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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 835 KB, 650x822, IMG_1633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20194862 No.20194862 [Reply] [Original]

What is /ck/ doing for the big game?

>> No.20194865 [DELETED] 

nothing, I'm australian so I don't watch nigger collision

enjoy yourself, though

>> No.20194871

The Swifty Bowl? I'm getting ready to dance to some great music.

>> No.20194873

you're a mid 30's white female

>> No.20194878
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The usual.

>> No.20194881

bbq chicken wings and nachos

>> No.20194886

You’re goddamn right I am pumpkin tits.

>> No.20194891

I'm going to be painting 15mm Greek miniatures and ignoring the game

>> No.20194892

please stop annoying the general public, no one wants to see a fat bitch get out of her car with music about how she's ''stronger'' now, Michelle.

>> No.20194893

... oh yeah also tater tots
what the fuck would a big game be without tater tots, chicken wings, and nachos?

>> No.20194938

thats a lot of dipping snacks for not much to dip it in

>> No.20194943

My sister got me cooking lessons for christmas but I didn't find out until yesterday she fucking booked them for right in the middle of the fucking game. We're making Laksa apparently

>> No.20194949

“I’ll have the plain celery stick and dry ham sandwich, mrs vanwinkle”

>> No.20194956
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Maybe add this stuff too

>> No.20194962

Hey now, here in burgerland we call our beloved sport nigger brain damage & future bankruptcy.

>> No.20194963

The healthiest super bowl meal by far. Looks good anon.

>> No.20194995

I was going to make authentic swedish meatballs with the proper sauce and lingonberry jam

>> No.20195133

that is a very funny name for it, hehe

>> No.20195135

you are genuinely frightening

>> No.20195452

It’s funny the NFL pretends to care about black people while paying them to get destroy their bodies and get brain damage. Football is kind of fucked up.

>> No.20195459

A hamburger or 2 maybe ill have a bag of poatato chips with that and a soda or something.
I dont have any friend so no point in making a pile of food like in the op image noone is going to eat.

>> No.20195469

Going to a mardi gras themed superbowl party. Crawfish boil, gumbo, and maybe titties.

>> No.20195473
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>> No.20195481
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>tfw crawfish prices this year

>> No.20195485

Rate my menu
>Buffalo cauliflower
>Spinach artichoke dip
>Chicken taquitos
>Potato skins
>Chocolate chip cookies

>> No.20195500
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>Buffalo cauliflower

>> No.20195502

I'm in indiana. Guy having the party drove them up packed on ice this morning, don't know what he payed.

>> No.20195510

Speak for yourself.

>> No.20195519
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>Buffalo Cauliflower

>> No.20195526


>> No.20195533

>been up since 5am

>> No.20195537

an arm and a leg. this year's crop has been a disaster.

>> No.20195540

What's wrong with cauliflower, you big babies

>> No.20195549

I'm looking forward to it. I've stayed with his family in Mississippi before and the food is always tremendous.

>> No.20195573

is this a pagan sacrifice

>> No.20195583

>eats every single ham sandwich and all of the broccoli
>leaves everything else
thanks, guys!

>> No.20195611

Nothing, its good!

>> No.20195615

>Shared dip

>> No.20195621
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>> No.20195686

how do you suggest portioning out individual servings of dip for a whole group of people

>> No.20195701

>future bankruptcy
kek oh wow

>> No.20195712

>League plant marketing machine
>A team I feel total indifference to
Probably jerking off and playing video games.

>> No.20195752

by portioning out individual servings of dip

>> No.20195753

Your addiction to sugar paste is gay af

>> No.20195787

to what end anon? are the people you associate with really going to leave bandaids and shit in there if you dont keep then on a short leash? because I dont think making them carry around dip cups is going to stop it at that point

>> No.20195801

Not him, but the entire friend group needs to be close to be comfortable sharing dip. Normal places put spoon in the dip so you can put some in your plate.

Like I may be okay with sharing dip with 1 friend, but that 1 friend may not be okay with sharing it with another friend etc

>> No.20195817

Going to AZN friendo's for lunar new year par-tay. Her seafood soup is 10/10 awesome.

>> No.20195822


>> No.20195823

yeah the super bowls have been god awful since the rams won it at home. i know the NFL has been changing for a while now, but it's gotten REALLY bad in the past several years

>> No.20195829

>Hey, thanks for coming over, here’s your individually portioned cup of dip.
I would leave

>> No.20195831


>> No.20195834

Nothing, I can't stay awake for the so called big games. All of them are guaranteed to put me to sleep they're that boring with commercials every 3 minutes.

