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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20179600 No.20179600 [Reply] [Original]

Is there food in your rapid transit stations?

>> No.20179620

what's this, jfk?
bet it's garbage

>> No.20179623

Yep. And you get either diarrhea or maybe stomach ache.

>> No.20179628
File: 8 KB, 219x230, images (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking public transportation

>> No.20179664

Did something change at JFK? Looks like one of those newfangled UES stations to me

>> No.20179673
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>captcha JV0Y
Nah, looks more like a varsity Jew

>> No.20179688

Most of them are within walking distance of a liquor store.

>> No.20179727

>rapid transit stations
Lol. There are literally 3 people on my block who I've seen flying MAGA flags at some point. I like a lot about the US, but sensible transportation infrastructure is definitely not one of our strong suits. Of course we also drive by 200 different strip malls on any 20 minute drive with food from half the countries on the planet...actually that's pretty awesome. It would just be nice to not have everything being car based. Outside of a few cities, getting around without a car in the US is terrible.

>> No.20179850

yep you're right, the 86th and 2nd station. how new are they? i haven't lived there in a while. the station itself looks nice though so i hope they keep putting money in like that and for more new trains

>> No.20179862
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I'm sure you could catch a rat in the DC metro

>> No.20179873

everything above 59th opened in 2017, so pretty new. they're unnecessarily large but I admit they look nice. they're continuing the tunneling up to 125th so that portion will probably get done (eventually) but the part going down to FiDi is a pipe dream I'm sure

>> No.20179958

yes, there's a coffee shop and a fookin Greggs in my local station. Living the dream. spare 10 minutes until your train arrives? sosig roll and a coffee!

>> No.20179985

I read that as "rapist transit station" and was looking at the pic to see who was the most likely.

>> No.20179998

its all convenience stores in my transit. you can maybe buy an okay reheated freezer patty for a meal.

>> No.20180010

the new stations are really nice, you can actually walk down the platform without worrying that if you slip on a banana peel you'll experience a gruesome and very public unalivement

>> No.20180229

only poors ride transit lol.
enjoy the bucket of shit i guess.

>> No.20180515

I don't live anywhere near a shit hole that has rapid transit stations

>> No.20180527

>rape trans stations
I've spent too much time here

>> No.20180545

probably if I looked hard enough. The thought of eating in the subway is strangely unappealing.

>> No.20180564

There was a crackhead selling crisps at Paddington station the other day and I bought some

>> No.20180574

Get some zero-drop shoes so you don't have incel posture

>> No.20180589

>I moved to another country and instead of trying to fit into their culture, I spent the entire time miserable because it's not like where I came from.
Why didn't you just stay home? I don't get people like you. You have what you claim is the best and most comfy lives, so you move somewhere you think sucks and whine endlessly about how it's not like where you came from. Why even leave your comfy place in the first place? It's baffling and I suspect based on mental illness or lies.

>> No.20180603

leave him alone, he has clearly given up

>> No.20180608

No. Just chicken bones and sunflower seed shells.

>> No.20180614

>Is there food in your rapid transit stations?
I don't even know if we have transit stations.

>> No.20180635
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*coughs in Wall St station*

>> No.20180661

they all look freaked the fuck out. Is it really that bad?

>> No.20180686

>you moved to another country. you can't criticize it.
i don't get people like you

>> No.20180777

we dont have public transport here in New Zealand which recently made a Chinese Communist Party diplomat very butthurt when his flight was delayed at the airport.
cunt was crying that a country with population of 5mil where 4mil of them live in one city didnt have high speed bullet trains to service towns with 20k population.

>> No.20181017

What in the actual fuck are you rambling about? Who are you even quoting? I'm obviously American. I've also spent a lot of time in other countries, and I still prefer living in the US over all of them. The idea that anyone who wants to make the country better is somehow not a real American is the most retarded take ever. You were obviously triggered by the MAGA comment, which is pretty fucking cringe.

>> No.20181027

no, i don't eat in my car

>> No.20181029

Free crack for first time customers at mine, t. Chicago

>> No.20181039

Some of us unfairly had our licenses taken away by the illegitimate state “justice” systems for DUIs and now have to rely on public transportation, or take Uber which is prohibitively expensive nowadays

>> No.20181051

What do your neighbors MAGA flags have to do with rapid transit?

>> No.20181091

American politics probably seems pretty bizarre from the outside, but it's actually really simple. It's a de facto two party system, where on the one hand you have liberals, who pretend to want to do nice things but are almost entirely controlled by corporate interests. Then on the other hand you have fascists, who are entirely controlled by corporate interests and actively want to make everything terrible. The MAGA types are the most fervent, cultish members of the fascist party. They believe in nothing and just want things to get as bad as possible. They would chop off their own feet before allowing something like high-speed rail to be built in America.

>> No.20181111

sounds comfy. i really like how the upper level has a balcony like that too, to be honest. allows me to see that i'm missing my train easier

>> No.20181116

Are you me?

>> No.20181135

>being American

>> No.20181142

>muh personal interests

>> No.20181152

So your three neighbors is why America doesn’t have rapid transit? I’d say car culture and the car manufacturers influence on both parties is why. And don’t forget the influence the oil industry has either. It’s a lot more complicated than you make it.

>> No.20181169

Fascists love trains though.
Hitler had a personal train (somehow Americans think this is too extravagent, yet the US President has a nuclear-proof personal plane escorted by fighter jets) and Mussolini 'always kept the trains on time'.

>> No.20181988

Since Honest Ed closed in 2016, I haven't reason to be by Bathurst Station, but I might go again just for Bakery On The Go, which I think is on the same level as the dry cleaners. Chocolate Éclairs, bread pudding, Spinach Feta pastry, sausage roll and beef patties. Allan's Pastry at Peanut Plaza have the best patties (goat, chicken, beef) and an Athens restaurant at Victoria Park and Sheppard had te best spinach and cheese pastery, but Bakery On the Go have them all in one place and in a subway station. I used to grab a snack to eat before I headed in to Honest Ed's and then more when I was heading home, bread pudding kept nice in the fridge. Such a shame that Ed was such a Based Jew but his son was such a Fuerdai Stereotype. A year or two before Ed Mirvish's death I remember shopping on the third floor where the women's section is, his office door was open and he was in there at his desk. Providing working class goods was Ed's business, and then he used the profits to fund arts for the masses as well, him and his wife Anne rented out houses to artists on the cheap, tis a pity his fuerdai son was too fancy to mix with the plebs. ( / Toronto History )

>> No.20181995
File: 330 KB, 640x601, fb769280-c15e-11ea-8fc7-48b73122b52b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you're not a raving MAGA psychopath you must be a foreigner
I'd like to think this is a bot but there are actually millions of "people" (I use the term loosely) whose microbrains work this way

>> No.20182005
File: 95 KB, 800x958, AmericaChan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, I take my rapid transit station through the drive-through to pick up my food.

>> No.20182008

>I’d say car culture and the car manufacturers influence on both parties is why.
It is not why. It's because unllike Europe, not everyone lives in a city center, and trains are therefore not effective enough. One vast state is the size of a single country in Europe. Car ownership is required to have a normal life in almost everywhere in this vast land. Within places, like Northern Virginia, public transport is good for commuters as well as safe, but it still isn't what you need to eschew car ownership to go to and from the grocery or big box stores, weekend concerts, or trips out of town, for the most part. You will drive for the literal freedom of it.

>> No.20182048

>unllike Europe, not everyone lives in a city center,
I genuinely can't tell if you're making fun of delusional /n/umtots or you actually think your spring break in amsterdam gives you an accurate idea of how the entire continent of europe works

>> No.20182055

yes but the trains turn up fast enough that i never bother to grab anything from them

>> No.20182062

>They believe in nothing and just want things to get as bad as possible.
Take the Ukraine aid bill
>We won't fund Ukraine until you meet our demands on the border
>Oh you met them? Well we'll still block it because Trump said so

>> No.20182085

The stations only come in two flavors here
A) shitty little platform with a single, overly expensive vending machine
B) literally fused to a big ass mall

>> No.20182109
File: 23 KB, 220x293, 72nd_Street_IRT_9260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

72nd is worse I think

>> No.20182113

Stfu and go to Ukraine yourself.

>> No.20182126

And yet you retards can't even have good transit INSIDE that single city
God kiwis are fucking DUMB

>> No.20182210

It's always overpriced trash. It would be so comfy if everyone would do things that benefits us all, instead of souless maximizing profits. If you got this amazing location, can't you as well do you best when it comes to food?

>> No.20182222
File: 70 KB, 600x600, grand st.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah a lot of the IRT ones are pretty bad although parts of Grand St make me nervous too

>> No.20182226

>taking an underground train which is about x5 faster than sitting through all the traffic is...bad!

>> No.20182294

absolutely despise taking any irt lines

>> No.20182438

>both sides are controlled by corporate interests
>no! it's more complicated than that! you don't seem to understand that both sides are controlled by corporate interests!!
Yes, the specifics of who's pulling who's strings and the myriad web of influence is extremely complex, but at the end of the day they all generally want the same thing. The only question is whether you want things to get better, or are actively rooting for a soulless, corporate dystopia.

>> No.20182446
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are there boomers on /ck/ or are you guys just studying to be the next saint darius?

>> No.20182465

The only thing preventing us from living in a utopia is lack of high speed public transit. The only thing standing in the way of high speed public transit are the MAGA chuds. This is why Biden must win.

>> No.20182467

why is everyone in this picture dressed like they're poor?
oh, right, duh

>> No.20182480

It's always amusing when you people try to structure an idea in the form of a logical argument. It's like your head is full of gumballs bouncing around randomly and occasionally hitting one another. It's not even like you only kinda sorta understand what you're talking about. You just hear certain things and make connections that aren't there to fit the only narrative your smooth brain is capable of processing, but when spelled out logically is bat-shit insane.

