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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20195672 No.20195672 [Reply] [Original]

Breakfast time!

>> No.20195681

I love being american

>> No.20195682

America is a disease

>> No.20195684

Europoors seething at everything as usual

>> No.20195716

we just have more stringent laws on listing every little thing
yurocucks get the same shit they just dont put it on the package

>> No.20195739

Prove you know what you're talking about and list the ingredients we show that euros don't.

>> No.20195744

Ok, now read that list amerilard. Defend why “scrambled eggs” is more than just eggs.
>inb4 can’t read because he’s amerifat

>> No.20195765

dont have time, have to take a shit

>> No.20195786

Ohmyheavens it even has corn syrup chunks. Wow, coconut oil and canola oil too.

>> No.20195791

lmao schizo cope
>they won’t tell you but the ingredients are in there!!!
the food in most other countries isn’t 75% filler to shave 1% off of production costs. your freedom food is shit.

>> No.20195795

kek yeah uh huh

>> No.20195804

Because eggs have a scientific composition based on the periodic table and they also need to list what they used to get the scrambled eggs scrambled. Olive oil? Butter?

>> No.20195811

Lmao, enjoy your modified food starch.

>> No.20195816

>Contains every type of oil in existence

>> No.20195824

>scrambled eggs
>eggs, milk, oil, starch, salt, emulsifier, flavorings
Eggs and milk are obvious, most people add some dairy to their eggs.
Oil to keep it from sticking to the cooking vessel.
Salt and flavorings for flavor.
The starch is used to keep a tender texture as it is cooked industrially (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXTnq7srJRs).).
The emulsifier (xanthum gum) is used to keep it from weeping liquid into the rest of the burrito.
Citric acid adds both flavor and is a preservative, lowering the pH and keeping bacteria growth down.

>> No.20195861

That’s a lot of words to defend industrial slop that can be made better and in minute to order or, heaven forbid, in the home.
There is cheese you don’t need this
>starch, emulsifier, citric acid
l m a o

>> No.20195876

>There is cheese you don’t need this
remind me to never eat your cooking

>> No.20195883

>admitting to eating shit cheese
Do you put salt on your bacon too?

>> No.20195891

>he demands his food be extra salty

>> No.20195895

youre either putting too much cheese or your breakfast burrito is bland as shit

>> No.20195897

Why would a convenience store have a fry cook to make burritos?
I explained the reason for the last 3.
Good sharp cheese needs salt the most.
When cheese melts it loses its sharpness and a sprinking of salt brings it back.

>> No.20195910

Why would you buy prepared food at a convenience store and not some sort of place where they prepare food? Have you ever heard of such a place?

>> No.20195928

>adding an emulsifier to eggs
>to eggs
>eggs, an emulsifier
Holy hell Americans are retarded.

>> No.20195932

Because people that have busy mornings want food in a convenient package from a convenient location.
They don't want to go to a restaurant or deli or sit in a fast food drive-thru if they have a choice otherwise.
This burrito is probably better than anything you can get in the frozen aisle of your grocer, at least for the price.

>> No.20195939

So Americans are also bad at time management and cost/benefit analysis, got it.

>> No.20195941

It is to keep the water inside them as they sit for some amount of time.
Eggs will leak liquid if left to sit. You can see this at breakfast buffets at hotels sometimes, the scrambled eggs will have a small puddle around them after they sit for too long.
The xanthum gum keeps the water bound inside the egg curd, making it less prone to leakage.

>> No.20195945


>> No.20195949
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Yes, Americans are legendarily the only culture on the planet that ever buys premade food.

>> No.20195952
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Only one that buys wraps, especially.

>> No.20195994

why are yurostanis so fucking stupid

>> No.20196014

You keep believing that buddy, your government knows what's in your best interest after all!

>> No.20196088

i just had an egg sandwich. i've had an egg sandwich for brunch every day for the last 3 months at least. today it was delicious.

>> No.20196102

Prison food

>> No.20196151

Nice goalpost moving on super bowl sunday!!!

>A lot of ingredients means something is bad

Keep eating horse meat - sorry, I mean "beef" - and fake honey, you dumb fuck. Tehre are more stories of lying on ingredients and straight up selling rotten roadkill as "fresh pork" at your euro grocery stores in the past 5 years than in the entirety of US history. At least I can buy some meat at the store, know what it is, and not walk down to Shameer's Shawarma Shack and claim it is the best food in the world (while at the same time bitching about pakis taking over) LOL.