>> No.20195836

Aren't we all?

>> No.20195837

then that friend can get over it, no ones going to give him cooties

>> No.20195853

Jack shit.
I used to host a fag party during the Superbowl before I had a family of my own. Used to have people round to eat all the typical SB shit and whatever we found on thisiswhyyourefat while we watched John Waters movies and Hedwig on my projector.
The missus doesn't "get" John Waters but last time I had people round for that was 2016. I even had Odorama scratch-and-sniff cards for Polyester that year!

>> No.20195916

To ensure crispy skin on slow roasted and smoked poultry sugar should be avoided.

>> No.20196032

YWBAW, post greasy cleavage

>> No.20196044

Only a few of us so no need to make a shit load of food. Going to have quesadillas and nachos

>> No.20196076

kicks off near midnight hear and fear making myself food sleepy eating too late
got some wings to whack in the air fryer at some point

>> No.20196136

But the world cup.
OH YOU MEAN savage kneegrow handegg.

Lmao man how do you ruin something as manly and alpha as fuck as rugby. Turning it into joke
>Ok so lets throw on super thick padding and helmets so no one gets hurt and sues.
>Then lets have the refs&choaches cry every 60 seconds so the game stops and everyone resets.
>Lets then fill the teams with the biggest dumbest animals possible and a few slim players who can run.
>Also make the teams massive.

I will never understand how handegg is so popular in America. How they subverted raped and destroyed such a high test alpha as fuck sport. A sport where one needs to be fit as fuck strong as fuck be intelligent as fuck an a sharp wit . Or you'll get your shit turned in with a oneway ticket to snap city.
All the stupid fucking padding and the giant helmets hurt players. It fucks them up so badly decades of research how especially the helmets are causing brain damage on par with boxing. Yet rugby players hit far harder faster and more offten . Nowhere near the body drain&long term damage compared to handegg players.

I will say it is impressive seeing those big dumb animals weighing 350-600lb being able to run that much is legit super impressive. But if you look at their faces you can see they have sub 60iq's. Then when they open their mouths to speak, dear lord you can tell decades of inbreeding being born in a place where they dump chemicals in the water&soil with no fucks given minmaxing genetics turning humans into deformed monsters built for "sports".

Then you enable these animals at a young age if they can play handegg. Automatical give them A's in high school, off to college where they play for free "given" an education. Automatically once again given high scores, and handed a degree. Worked to the bone in hopes of going pro.

horrific assaults rape DUI murders etc crimes its ok he plays handegg this beast is important because hes on our team hes innocent.

Fuck off /sp/ KYS

>> No.20196174

damn thats crazy

>> No.20196177

u r gay but have a missus? how does that work

>> No.20196180 [DELETED] 

I will bring poo vindaloo and poo korma with poo and garlic naan

>> No.20196182

Least obsessed Euroshit (also didn't read)

>> No.20196208
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>> No.20196210
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Cheese-filled garlic bread!

>> No.20196246

It's almost as if non gays can enjoy faggy shit because it's funny or something.

>> No.20196252

Lesbians exist.

>> No.20196277

prove it

>> No.20196280

Way too little dip for how many dippables there are, all for the sake of accurate presentation.

>> No.20196282

so you're not gay but you say the f-slur...interesting...

>> No.20196284

I got a bucket of KFC

>> No.20196287
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right here, it's the bodacious dip

>> No.20196289
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>> No.20196290

It's okay that handegg ruined Rugby because luckswing salvaged Cricket.

>> No.20196291

The bodacious dip and a bucket of kfc, nobody can go wrong with that

>> No.20196298

Not really, faggot.

>> No.20196311

I might make nachos, my cable isnt working

>> No.20196322
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bitch ass nigga using the censored one

>> No.20196333
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>nigger collision

>> No.20196418

didn't know there was a better version. I'll be taking that.

>> No.20196437

no thanks, i'll stick to the one without the casual racism

>> No.20196448

I also think we should stop giving the black community a voice because they wont speak white enough, glad to be progressive

>> No.20196450
File: 2.94 MB, 3024x4032, 72937189915__BCE0B22C-AB72-4D99-A795-C3449EFB1225.fullsizerender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chili dogs

>> No.20196474

I would smash the hell out of this.