>> No.20182483
File: 130 KB, 1080x1184, protect-kids-ban-child-marriage-v0-nj3k1olz0kpa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if we got a supermajority in the house and senate and biden stayed, the democrats wouldn't do it because of their pathological compulsion to "compromise" and be "bipartisan" even though history has shown all this does is help the bad guys

So they'll deliver a milquetoast version that pleases no one so the repugnicans can try to destroy it the next time they capture high office

Not saying we have any better choices because the repugnicans would immediatley replace the government with religious extremists and have unironic book bonfires and legalize child prostitution given half a chance, just saying don't get your hopes up just because biden took amtrak to work a few times

>> No.20182485

>why is everyone in this picture dressed like they're poor?
Be honest. When was the last time you went outside?

>> No.20182550
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No, even when Dems control an entire state they can't get HSR built, because they're not only corrupt and worthless, they'd rather spend their few "positive" efforts on legalizing crime and giving worthless shitskins "reparations". Also you pretend this degenerate garbage isn't a thing, but expecting honesty from a leftist is like expecting the sun to rise in the West.

>> No.20182574 [DELETED] 

Not all the stations but yes. Three stations in particular are in full-on malls. I posted in the past about one of those malls and how it used to be a fucking food mecca before the coof. Had four food courts, one with more independent things (excepting the Popeyes and Cinnabon), one with typical food court chains, one with a Chinese take out type joint (IE not like mall Chinese with the steam trays and free samples), a sandwich spot, a news stand, a bakery, a Dunkin' Donuts and a fucking piano player (it was the quietest of the food courts) and the last a super tiny one with a smoothie place, an Auntie Ann's and a satellite Cinnabon that gets the buns walked down to it from the full Cinnabon by cart. This smaller food court also had a green grocer (part of the smoothie place, technically), a butcher and a fishmonger (that also sold steamed or fried seafood platters). The mall was so large, it had two subway stations, one at the independent-type food court (had a Jamaican place, an Indian place, a soul food spot, a full-on fucking bar etc all set up like mall Chinese places) and the other right between the last two food courts I described.
The closest station to me with food has a simple snack stand selling donuts, hot coffee/tea/cocoa and packaged food that, outside of a few drinks, don't require refrigeration. I've been told they used to have a grill and cook egg sandwiches to order but I've never seen it.

>> No.20182578

I got a slice of pizza and a giant cup of beer in Penn Station for like $8 once.

>> No.20182585

The only children being groomed are Fox News retards like you. There are real issues with real solutions, and you're pulling your hair out over whatever flavor of the week fear mongering nonsense you're fed.

>> No.20182593

No, I've just actually lived in leftist areas for decades of my life, faggot. Your corrupt goons killed the places I love, and I will never fucking forgive you for it.

>> No.20182600 [DELETED] 


>> No.20182609

It’s either rapid public transit for all or everyone has to live in walkable cities like in Europe. We can’t have a utopia if half the people want to live in little rural chud enclaves only accessible by car.

>> No.20182610

The entire state of California isn't a "leftist area", retard. It's also been terribly managed, but Newsom isn't remotely leftist.

>> No.20182613
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Yes, some parts of California aren't covered in junkies and human feces, despite your best efforts

>> No.20182618

What you really want is a Stalin or Mao figure to take over America, purge all the people you don’t like, and unilaterally enact all the policies you want.

>> No.20182622

Why? Cities and larger towns have public transit. High speed rail between cities and more densely populated areas. And then regional rail between smaller towns. Nobody is suggesting getting rid of cars altogether. Of fucking course you can live out in the country nowhere near a rail line.

>> No.20182626

How the hell did come to the conclusion that I'm a republican from what I've said?

>> No.20182651

>Austin to Dallas
>200 miles
>1 train a day averaging 30 mph speed
>20+ flights a day
Americans are too retarded to build train infrastructure that works

>> No.20182652

>Newsom isn't remotely leftist
You’re a tankie. Only a tankie would say that. Who do consider a leftist?

>> No.20182658

"That's not leftism" is what every lying faggot leftist says when called out on their shit

>> No.20182665

He's a millionaire liberal. Liberals unironically aren't leftists. Bernie is a leftist, but even he hides his power level.

>> No.20182685

Bernie is also a multimillionaire who owns multiple homes.

>> No.20182688

Yet you still vote for them, because they agree with you on degeneracy, hating whites, importing the third world and collapsing Western civilization. That's what being a leftist means, you can be as pro worker or environmentalist as you like but if you disagree with them on those things, you're a fascist.

>> No.20182694

Brain damage

>> No.20182708

>Yet you still vote for them, because they agree with you on degeneracy, hating whites, importing the third world and collapsing Western civilization. That's what being a leftist means, you can be as pro worker or environmentalist as you like but if you disagree with them on those things, you're a fascist.
Yeah probably.
But what does any of this have to do with food and cooking?
Sir, this is the Food & Cooking board.
I think maybe you have wandered outside of your designated containment zone.
You have to go back.

>> No.20182713

This is a /pol/ site now, if you don't like it go back to roodypooddit.

>> No.20182749

>yet you still vote for them
Because the only alternative IS literal fascism. If we had ranked-choice voting the Republican party would be as insignificant as the Green party. All of their actual policies are wildly unpopular.

>> No.20182771

>if you're not a degenerate who hates white people, you're a fascist!
Again, you reveal what you actually care about, and it's not the workers or the environment.

>> No.20182788

Who are you quoting?

>> No.20182816

>mass exodus of T_D to /pol/ in 2016 making it the largest board
>half a decade later election tourists still don't understand that /pol/ is a containment board
>tell other people to go back
The irony is palpable.

>> No.20182826

it's the same sperg who thinks he's the new pentti linkola because his uncle let him play in the mud at the ranch and shoot at stray cats with a pellet gun, it was in what ostensibly was a seafood thread but he found a way to chimp out and turned it into a billions must die rant, as his kind are wont to do ever since they decided environmentalists are the REAL exxon or something like that, it's all pretty schizophrenic as this thread so vividly illustrates

>> No.20182837

fuck off nigger, this is a fast food and slop board

>> No.20182839

It used to be a platitude that the right votes against their own economic interests. Today it's, "any accusation made by the right is a confession." Just look at this shit >>20182618
He's literally describing Project 2025.

>> No.20182851

It's actually a fast food, slop, home cooking, drunken industry, technique, equipment, and unionized line wagie board - which makes telling /pol/ to fuck off on-topic. Youtube shills and fad diet garbage also needs to fuck off. This is also a dog board; cats have no place around food and cooking.

>> No.20182865

>voting for corrupt politicians who want to import millions, legalize theft and take away your right to defend yourself or even honestly discuss what's happening to you = voting in your economic interest
Yeah no, fuck off with that garbage

>> No.20182873
File: 205 KB, 1224x1144, justin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how much of a grasp you still have on reality, but FYI, chopping off your dad's head and putting it in a stock pot isn't "self defense"

>> No.20182942

This wouldn’t have happened if we had trains.

>> No.20182945

Don't even bother responding to individual talking points. These people are completely brainwashed. "Importing millions" literally just means following international amnesty laws and allowing for regulated migrant labor to do the shit jobs that keep our economy running. "Legalizing theft" just means not creating a lifetime felon out of a kid who shoplifts once. "Taking away your right to defend yourself" just means doing anything that would cut into the profits of gun manufacturers. And "not being able to discuss what's happening to you" just means getting a ban on social media for violating the TOS you agreed to when signing up.

>> No.20182948

Newsom is a centrist, dumbfuck.

>> No.20182980

This has always been one of the most smooth brained "gotchas" of all time, as though promoting ideas of freedom and equality is hypocritical if you've made a lot of money as a public figure promoting ideas of freedom and equality.

>> No.20182987

it's still a convenient way to distinguish the different lines/stations and the MTA uses the nomenclature internally, for that and other reasons. retard

>> No.20183007

it's the upper east side you absolute fucking dimwit. one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the city. lol

>> No.20183024

never said it wasn't convenient, just that the overwhelming majority of new yorkers under the age of 45 will give you a blank stare if you say "IRT", it's predominantly an old timer thing, and a foamer thing, but thanks to your answer I now know you are a disciple of St Darius

>> No.20183045

you can categorize me however you want lol I couldn't care less what you think of me. the shorthand worked for discussing the subway with you and others here and that's all I needed. have a nice life

>> No.20183049

>He also launched violent calls for FBI, Border Patrol, and US Marshals employees to be “tortured for information” and “publicly executed”.
>He demands violence against all federal employees but exempts state governors and state employees
Republicans are so retarded lmao. How the hell did they convince all these people that federal gov was the ultimate evil while state gov is the best thing to ever? happen?

>> No.20183060

you're weirdly defensive about this, the MTA police aren't coming to get you for having hobbies foamie-kun you can relax

>> No.20183078

yeah I defend myself when some stupid anon throws shade at me wow what a totally unexpected reaction from a human being

Touch grass or whatever

>> No.20183100

no shade was thrown, you're just looking for an excuse to start a fight. go get some fresh air, it's nice out

>> No.20183108

>no shade was thrown
a flat-out lie

>> No.20183118
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>> No.20183122

Then why are they dressed up like poor people. Larping?

>> No.20183134

get therapy

>> No.20183144 [DELETED] 

>it's nice out
More lies. It's rainy AF.

>> No.20183147

What do not-poor people dress like? This is such dumb bait that I almost believe you're actually being serious and are just really, really sheltered.

>> No.20183149

I’ll fitting clothing, garbage-tier shoes

>> No.20183173

So...everyone in Manhattan is poor, but Elon Musk, Donald Trump, and Mark Zuckerberg are examples of REAL not-poor people?

>> No.20183203

What the fuck are you talking about schizo? Take your meds.