>> No.20196299

Seriously did /pol/ do a purge or something? Why are all you schizo posters on /ck/ lately?

>> No.20196304

Both /ck/ and /pol/ like ovens

>> No.20196307

wow, cant believe tesco has its roots in america! cool!

>> No.20196310

getting upset at this list of ingredients exposes you as a peak midwit in the dunning kruger spectrum

>> No.20196345
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>> No.20196350
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>> No.20196378
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OP here, this was the interior. I had some Taco Bell hot sauce packets sitting around, fortunately.

>> No.20196383

True, a natural burrito contains 50 different oils, just like in nature.

>> No.20196875

I thought the future was supposed to make things better.

>> No.20196882

B-but line is still going up

>> No.20196902

We have mexican food and trans sex now. Also amazon delivers things in uh less than a week?

>> No.20196918

>mfw amazon used to ship in 2 days for free

>> No.20196923

Looks like it already went through you and you wrapped what came out back up into another tortilla pancake and you're eating it a 2nd time to make sure you get the most out of your money like how people brew the same coffee grounds twice.

>> No.20196924

How nice of them to help improve the literacy of America by giving them a book with their meal.

>> No.20196942


>> No.20196955

the FDA lets manufacturers add whatever they want to food as long as it's not acutely toxic. So if they include ingredients that are toxic over a timeframe of months or years, there's no way for the consumer to protect themselves since it's impossible to isolate any given additive as the single cause of health issues. Everyone who says "hurr durr you're scared of chemicals" is missing the point

>> No.20196957

I’m guessing this is a gas station burrito, in which case, what the heck did you expect?

>> No.20196966

Human food

>> No.20196981
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Contains milk, egg, and... is that.....

>> No.20196986

Then you should’ve gone to the food station.

>> No.20198762

the solar explosion friday fried their brains even more

>> No.20198770

>flavorings for flavor.
Egg flavour?

>> No.20198780

Pepper extract and citric acid.

>> No.20198875

>no mention of glyphosate
These ingredient lists are lies.

>> No.20198894

americans will defend anything so long as they at least imagine a european making fun of them for it, it's hilarious. an american would let you beat and whip him so long as you told him that you've beat a european worse beforehand

>> No.20199219

good point, it's fucking everywhere

>> No.20199590

This is funny but irl I never see ingredient lists that long. Of the stuff I buy it's only like 3 or 4 but even on the rare occasion I'll look at some heavily processed stuff it's only like 10 max.

>> No.20199607

This though. Imagine eating out ever when home cooking is orders of magnitude better

>> No.20199853

Time is money, and I am a very busy man.

>> No.20199866

you're too important and valuable to be using your time posting on 4chan you can pay me to post for you like you pay that guy to make you an overpriced burrito?

>> No.20199909

94 ingredients (if ocr is correct)
lol, lmao even

>> No.20200381

Pure cope, every single person who says this is actually just a wagie with nothing to do after work or on weekends and just wants to sound important.

>> No.20200432

I'm salaried.

>> No.20200434

Then you make the same amount of money regardless of how much you work and the less you work the better things are.

>> No.20200437

The mindset of an eternal leech.

>> No.20200443
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Unless you work for the government this holds true for exactly one performance review cycle

>> No.20200459

Work smarter, not harder. Get your work done to a high quality in less time and you win. Efficiency is the name of the game, spending less time is not the same as doing less work. Unlike with hourly work, getting done early doesn't reduce your pay so you have every incentive to find ways to reduce your hours with the same level of productivity/output. Then when you get off work early for the day you can spend an hour making a few burritos to have during lunch.

>> No.20200462

This is how you get pipped by the guy who got promoted ahead of you because he kept working at the point that you decided to get off work early for the day. (I am that guy)

>> No.20200468

>doing the same amount of work in a shorter amount of time will get you canned

>> No.20200473

"trust the science" reddit fag

>> No.20200474

If you had a limited amount of work to do each day you'd be paid by the hour

>> No.20200526

based anon providing the shareholders with extra value

>> No.20200808


>> No.20200858

I too enjoy a good novel before starting my day.