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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 59 KB, 504x640, 1707333757047961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20184372 No.20184372 [Reply] [Original]

Post old /ck/ related adverts

>> No.20184377

I'd fuck Shirley before saley

>> No.20184395

Yeah, cause Sally wouldn’t fuck your raggedy ass

>> No.20184398

Salu is a dike bitch that is getting gender surgery. Just like your mom

>> No.20184412

Shirley looks like a girl that swallows, Sally looks like she doesn't even give head.

>> No.20184428

>The candy with the hole

>> No.20184433

Shirley wants to give you her booty hole because she's a freak, Sally exclusively gives you the booty hole to "preserve her virginity"

>> No.20184439

The gay couple in the background watching fat womanly Shirley are in shambles as she mocks them by miming fellatio.
Meanwhile the fag couple watching skinny teen boy body Sally mimicking catching a cum drop are happily waving to her. This is a perfect representation of American gay culture btw.

>> No.20184514

>Thinking Shirley's fat
If only they knew how bad things really got

>> No.20184517

The absolute state of Sallyfags holy shit

>> No.20184528

Sally fags blown the fucj out. That twig could not survive bearing strong whitr children.

>> No.20184587
File: 232 KB, 827x1200, Ayds-diet-candy-1978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone want some Ayds?

>> No.20184607
File: 198 KB, 1000x1370, 4df6623c4bd7c8a823090000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20184625

I gave my kid sprite + milk once, he really liked it. It's not a bad drink.

>> No.20184654
File: 839 KB, 2108x2804, CXhmTUjWYAAl2Lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20184666
File: 211 KB, 800x783, carnation burger recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20184668

The name of the company that made Ayds?
Isis Chocolates

>> No.20184672

lol advertising was really fucking lawless back then

>> No.20184675
File: 12 KB, 470x384, 1587179188525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try, satan. And take your milk burgers with you.

>> No.20184698

This isn't as appalling as the picture makes it look once you read the recipe

>> No.20184767

Sally is just skinny because her family is clearly poor.

>> No.20184775

doesn't that make her an ideal candidate for being a wife

>> No.20184779

suck my balls

>> No.20184784

Not enough info.

>> No.20184785

very cooking related

>> No.20184787

>not enough info
she's poor and doesn't look too bad, that's plenty enough info for me

>> No.20184791

your rape has been reported to the new york police department

>> No.20184793
File: 54 KB, 309x463, 5-gross-things-OPENER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros .....

>> No.20184796

they aint gon do shit, I'll be out and about in no time

>> No.20184803

Maybe she's a shitty cook and a closet lesbian. Shirley clearly isn't the latter.

>> No.20184807

>watch "Soldiers of Fortune" for exciting adventure, see this 7-up show every week

>> No.20184815

>closet lesbian
that increase the chance of being tighter and subjugated to domestic violence

>> No.20184883
File: 198 KB, 600x840, 0mniT-1468593271-embed-gross_mayopears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20184926

Anyone tried this? How is it compared to adding an egg?

>> No.20185019

this ad is for insecure women, not for you

>> No.20185056
File: 7 KB, 300x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sally's all bony and not to my taste
but sweet shirley simkins can sit on my face

>> No.20185059
File: 86 KB, 268x325, 1703221518508781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20185062

forget the girls, tell me more about them boys back there.

>> No.20185080
File: 145 KB, 762x1024, 1698484223522544m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20185159

The Chad Shirley vs the Virgin Sally

>> No.20185162

>Women gave up staying home all day and day-drinking for boring stressful office jobs because they didn't want to fold shirts and put a roast in an oven

>> No.20185170

jesus fucking christ

>> No.20185175

women have perpetual "the grass is greener on the other side" syndrome. there's no circumstances that will leave them content.

>> No.20185178

Haha that was a fat woman in the 50's

>U S A!! U S A!!

>> No.20185206

Someone post that old magazine ad of the gym child bending down to her heels, and the caption including the word "lick"

think it was a popsicle or jello-pudding-pop ad from the 80s?

>> No.20185208

Women's all time favorite pastime is whining about how hard it is to be a woman. This is true in every culture and every era.

>> No.20185216

Isn't that just a meatball/meatloaf recipe but with the nice augmented milky-ness of evaporated milk instead of the regular stuff. Sounds pretty good to me

>> No.20185220

I am intrigued yet apalled

>> No.20185273

it used to be legal to rape your wife. some of them probably didn't like that and would rather work and support themselves.

>> No.20185317

holy based

>> No.20185323

Well obviously if you’re on ck you have a strict upper threshold for body fat on your bitch

>> No.20185347

If you're married, it's not fucking rape, retard

>> No.20185351

Give him sprite and bananas next time.

>> No.20185355
File: 640 KB, 474x640, banania.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20185362
File: 1.55 MB, 800x1214, choco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20185373

Yes it is if you rape her, you fucking degenerate.