>> No.20196477

Zippy comeback. Thank you for speaking your truth and living your best life. Way to be unapoligetically yourself. Yaas qweeen.

>> No.20196483

why are you so angry

>> No.20196485
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Playing runescape. Might have some buttered bread for quick easy fuel. Also got a bucket of egg salad i made at 3am last night for sandwhiches if I remeber. Might just try for the egg salad since i restocked on mt dew for quick easy carbs.

>> No.20196492


>> No.20196494

Please, do not smash food. You are not Gallagher. That is not a watermelon. It is wasteful to do that and that is bad.

>> No.20196500

Gallagher? Night Sweats? Oasis?

>> No.20196515
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Let’s gooooo

>> No.20196516


>> No.20196534

Easily one of my favorite songs. Wonderwallers can eat my dick

>> No.20196594

What amazes me most about this video is how jowly and young Jimmy looks. I forgot that her used to look like that.
Never much cared for them to be honest, but leaps and bounds better that what's been popular the last fifteen years or so but you know a band or song is huge when you don't even like them/it yet you know all the lyrics anyway.
They were such a band and those were two such songs.

>> No.20196682

Ive had buffalo cauliflower before and it was delicious. However, it felt wrong. Like eating tofurkey. The experience is probably comparable to what OP and other homosexuals experience during what they call sex.

>> No.20196688

In that you can enjoy it, but your instinct tells you something is wrong and the end result is runny stool and depression for anyone that wasn't following.

>> No.20196692

you mean indescribably intense full-body ecstasy?

>> No.20196695

Interesting I've never had that feeling eating buffalo cauliflower. Maybe you had that feeling because you felt the buffalo cauliflower was just a compromise and you should have been eating buffalo chicken.

>> No.20196700

Close. But more like a cheap knockoff of what god intended.
Crispy but not overcooked chicken drumettes and flats drenched in salty vinergary hot sauce.

>> No.20196702

Last year I brought tupperware, waited until the kickoff so everyone was watching the game, filled my tupperware up and left by the end of the 1st quarter. It was like a free food day

anyone else do this?

>> No.20196705
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>> No.20196715
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This chap gets it. Veggies are great but they're poor substitutes for meat when they try to be.
Homosexuals don't have sex. Sex is a physical embodiment of love that espouses children and continued life.
Thats not what theyre doing and i feel bad for them, but i wont entertain their delusions any more than ill entertain vegans delusions

>> No.20196719

There seem to be more bowls on the side that were cutoff, one might be ranch, the other could be salsa. There is more to that image than OP posted.

>> No.20196726

Anon how do you feel about all the straight sex that neither espouses love nor bears children?

Also buffalo cauliflower is absolutely serviceable and tasty. People who have a weird conceptual problem with it despite liking the taste are either so against eating meat they force themselves to eat meat substitutes that disappoint them, or so enamored with eating meat they retch at the thought of savory non meat options.

>> No.20196729

Nah dude thats like 2/3rds candy and samdwimches. And noones gonna touch the dip anyway because its lindas specialty and she's gonna cry if it gets messed up. (Shes gonna complain when noone touches it also)

>> No.20196731

Nah, the brain damage thing is a meme leftoids use to attack kid's football so they can kill sports at the root. NFL & NBA is literally the best thing ever to blacks and those who worship blacks, because the alternative is drugs, gangs and rap. Heck, the NFL does a bang up job trying to clean black people's shit up as best they can. Lots of pro footballers be trying to clean their communities up.

If people (read: lefties) actually cared about blacks, they'd be stopping all the black gang violence that kills black kids, teens and adults at high rates. Fun fact - it's legal for them to do it too, it's just like with the border wall, no one actually does their job to stop it, because politics.

>> No.20196739

Oh yeah, saw a clip on that - apparently drought conditions in Louisiana that impacted a lot of farms. Not everyone was affected, but it was enough to drive up prices.

>> No.20196742


>> No.20196743

I made Chef John's hot crab dip he posted not too long ago. I tried it unbaked already and it's so good. It will be even better baked in a couple hours

>> No.20196765

thats the point austrolard

>> No.20196776

It's not a meme. Phillip Adams, former NFL player did a mass shooting (killed 6) and they did an autopsy on him and he had severe CTE


>> No.20196783

uh pretty sure it was just because he's a black guy

>> No.20196794

College bowls go hard with the absurdity. My favorite was the Cheese It bowl where the field was absolutely covered in cheezits by the time the celebration was over

>> No.20196795

Explain Aaron Hernandez then. Or Junior Seau.

