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File: 909 KB, 1000x760, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20168058 No.20168058 [Reply] [Original]

Drinking some of this right now and holy shit it's disgusting. It tastes like somebody drank a bunch of rum and several milkshakes and then proceeded to vomit it up and put it in a can to sell it to people. Some of these "canned cocktails" are really good, but when they're bad, they're REALLY bad

>> No.20168307
File: 92 KB, 768x768, The-Beast-Unleashed-Mean-Green-Flavored-Malt-Beverage-16-fl-oz-Can-6-0-ABV_a410f18f-d9cc-4c6d-bba6-14b75e87e604.2037a141f180f77530928f9bcf7d6c5c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20168328

>It tastes like somebody drank a bunch of rum and several milkshakes and then proceeded to vomit it up and put it in a can to sell it to people
so you went through the trouble to confirm it does indeed taste like what you described or you're off your schizo meds because you have the psychic ability to taste pictures

>> No.20169364

Metaxa is pretty wretched

>> No.20169511

This stuff made my testicles glow a green hue

>> No.20169521

i just don’t like the name of it, will never buy it because of that

>> No.20169547

why? it reminds you of your widdle pee pee that mama and dada got snipped?

>> No.20169831
File: 384 KB, 640x624, IMG_0062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me tell you niggers about Baijiu

This is the one distilled alcohol traditional to China, and it is made in the most ass-backwards way you could possibly imagine. Just to give some small context, every other alcohol on earth is made this way:

>Mix up something starchy and/or sweet with water and possibly yeast. Ferment that, then distill it, age in barrel if you want, then mix it with water to about 60-80 proof.

That is not how Baijiu is made.

>Mix a bunch of sorghum (cow feed/hay stuff) with powdered rice that's been left out to develop a yeast.
>Bury a big pit of this hay/rice mixture in a bog
>Dig up the pit and put blocks of this fermented mixture in a steamer
>Distill the blocks into an alcohol, then put alcohol into big clay jars
>Mix with water to 70-120 proof

Oh and let me tell you, it doesn't end there. It's fucking disgusting. It tastes like horse sweat and kerosene. It smells like a pile of cow shit left in an airtight bag in the summer. And they charge $300 retail for a 250ml bottle. Chinese businessmen drink little tablespoon-sized glasses of this at dinner to show off how much money they spend.

I'd rather drink a pint glass of malort than a shot of Baijiu

>> No.20169866

I really like the 12.5% tequila cutwaters

>> No.20169877
File: 221 KB, 902x1600, camo black extra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit. Tastes like the nastiest parts of malt liquor combined with rubbing alcohol. I got it thinking a strong drink would improve my mood, but about halfway through the can I was praying to Kim Jong Un for the annihilation of the nation which would sell such a vile thing for human consumption.

>> No.20170163
File: 758 KB, 1000x769, Cutwater Long Island Iced Tea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been unsuccessfully trying to find their canned Long Island Ice Tea.

>> No.20170170
File: 456 KB, 1000x1742, IMG_4277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is vomit inducing

>> No.20170190
File: 333 KB, 1366x1707, 1682902497293625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is the worst drink I've ever tasted. Doesn't taste remotely like passionfruit and has a godawful metallic taste. The weird thing is their other versions of this line (apple, apple-raspberry and blackcurrant) are good.

>> No.20170193

Are you drinking it straight from the can? Notice the part where it says "can conditioned?" That means there's going to be a layer of yeast at the bottom of the can that gets mixed up into the beer as you drink it, making it taste funkier the closer you get to the bottom. You're supposed to pour it into a glass. Also, if it wasn't stored properly under refrigeration those yeast can start cannibalizing each other and creating off flavors. I think 90% of the hate people have for craft beers is because of improper storage on the part of the suppliers/vendors, and their own ignorance.

>> No.20170195

I tried some of this once, shit tastes like paint thinner but boy does it fuck you up

>> No.20170241

I’ll give that a try but last time I drank it there was this floral vegetable kinda taste I’ve never got with beer before and I really dislike it

>> No.20170269

>full of alcohol
>terrible for a cut
Lawsuit when?