>> No.20185375

why would you marry your rapist? seems stupid to me

>> No.20185379
File: 74 KB, 444x641, Celery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20185399
File: 153 KB, 625x828, wonderboytrap1000m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20185401
File: 166 KB, 767x1024, Teen-1969-03-v13n03-print-17-767x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keeping the thread on-topic and rape-related, there's a whole series of these Wonderbread ads, encouraging women to take advantage of men's natural, insatiable attraction to Wonderbread so they can brutally rape them without consent. #MeToo #CancelWonderbread

>> No.20185402


>> No.20185405
File: 81 KB, 640x860, bkepk9yv0nk91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another, "joking" about men who get date-raped after being drugged with the powers of Wonderbread.

>> No.20185408
File: 75 KB, 377x500, 52872359877_292ebefafa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember men, just because you can't resist the powers of Wonderbread doesn't mean you were "asking for it".

>> No.20185419


>> No.20185443
File: 115 KB, 910x621, ddf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20185449

What in Carnation??

>> No.20185457 [DELETED] 

Shirley would be considered thin in today's America lmao

>> No.20185458

Those women like to be raped.

>> No.20185462

>some of them probably didn't like tha
Which is why so many of them started onlyfans making rape content for men and so many women's fetish is rape (with somebody they know.)

>> No.20185463

It's not rape, it's just making her do her job. I don't ask the toaster for permission before jamming bread in and turning it on either.

>> No.20185465

And it’s your job as a man to keep your wife happy, if you can’t even do something as simple as that, you’re a failed male.
Going in dry isn’t exactly gonna make her happy.

>> No.20185472 [DELETED] 

I have a friend of mine who is a faggot antiquarian and worked as an appraiser for a well known auction house. When I bought my house, he gave me a magazine from 18... something... 96, I think? Yeah. 1896. I'm pretty sure he gave me a magazine from 1896 as a housewarming gift. I've never opened it and it's still in its protective wrapper though to be honest, it's stored like shit in a drawer in my TV room. Should I try opening it and scanning interesting food adverts, if any?

>> No.20185491

The magazine probably contains a note, written in flowering script on scented paper, declaring that he "LIKES YOU likes you" and asking if you "LIKE HIM like him" too and proposing that you meet for a midnight rendezvous under the cherry blossoms while wearing matching velvet tuxedos with a bottle of 1926 Bordeaux and a bottle of cough medicine. But yeah, after you recover from that, scan away, OC is OC.

>> No.20185521
File: 89 KB, 310x357, Capture (2020_09_30 15_15_58 UTC).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oooh hardcore, i have no doubt this is exactly how you treat all the women in your life in reality right? god you're so badass dude

>> No.20185522 [DELETED] 

He's a faggot, not a homosexual.
Add long as I've known him, he's never had any relationship, make, female or otherwise. I think he's asexual but he's so thin and organised and persnickety that "faggot" is the only word to describe his personality. Dude goes around in Edwardian cosplay except the shit actually IS Edwardian.

>> No.20185524
File: 38 KB, 1080x1141, 1513347352762 (2020_09_30 14_42_46 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this cannot possibly be real

>> No.20185542

>Woman don't want to be raped
Kek, you are so full of shit.

>> No.20185549

>lots of women like rough sex, and some women might fantasise about being raped by some specific men under specific circumstances
>all women want to be raped by anyone at any time
yeah not quite retard

>> No.20185551

>yeah not quite
looks like they understand the rules of the game

>> No.20185552


>> No.20185565

>it’s just making her do her job
Your wife is a prostitute?

>> No.20185571

she's not receiving a salary idiot

>> No.20185574

Not everyone is like your mom dude lololz.

>> No.20185579

'All women are whores', so yes.

Also, since when were there so many women on 4chan? No wonder people here get triggered so easily nowadays.

>> No.20185582

Before man built civilisation, women would be raped all the time, willy-nilly.
We men built society, you can go make your own if you think it's so easy. And, if you do, that means you no longer are legally citizens, and can therefore be raped willy-nilly again.

>> No.20185584

So she's a prostitute that does it for free then?

>> No.20185585

you didn't do shit, you're just stinking the place out

>> No.20185588

holy fuck i honestly thought this board was less retarded and derail-full than /tv/ and /mu/ and shit but no its just as bad hahhahha

>> No.20185590

>Women gave up staying home all day and day-drinking for boring stressful office jobs
And now they're complaining about them. Haven't you noticed an increase in 'doomposting' about working lately? 90% from women.
They've even taken to injecting botex in the skull because it reduces migrains they keep getting from working. Leave it to women to whine so much; men had been tolerating it for hundreds of years.

>> No.20185591

a wife that only i get to fuck and gets no salary is as good a prostitute as your arguments are, idiot.

>> No.20185592
File: 169 KB, 500x376, Argument-triangle-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20185596

Go back to the wild then. See how you women fare.
>we want the benefits of man-made civilisation without any of the responsibility
Women, 'morality', for them is anything that benefits them. Abortion is moral because women get to use it. Execution of criminals is immoral because women don't get anything out of it.

