfags.

>> No.20206820

It looks prettier on bread.

>> No.20206826

i saw this on r/greentext too

>> No.20206970

Have sex

>> No.20206974

Bitch wtf lol who craves corn?