>> No.20196796

Some of the earliest & worst CTE victims have been white.

>> No.20196797

>tfw Wingstop isn’t taking orders anymore
Should I just get a crave case from White Castle or something?

>> No.20196804

If you wanted wings during the Superbowl you should have made them yourself. This is one of the busiest days of the year for takeout

>> No.20196806

hispanic guys. did junior seau kill somebody?

>> No.20196809
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Listen buddy I’m kind of a fucking moron so I’m going to order White Castle instead

>> No.20196814

Yeah, himself.

>> No.20196816

I have two kinds of wings I am making in the air fryer. I have never made wings before, but the last two years, I did not get my food until the second half despite ordering a week early. I have some that are pre-cooked frozen, and some that just need to be reheated. Also have fries that I will do second.

>> No.20196835

oh yeah. usually thats a white guy or a tranny doing that shit

>> No.20196854

rashaan salaam former heisman trophy winner also killed himself on a bench in boulder, colorado where he played college football. but i think thats more because he washed out of the nfl and never really succeeded professionally after dominating in college

>> No.20196872

>Seau committed suicide by shooting himself in the chest in 2012 at age 43. Later studies by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) concluded that Seau had chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), a brain disease that has also been found in other deceased former NFL players.[3][4]

>> No.20196873

Looks good dude.

>> No.20196886

pigs in blanket, beef and cheese nachos, pizza
simple as

>> No.20196894

Greek food is the best. Zito Hellas

>> No.20196907
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Been calling it that for years

>> No.20196908

No beers? Fucking failure.
That doesn't look like enough to feed a stray cat or coyote.

>> No.20196916

My webm keeps getting used

>> No.20196925

it's an oldschool meme, we call basketball apehoop whoever the dude was that invented these terms is a god. you didn't invent anything g.

>> No.20196932
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Hello fellow miniatures painter

>> No.20197038

Niggers are the ones shooting people up, it's their business to stop not libs

>> No.20197960

Where on earth did I claim to make it up, you dumb fucking nigger. And "apehoop"? We call it MonkeyDunk around here. Go back, faggot

>> No.20198050

please humiliate me for watching football swiftie mommy

>> No.20198351

needles agression is a sign you're a bitch.

>> No.20198380

god i fucking love pita bread and hummus. the chicken looks good as fuck too
>all that stuff to dip
>one kind of dip and it's not hummus or baba ghanoush so it's probably trash
absolute failure

>> No.20198547


>> No.20198636

Ramekins, disposible plastic dip cups, literally bowls.

>> No.20198638

Is seafood soup a euphamism?

>> No.20198639

>implying your autistic ass would get an invite in the first place

>> No.20198647
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>> No.20198826

Emdzones should be salsa not popcorn.

>> No.20198838

>luck swing
>ice fight

>> No.20198927

Learn how to spell, smarmy queer
Golf = PrivilegeSticks
Soccer = SpicKick
Hockey = FrostHonkeys
Baseball = HickStick

>> No.20198942

>not knee hold

>> No.20199136
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That's gonna depend a lot on what the fuck a 'euphamism' is, retard.

>> No.20199304

I hope you added some flour or something to this before letting it turn your bread into mush and dripping all over your guests hands and carpet

>> No.20199306

obviously its divegrass
i have no idea how people watch that crap

>> No.20199310

he's black he can say it...

>> No.20199331

Eu, pham. Eu're an ism.

>> No.20199333


>> No.20199393

the football field is guac. besides that, there might be some at the very bottom edge of the image.

>> No.20200594

It was still reducing silly, they turned out great it’s pretty hard to fuck it up

>> No.20200656
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that made me lol irl

>> No.20200713

None of that looks particularly appealing.
I think I'd be making a quick trip to Taco Bell and getting some food that will actually fill me up and give me some satisfaction.

>> No.20201927

>None of that looks particularly appealing
I didn't bother looking at the pic too closely until you said that, just glancing at the thumbnail but now that I've opened it, I have to agree. The only things I would especially like are the peanut butter Snickers. I'd be tempted to fish them all out for myself but wouldn't because that would be poor behaviour.
Really? I was just being silly. Thank eu.

>> No.20202044
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I'm putting out the good nuts.

>> No.20202434

real human food right there. I can't imagine eating anything else and feeling as good. based