The female brain is very simple.

>> No.20185607

guess what? your central claim was that you ("we") built civilisation, and my refutation was that no you fucking didn't, a very specific cadre of men over the course of the past millennium did. you're a fake tough guy shitposter on 4chan, not exactly one of the architects of the western world

>> No.20185610

why do women so disproportionally care about stuff like the plight of poor people in other countries, starving orphans, endangered animals, veganism, etc etc? i'm not saying they're right, but this point is incorrect

>> No.20185612

>your central claim was that you ("we") built civilisation
No, it wasn't. It was 'man' built civilisation.

>> No.20185613

>The female brain is very simple.
don't worry, the lack of complex thought is genuinely noticeable

>> No.20185614

why did you use the word we then

>> No.20185615

no one want to be raped by a ugly man, ugly men belong in a landfill

>> No.20185616

Virtue signalling. It benefits how people view them.

'As master morality originates in the strong, slave morality originates in the weak. Because slave morality is a reaction to oppression, it vilifies its oppressors. Slave morality is the inverse of master morality. As such, it is characterized by pessimism and cynicism. Slave morality is created in opposition to what master morality values as good.

Slave morality does not aim at exerting one's will by strength, but by careful subversion. It does not seek to transcend the masters, but to make them slaves as well. The essence of slave morality is utility: The good is what is most useful for the whole community, not just the strong'.

>> No.20185620

It's irrelevant to the topic, why are you fixating on it?

>> No.20185622

because all you fake neo nazi posers love to take credit by association for what white men have achieved over the course of human history when in reality you're pathetic fucking losers desperately trying to find something to cling onto to maintain your self image. its every fucking time

>> No.20185624

>why do women so disproportionally care about stuff like the plight of poor people in other countries, starving orphans, endangered animals, veganism, etc etc?
See below:

'The Desire to Inspire Compassion.—La Rochefoucauld, in the most notable part of his self portraiture (first printed 1658) reaches the vital spot of truth when he warns all those endowed with reason to be on their guard against compassion, when he advises that this sentiment be left to men of the masses who stand in need of the promptings of the emotions (since they are not guided by reason) to induce them to give aid to the suffering and to be of service in misfortune: whereas compassion, in his (and Plato's) view, deprives the heart of strength. To be sure, sympathy should be manifested but men should take care not to feel it; for the unfortunate are rendered so dull that the manifestation of sympathy affords them the greatest happiness in the world.—Perhaps a more effectual warning against this compassion can be given if this need of the unfortunate be considered not simply as stupidity and intellectual weakness, not as a sort of distraction of the spirit entailed by misfortune itself (and thus, indeed, does La Rochefoucauld seem to view it) but as something quite different and more momentous. Let note be taken of children who cry and scream in order to be compassionated and who, therefore, await the moment when their condition will be observed; come into contact with the sick and the oppressed in spirit and try to ascertain if the wailing and sighing, the posturing and posing of misfortune do not have as end and aim the causing of pain to the beholder: the sympathy which each beholder manifests is a consolation to the weak and suffering only in as much as they are made to perceive that at least they have the power, notwithstanding all their weakness, to inflict pain'.

>> No.20185626

Cause you sound like a total internet tough guy faggot.

>> No.20185627

So you are attempting to change the topic.

>> No.20185628

No you wouldn't. I hate zoomers and their contrarian beauty standards claiming ugly=pretty. It's just a cope because all of you are ugly dysgenic little goblins.

>> No.20185629

>This is le bad because....ummm....IT JUST IS

>> No.20185632

Because woman are literally just more empathetic, despite what incels might say
>In 36 countries, women scored on average significantly higher in their cognitive empathy scores than men did

They also produce more oxyxcotin than men
>oxytocin strongly increase feelings of trust, calm, safety, generosity and connectedness and facilitates the ability to feel warmth and compassion for ourselves

>muh Virtue signalling
This retard clearly doesn't understand anything.

>> No.20185633

ITT: tradfag neets from X fantasizing about how they’d force themselves on their wives if they had one

>> No.20185635


>> No.20185641

'The Desire to Inspire Compassion.—La Rochefoucauld, in the most notable part of his self portraiture (first printed 1658) reaches the vital spot of truth when he warns all those endowed with reason to be on their guard against compassion, when he advises that this sentiment be left to men of the masses who stand in need of the promptings of the emotions (since they are not guided by reason) to induce them to give aid to the suffering and to be of service in misfortune: whereas compassion, in his (and Plato's) view, deprives the heart of strength. To be sure, sympathy should be manifested but men should take care not to feel it; for the unfortunate are rendered so dull that the manifestation of sympathy affords them the greatest happiness in the world.—Perhaps a more effectual warning against this compassion can be given if this need of the unfortunate be considered not simply as stupidity and intellectual weakness, not as a sort of distraction of the spirit entailed by misfortune itself (and thus, indeed, does La Rochefoucauld seem to view it) but as something quite different and more momentous. Let note be taken of children who cry and scream in order to be compassionated and who, therefore, await the moment when their condition will be observed; come into contact with the sick and the oppressed in spirit and try to ascertain if the wailing and sighing, the posturing and posing of misfortune do not have as end and aim the causing of pain to the beholder: the sympathy which each beholder manifests is a consolation to the weak and suffering only in as much as they are made to perceive that at least they have the power, notwithstanding all their weakness, to inflict pain'.