>> No.20183406

I don’t want to be trapped on some commie monorail for long periods of time with other Americans. Riding the subway for twenty minutes is bad enough. I prefer the safety of my car where I won’t be harassed by insane people or be forced to endure the smells and sounds of the urban melting pot. You can’t make me ride the fast commie train.

>> No.20183443 [DELETED] 

>Riding the subway for twenty minutes
where tf are you going that a subway ride takes anywhere near that long lmao

>> No.20183463
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>where I won’t be harassed by insane people
what country is that?

>> No.20183466


>> No.20183474

theyre not "dressed like theyre poor."
Theyre just dressed uncultured, no style sense and total lack of class.

>> No.20183475

I imagine earthquakes make rail difficult, but wtf do I know I live in australia.

>> No.20183511

Just across the city. Boston trains are slow as fuck. The whole system is constantly delayed. It’s old and mismanaged and it sucks. And depending on where you’re going, you can be on the train for well over an hour. Twenty minutes is a short ride. I’m not even factoring the wait time for trains to arrive.

>> No.20183568 [DELETED] 

Gosh. The subway from my old house into downtown is, like, 8 minutes. Even the bus doesn't take 20 minutes to get downtown from there. Going from one end of town to the other by subway is about 35 minutes

>> No.20183574


>> No.20183576

>giant fire exit sign in a 3x3 metre kiosk
Why though

>> No.20183582 [DELETED] 

Not in the kiosk. It's beyond the kiosk.

>> No.20183587

Finch Station to Bloor Station, starting around 10am on Thursday, would take 28 minutes...and that's without delay.

I remember it used to be faster, 20 min? They did some track upgrade which actually didn't work and made things slower recently.

>> No.20183592
File: 904 KB, 2560x1707, Views_From_The_Rockaways.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we've got lines that run for over 32 miles end to end. that's doable in 8 minutes but we'd have to upgrade these pieces of shit for some maglevs and probably straighten out the tracks some

>> No.20183594

It’s not fair that he has millions of dollars and fancy homes for being a public servant. He’s supposed to serve the people, not enrich himself with their money.

>> No.20183596

>It’s old and mismanaged and it sucks.
american is poor af now. its dying. funny thing is, nyc subway has been trash since the 60s.

>> No.20183607
File: 812 KB, 1792x2048, 1707246692377024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems to be very much in the kiosk to me

>> No.20183609

bruh. my family doctor has more money than bernie. my college roommate probably has more money than bernie at this point. a couple of million is a lot relative to the average american but it's completely within reach of honest people if they play their cards right and have some reasonable amount of luck. especially if you grew up in the boomer generation and bought a couple of houses in small towns for not a lot of money and just held on to them.

the republican former mayor of NYC is worth over $60 million. that's not luck. that's corruption and fuckery. how the fuck do you get $60 million as mayor without doing something sketchy. those are the people YOU vote for, and you want to take down a senator for having a couple million and 2 houses.

>> No.20183623
File: 89 KB, 1200x627, rudy-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry $50 mil not $60 mil. anyway I don't mean bloomberg, that money is, arguably, relatively honest money, in that he made it without holding public office

>> No.20183629

So, like poors.

>> No.20183639 [DELETED] 

Fuck. I wanted to move to Toronto but Canada wouldn't let me because I have a disability so after uni, I just stayed in the US rather than going back home (technically a citizen cuz dad is one).
Really loved my visit there.

Yeah, our subway back home, converting to miles, is about the same (51km) but that's for the total system. The longest single line is about 19km. I think that's 12 miles. Where I live in the US, the local subway is minuscule in comparison but it has an extensive rail system of light trains throughout the city and beyond.

>> No.20183642 [DELETED] 

Yeah, I knew the sign you were talking about and no, I think the kiosk is open in the back and the sign is on the wall beyond it. You're seeing through the kiosk.

>> No.20183643

It’s really as easy as pulling myself up by the bootstraps and then I can be in 8.8% of Americans who are millionaires? Maybe I should ask my dad for a small loan to start a business.

>> No.20183645
File: 263 KB, 2228x1144, earnings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just to put things in perspective here. if you open this on your phone horizontally, bernie's bar is basically on your screen, or somewhere off to the right within a a couple of inches

for giuliani you have to stand up and walk across the room

so who is serving the people here, and who is enriching himself with the people's money

>> No.20183648

Are you trolling? You can see the ceiling of the place already. That's the kiosk's ceiling. Even then it's very clearly a small space. Why would a trainstation platform have a second ceiling visable only through the back of the kiosk

>> No.20183652 [DELETED] 

Is it really that low?
Criminy. I guess my family really /are/ rich. I thought we were middle class. My dad always said shit like "a million dollars would barely cover expenses for a couple of years."
We live off of under $75k annually combined but I have a little over $40k in savings if my own. Idk what she has.

>> No.20183657 [DELETED] 

>Are you trolling?
Just blind, apparently. It really doesn't look like it's inside the kiosk to me, even after you pointed out the ceiling. Still looks beyond, possibly because I'm not used to kiosks having friggin ceilings.

>> No.20183659

you have a problem with 8.8% having a million bucks, but it doesn't bother you at all that like 10 families control more wealth than the bottom 90% combined? I guess it's easier to grasp a million than it is to grasp zuckerberg or bezos money and people's brains just break trying to process that kind of wealth, so they go after the boomer who has 2 houses

>> No.20183682

Simping for a multimillionaire politician is pathetic, bro. Public servants shouldn’t be able to become multimillionaires. How does that work on their salary? The average wage slave, fast food eating, soyjak posting, alcoholic retard /ck/ poster is more in touch with the soul of the nation than a wealthy career politician like Bernie.

>> No.20183692

you're upper middle class. the system is just completely fucked so the masses can be convinced that the guy they see at the starbucks drive-thru every day driving a BMW is the reason they're poor, and not the guy they'll never be in the same room as, who lives in the modern day versailles in the foothills outside of town, who could buy the BMW corporation

stop for a second and think about what you're saying. do you not grasp the irony?

>> No.20183696

Well, I'm glad we sorted that out

>> No.20183700

i would rather starve than buy food from someone with that disgusting hair

>> No.20183701 [DELETED] 

>How does that work on their salary?
Senators and reps get $174k annually except for leaders who get something closer to $200k ($193, I think). Serving one senate term will leave you a millionaire.
How many has Bernie served?

>> No.20183722

>thread turns to /pol/ again

>> No.20183730 [DELETED] 

>the guy they see at the starbucks drive-thru every day driving a BMW
My parents always thought that sort of shit was gauche, same with wearing designer clothing that advertised itself.
My mother always said that the only way she'd let me wear something with a big-ass name plastered across it is if I were getting paid to be a walking billboard. Until then, plain t shirt and jeans for me. I always thought she made a smart point there and I've not worn anything with a visible label ever in my life.
And to be clear, when I said $75k, that's for me and the missus, not my parents. We po'.

>> No.20183732

Enough terms to become a multimillionaire. Part of the problem is the high pay and no term limits. I wouldn’t do anything to endanger a job that would make me rich and powerful. That’s why they promise everything and deliver nothing.

>> No.20183733
File: 7 KB, 960x540, 0 7isFihk4X8guC6e5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boomer worth $2 million: billionaires shouldn't be a thing
>mcdonalds burger flipper with checking account overdrawn by $170: REEEEEEEEE BUT YOU'RE A MILLIONAIRE REEEEEEE
american education

>> No.20183745 [DELETED] 

Good points. Can an executive order change that? I despise Trumplethinskin but would consider going so far as to stump for him if he promised to make an executive order to that affect and actually make it stick.

>> No.20183746

>that image
Damn, when you put it like that. It really does put it into a more potent perspective

>> No.20183756

>peacocking this hard in an argument about politics
and first generation too, let me guess "stealth wealth" right? like in the real housewives of the successor?

the point of paying people in high office low six figure salaries is to disincentivize corruption (like how third world cops have to basically mug people), and to ensure that you don't have to be from a wealthy family to be attracted to public service. but at this point I don't think you're discussing this in good faith

>> No.20183769 [DELETED] 

>and first generation too, let me guess "stealth wealth" right? like in the real housewives of the successor?
I have no idea what any of that means, sorry.

>> No.20183772

you'd stump for making sure that nobody can hold office in this country unless they've got family money?

>> No.20183780 [DELETED] 

No, for term limits.

>> No.20183792
File: 95 KB, 1200x797, tmp-name-3-2326-1683845461-0_dblbig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am making fun of you for trying to flex by being a cringe internet meme where people try to show off how rich they are by showing off how coyly not rich (but actually rich because I have nothing to prove, see?) they dress

>> No.20183815 [DELETED] 

I'm wearing $7 slippers right now lmao
And as I said, we only earn $75k between the two of us.
I've had expensive clothes that don't show themselves off but in adulthood, I just don't care about being fashionable anymore and am more than happy wearing some cheap trainers from a supermarket and patched up jeans to go out to run errands.
The one thing I will absolutely not do is wear an undershirt as an overshirt. I'm basically human-sized Jon Richardson when it comes to clothing.

>> No.20183821

>the point of paying people in high office low six figure salaries is to disincentivize corruption
And no term limits ensures that people will do whatever they can to remain in office to keep the government spigot flowing into their pockets. What does discussing this in good faith even mean?