>> No.20170333

The flavoring hops used in SN Pale Ale are Cascade which should be citrusy. Try to find a place that sells it in glass bottles, and keeps them refrigerated. The vegetable flavor is probably from the yeast in the bottom getting too warm. Bottle/can conditioned beers really need to be kept cold or else they go bad fast, and most stores either don't know or care.

>> No.20170659
File: 2.31 MB, 1536x1171, 1691316909539684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proceed to drink
>notice I'm not drunk
>tastes like shit
>instant headache
Its a no from me

>> No.20170671

Well, I drank it yesterday. If you want to come to Corona De Tucson, AZ the convenience store sells it.

>> No.20170815

Milwaukee's best ice light. Really bad.

>> No.20170836
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>> No.20170848
File: 8 KB, 150x300, 83745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i was broke i used to get these for like $.99 and i got sick off of them too many times if i ever smell one i immediately feel like getting sick

>> No.20170867
File: 332 KB, 1186x2180, 4406-cachaca-pitu-lata-350ml.20230728152207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys even trying?

>> No.20170877
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>> No.20170885

I would drink this, love crawdaddies

>> No.20170889

It's 40% alcohol, bottom quality distillate sugar cane, with lots of bitter herbs and sugar added. It's literally below alcohol safety standards in many states, but allowed due to "tradition and culture".

The shrimp is just a logo.

>> No.20170896
File: 1.95 MB, 1280x1280, HJBGRHMI6BEKNNCPPODOHFUS7U.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't even that bad, just tastes like monster. Pic related is what is truly disgusting.

>> No.20170899
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>> No.20170970
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>> No.20171008

Kek, I had their Long Island Iced Tea last night. It's not a bad way to catch a solid buzz off a 12 oz can

>> No.20171017

All of those flavors sound like the most artificial chemical slop ever

>> No.20171055

They are, beyond belief. Apple and pumpkin were close to tasting like something real, maple and marshmallow were undrinkable.

>> No.20171114
File: 663 KB, 1000x760, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20171194

sounds like a terrible way to get hammered but I'm intrigued. Would almost be interested in trying these flavors as just sodas if they were like Jones instead of aforementioned goyslop

>> No.20171347
File: 336 KB, 1200x1600, 20170304_015703096_iOS[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this shit was discontinued, but it was exceedingly terrible. It was one of the many 4Loko knockoffs which emerged in the 2010's, and its gimmick was that it had a cider flavor. But no; it was more like rotten apples mixed with rubbing alcohol. I remember being disappointed that I had purchased an Earthquake at the gas station instead of a bottle of Night Train, which was on the shelf underneath the Earthquake cans in the cooler. Night Train is kind of vile, but in a much more tolerable and sensible manner than this shit.

>> No.20171524

Honestly it was worth trying one each but they only sell them by 12 packs

>> No.20171745

I love everything I've tried from that brand

>> No.20171756

This is the truest answer, it's literally worse than malort

>> No.20171769

Alcoholic root beer from Aldi. Very insidious drink, it tastes good at first. But then it develops the most horrible aftertaste.

>> No.20171896

>charge $300 retail for a 250ml bottle
Huh I thought it was super cheap for some reason.

>> No.20171926
File: 68 KB, 800x800, bud-light-lime-a-rita-abv-8-25-oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first time I ever got actually drunk was this shit. I was going to my friends house to drink and this was the only thing we had at home I could bring. Naturally my friends didn't want any so I drank about 20 of them myself

>> No.20171990

that shit you posted is my worst one, the ranchwater flavor is straight up dirty laundry water flavored. Next worst would be phillipean coconut liquor, it tastes like old soggy coconut meat and is super cheap and not smooth at all

>> No.20171993

I got a British friend who lives in China (Hong Kong). He told me that the "good" kind is expensive and is actually smooth and enjoyable. I have a hard time believing this since they say the same thing about vodka, which is my go-to spirit that I've drank endlessly. The only difference in vodka I can actually taste is between the average stuff and the cheapest off brand shit you could find. The overpriced shit they claim is amazing tastes the same as the likes of Absolut or Russian Standard to me.
However, I can't confirm since I have never had any at all, let alone the expensive stuff. He claimed that the extremely expensive shit is supposedly prized, and that Chinese millionaires collect bottles of it in their cellars as though it was fine 20 year old scotch.