>> No.20185649

Hahahaha wow. So here's where the alcoholic wine drinking stay-at-home mom kicked off

>> No.20185650

>>20185641learn to share your thoughts instead relying on another man’s word

>> No.20185651


>> No.20185653

'Sympathy has the satisfaction of others in view no more than, as already stated, badness has the pain of others in view. For there are at least two (perhaps many more) elementary ingredients in personal gratification which enter largely[128] into our self satisfaction: one of them being the pleasure of the emotion, of which species is sympathy with tragedy, and another, when the impulse is to action, being the pleasure of exercising one's power. Should a sufferer be very dear to us, we divest ourselves of pain by the performance of acts of sympathy.—With the exception of some few philosophers, men have placed sympathy very low in the rank of moral feelings: and rightly'.

>> No.20185656


Also, hypocritical coming from the one who linked to articles of research done by other people.
Do your own scientific research to prove it then. YOU study those brain chemicals then.

>> No.20185658

>Going in dry isn’t exactly gonna make her happy.
You don't put butter the bread before jamming it in the toaster

>> No.20185659

Retards like you will scream for sources, so yes I had to provide them.
why does it upset you that women are more caring? did your own mother abuse you? are you from /pol/?
You can’t ignore reality forever.

>> No.20185687

'The Desire to Inspire Compassion.—La Rochefoucauld, in the most notable part of his self portraiture (first printed 1658) reaches the vital spot of truth when he warns all those endowed with reason to be on their guard against compassion, when he advises that this sentiment be left to men of the masses who stand in need of the promptings of the emotions (since they are not guided by reason) to induce them to give aid to the suffering and to be of service in misfortune: whereas compassion, in his (and Plato's) view, deprives the heart of strength. To be sure, sympathy should be manifested but men should take care not to feel it; for the unfortunate are rendered so dull that the manifestation of sympathy affords them the greatest happiness in the world.—Perhaps a more effectual warning against this compassion can be given if this need of the unfortunate be considered not simply as stupidity and intellectual weakness, not as a sort of distraction of the spirit entailed by misfortune itself (and thus, indeed, does La Rochefoucauld seem to view it) but as something quite different and more momentous. Let note be taken of children who cry and scream in order to be compassionated and who, therefore, await the moment when their condition will be observed; come into contact with the sick and the oppressed in spirit and try to ascertain if the wailing and sighing, the posturing and posing of misfortune do not have as end and aim the causing of pain to the beholder: the sympathy which each beholder manifests is a consolation to the weak and suffering only in as much as they are made to perceive that at least they have the power, notwithstanding all their weakness, to inflict pain'.

>> No.20185692

Abusive mother it is then, sorry she mind-broke you this bad anon

>> No.20185694

>can't read a single paragraph of a book
So much for women being educated.

>> No.20185709
File: 1.23 MB, 900x1184, 7 up orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The outfit alone makes her hotter.

>> No.20185712
File: 335 KB, 1416x1600, Salt1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20185716

>Rent free
Fucking hell anon

>> No.20185718
File: 1002 KB, 663x883, banania.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this the current design you can buy. you can see school was useful, he now says "c'est tout bon" instead of "y'a bon"

>> No.20185719
File: 118 KB, 500x725, 1698239727068071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20185721

he's not wrong though

>> No.20185723
File: 449 KB, 519x573, 1698245539167067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20185728
File: 1.16 MB, 776x906, Quaker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20185732

>woman's fault

>> No.20185744
File: 111 KB, 180x280, 1677277754686078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20185746


>> No.20185750
File: 63 KB, 473x281, NOMA'AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20185765

Nah, especially when it comes to this barely even plump shirley girl. Just a weak reason to spout demented ramblings about zoomers. It's an odd thing.

>> No.20185770
File: 37 KB, 400x400, vTlcg5fr_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you deny that feminism is ruining western civilization ?

>> No.20185775

>ywn get fucked by the quaker oats man in a nasty old barn for being a dirty little faggot
why even live.

>> No.20185776

I didn't know cellophane was a dupont product. Damn they make a lot of shit.

>> No.20185777
File: 1.44 MB, 277x202, 1607699685785.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is only by todays fat standards
Back when that was made , nearly everyone was thin
Sex was surely better back then , you could be pretty sure that your wife would stay skinny for most of your marriage

>> No.20185783

>Going in dry isn’t exactly gonna make her happy
how dare you try and speak for all women?!
you have no idea what every single person is into.
if there's weirdos that like to eat poop, and weirdos that like to be stabbed and cut, then there's most definitely weirdos that like to have somebody stuff the box dry.