>> No.20183867

cool is this a waywt? I'm wearing $11 calvin klein boxer briefs, $59 levis, $25 adidas flip flops, a $59 pistol lake cotton henley, a $125 luca faloni cashmere beanie, $0 socks (not wearing any) and a $2200 grand seiko watch. I don't know who john richardson is but is that a size thing, like your physical dimensions? then in that case, I would say I'm more like a human-sized ute lemper, except I'm hairier, darker, younger, my hair is shorter, my eyebrows are fuller, I have a five o clock shadow, I can't sing (ok maybe if I'm drunk but you don't want to hear it), I can't speak german, I am not knowledgeable about weimar era cabaret music, and I don't have breasts or a vagina, but other than that, I'm kind of like her

it means you only care how much a politician's haircut cost or what's in their bank account if they're saying taxes should be higher on the ultra-rich, for some reason you get really idealistic about mandatory hair shirts and self flagellation in public service. if they want to cut taxes on the ultra rich, you have no interest in any of that stuff, I wonder why

>> No.20183934 [DELETED] 

>is this a waywt?
idk wtf that means
If we're listing everything we're wearing, then it's jeans so old I don't remember what I paid for them (over a decade and a half since school and they still fit!), ditto for the underpants and shirt. You're in luck about the socks! Aldi! Two months ago or so! $5 for two pairs!
I was wearing a hat and scarf earlier. $1 or two each +the time it took me to crochet them.

>> No.20183942

>I was wearing a hat and scarf earlier. $1 or two each +the time it took me to crochet them.
Haha, you made a hat and scarf out of your own pubic hairs!
Nicely done, I guess.

>> No.20183946

Because if anyone knows what style and class are, it’s the cooking board of 4chan

>> No.20183952 [DELETED] 

Nah. Cotton yarn from the discount bin at Michael's. Huge bag. Don't remember how much it was.

>> No.20183954

Ok. I think I got it. Arguing in good faith means that I must ignore the hypocrisy of wealthy socialists. For poor people, there isn’t any distinction between the rich and the ultra rich. That’s a distinction rich people make as a deflection. “No, don’t eat us we’re just like you in our $2000 watches. Eat the guy over there who has a few more million than me, he’s the real problem”. Meanwhile you’re increasing your own wealth every year because of the policies that create the ultra wealthy while telling everyone you’re not actually that wealthy and you’re just a wittle humble millionaire who cares about poor folks. Fuck you.

>> No.20183970

t. euro
There is not a single city in America where it’s faster to take the train than a car. Waiting for the train, the inconsistent times they arrive, and the frequency that they break down all make cars a better and faster option. Public transit is for the poors and people who live in such tight spaces that there isn’t anywhere to leave a car consistently overnight.

>> No.20183976

waywt = what are you wearing today

I order most stuff on the internet so I can just check my emails, the levis (which I'm very happy with) replaced a pair of jeans I got in may 2018 for $99

>For poor people, there isn’t any distinction between the rich and the ultra rich
yes, they know this too, that's why the ultra rich love people like you. because when some guy who only has seven figures suggests higher taxes on the guy who has ten figures, you, with your great math skills, will simp for the guy with the ten figures because hey, what if you're in his shoes some day? empathy, maaaan!

so ok we'll do it your way. I'm actually in the same class as bezos, and "we" are hoarding all the wealth. why, then, don't you want us to pay more taxes? you obviously hate rich people, right? so help me understand. why do you WANT me to be even richer, and you even poorer?

>> No.20183977 [DELETED] 


>> No.20183989

You dodged a bullet. Here, take a look at the flyer prices, and No Frills is supposed to be a discount grocery store, Loblaws is more common and most people in the city don't have cars or can't drive through the gridlock so they are stuck with Loblaws: https://flyers.smartcanucks.ca/no-frills-canada

>> No.20184005

>who only has seven figures
>only has seven figures
Poor guy. How does he even survive?

>> No.20184011

good point, we should really cut taxes for small business patriot job creators like him, right? otherwise how will the wealth ever trickle down? communism (making people pay taxes) doesn't work!

>> No.20184023 [DELETED] 

The meat prices are high (I bought chicken wings $1/lb earlier today for example) but everything else is comparable.
My lady has family in what she says is the ghetto area (Scarborough) but it seemed fine enough to me.

>> No.20184030

>communism (making people pay taxes) doesn't work!
Stfu kulak, you didn’t earn your wealth. It rightfully belongs to people. Give me your unearned wealth, bourgeois scum.

>> No.20184032

>you obviously hate rich people, right? so help me understand. why do you WANT me to be even richer, and you even poorer?
Because the taxes you pay, both on behalf of yourself and the people you employ, allow me to live on welfare and food stamps from the cradle to the grave, and it also allows all of my Black descendants to do the same. I call it reparations, white boy. Or should I say, jew boy?

>> No.20184049

so just memery and sarcasm. you would cut off your own nose to spite your face.

>> No.20184054

You said people who aren't poor wear ill fitting clothing and bad shoes, so I mentioned a few rich people who fit that description.

>> No.20184069

>so just memery and sarcasm. you would cut off your own nose to spite your face.
On the contrary, my ignorant mutt.
I am Black, and I know I have a double digit IQ. I also know that most jews have triple digit IQs, and more money than they can spend in their own lifetimes. I also know that most slave owners in the USA were jews. On an unrelated note, the first slave owner in the USA was a dark skinned gentleman of African descent.
At any rate, I think it is high time that the communists and jews were held accountable for their crimes against humanity. I mean, even in the Bible the jews say it is acceptable to enslave Black people

>> No.20184075

Why are people on the right always so scared? You're all little baby snowflakes.

>> No.20184079

you're hiding behind memes because you know you have no rational basis for your beliefs. your entire existence revolves around the hope that you might be able to destroy something meaningful. that's it. that's your life in the nihilistic death cult you're in

>> No.20184084

Wow. The jews are out in force tonight, trying to make it seem like nobody can, I don't know, read the five books of Moses and find out that everything I said was true

>> No.20184095

>why would you build anything in a place where a bad earthquake hits every few decades
>why would you have clearly marked exit signs in a high traffic public area in case of emergency
There are plenty of things to criticize America about, but it's like you people just find anything to obsess over no matter how stupid or inane.

>> No.20184098

A lot of things that makes it into the flyer is old and therefore nasty. No Frills and Loblaws uses Farmer's Market brand onions and carrots. The onions tend to go bad before onions I get elsewhere, the carrots are big and bitter and missing their tops which have been lopped off a long time ago, but it still look greenish yellow. The meat is often nasty. Pretty much the only Loblaws that doesn't suck is the one at North York Centre, their T&T Supermarket in the suburbs is also good.

>> No.20184100

I'm not jewish, but I am a dirty immigrant with a non-anglo surname, so you can seethe about that. also you would probably have some colorful slurs for my sexuality since you seem desperate for material at the moment

>> No.20184102

>that's your life in the nihilistic death cult
You’re a rich commie. You would have your wealth stripped and redistributed to working people like me who grew up poor and you would probably be killed in a communist system.

>> No.20184108

The right are the true snowflakes, everything outside their front door terrifies them.

>> No.20184117

>You’re a rich commie. You would have your wealth stripped and redistributed to working people like me who grew up poor and you would probably be killed in a communist system.
I want to donate tens of millions of dollars to Black Lives Matter Global Network as bribe money to discourage their people from looting my stores. Why can't I do that nowadays?
Whatever happened to the concept of honor amongst thieves?

>> No.20184125 [DELETED] 

>I also know that most slave owners in the USA were jews.

>> No.20184128

Got any proof?

>> No.20184134 [DELETED] 

Census data and church records.

>> No.20184136

Yeah, you should instead vote for people who want to remove dark money from politics, not take donations from super-PACs, disclose their tax records, ban public officials from trading on the stock market while in office, and create a clear and transparent separation between politicians and lobbyists. Who does that sound like? Oh yeah, Trump! He put in an executive order to not allow elected officials to lobby for 5 years after leaving office in his first week as president. That was pretty cool, right? It was until he revoked it during his last week in office, basically allowing everyone in his administration to go right back to being swamp creatures while not allowing anyone from Obama's administration being able to work as lobbyists during his term. (The actual answer is Bernie and people on the left, btw - if it wasn't obvious.)

>> No.20184139

>Census data and church records.
None of that has anything to do with slavery, you fucking jew

>> No.20184141

Nah. My neighborhood is very safe. The train isn’t very safe. I saw a young lady get socked in the face for asking a gentleman not to smoke a large marijuana cigar in the train car. I didn’t do shit and neither did anyone else while the lady was sobbing and the man smoked his marijuana and yelled for anyone to do anything about it. I just turned my headphones up and moved to the other end of the car like everyone else.

>> No.20184149

>I just turned my headphones up and moved to the other end of the car like everyone else.
...fucking pussy ass bitch.
I bet you were afraid he was going to pull down your boxers and fuck you raw in the fucking ass. You probably wear your pants down low around your knees, you fucking faggot.

>> No.20184151 [DELETED] 

Does. You can see who is a slave owner via census and what church they attended via church record.

>> No.20184157 [DELETED] 

Try being Breton in America and having to explain how to pronounce Jaoua 37 times per day.

>> No.20184163

>Does. You can see who is a slave owner via census and what church they attended via church record.
So show us a picrel with a simplified spreadsheet using data from database that proves your point.

>> No.20184166 [DELETED] 

I'll not do your homework for you, Travis.

>> No.20184169

Back when I lived in NJ, there was a Dunkin at the Hamilton train station I'd stop in occasionally
Probably the least overpriced store in all NJTransit lol

>> No.20184172

>I'll not do your homework for you, Travis.
Oh, so now it's a case of "I made a claim, and now that people are challenging it, I'm not going to make any effort to prove that anything I said was true"
In any case, you have just proven, LOL, that most slave owners in the USA were jews

>> No.20184188

>like me who grew up poor a
>who grew up poor
>grew up poor
Ah, so you're actually just a regular working class guy with a 40 foot yacht, got it! Me too! Tax is theft!

>> No.20184213

No lol. I’m still poor. Last time I was on a boat was decades ago on a public school field trip to a docked decommissioned military ship.