And I'm not gonna write it off just because its traditional preparation is gross - everything involving fermentation is gonna be gross at some point before the final product. And I don't think they're bugs that randomly do things for no reason like most anons. So I remain curious

>> No.20171996

To add,
He claimed that 90% of Baijiu is undrinkable garbage only alcoholic peasants drink because it's cheap. Whereas the "good" stuff is supposedly actually good. And (conveniently) that they only sell the mega mass produced peasant tier ones in the average western liquor store so westerners only get exposed to the worst kind.
I am very skeptical, but would be curious to try the supposedly good stuff. Just to see what the "fine liquor" of China tastes like.

>> No.20172003

fuck this shit, i drank it ice cold and it didnt help then 20 minutes later i did the dance of the flaming sphincter

>> No.20172038 [DELETED] 

I bet this one is worse. Literally no one but me buys this at the local store. It tastes like Colt 45 you left out in the sun for 2 weeks and then mixed it with the cheapest plastic bottle vodka.
>still buy it every weekend

>> No.20172040
File: 1.69 MB, 897x839, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally no one but me buys this at the local store. It tastes like a Steel Reserve you cracked open and left out in the sun for 2 weeks, mixed it with the cheapest plastic bottle vodka, and put it through a soda stream.
>still buy it every weekend

>> No.20172046

don't they also use meat in some brands?

>> No.20172119
File: 36 KB, 500x800, SCB_Classic_1500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beer should not be above 10% alcohol, stronger than that it's always going to be vile. If you want a grain beverage stronger than that but not whiskey strength, that's the time for sake

>> No.20172122
File: 286 KB, 1080x1080, dragon soop (yes thats not a typo).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not as bad as this waste

>> No.20172124

i'm a big pale ale lover, especially bitter ones, but this shit tastes like earwax to me
in the bar where i worked it never sold cos it was overpriced and gross, so we'd always have a lock in at the end of the month drinking it for free, fucking gross (but still free beer so hey)

>> No.20172128

That actually has caffeine in it though. I still think it's crazy that the country which bans kitchen knives trusts its citizens with caffeinated alcohol but muh gun toting freedomland doesn't

>> No.20172134

they only sell it north of yorkshire, its part of the government's final solution to the geordie question

>> No.20172153

Any spiced rum.

Also Ouzo. Fucking disgusting.

>> No.20174167
File: 26 KB, 330x510, Fernet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind stronger liquors-- I didn't like baijiu, but I didn't hate it.

Went to San Francisco with a group of people who, in a bar, asked about the "local drink." They hated it-- I quite liked it, though, pic related.

>> No.20174176

Also, fair warning, Fernet Branca gives you the shits. So don't drink too much in one sitting.

>> No.20174193

You must be a very young, naive little lush. “High gravity lager” is code for paint thinner meant for bums.

>> No.20174194
File: 17 KB, 209x553, 531688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel is a Chicago tradition. Tastes like grapefruit skin soaked in gasoline.

>> No.20174198

Hot sake is extremely based

>> No.20174615

how can a culture that created Metaxa (delicious) create something so fuckin' vile (Ouzu)...

>> No.20174638

>alcohol made with shrimps
That shit's wild KEK. It must smell and taste like unwashed pussy just like those dried shrimps you buy at the Asian market

>> No.20174639

>mercury cider pints off tap
very very dangerous

>> No.20174725

Selling caffeinated alcohol isn't illegal here

>> No.20174767
File: 682 KB, 1000x769, cutwater-4pk-white-russian-1000x769-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their white russians are fucking atomic. Literally ready-made blackout juice.

>> No.20174873

I've been tempted to take one of these and an actual Monster energy drink and mix them together.

>> No.20175587

Anything anise-flavored is absolutely fucking awful (ouzo, sambuca, arak, etc.).

No wonder Lebanon’s a shithole and Greece took so long to pay denbts.