>> No.20185786

>since when were there so many women on 4chan?
since never.
it's trannies that will never be a woman.

>> No.20185790


>> No.20185797

Although I don't recommend it for babies, soda is just water and sugar, two things existing in nature.
And what's wrong with giving children candy?

>> No.20185798

how did he get the porn actress?

>> No.20185799

le troll face

>> No.20185804

I know but even for the ad she is just a gal who loves cookies. Not some ugly broad who weighs more than her husband lol. I thought about that too, how people back then at least had more access to physically appealing spouses. Love a fat ass and boobad bitch and too skinny hurts when going to poundtown but I've had nice experiences with tennis types.

>> No.20185807

>Food isle status

>> No.20185808

I was about to post that...

>> No.20185817


>> No.20185830

that's obviously his mom. can't you see the family resemblance?

>> No.20185833

Thats his mom you cretin

>> No.20185836

The DuPont chemicals tack-on really makes this one even funnier

>> No.20185837

You are just a chubby chaser which is a form of subconscious cope. You would have never developed this fetish if there were plenty of thin women available to you

>> No.20185839

>can't you see the family resemblance?
i see a chick that i've seen in multiple porn vids.

>> No.20185842

>Reject boxed wine
>Retvrn to tradition

>> No.20185847

I'm not and this random assuming is what I found so demented in the first place.

>> No.20185848

Fucking Sluts owe me sex and a sandwich

>> No.20185850

If you love a fat ass , you are by definition , a chubby chaser

>> No.20185853

>1488 Sandy Blvd
no fucking way

>> No.20185854

I'm not american tho

>> No.20185858

Who said you were american?

>> No.20185861

>"Look we hear you, we see you, you are valid, we understand that you would like police reform but instead were going to take aunt Jemima out behind the shed and shoot her."
Yeah because that's what people were asking for.

>> No.20185868

Just being le funny dude. Anyway nah, aint a chubby chaser. I fuck all kinds of women but I enjoy a fat ass as much as I love shape tennis girls. That guy who rambled about zoomies is still odd though. Nevertheless, hope you have a good day anon.

>> No.20185869
File: 281 KB, 1536x1152, hershey_trans-candy-bar-1536x1152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20185872

>all these posts

this site died long ago

>> No.20185875


>> No.20185876

someone already posted it you dumb tranny

>> No.20185880

OK i may have jumped the gun

but it didn't even have any (you)s

>> No.20185881
File: 1.44 MB, 480x480, wild ziz.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double dogging is the norm here, kiddo.

>> No.20185888
File: 1.96 MB, 540x360, tumblr_nycjluUKNJ1tzqospo1_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20185898

this site did die long ago tho. you rite about dat

>> No.20185899

Being a chubby chaser does not mean that you only like fat girls, it means that you are willing to bang them.
Men from the 50s would not have even considered to have sex with a chubby girl when they were in their prime and looking for a mate unless they were very low status indeed

>> No.20185914

A chubby chaser is primarily and preferably fucking chubsters. I don't, just love hole and big asses. Anyway sounds really cool but the whole thing about shirley being a fucking uggo bitch zoomzoom whore is retarded.

>> No.20185923

Why was there such an obsession with wacky plating back then?

>> No.20185929
File: 170 KB, 600x1192, dg73k5eu0r961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh it's real, alright.

>> No.20185932

i can smell the fedora coming off this post.

>> No.20185936

>are you screaming at the kids all day? have you tried drinking and doing it too?

>> No.20185945

>For just a shilling and change, you've got a sample bottle to throw at them too.
What a beautiful vision they had for society, horrible children and perpetually buzzed housewives.

>> No.20185978
File: 102 KB, 750x842, 1675138459243092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did they become so horrible guys?

>> No.20186003


>> No.20186010

>1s. 6d.
So it's an English ad. That explains how they got away with it.

>> No.20186015
File: 394 KB, 712x295, 1684351257449759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to agree with this

>> No.20186041

And men's favorite pastime is bitching about them.
Since men stopped being men.

>> No.20186068 [DELETED] 

The funny thing is that I'm sure this lady didn't come up with this argument herself and instead got this from some douchenozzle like... what's his name... that black rapist dude who moved to Romania. You know the one. Or that actually respectable guy, Jordan Peterson.
She didn't think this up herself because it's beyond her malleable female mind. Certainly beyond >>20185978's malleable female mind considering /she literally posted a screencap of someone else's post rather than having anything to say herself/.
The fact that she is exhibiting the exact same behaviour her image chides is entirely lost on her. Ever the woman, she can't understand her own hypocrisy.

>> No.20186074 [DELETED] 

Fucking love the way you put it. Good job

>> No.20186079

they need to bring back these ads

>> No.20186087

Women don’t pass the Bechdel test IRL.

>> No.20186110

They already do, except the situation is reversed and way more extreme

>> No.20186126

They gave it up right before TV and internet and videogames became big. Imagine if they knew how much recreational bullshit was right around the corner.

