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20194987 No.20194987 [Reply] [Original]

I should beat the dog shit out of you tastebudless bastards for making me try Dominos. In every single chain pizza thread it’s either 1 or 2 out of 4 with Papa Johns and so I gave it a try and it was the most bland and flavorless of them all.

The cheese barely had any flavor, the dough basically had none, and they spread half a handful of pineapples over my medium hand tossed with pepperoni and garlic, the garlic of which was basically invisible. Still gonna give papa John’s a try but I am really not optimistic about it.

>> No.20195014
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Sucks 2 b u

>> No.20195042

The average person lives for 87,000 days. You had one subpar meal on one of those 87k days. Your life isn't ruined, get over it.

>> No.20195043

Sorry, 29k days, 87k meals. Still, one subpar meal out of 87k in order to know if a particular food is something you'll want to experience again or not is a small price to pay.

>> No.20195529

Well I would have lived for 87k days if it wasn’t for this shitty pizza

>> No.20195729

my nigger, you are the one who bought the pizza

>> No.20195926

>It's always rated a 1 or 2 out of four
Why are you mad, it sounds like you got the exact kind of pizza that's just a 1 out of 4 or 2 out of 4. Weird scoring system though.

>> No.20196567

if you post here, you're supposed to be an adult
therefore you should have known better

>> No.20197683

ok papa juan
seriously why are all papa johns franchises owned by Mexicans?

>> No.20197694

Dominoes dont make a typically italian pizza dough, they make a some ordinary bread wheat dough.

>> No.20197717

should have ordered a pan pizza well done pepperoni. It's the best pizza of any major chain while you ordered the worst pizza of any major chain other than Little Caesars Deep Dish

>> No.20197992

>Still gonna give papa John’s a try but I am really not optimistic about it.
The key is, whatever other toppings you get, make sure to get extra cheese and the 3-cheese blend
t. employee

>> No.20197996

They're shrinkflating the toppings

>> No.20198046

>making me try Dominos
No one here made you do anything. Everyone who cooks here warns people that fast food and chain food is absolute garbage tier food and you should cook better shit for yourself. Or at least support your local pizza place with an ACTUAL pizza oven.

Papa Johns really went to shit after Papa left, but it was never good to begin with. I ate it when I could get a large for $5 in college, but you won't catch me eating that crap ever now. You are not going to get a good za there. Dominoes is better (the deep dish like >>20197717 said is decent), but shit is still shit.

>> No.20198628

the one I work at is owned by an indian guy

>> No.20198653

>Pay $6.99 for a medium when pizzas routinely run for $25
>Not only surprised that it's shit, but angry about it

Come on now.

>> No.20198658

>Pay $6.99 for a medium when pizzas routinely run for $25
the fuck kind of overpriced "local" place are you going to where a medium pizza costs you 25 bucks?

>> No.20198674

Lol, that's what you want to quibble over? Touch grass.

>> No.20198677

Yeah that's want to quibble about because it's the only point you made in your post
If you're paying 25 dollars for a medium pizza you're some kind of idiot

>> No.20198688
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>eating fast food chain pizza

>> No.20198694

I didn't say I bought one, you autistic sperg. Again, touch grass.

>> No.20198806

I'd rather touch what you're trying to argue here
You said "pizzas routinely run for $25"

they don't

>> No.20198835
File: 2.84 MB, 1280x720, AmericanPizza.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dominos workers don't care about quality. They just want to make everything as fast as possible. webm related

If you want real quality pizza then you want to eat little cesars.

>> No.20198989

People actually fall for the retarded fast food marketing here? Why?

>> No.20199126
File: 76 KB, 530x665, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're not as intelligent as you, who is different from the masses

heh, to be fair, it takes a very high IQ to recognize fast food marketing....
anon, you're really something...

>> No.20199723

their hand tossed is shit but the pan pizza is crack. i put on a few dozen pounds in college from that shit.

>> No.20200914

Domino pizza in Japan

>> No.20200934

There's no shame in being born a non-taster, it's not your fault. The problem is when you think you're a super-taster. Then you're just an ignorant prick, and it's your own fault.

>> No.20201334

Every single thing on their menu gives me horrible acid reflux.

>> No.20201524

Probably because both tomato sauce and bbq sauce are high PH ingredients. It isn't their fault you fucked your digestive system.

>> No.20201543

Domino's fucking rules.

>> No.20201545

based retard flushing his argument down the drain with buzzwords

>> No.20203000

You're the moron with no tastebuds if you couldn't taste the garlic they cook that in. Holy fuck.