>> No.20184218 [DELETED] 

iyss, Sally. : )

>> No.20184223

People on the right don't understand numbers. They hear "tax cuts" and think it's going to benefit them, when in reality 90% of it is going to the ultra-wealthy and will effectively kill the middle class. They also don't understand that being a retired boomer with their own home is not the same thing as being able to buy Twitter or ruin a generation of public education because you're bored and don't know what to do with all your money. What most people don't understand is that if you were given a million dollars outright you could hire a financial advisor to invest that money while you keep your day job, and make far more than the average American on compound interest with virtually no risk. Put another way, half of all Americans could get by for decades at their current standard of living just living off of low-risk investments on one million dollars. If you don't think that's really, really fucked up I don't even know what to say.

>> No.20184232

based boozcrusier

>> No.20184249

>serving one senate term will leave you a millionaire
Senators don't live in their moms' basements...

>> No.20184253 [DELETED] 

The only reason I don't think that's really, really fucking up is because I'm dumb and really really don't get the point you're trying to make.
I think buying Twitter or ruin a generation of public education because you're bored and don't know what to do with all your money is fucked up.
Is that what you were getting at? Cuz the rest of your post seemed a bit irrelevant to that.
I want Elon to have a downy baby, btw

>> No.20184269 [DELETED] 

$174k × 6 = $1,044,000
Presumably, they had /some/ savings before entering office, yeah?

>> No.20184288

or maybe they literally believe the wealth will trickle down?

or maybe they figure it doesn't matter either way but the rich guy who says bad stuff about minorities is "just like me" and therefore deserves support unlike the other somewhat less rich guy who uses these weird confusing phrases like "progressive tax code" and "capital gains" instead of plain spoken language like "bigly" and typing things in all caps

I think what it mostly boils down to is white people instinctively see themselves as being at the top of the natural order, so when they hear "raise taxes on the rich" they think "oh he means me" whether they're worth billions and don't even technically work per se, or they work 40 hours a week for $15 an hour, it's like an extension of their paranoid delusions about the white race being zimbabwe'd because someone said "happy holidays" instead of "merry christmas", if the walton family can't continue to accumulate wealth simply by existing, then how will the guy who makes $15 an hour ever become a billionaire? communism doesn't work! and if they see a brown person not being broke and addicted to narcotics, then the west has fallen and the entire system needs to be burned to the ground

>> No.20184307

I’m not sure what your point is. Is it most people are retarded with money management, and also we should tax the fuck out of billionaires to fix the wealth inequality in US?

>> No.20184308

They gave a kiosk to actual retards, didn't last long, something must have happened

>> No.20184337

>the walton family
Nice 70s reference. No one under 40 knows what the fuck that means. How many decades have you been ranting about your racial justice and communism?

>> No.20184342

not the TV show, boomer

>> No.20184350

The people who started wal mart you stupid fucking zoomer. You know if you don't know something you can look it up on your phones search engine right?

>> No.20184501
File: 108 KB, 340x444, 4559771253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20184585

How should I know?

>> No.20184737

>Then on the other hand you have fascists
LMAO, I fucking wish that were remotely true.

>> No.20184837

75% of the people in that photo earn 6 figures

>> No.20184880

Why do you people have such a hard time with the difference of 'looks like' and 'is'?

I don't care how much money they actually have, they dress like poors. This is not a hard concept.

>> No.20185322

The nation of Japan

>> No.20185523

>why is everyone in this picture dressed like they're poor?
This may surprise you but majority of people are poor and the food industry appeals to the majority of people

>> No.20185536 [DELETED] 

Naples is surrounded by volcanos and has a very good (and retarded; line 2 opened something like 60 years before line 1 lmao) subway system.

>> No.20185537
File: 1.92 MB, 3062x1494, nature v civilisation - Copy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't live in or 300km near a city because I'm not a gay vaccinated faggot retard

>> No.20185539

>he made his own brick and mortar for his house
Yeah, didn't think so.

>> No.20185547
File: 359 KB, 461x1448, Furlinedgreatcoat_dec1907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't care how much money they actually have, they dress like poors.
America is a country of peasants. They literally have never had nobility and royalty, the people are a people who are /proud/ to be peasant scum.
Thus, their fashion was always destined to degenerate into looking like peasants. Even their richest man (amazon guy) dresses like a fucking peasant, despite his wealth and the price of each garment.

>> No.20185608

they are dressed normal tho? XD

>> No.20185787

Only women and gay men care about fashion.

>> No.20185801

And this is how all Americans came to dress like hobos.

'In the United States, the majority undertakes to supply a multitude of ready-made opinions for the use of individuals, who are thus relieved from the necessity of forming opinions of their own'.
- De la démocratie en Amérique

>> No.20185810

Stating a basic fact is apparently the same as brainwashing. Am I brainwashed for saying the sky is blue too?

>> No.20185823
File: 762 KB, 1320x2161, 1320px-Charles_I_by_Daniel_Mytens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everybody in the past factually was gay
Retard alert.

>> No.20185832

They unironically were

>> No.20186020

The blacks care a lot too.

>> No.20186027

Why do you continue replying to yourself.

>> No.20186049

Tankies love talking to themselves because no else will listen.

>> No.20186092

I have to because I never learned to drive at the ripe age of 41 and cars are too damn expensive anyways

>> No.20186095

Almost read that as if you bought crack

>> No.20186098

Yep, you’re a leftist alright. MAGA wishes they were fascists and you probably don’t even know what that entails

>> No.20186104

*neoliberal. Which is just hyper capitalist with super progressive social policies

>> No.20186114
File: 38 KB, 992x558, 170615_abc_archives_june_danquayle_potato_16x9_992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to paraphrase dan quayle: any accusation made by the right is a confession, or not to have a mind at all, is being truly wasteful. how true that is

ok that doesn't really work but it was worth a try

>> No.20186125

I'm a communist?

>> No.20186131

no, you're a samefriender

>> No.20186134

Talk about High Anxiety. Why arent platform rails mandatory?

>> No.20186135
File: 24 KB, 462x328, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing my ESL friend.

>> No.20186499
File: 222 KB, 756x1228, esl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ESL = someone who speaks more languages than (You)

also why are you lying?

>> No.20186507

>How the hell did they convince all these people that federal gov was the ultimate evil while state gov is the best thing to ever?
kys offtopic shill

>> No.20187025

because it's the MTA and there's always a bullshit excuse for why they won't change

now that push panic has gripped the city they finally agreed on a half-assed solution so we should see something implemented in about 10 years that sort of works except when it cuts you in half

>> No.20187111

>push panic
Is this real? Do you really have to keep your head on a swivel so you don’t get pushed on the tracks by some maniac?

>> No.20187281 [DELETED] 

Some lady got pushed in front of a moving train around Thanksgiving, an old man got pushed onto the tracks around that same time and another person, a woman (I think) at some point in the summer. I'm sure NYP had articles. Just Google subway push or subway shove it something.

>> No.20187288

I mean you just have to use good sense. Don't stand by the edge, don't stand in front of someone that looks sketchy, maintain a basic level of awareness.

all easy things to do honestly

>> No.20187427

I've always been paranoid about slipping or tripping or getting jostled during rush hour, or having a weird medical episode like that girl who had a fainting spell and just dropped onto the tracks. Those kinds of things have caused a lot more deaths than psychos pushing people, but a fainting spell can't be used to justify civil rights abuses, so the media focuses on the psychos

>> No.20187824

The only train infrastructure that works is cargo train, and eurofags are the ones who can't built it.

>> No.20187863

what about blimp train?

>> No.20187868

>american education
What country are you from where they use visual aids to teach school children why it's immoral for billionaires to exist?

>> No.20187880

>I mean you just have to use good sense.
We live in a Society. Your good sense wont make up for somebody elses Mindset. If they want to push you they are going to push you, one way or another. The only thing thats up to you is how good your Self Awareness and Reflexes are

>> No.20187903 [DELETED] 

We're still waiting for them to get the "transit" part right.

>> No.20187912

>if only trump did something to make elected officials have to divest their business interests while in office and have stricter term limits
>he's the only president who said he wouldn't (but did) take his salary, and did literally nothing other than enrich himself and attempt to overflow the election he lost in order to stay in power
How in the actual fuck do you people still use this "drain the swamp" nonsense to simp for that guy? Is "corruption is based" some zoomer meme I'm unaware of or something? I really don't get it.

>> No.20187957

a country where apparently it's controversial to say that maybe a feudal system isn't what we should be striving for (especially if you say this while not wearing a loincloth and a crown of thorns)

>> No.20188313 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 700x700, 1691325062354985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal gibberish. People that talk politics are fucking deranged.

>> No.20188354

>Literal gibberish. People that talk politics are fucking deranged.
I wish I was rich enough to spill my food all over the floor...
But I'm not deranged like most commies

>> No.20188361 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 640x793, 1690214066864087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Utterly demoralized. Get lifted and gifted, faggot.

>> No.20188367

>Get lifted and gifted, faggot.
What does that even mean?
Speak English. Not all of us are Black People of Color, and not all of us understand your bix nood moon languages.

>> No.20188458

Holy shit look at that jew

>> No.20188478

I would imagine putting coffee kiosks/booths near stations or IN them makes a lot of money. You know how much fucking foot traffic you get? Also a lot of people in America are hooked on coffee, and don't have time, nor care to make it themselves, so they'll gladly spend outrageous prices for it. A lot of coffee shops realized that a long time ago. Oh, you want a coffee? That'll be $12.99, even though you could have made it at home for free.

It's time like this that I'm thankful I don't drink coffee and never acquired a taste for it.

>> No.20188828

Wait until you find out about this new scam called a “restaurant”

>> No.20188895

Listening to music while sitting around looking at cute girls and day dreaming while sipping on coffee during a subway/streetcar ride can be nice. That's if you don't live amongst niggers ofcourse.

>> No.20188926

Why would anybody be killed in a communist system?

