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20185639 No.20185639 [Reply] [Original]

Why people dont just buy good wine, hold it safe for 100 years and then sell it for a huge profit?

>> No.20185669

Wine stops improving between 5-15 years depending on what kind of wine it is. After the quality peaks it starts to decline. 100 year old wine would be swill

>> No.20185670

because it's a stupid investment.

>> No.20185671

they do. you are restarted . please stop making OPs unless you can cook. thanks.

>> No.20185683

This is some huge bullshit lmao

>> No.20185684
File: 2.36 MB, 626x360, wine spill.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do.
Wine investing is a thing. Just not for people with a budget like yours or mine.

>> No.20185695

wine fucking sucks

>> No.20185703

Begone Ahmed

>> No.20185707

Don't mind me, I'm sending this to my phone.

>> No.20185726


damn that hurts to watch, why didn't he break the glass door? I'm sure the wine is worth more

>> No.20185733

Look how he acts, I have see that look and attitude on people who have lost huge ammounts of money, dude is in shock that wine must have been seveeal zeroes worth look how he tries to react then freezes and watch the desaster unfold, moves again and watches some more kek

>> No.20185739

yeaa feelsbadman :(

>> No.20185742

Don't listen to this merchant, he's trying to keep all good wine for himself.

>> No.20185856

money is nothing.
simple as.

>> No.20185860

i like the chow.

>> No.20185867

Easy to forget most rich people are retarded lucky boomers who don't deserve to be there

>> No.20185874

There are SOME very old wines that have aged well. But yes, GENERALLY wines are sold at the proper age to consume, or within ~5-15 years at most.

You really need to go out of your way to buy wines that are INTENDED to be stored for very long periods of time, and GENERALLY those wines will be aged in barrels before being bottled decades later, as ageing in the bottle for extended periods of time leads to cork rot and corked wine.

>> No.20185910


>> No.20186039

>I'm sure the wine is worth more
>that look and attitude on people who have lost huge ammounts of money
If it was really worth life altering amounts of money he should've had the bottles insured (either the entire collection under a blanket policy or on a bottle per bottle basis for particularly nice wine collections).

There is an entire minor subsection of the insurance industry for this.

>> No.20186040

Good. Faggots who buy things designed to be used, solely to hold and resell them without using them deserve to have bad things happen to them.

>> No.20186146

Bought white wine that smells like butter popcorn. What the fuck is up with that?

>> No.20186606

I stuck my balls in it, sorry bout that mate

>> No.20186762

i dont care who the fuck that is i know exactly how that feels divided by ten

>> No.20187106

i know how it feels. (lost 2 dollars on a bet once)

>> No.20187231

I dont want money in 100 years I want cash now!

>> No.20187336


But for real what the fuck was that shit? Im used to bought wine being shittier than homemade but this was fucking atrocious. Bought 5 litres of that shit too, hella disappointed.

>> No.20187400

They literally do. A former boss of mine used to do just that.
I'd rather drink it sooner.

>> No.20187479

Ballsweat. It's in the wine now! You tasted it! Now swab them gums bwaii!!

>> No.20187503

>just step in front of hundreds of pounds of falling glass bro!

>> No.20187628
File: 46 KB, 720x367, IMG_9763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don’t people just buy cheap wine, go to sleep for 12 years, and then drink the wine when they wake up? It will be pretty good wine after it has aged for that long. It’s what I call beating the system.

>> No.20187685

Bottled wine only ages for a year or two before it “spoils”. To long-term age wine it still has to be in the fermenting barrels.

>> No.20187693

That's not true at all lol

>> No.20187703

Yes it is. Internet Historian told me, and he’s based and you’re a little faggot. If you have a reply to this post stick it up your ass instead of actually replying.

>> No.20188451

Lmao this fucking retard

>> No.20188747

Unless he's retarded he should've his collection insured. In which case getting a payout is much easier than selling them all.

>> No.20188759

i do that with LEGO :3

>> No.20188768

Does it work?

>> No.20188775

Pretty sure he just realised and accepted that there was nothing he could do. If he'd gone in there he'd have just had to walk around in wine and broken glass while risking getting a bottle dropped on his noggin.

You know what's even cheaper than insurance?
Putting a couple of screws in the fucking wall. Even my bookshelves are secured like that and it's not like my books are expensive first editions or anything.

>> No.20188824

then your mom's boyfriend also deserves that considering he gives your mom away to gangbangers every night for money

>> No.20188861

>You know what's even cheaper than insurance?
>Putting a couple of screws in the fucking wall.
At a certain point if the value of the wine were high enough, it doesn't matter how secure or well built the storage area is, you still are retarded for not getting them insured. Plenty of shit can happen beyond a shelf failing that you can't plan for or prevent, which is why insurance exists and there will always be a point where the value of the collection exceeds any potential cost savings from NOT insuring the collection. I doubt this collection was insured though unless some of those bottles are much older/rarer than they appear (they all look like younger bottles).

>> No.20189900

I think banging on a wall of the rook would've just accelerated the inevitable

>> No.20189956

It looks like only a few of them actually broke

>> No.20190129

None of what you said excuses the fact that the retard didn't secure his winerack.

>> No.20190317

>Dog going for a lick at the end

>> No.20190378

if insurance wasnt a scam they wouldnt be selling it retard

>> No.20191811


>> No.20191818

>yer doin well lad, don't let any poofter cunt tell ye different, eh?

>> No.20192471

How do you thank a norf without looking like a fag?

>> No.20192602

when a wine has a high content of malic acid, they add lactobacteria to convert the malic acid to lactic, since it's not has harsh. as a side effect this process also produces diacetyl, which has a strong buttery flavor afaik.

>> No.20192803

good, fuck that boomer

>> No.20193697

who is going to buy it? in 100 years we'll all be african or indian or some shit and those people don't drink wine

>> No.20193710

good goyim. hate the boomer. hate your ancestors

>> No.20194131

cheers m8

>> No.20194137

tip your bowler hat and do a 540 spin and walk away saying "no probs our kid"

>> No.20194149

Always great to see a boomer get what he deserves

lol boomers are the jew's greatest ally

>> No.20194151

god bless israel

>> No.20194155
File: 90 KB, 280x180, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>god bless israel

>> No.20194168

literally me when they goyim find out about me digging underground

>> No.20194209

california chardonnay

not even once

>> No.20194706

I know this sounds like a meme, but the Rothschilds literally own a winery & storage facility in France that does this.
The way it works is that they have a guy say that this wine is incredible, and worth a huge amount per bottle, then they can take out loan against the wine.
No need to hold it for long, but it can act as a store of value if you need. Art works in a similar way