>> No.20186133


>> No.20186139

Something about a mothering complex

>> No.20186142

Trannies disproportionately attack men who can’t get laid so they try to become women who then attack men who can’t get etc etc. It’s a vicious cycle

>> No.20186143
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>> No.20186145

why cant anything just be normal?

>> No.20186149

>skinless weiners
Just like American penises!

>> No.20186172

Amazed this was rolled out in an era where color printing was common.

>> No.20186182

Why do you people just regurgitate shitposts from this site?

>> No.20186183

ya got me.

>> No.20186187

Yeah I would have thought america was too far gone from feminism by then.
I guess things were not as bad then as I thought

>> No.20186192

Because women dont catch on the first time. They have to see these things again and again
They dont learn so much as slowly absorb

>> No.20186204

Because it's easier. Sallys standards will be higher.

>> No.20186239
File: 111 KB, 775x1075, guinness toucan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sallyfag genocide best day of my life

>> No.20186246

Which puts them a smidge higher than the average /ck/ user

>> No.20186249

This is so similar to the chad vs virgin

>> No.20186263

>Men used to cower in each other's arms at the sight of a fat bitch
We used to be a country.

>> No.20186265

Do not ever elevate women
They do not understand how things work and it erodes their sense of reality

>> No.20186360

No, it is just the blind trying to copy the scribbles of the blind.

>> No.20186362

Who is blind here?

The meme originally responded to was pretty insightful

>> No.20186372

>This was considered obese in the 1800s

>> No.20186376

The standard of living had gone up so people were coming up with all sorts of weird foods.

>> No.20186383

You never grabbed your homeboys arm and pointed out a big brapper?

>> No.20186446

It's all right for her...

>> No.20186458

Only to mock an obeast woman
I do not find fat attractive , and neither would you in a normal society

>> No.20186466

>Hubby is working hard? Get that afternoon buzz on.
As a guy, is it too late for me to be a 1950s housewife? Be real with me.

>> No.20186485


Woman on the left is considered thin now.

>> No.20186504

Sure being a stay at home mom back then was probably boring with the lack of good tv and all you could do is read and drink but think had feminism not taken off women unironically would be an elite protected class even more so than today.

>> No.20186506

Companies desperately trying to market various substitutes no one could figure out how to use. Like those old ads for miracle whip in desserts and other shit.

>> No.20186516

If you repeat something lots of times that means it's true.

>> No.20186525 [DELETED] 

I thought women just repeated what the hive mind wants them to. That's both the gist of that image and exactly what that poster is doing lmao.
You're a woman, milady.

>> No.20186616

What the image attempts to do , is to get women to recognize that they cannot think for themselves and let the men make all the important decisions.
You should do your part to help spread this meme

>> No.20186656
File: 478 KB, 300x274, CheeseFactory.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20186673

Women are herd animals and that stuff is the current thing. Women are also more emotional and empathetic so they easily influenced by dead cute animals or starving kids.

>> No.20186699

>I hate zoomers
Die, old. Which is to say kill yourself tonight. Tonight, I'm going to enjoy my sweet youth while you stare wide-eyed at your ever developing crow's feet. How's it feel to be almost 30? How's it feel to be ever pressed with the knowledge no matter what you do from here on out it will not bring you joy like it would've when you were a teenager? I'm sincerely asking, it seems rough.

>> No.20186741

And itll happen to you too!

>> No.20186745

You got me there! You also got to some botox, my dear friend.

>> No.20186748

I think you might be bad at math

>> No.20186759

I embraced getting older. I enjoy the aesthetics my appearance has started to take on, especially since it makes your sister wet. Gotta look like a dad to be a daddy, sonny.

>> No.20186763

I think you might think you're in gen z when you're just old.

>> No.20186771

I trust my sister wouldn't call one singular soul that, not ever our actual dad. She'd probably call you a corpse. although she is quite goth, so I don't doubt she'd consider you.

>> No.20186773

Sounds like your dad got her nice and ready for me. Love mentally fucked chicks.

>> No.20186781

Can you stay real still and go pale? I could hook you guys up. How withered and dead looking are you?

>> No.20186788

I think you can find somebody to play this out for you honestly

>> No.20186789 [DELETED] 

Of course you missed the point. Malleable female mind and all that. Don't worry, I and the other men are here to remind you, sweetheart.

>> No.20186791

mfw going back to 12000bc to tell the chud carving fat goddess statues that he's coping

>> No.20186792

Your ignorance is astounding, nigger-tier really. We all get old and die one day. You're absolutely retarded if you think you'll stay young forever.

>> No.20186795
File: 133 KB, 850x680, palerider1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me another 10 years and I can go pale rider. Dont have the outfit though, just his guns. Still closer to the good, the bad, and the ugly, but im trying my best to smoke my way to preacher kino

>> No.20186803

>sex was better back when some boring bitch wouldnt even sit on your face

>> No.20186806

>We all get old and die one day
Yes, but I am young now. Got to be an asshole about it to truly enjoy it.