>> No.20188937

The retard thinks "billionaires shouldn't exist" means "white people should be killed and eaten", there is no sense in trying to understand their ideology because it's inherently irrational and based on anger and resentment that the 14th amendment exists, he unironically believes the temporarily embarrassed billionaire meme despite the fact that he will never in his life even be in the same building as one

>> No.20188960

>I'm dumb and really really don't get the point
>the rest of your post seemed a bit irrelevant to that
The broader point is that wealth generates wealth, while the vast majority of people have to work just to get by. It's not about hating rich people; it's about hating the system. Allowing a few people who got lucky to accumulate hundreds of billions of dollars and affect society on a whim is just an extreme example of why this is a problem.

>> No.20188983

I'm so sick of all the "culture war" bullshit pushed by the right. It's so obviously just done as a distraction from the real issues.

>> No.20188992

>is it most people are retarded with money management
The point is that if you have even a relatively small amount of accumulated capital you can literally hire someone else to manage your money.

>> No.20188995 [DELETED] 

>distraction from the real issues
Reptilian kitten-eaters from another planet?

>> No.20188996

People in New York dress more like Europeans.

>> No.20189009

>and you probably don’t even know what that entails
Yes, you want to murder tens of millions of people. You retards have been saying it for years. Just because you haven't successfully gained complete state control doesn't mean you aren't fascists.

>> No.20189040

Taking pride in centuries of severe social stratification, particularly in your poor imitation of the upper crust, is very European. The worship of the rich is an American pastime as well.

You want proud peasant scum? Go to a football game.

>> No.20189108
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Don't europeans engage in the "if I simp for my feudal lords they'll let me into their club" cope?

>nooo you can't just have class mobility! poors need to stay in their lane!!!!! if we raise taxes on the ultra wealthy our job creators will punish us!!!

>> No.20189114

Why do you capitalize so many words unnecessarily? Are you German?

>> No.20189121

Define "child marriage."

>> No.20189124
File: 238 KB, 1300x956, washington-dcunion-stationrailroad-train-terminal-food-court-plaza-mezzanineescalator-interior-inside-2F36G14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

union station in DC has a pretty big food court and a lot of shopping but it's been on a decline the last 5-10 years, especially because of the pandemic. lot of businesses closed and left
but a raising canes just opened so that's nice. and a chick fil a like 5 years ago

>> No.20189217

>“culture war" bullshit pushed by the right.
The left is just as guilty.

>> No.20189224 [DELETED] 

Yeah? I don't think I've heard of any of them burning copies of Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.20189281

>parents want literally pornographic books loaded with depictions of and instructions for gay sex removed from public elementary school libraries

>> No.20189288
File: 249 KB, 2000x1161, idealbookshelfcp524-wgbhamericanexperience-bannedbooks-2000web.jpg__2000x1161_q85_crop_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I grew up we were expected to deal with the complicated and troubling things featured in works of literature. We read books and there was death, suffering, war, murder, racism, slavery, etc.

Not sure what changed but it sure is weird how the right thinks we're the snowflakes who need a safe space when they're the ones having a mental health crisis over penguins being gay.

>> No.20189293

Which of those books has literal instructions for teens to engage in anal sex along with pornographic illustrations and then put into a library for kids no older than 11?

>> No.20189323
File: 139 KB, 802x802, education.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found tons of stuff like that entirely on my own when I was probably about 11, and I grew up in the 1980s, pre-internet. My mom used to drop me off at the library and I'd just roam freely through the bookshelves. You could have too if you were a curious kid with access to libraries and enough brain cells to figure out card catalogues. Too bad those things are illegal in red states, which explains a lot.

>> No.20189329

We're not talking about general libraries, you disingenuous faggot. The controversy is with SCHOOL LIBRARIES. The libraries that are contained within SCHOOLS and literally ONLY ACCESSIBLE TO STUDENTS. There should not be gay pornographic graphic novels with explicit instructions on how to engage in gay anal sex IN AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LIBRARY ONLY ACCESSIBLE BY STUDENTS AGED 11 AND YOUNGER.

>> No.20189332 [DELETED] 

>books loaded with depictions of and instructions for gay sex removed from public elementary school libraries
Which books are those?

>> No.20189333

School libraries had stuff like that too you dingbat. There even used to be these things called "encyclopedias", before chatGPT, where you could look up naughty things right there in front of the teachers (or as you would call them now, the 'groomers'). Amazing to see people just figuring out what libraries are, and not being able to cope with it. Don't worry though as long as you prevent your kids from learning to read they'll be safe from those devil words.

>> No.20189334


>> No.20189337

But apparently this is the same as book burning to dishonest faggot jews like you.

>> No.20189339

Remember when the San Francisco Gay Mens Choir put out a song about how they’re coming for your kids and there’s nothing you can do? Then they removed it and apologized after outraged parents complained.

>> No.20189344
File: 65 KB, 540x960, goodcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another rightoid has a public fukushima meltdown over libraries existing
Let's just hope the voting public is smart enough to realize putting these idiots in charge is going to be a bad time for this country

>> No.20189345 [DELETED] 

No, red states have banned several books from being carried in actual libraries, too.
And the entirety of the Captain Underpants series lmao

>> No.20189346

Not even Harry Potter?

>> No.20189347
File: 2.15 MB, 1920x1080, The Banning Books Narrative DEBUNKED!!_1329.212s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which books are those?
The one I'm specifically referring to is called Gender Queer, which contains content such as pic related and leftists are pushing for it to be in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL libraries (again, students aged FIVE to ELEVEN years old). Here's a video that goes over other controversially explicit books that parents want taken out of school libraries and which leftists claim would be tantamount to book burning: https://youtu.be/D_aRzXXCv4s

We're not talking about looking up "breasts" or "penis" in an encyclopedia YOU DISHONEST LYING SLIMY FUCKING KIKE

>> No.20189350

Yeah, everything's been going so well with the adults in charge.

>> No.20189353

>meltdown over libraries existing
School libraries should contain books that are relevant to the age range of the students at the school. This has nothing to do with general access public libraries.

Citation needed.

>> No.20189352

You realize you're using devil words right now, right? If reading and writing upset you that much I invite you to stop doing so

>> No.20189354 [DELETED] 

Not clicking that, Missy.
Post the cached link or don't post at all.
No. But i remember when a hundred-thirty men in Florida were arrested last month for child sex trafficking and not one of them was a tranny or drag queen (and the majority were registered "values voting" Republicans)

>> No.20189355

The left cancelled Harry Potter because JK Rowling says men in dresses aren’t women and don’t belong in women’s spaces.

>> No.20189359 [DELETED] 

I'm a far left guy myself and I have a kid in first grade. I wouldn't want him reading that book yet, at least without reading it myself first to check it it's something I would consider appropriate for a kid that age. Couldn't give a fuck about him reading about gay penguins, tho

>> No.20189360

>You realize you're using devil words right now, right?
What the fuck are you talking about, kike? I don't follow your inane twitter buzzword trends.

>> No.20189361 [DELETED] 

>Citation needed.
Check the library association's office of intellectual freedom.

>> No.20189365
File: 3.25 MB, 458x250, tenor[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I don't read it myself then I won't know for sure if explicitly illustrated depictions of gay oral and anal sex are appropriate for a 6 year old
You people are fucking absurd. Even if it was straight porn it wouldn't be appropriate to show to a 6 year old. Why would pornography ever be okay to show to a SIX YEAR OLD?

>> No.20189368

That's not how citations work. Link a source that substantiates your specific claims.

>> No.20189369

Oh. They put out a song in 2021 called “We’ll Convert Your Kids”, removed it after backlash and then it was found out that several of the members had criminal records for touching kids.

>> No.20189385 [DELETED] 

No, I won't know if those things you claim are in there are actually in there, silly. If what you claim is true, it doesn't belong in any school, full stop.

>> No.20189390 [DELETED] 

How not? You asked for where to get that information. Anon told you where to get that information.
Asked and fucking answered, kiddo.

>> No.20189410

I asked for a citation and he said, "Go look it up." If you're writing a paper you can't cite "the library" as a source just because that's where you read the book you're referencing. He provided no direct link to any information that supported his claim, only a very generic reference to an entire library association office and expected me to just accept that or go do his research for him. I will do neither and wait for an actual source to be linked as a real citation.

>> No.20189418

Trains really bring out the worst in people.

>> No.20189427 [DELETED] 

>If you're writing a paper you can't cite "the library" as a source
Good thing that's not what anyone did, huh?
>the library association's office of intellectual freedom
is a specific thing with a specific bit of information that is specifically geared to the specific request specifically made to that specific person. It is not "the library."

>> No.20189432

The first sentence was a general metaphorical example of the problem. The second sentence was a specific description of what actually happened. Get some better reading comprehension. Link the information or fuck off and stop spouting unsubstantiated claims.

>> No.20189441

God, I hate trains.

>> No.20189451 [DELETED] 

See >>20189361
Refusing to check it doesn't make it untrue, ma'am.

>> No.20189480

No it fucking isn't. Only the right is constantly manufacturing fake outrage about stupid shit that doesn't matter.

>> No.20189488

Are you forgetting the four years of the left being hysterical because Trump was literally Hitler.

>> No.20189499

Those 4 years were a dumpster fire. That's not fake outrage, nor is it culture war shit.

>> No.20189528

Pretending Trump is as dangerous or evil as Hitler is fake outrage.

>> No.20189530

I'm still waiting for a citation. Naming an organization and saying "look it up" is not a citation, it's you asking me to do research for you. Until I see a link to actual information I'll assume you're lying and have no actual source.

>> No.20189537

>he hasn't literally built gas chambers so everything is fine
If he wins in 2024 they've basically already set the groundwork for a dictatorship.

>> No.20189555

So he’s going to build gas chambers and murder millions of people if he’s re-elected? You know how nuts that sounds, right?

>> No.20189570

>an anti-trans, anti-gay dictatorship of conservative values that reduces immigration and ousts the jews
I'm okay with this, but I'm quite shocked that it would be allowed.

