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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20178684 No.20178684 [Reply] [Original]

Did amyone tried this deriously or did I just fall for the bivgest meme in history?
I'm on like day 4 and almost vomitted today when I ate nothing but burgers patties, bacon, cheese and eggs.
Good thing is I slowly stop craving bread and sweets but I don't know how long I can go on with this. Just thinking about the next meal makes me uncomfortable

>> No.20178687

Sorry for the spelling mistakes, my fingers slip because my phone is so oily from cooking meat everyday

>> No.20178690

Please stop doing this to yourself. It's not either just eat red meat and cheese all day or eat bread and sweets. You can eat healthy fruits and vegetables and it will be a great asset to your diet. I promise you will feel so much better when you start eating those again.

>> No.20178708

I think you're right. I cheated today already by eating blue berries and they got me over the feeling of vomiting. I think I have to stop

>> No.20178711

That's just the evil vegetable toxins leaving your body so you ascend to the next spiritual plane

>> No.20178740

I tried it because I have a chronic medical condition. It was okay sometimes. Eating a burger patty with cheese and an egg wasn't too terrible. Trying to just eat plain meat was gross though. When I tried that I couldn't get enough calories. Some people say they have more success eating raw or only lightly cooked meats. I didn't bother trying that.

I feel a lot better with fresh milk and fruit and raw vegetables in my diet. Without carbs I just feel tired and like my muscles are heavy. Our bodies store carbs in our muscles for energy. That doesn't mean you should be consuming the huge amount of refined carbs a lot of people are today, but I don't think that means the carbs in milk and fruit are bad for you.

>> No.20178747

Switch to South Beach diet, which is the improved Atkins which 1) removes the sugar from your diet but not alll vegetables, then when ketosis begins, 2) allows you to add back more of the remaining fruit and veggies, so you get your important fiber and nutrition again and don't feel so weird and sick.

For me, I can't eliminate carbs. I limit veggies already with vitamin K, and leaving 2 food groups behind is too much work. I have zero sugar cravings because I don't drink my calories, and I have normal blood sugar. Drop a few pounds, fix your A1C and blood sugar issues, maybe with meds or the weight loss alone, and once you are normal again, you will literally stop having food cravings.

>> No.20178757

and you need carbs for mental health, something a lot of people don't realize. If your genes suck, playing with brain chemicals is stupidity.

>> No.20178762

carnivore is even more retarded than vegan

>> No.20178768

Maybe. Apparently our brains really like carbs for energy. People say they have more mental clarity on keto, but I'm assuming that's mainly due to them cutting out refined carbs and all the other junk they were consuming. I never hear anyone say fruit gives them brain fog like soda or chips might.

>> No.20178773
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>inb4 /fit/ meme of carnivore guy ending up in hospital after heart attack
These people are just as mentally ill as vegans and if you can't see that then it's fucking over

>> No.20178896
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Ja/ck/ seems to be doing fine with it. Sounds like a skill issue to me.

>> No.20178928

Did that shit for 30 days. I've felt well saturated for entire days to the point that I only had to eat once a day and not become hungry anymore. That said, I got fucking constipated and exercising without carbs became a strain. The whole diet drove me insane.

>> No.20178964


EVERY pure diet is a meme diet.
We are omnivores. You could say we are adapted to a high meat content but then in context of a carnivore diet most people interpret that as SHOVING that stuff in.
If you want to diet like this to be close to our ancestors original diet be aware that it was by far not guaranteed that the hunters would get sth. every day - in other words our body is accustomated to having periods of fasting and THEN eat a lot of meat at once when the hunters finally had success again.
Don't stuff yourself full of it daily or it will to lead to the symptoms you described. You can live for weeks without food, if you REALLY wanna go carnivore add fasting periods inbetween.

>> No.20178971
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Jack has plateaued at 267 for weeks now and his blood pressure is unchanged. I thought you could eat as much as you wanted on this diet

>> No.20179000

I think Jack thinks eating something will make him lose weight and get healthier. Like a while ago he said he'll eat more pork instead of beef and thought that would help. I'm pretty sure he still eats junk food and drinks soda on top of it and tries to avoid admitting that's the problem.

Supposedly after a few weeks on the carnivore diet, his blood sugar went up. That shouldn't be happening if he's actually just eating meat/cheese/eggs because they have almost no sugar. He's definitely lying about what he's eating.

>> No.20179011

His problem is that all of his meat is sugar crusted. The rubs he is putting on his meat is just flavored sugar. That and his portion sizes are insane. 4000 calories of anything is not going to go well for you if you are sedentary

>> No.20179122


I'm pretty sure he uses an ancient secret technique known as: Lying

If noone saw those carbs / sugar it did not exist, tah-dah.

>> No.20179162

Ja/ck/ is retarded. He was eating okra in one of his videos right after he supposedly went carnivore, so it's not like he even followed the diet correctly. With how fat he is, he would lose a ton of weight easily if he just exercised and ate less but instead he reports to some retarded diet

>> No.20179166

If he ate the same stuff he always ate but in reasonable portions he'd have lost way more by now.

>> No.20179233

Our ancestors also had a life expectancy of no more than 30 years

>> No.20179278

That was due to half of children dying from disease or whatever. People who reached adulthood would usually live to 50+.