>> No.20186808

Left girl isn't ugly though. She arguably more womanly at that, given her figure

>> No.20186817

She prefers matt calder.

>> No.20186823

Such is life. Plenty of other ponies to break, guess ill go back to instagram art hoes

>> No.20186827

>just want to laugh at some old ads
>some faggot virgin starts sperging about women

>> No.20186834

Its almost as if 4chan is the cesspool of the internet. Who wouldve thunk it.

>> No.20186841
File: 1.39 MB, 1920x1080, 1677343319543825.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shirley will surely get as big as a house

>> No.20186845

Sally is a jew. Simple as.

>> No.20186857
File: 2.99 MB, 2799x2099, DEXTW776LFC7XMZQSOQNRL4DBQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King Arthur flour should be on there too

>> No.20186863

Milk fed poultry?

>> No.20186866


>> No.20186867

I just don't fucking care. Civilizations change stop being a scared little bitch boy

>> No.20186876
File: 166 KB, 881x1200, 11-vintage-food-ads-featuring-creepy-soulless-children (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20186877

fantasy rape != real rape, dummy

>> No.20186901

Just remember this next time somebody posts about retvrning to the golden age of 1960. it was actually like this

>> No.20186914

unlike you, clear eyed understander of things

>> No.20186915

IDK, feels the same to me?

>> No.20186945

kek, you're alright, anon

>> No.20186984
File: 135 KB, 1893x555, Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 17-34-05 _ck_ - Food & Cooking - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this was a fast derail but this amused me

>> No.20186994
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>> No.20187010
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>> No.20187031

literally just meatballs
you fat fuck how gucking fat are you hope you never have any children

>> No.20187073

Its crazy how many chicks will let you in their apartment if you bang on the door 3 times, yell "maintenance!" and tell them the neighbor downstairs has a leak and you gotta check their shower real quick.

>> No.20187148


>> No.20187157

dew it

>> No.20187162

Back in the 50’s and 60’s housewives used to rail benzos and speed all day long for ‘nerves’. Back when society was fun.
Compared to that, ‘tonic wine’ isn’t so bad, I guess.

>> No.20187169 [DELETED] 

>It used to be legal to rape your wife
>Therefore every married woman was raped
Andrea Dworkin, is that you? I thought you were dead, you fat cunt.

>> No.20187174

Fake and gay

>> No.20187182

To be honest, these days, if you meet a woman who’s happy to bring you a sandwich without whining about patriarchal oppression, you fucking better marry her ASAP.

>> No.20187186


>> No.20187214

i'd rather die young than get old. tho i seem to have pretty good genetics. my parents are 40 and still seem to be doing well despite years of alcohol and drug abuse, mum still gets carded sometimes (i'd think she was making this stuff up to make herself feel better if i didn't witness it )and dad has a six pack so he's unironically built better than me lol

>> No.20187216

That jaundiced , sarcastic world view you carry , is far more of a burden than you realize

>> No.20187220

Explains a lot.

>> No.20187238

OK renter

>> No.20187244

Yeah I was wondering about that too.
Seems weird to feed dairy to a non-mammal.

>> No.20187266

I said this when I was like 19 but unfortunately despite all attempts to the contrary I survived anyway. Sad but true

>> No.20187275

i'm turning 21 this year and somehow feel still like a kid and like i'm getting old at the same time

>> No.20187297

Yeah that's how it works. You have about a 5 year long window from 23 to 28 that you feel like an Adult instead of a kid or an old man.

>> No.20187301

zizek too based for this earth.

>> No.20187373

Yes it is if she doesn’t consent, you fucking idiot. Marital rape is still rape, cry about it loser

>> No.20187379

Then I dont consent to feeding clothing and housing them

>> No.20187418

Rape is a social construct.

>> No.20187464


>> No.20187477

legal benzos and speed sounds fun indeed. luckily we still have legal benzos without prescription like bromazolam

>> No.20187552

>contrarian beauty standards
Give me a voluptuous blond vs a scrawny jew any day.

>> No.20187559

and people say modern times are dystopian

>> No.20187580
File: 2.56 MB, 320x240, 1707409926466647.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two comical pickaninnies
oh lawdy

>> No.20187588

So pepsi + milk is pilk, but what's 7-up + milk? mi7k?

>> No.20187591

>women have perpetual "the grass is greener on the other side" syndrome.
Anybody who doesn't understand women, listen to this man. Women are the only people I know that can get what they want and then be pissed off that they got it.

>> No.20187593

The weirdest thing about zoomer standards of beauty is that they spent all their time railing against "unrealistic unnattainable" beauty standards, but the standard was "be thin and fit" which is achievable with diet and exercise. But now zoomers worship girls who are fat and yet won the genetic lottery and carry it all in their tits and ass and have a thin face despite being 40 pounds overweight with J cup tits. They've built up the most unrealistic unachievable standards of all.