>> No.20189571

His followers literally believe in a widespread cabal of pedophiles who drink children's blood and want to genocide white people. What the hell do you think people who really believe that kind of shit would do if given power?

>> No.20189575

>What the hell do you think people who really believe that kind of shit would do if given power?
Fix a lot of problems with modern America.

>> No.20189579

You're replying to one of them, people like that are so far removed from reality that they'll literally behead their own father and smirk all the way to the precinct thinking that they're the hero standing up to the "woke mob". Let's just hope they don't.

>> No.20189644

>we hate these people and those people and these other people and also those people, also "conservative values"
Trump isn't even a conservative. That word has become meaningless.

>> No.20189821 [DELETED] 

That's nice. Didn't make it true because I know you already visited the front page of the library association's office of intellectual freedom and saw the list. And that's only the 100 most commonly banned books from libraries, not all of them. #60something was the Bible lol

>> No.20189836

I don't even know what their website is and I'm not going to go around googling it. Supply sources for your information or stop lying.

>> No.20189959

In Vancouver most train stops have either a smoothy bar or an A&W right outside or attached to the station. One of the stops is directly attached to a Hudson's Bay store which is odd now that I think about it.

>> No.20189985

Oh god this zombie thread is back from the grave

>> No.20190013

I hate trains. Any discussion about them turns into autistic sperg outs and shit flinging. They’re an autism vortex like Sonic.

>> No.20191697

Now I want to see a Sonic the Hedgehog train, purely for the sperg it'd generate.

>> No.20191715

there still are countries without niggers

>> No.20191717

Guy working inside obviously, he's the station rapist

>> No.20191728

>ignores the law regarding drunk driving but cares about having a license or not

>> No.20192042

>nooo you can't just have class mobility! poors need to stay in their lane!!!!!

'Unlike master morality, which is sentiment, slave morality is based on ressentiment—devaluing what the master values and what the slave does not have. As master morality originates in the strong, slave morality originates in the weak. Because slave morality is a reaction to oppression, it vilifies its oppressors. Slave morality is the inverse of master morality. As such, it is characterized by pessimism and cynicism. Slave morality is created in opposition to what master morality values as good'.

>> No.20192144

>once again /pol/ misreads nietzsche

>> No.20192184

>leftists think Nietzsche was on their side
How are leftists so stupid?

'Whom do I hate most among the rabble of today? The socialist rabble, the chandala apostles, who undermine the instinct, the pleasure, the worker's sense of satisfaction with his small existence–who make him envious, who teach him revenge. The source of wrong is never unequal rights but the claim of “equal” rights'.

>> No.20192215

Being a reactionary is literally what he meant by slave morality. He's talking about the ethos of a culture, not literal poor vs rich, and definitely not white vs non-white.

>> No.20192240

who is this nietzche guy and why do people who think they are smart keep quoting him.

>> No.20192272
File: 49 KB, 513x449, 1645884470023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's talking about the ethos of a culture, not literal poor vs rich

'In master morality, "good" is a self-designation of the aristocratic classes; it is synonymous with nobility and everything powerful and life-affirming. "Bad" has no condemnatory implication, merely referring to the "common" or the "low" and the qualities and values associated with them, in contradistinction to the warrior ethos of the ruling nobility'.

>> No.20192280


'Slave morality does not aim at exerting one's will by strength, but by careful subversion. It does not seek to transcend the masters, but to make them slaves as well. The essence of slave morality is utility: The good is what is most useful for the whole community, not just the strong. Nietzsche sees this as a contradiction. Since the powerful are few compared to the masses of the weak, the weak gain power by corrupting the strong into believing that the causes of slavery (viz., the will to power) are evil, as are the qualities the weak originally could not choose because of their weakness'.

>> No.20192287


"The democratic movement is the heir to Christianity"[6]—the political manifestation of slave morality because of its obsession with freedom and equality'.

>> No.20192295
File: 219 KB, 1251x1415, 1652718355443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least, foresaw what was going to happen: "Modern socialism tends to create a form of secular
Jesuitism, to make instruments of all men"; and again: "What we desire is well-being. ... As a result we
march toward a spiritual slavery such as has never been seen. . . . Intellectual Caesarism hovers over
every activity of the businessman and the philosopher." Placed in the crucible of Nietzschean philosophy,
rebellion, in the intoxication of freedom, ends in biological or historical Caesarism. The absolute negative had driven Stirner to deify crime simultaneously with the individual. But the absolute affirmative leads to
universalizing murder and mankind simultaneously. Marxism-Leninism has really accepted the burden
of Nietzsche's freewill by means of ignoring several Nietzschean virtues. The great rebel thus creates with
his own hands, and for his own imprisonment, the implacable reign of necessity. Once he had escaped
from God's prison, his first care was to construct the prison of history and of reason, thus putting the
finishing touch to the camouflage and consecration of the nihilism whose conquest he claimed'.
- L'Homme révolté

>> No.20192299

You're literally quoting Wikipedia. You've never read a word of Nietzsche. He hated nationalists, antisemites, reactionaries, boorish people, people who worshiped money, and generally any kind of "we need to go back" mindset. Basically everything /pol/ believes he detested.

>> No.20192304
File: 634 KB, 960x576, 1706846319690731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You've never read a word of Nietzsche
>He hated
Lemme guess, Wikipedia told you that.

'Whom do I HATE most among the rabble of today? THE SOCIALIST rabble, the chandala apostles, who undermine the instinct, the pleasure, the worker's sense of satisfaction with his small existence–who make him envious, who teach him revenge. The source of wrong is never unequal rights but the claim of “equal” rights'.

>> No.20192312

It's really not fair. I'm assuming you're a pretty experienced drunk driver like myself. Sober drivers cause the vast majority of accidents but somehow were the bad guys

>> No.20192323

it's called overcontrolling and a lot of sober pilots have the same issue. the driver's job is to keep fuel in the tank and provide general guidance on when it's time to speed up, slow down, or turn right/left. being a twitchy nervous sobergroid and trying to dodge and weave at every obstacle is how people get into trouble

worst comes to worst you realize you've been dragging a mangled corpse for a few miles but all you have to do is say "they came outta nowhere officer!" and then you get off with a warning

>> No.20192338

>still pulling quotes from the exact same wikipedia article
Half the shit you put in quotation marks isn't even Nietzsche; it's literally just a Wikipedia page. Writing his name in all caps at the bottom like a 12 year old doesn't change the fact that you can't even tell the difference between a Nietzsche quote and someone else summarizing his ideas.

As someone who has read and written about Nietzsche way too much, I guarantee you that if he were alive today and was given the option to go to a gay bar or a MAGA rally, he would find both equally revolting. If he could get past his disgust for gay people doing gay things, however, he would absolutely think the fags were slightly closer to his idea of "strength".

>> No.20192350
File: 239 KB, 1578x745, Screenshot 2024-02-11 at 02-01-09 The Antichrist by F. W. Nietzsche.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You very clearly have not read a single piece of Nietzsche's works, as he was quite obsessed with the ancient Greeks (id est: 'we need to go back' mindset); Greeks who had buttsex with teenage boys.

>Writing his name in all caps at the bottom like a 12 year old doesn't change the fact that you can't even tell the difference between a Nietzsche quote and someone else summarizing his ideas.
Is this a deliberate attempt to gas-light the audience, convinced they are too stupid to actually check the fact themselves? They very well may be that fucking stupid and your attempt may very well have worked if you met somebody besides me.
But dishonestly is part of slave-morality and honesty part of master-morality. I being a master, of course; and you a slave.

Proof of the quoute is in pic related:

>> No.20192365

why are poltards talking about Nietzsche like he didnt scream and shout about racemixing being a good thing.

>> No.20192368

>he was quite obsessed with the ancient Greeks
He was a 19th century German philologist. Of fucking course he was obsessed with the Greeks. But unlike most 19th century German intellectuals, he didn't think we could go back to that kind of society - that was kind of his whole thing. Also,
these are all Wikipedia quotes. Here's a little tip: if Wikipedia is quoting someone else there will always be a link to the source, such as here,
>the heir to Christianity"[6]
You put all of it in quotations for some reason.

>> No.20192371
File: 614 KB, 2000x1332, jerry-messing-41b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I being a master, of course; and you a slave.

>> No.20192374 [DELETED] 
File: 355 KB, 1200x675, Reines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I being a master, of course; and you a slave.

'He who humbleth himself wants to be exalted'.
- Menschliches, Allzumenschliches (1878)

>> No.20192385
File: 166 KB, 512x512, 1671414831146089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> he didn't think we could go back to that kind of society
And when did I say I think we 'could' either? YOU ASSUMED that I think that, without any proof. You've been assuming a lot of things to base your entire arguments of.

>these are all Wikipedia quotes
And when did I say otherwise?

>You put all of it in quotations for some reason.
Because I was quoting wikipedia, duh.

You really believe, truly, with every fibre of your being, that I cannot possibly be smarter than you. No wonder you resort to attributing me to actions of an utter idiot, despite me never doing them.
Your political bias has fully clouded your mind.

End it.

'Nicht die Neugierde, nicht die Eitelkeit, nicht die Betrachtung der Nützlichkeit, nicht die Pflicht und Gewissenhaftigkeit, sondern ein unauslöschlicher, unglücklicher Durst, der sich auf keinen Vergleich einläßt, führt uns zur Wahrheit'.
- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

>> No.20192393

>You put all of it in quotations for some reason.
Quotation marks are used when you quote anybody else's words verbatim, I used them correctly, as whoever wrote that in wikipedia was not me: I am quoting them.
How the fuck do you not know this? Just how stupid are you? This is high-school English-class stuff.