Also Taiwan Classic Beer tastes like a homeless guy’s soggy cardboard bed, even though it’s a step or two above yuengling.

>> No.20175648
File: 252 KB, 810x1500, vrevrev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anything anise-flavored
this and also pic related is only if you wanna get drunk efficiently without the burn but the taste is ass

>> No.20175820
File: 642 KB, 1179x1176, 5936F896-3809-482D-9790-2A65D427DFB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to get drunk at the lake but this was too disgusting to swallow

>> No.20175829
File: 50 KB, 408x439, 1688683746226636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn, that's wild. the strongest I occassionally buy is 12%

>> No.20176123

I only buy it so the wife thinks I only had 2 cans of beer (she doesn't know how ABV works).

>> No.20176142

Soju? More like No, Jew!

Really though I think it's gross and I don't get why because I like sake. One would think rice=rice.

>> No.20176145

Can confirm; is dangerous

>> No.20176152

I actually like this stuff but wouldn't drink it on the regular.

>> No.20176168
File: 234 KB, 512x512, 1690433810115387.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smart, I used to do the same when I had a gf
>relax babe, it's only 3 cans
>(of 10% beer)

>> No.20176175

you made me want to try it

>> No.20176289
File: 10 KB, 170x170, shitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nasty. For my 21st (oh, so long ago) my brother's friends bought me 21 shots of this shit. I made to 5 or 6 before I puked. Who in their right mind would choose to drink this shit?

>> No.20177405

But those are good

>> No.20177599
File: 1.11 MB, 640x799, screen-shot-2020-05-12-at-1-39-37-pm-1589305199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only drink I've ever poured down the sink after only a few sips because it felt like legitimate fucking poison going into my body. I didn't want stomach cancer from whatever artificial sweetener is dumped in there

>> No.20177807

Agreed that the CW pina colada is nasty, but I really like their white russian.

>> No.20177820
File: 809 KB, 650x1350, Old-Speckled-Hen-12oz-6pk-bt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tastes like somebody soaked a handful of dirty pennies in water

>> No.20177841
File: 102 KB, 500x395, 1439756196092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood the whole CAFFEINE AND ALCOHOL BAD shit. I regularly have energy drinks when I booze, and nothing bad has ever happened to me. The ONLY gripe I can see levied against it, is if you were to do nothing but consume the caffeinated alcohol drinks, then die of a heart attack, but then again you gotta be a special kind of retard to do something like that.

>> No.20177850
File: 256 KB, 800x800, 95287909-1950-4f60-bcca-a60a5b0f00c2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. I'd had a few flavors of the regular version so I decided to order a case, made the mistake of picking the zero sugar one. Vile and caustic like battery acid

>> No.20178153
File: 2.20 MB, 1200x1200, Little Fat Lamb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cunt, allow me to show you the true depths of Ciderbomination.
Fucking rotgut for binge drinking pre-teens.

>> No.20178193
File: 328 KB, 2365x2365, frosty_jacks_cider_25_litres_77074_T1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do they compare to FJ classic flavour?

>> No.20178234

I always laugh at how these only exist because of the cider being taxed like wine 'loophole'.

>> No.20178386

oh i wasnt posting dragon soop cos i think caffeine and alcohol are bad, just cos it tastes like absolute shit

>> No.20178591

The FDA banned it after those three retards at Rutgers (figured it would be New Jersey) all died within like 6 weeks of each other downing cases of Four Loko. Believe that was in 2011 or 2012 at the height of that nasty shits popularity

>> No.20178602

The specific villain was New York senator Chuck Schumer, who loudly demanded a ban.

>> No.20178604

Remember when in order to ban things legislators had to make laws and now you don't get to vote on anything and the King simply decides what your life will be tomorrow?

>> No.20178606

Never had this but white Russian from a can just sounds gross. Hate to be one of those "just make it yourself" fags but yea, just make it yourself

>> No.20178635
File: 447 KB, 717x2343, Kaoliang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imagine there's baijiu plenty worse than this, but this gave me a night-long migraine from one shot, 0/10 .

>> No.20178806

this tastes like gasoline, never knew they sold it in aluminium cans never seen that before with hard liquor