>> No.20187631

i wasn't but dont act like this is some high and mighty debate, you posted a bunch of retarded tate-larping bait and then when people called you a lying retard you acted as though we are grappling over the soul of america when actually you're just doing the internet equivalent of wanking like a chimp all over the thread.

>> No.20187670

NTA but I want an answer to this question, too

>> No.20187701
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An Australian classic

>> No.20187708
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>> No.20187714 [DELETED] 

I know several "men" like that.

>> No.20187717

>last bastion of free speech on the internet
4chan is sacred you fucking redditard.

>> No.20187723


>> No.20187726

It was right in front of us this whole time we just couldn't see it

>> No.20187744

what like 3?
meanwhile nearly every woman is like this

>> No.20187759 [DELETED] 

Far more than that, I'm afraid. Spoiled fucking brats.
I don't really talk to many women in depth to say one way or the other. I talk /at/ them more with /with/ or /to/ them, if that makes sense. The missus is pretty much the only woman I talk to in depth now that my mother's dead.

>> No.20187763

i'm sure you know that from your extensive personal experience having close personal relationships with a lot of women right?

>> No.20187765

Are they moderately affluent? People who sit at home all day making $150k while being single and goalless end up like that.

>> No.20187777 [DELETED] 

No! Quite the opposite! I grew up moneyed and I'm pretty content with whatever, but the guys I'm talking about all grew up working class yet are inexplicably spoiled.

>> No.20187791

the input on the matter twouldn't be the tweens'

>> No.20187804
File: 297 KB, 342x360, 232131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to stop and wonder sometimes, what goes through the mind of some of these hateful and evil ass people back then. Now I fully understand why "Black Hole Sun" was specifically targeted at these people

>> No.20187815

you're just mad that you didn't get to taste his rope

>> No.20187826

more like cannonball amirite

>> No.20187859

>Draws people being happy enjoying their licorice rope
>hateful and evil ass people

>> No.20187870


>> No.20187879

>stays in one house forever
Wow, really boring.

>> No.20187885

Hilarious and true, good point anon

>> No.20187893

Grass is greener is good. This is what makes you want to improve your life. If you felt like the grass was greenest where you are you would never have moved out of your parents house, never tried to get a better job, etc etc etc. You SHOULD be a little discontent if your life stagnates for too long.

>> No.20187909


>> No.20187914

Tbh it feels like the zoomer guys gaslit the zoomer girls into being bimbo fuckdolls under the pretense of rejecting beauty standards. Lord knows I don't mind these dumbass 18 year olds getting BBLs and volleyball tits

>> No.20187921

She was right, I have been staying at home drinking for years

>> No.20187924

That's been a crux of feminism since the flapper era. Really, women wanted a way to have more eyes on them without having to admit they like male attention.

>> No.20187930
File: 14 KB, 71x96, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit its Uncle Ben

>> No.20187933

Pretty much based on their part, there was never any doing away with beauty standards. Best you can do is do away with your own standards, lol. But here's the issue: women are incapable of changing their lifestyle habits and getting in shape if they're fat. They do, from the start, have some random chance of having the right genetics to carry obesity well. This means that in practice, for women, this standard is more attainable.

>> No.20187950

More attainable for women as a demographic 100% unattainable for those individuals who don't benefit from the shift however. It's basically sacrificing a portion of women's chances to be pretty at all on the gamble that you'll be part of the minority who will be attractive with less effort than was necessary previously.

>> No.20187962
File: 901 KB, 1255x1236, IMG_1760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying black people don’t have food based racism oozing out of every social media account

>> No.20187990

>this was considered comically obese in the 50s

>> No.20188010
File: 146 KB, 756x640, slotsavers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20188055


>> No.20188064

In the case of Ben and Jemima it's more funny when you learn the virtue signaling was just a convenient excuse to stop having to pay royalties to their families

>> No.20188148

Holy shit, an actual nigger. Go back to twitter or whatever hole you crawled out from.

>> No.20188583 [DELETED] 

He's flipping poor ol fat sally off

>> No.20188689

>written before a basic understanding of neurobiology

>> No.20188840

I don't get it... what's the problem here? I sometimes have a glass of whiskey after work so I can sleep better.

>> No.20188843

>with nuts

>> No.20188862

I can smell the pooskin cope. Kill yourself dumb monkey ape nigger

>> No.20188952
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>> No.20188964

This thread dont can bump but people still have stuff to say
can someone make a new thread?
maybe we can use this >>20188952
for the pic

>> No.20188976

No way they are as spoiled as women
You just do not see the situation clearly

Its just like that whole women can tolerate more pain
Its just when you see a woman in pain you have way more empathy than when you see a man in pain so you imagine the man is being a pussy and his pain is actually less

>> No.20188997


>> No.20189080

The thread dont can bump
I am unable to make new threads from my country
Someone from the first world needs to make a new thread

>> No.20189453 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 332x500, 58cc1ea2139ce2d2c9cfe6576dd60faa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20189461 [DELETED] 


>> No.20189463


>> No.20189772

Laughed way harder than I should have

>> No.20189811

Heckin wholesome!