>> No.20192409
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, zikenbo06-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


'Luke 18:14 Improved.—He that humbleth himself wisheth to be exalted'.
- Menschliches, Allzumenschliches (1878)

>> No.20192413

>when did I say I think we 'could' either? YOU ASSUMED that I think that
You literally brought it up in the context of "we need to go back".
>because I was quoting wikipedia, duh
Who the fuck directly quotes Wikipedia when nobody was talking about Nietzsche up until that point? You obviously thought that was a direct quote (and are not coping because you got called out >>20192393).
>you really believe, truly, with every fibre of your being, that I cannot possibly be smarter than you
It's not just a belief at this point. And the idea that you've read a single page of Hegel is laughable (to be fair, most people who cite Hegel have never read Hegel). Nietzsche is very easy to read, but very difficult to understand. Hegel is incredibly difficult to read, but everyone has a general idea of his philosophy.

>> No.20192431

Need and could have different meanings.
One is desire, the other is action. I have the NEED to kill all leftists like you, but I do not have the means (ergo: COULD not) to do so.

>Who the fuck directly quotes Wikipedia when nobody was talking about Nietzsche up until that point?
Me. Every person espousing equality is a SLAVE.
>You obviously thought that was a direct quote
Only you would be so stupid. Somebody else summurised his ideas for me, I used them. You want me to quote entire passages? I can(1).

>It's not just a belief at this point
Ah, so you are a retarded socialist, exactly the kind that Nietzsche hate THE MOST.

Here shall be the quote that Nietzsche hates humanitarianism (ergo: socialism):

'The Desire to Inspire Compassion.—La Rochefoucauld, in the most notable part of his self portraiture (first printed 1658) reaches the vital spot of truth when he warns all those endowed with reason to be on their guard against compassion, when he advises that this sentiment be left to men of the masses who stand in need of the promptings of the emotions (since they are not guided by reason) to induce them to give aid to the suffering and to be of service in misfortune: whereas compassion, in his (and Plato's) view, deprives the heart of strength. To be sure, sympathy should be manifested but men should take care not to feel it; for the unfortunate are rendered so dull that the manifestation of sympathy affords them the greatest happiness in the world.—Perhaps a more effectual warning against this compassion can be given if this need of the unfortunate be considered not simply as stupidity and intellectual weakness, not as a sort of distraction of the spirit entailed by misfortune itself (and thus, indeed, does La Rochefoucauld seem to view it) but as something quite different and more momentous...'

>> No.20192435

'...Let note be taken of children who cry and scream in order to be compassionated and who, therefore, await the moment when their condition will be observed; come into contact with the sick and the oppressed in spirit and try to ascertain if the wailing and sighing, the posturing and posing of misfortune do not have as end and aim the causing of pain to the beholder: the sympathy which each beholder manifests is a consolation to the weak and suffering only in as much as they are made to perceive that at least they have the power, notwithstanding all their weakness, to inflict pain. The unfortunate experiences a species of joy in the sense of superiority which the manifestation of sympathy entails; his imagination is exalted; he is always strong enough, then, to cause the world pain. Thus is the thirst for sympathy a thirst for self enjoyment and at the expense of one's fellow creatures: it shows man in the whole ruthlessness of his own dear self: not in his mere "dullness" as La Rochefoucauld thinks.—In social conversation three fourths of all the questions are asked, and three fourths of all the replies are made in order to inflict some little pain; that is why so many people crave social intercourse: it gives them a sense of their power. In these countless but very small doses in which the quality of badness is administered it proves a potent stimulant of life: to the same extent that well wishing—(Wohl-wollen) distributed through the world in like manner, is one of the ever ready restoratives.—But will many honorable people be found to admit that there is any pleasure in administering pain? that entertainment—and rare entertainment—is not seldom found in causing others, at least in thought, some pain, and in raking them with the small shot of wickedness? The majority are too ignoble and a few are too good to know anything of this pudendum: the latter may, consequently, be prompt to deny that Prosper Mérimée is right when he says:'

>> No.20192438

"Know, also, that nothing is more common than to do wrong for the pleasure of doing it."

>> No.20192444

'Sympathy has the satisfaction of others in view no more than, as already stated, badness has the pain of others in view. For there are at least two (perhaps many more) elementary ingredients in personal gratification which enter largely[128] into our self satisfaction: one of them being the pleasure of the emotion, of which species is sympathy with tragedy, and another, when the impulse is to action, being the pleasure of exercising one's power. Should a sufferer be very dear to us, we divest ourselves of pain by the performance of acts of sympathy.—With the exception of some few philosophers, men have placed sympathy very low in the rank of moral feelings: and rightly'.

>> No.20192449

And Camus, a Nobel Prize winner, says it:

'Nietzsche undoubtedly hated free-thinkers and humanitarians [id est: socialists]. He took the words 'freedom of thought' in their most extreme sense: the divinity of the individual mind. But he could not stop the free-thinkers partaking of the same historical fact as himself -the death of God- nor could he prevent the consqeunces being the same. Nietzsche saw clearly that humanitarianism was only a form of Christianity deprived of superior justification which preserved final causes while rejecting the first cause'.
- L'Homme révolté (1951)

>> No.20192454

'Christianity belives it is fighting against nihilism because it gives the world a sense of direction, while it is nihilist itself in so far as it prevents, in imposing an imaginary meaning of life, the discovery of its real meaning: "Every Church is a stone rolled on to the tomb of the man-god; it tried to prevent the resurrection, by force". Nietzsche's paradoxical but significant conclusion is that God had been killed by Christianity, in that Christianity has secularised the sacred. Here we must understand historical Christianity and "it's profound and contemptible duplicity".

The same process of reasoning leads to Nietzsche's attitude towards socialism and all forms of humanitarianism. Socialism is only a degenerate form of Christianity'
- L'Homme révolté (1951)

>> No.20192466


>> No.20192477
File: 430 KB, 659x621, 1659895883802999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know we have a board for that?

Not to say you couldn't make it here. And I do apologise for sullying your thread.
Blame the lefties, they can't help but inject politics when not needed.
Nobody was talking about politics until some nutter had to rage about Trump. Litearlly the 7th post in your thread.

>> No.20192507

Camus was literally a socialist. Does it really not seem strange to you that Nietzsche is most often discussed by French existentialists, German neo-Marxists, and postmodernists generally? You throw out quotes from famous intellectuals as though they're divine scripture, and not out of context quotes from people who are famous for their ideas, not their ideas holding authority because the person who wrote them is famous.

>> No.20192534

A leftist that detested marxists, yes.

I can't be bothered with you anymore. It's getting late here and you're clearly too fucking stupid. Your entire gambit is assuming I'm stupider; it's the only way you have a chance to win, so you'll take it to the end despite how untrue it is.
Nietzsche says it plain and simple, in his own words:
'Whom do I hate most among the rabble of today? The socialist rabble'.

>You throw out quotes from famous intellectuals as though they're divine scripture
No, I really don't. But it'd would be very useful for YOU if I did, so you WILL KEEP BELIEVING IT.

'A trap is for fish: when you've got the fish, you can forget the trap. A snare is for rabbits: when you've got the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words are for meaning: when you've got the meaning, you can forget the words. Where can I find someone who's forgotten words so I can have a word with him?'

>> No.20192557

>a leftist that detested marxists
He detested the USSR, because he was a socialist who believed in personal freedom, and the USSR was an authoritarian state that had nothing to do with socialism.
>your entire gambit is assuming I'm stupider
I keep making arguments. You're the only one who keeps countering with, "YOU THINK YOU'RE SO SMART! WELL ACTUALLY I'M SMARTER!!" To the extent that I engage with that kind of rhetoric, it's simply to make fun of you, because you're a child.

>> No.20192572

'Marxists' are dumb cunts who don't even follow what Marx teaches. How many marxists I've seen claim that executions are part and parcel of marxism.
Marxists are, at this point, plain-old dictators.

'How miserable is a society which knows no better means of defence than the executioner'.
- Karl Marx

Marx himself was a Hegelian, despite Hegel being a devout Christian. Further proof of their being dumb cunts.

>> No.20192577

>I keep making UP arguments

'The typical straw man argument creates the illusion of having refuted or defeated an opponent's proposition through the covert replacement of it with a different proposition (i.e., "stand up a straw man") and the subsequent refutation of that false argument ("knock down a straw man") instead of the opponent's proposition'.

>> No.20192582

>it's simply to make fun of you
So you are not a Truth seeker. Well, I already knew that. Considering how stupid your are.

'Not curiosity, not vanity, not the consideration of expediency, not duty and conscientiousness, but an unquenchable, unhappy thirst that brooks no compromise leads us to truth'.

>> No.20192595

>He detested the USSR
Which led to him being REJECTED by the French leftists (e.g. Paul-Satre), who, in the majority, believed in the USSR.

>> No.20192682

>So you are not a Truth seeker. Well, I already knew that. Considering how stupid your are.
Wow, you really are a fedora tipping 14 year old. You should actually try reading Nietzsche some time. He was a sickly, spiteful, most likely autistic man, but like most very intelligent people, he also had a great sense of humor. This is the reason people on the left are not only able to construct arguments, but do so with eloquence and wit, while people on the right only ever regurgitate talking points and the same, out of context quotes and statistics while spamming pepe memes, and fall back on, "durr, do your own research!" whenever they get any pushback from someone slightly educated. It's why there's no such thing as right wing comedy, but you instead rely on "meme magic". You're everything Nietzsche detested. You are the uncritical, unthinking, populist hoard. As Heidegger would put it, das Man. In your parlance: sheeple.

>> No.20192720

>Marx himself was a Hegelian, despite Hegel being a devout Christian
This is one of the dumbest things I've read in a long time. You might as well argue that Christians are dumb cunts because Jesus was a Jew. It's practically meaningless.

>> No.20192786

They generally agreed on the same end-goal, but just had disagreements on the means used to arrive there. Later in his life Sartre denounced the USSR, as it obviously wasn't leading to any sort of greater freedom for the people, and was neither socialist nor democratic.

>> No.20193823

lol i used to live on W 145th. is it still a shithole or did it get gentrified as god intended?