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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20166557 No.20166557 [Reply] [Original]

Cumin makes every dish a winner. What’s your go-to spice?

>> No.20166562

black pepper

>> No.20166566

I use so much damn paprika that I'm probably at least 12% capsicum at this point.
Notwife uses too many different spices to track which she uses most but if you trusted my arm, is say that it's probably turmeric

>> No.20166570

Twisted, rather.

>> No.20166572

nyuck nyuck nyuck

>> No.20166595


>> No.20166627

I like Anise.

>> No.20166684
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anon, this is not a cool fetish

>> No.20166693
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t. cumer

>> No.20166721
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I like cumin a lot. Cumin + paprika is my favorite spice combo

>> No.20166735

Based and kyoompilled

>> No.20166748
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sauerkraut is 10x better with some coomin
seriously, try it

>> No.20166766


>> No.20166893

Notwife. She's not my wife. She's not my fiance. I don't know wtf to call her. She lives in my house, we share a bed and a kid and I put my hoohoodilly in her chacha with some regularity.
To most, that means "girlfriend" but with an eight year relationship into our thirties, it seems dumb and juvenile to use that word.

>> No.20166947

Ground fennel seed.

>> No.20166954

>eight year relationship into our thirties,
>She lives in my house
>we share a bed and a kid
so why aren't you married

>> No.20167055

a touch of celery salt goes in everything

>> No.20167058

>it feels juvenile to use the word girlfriend
>so I'll call her my "notwife"
anon, I...

>> No.20167083
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For me, it's Black Pepper. The greatest spice of all time. I keep a mini pepper grinder with me at all times in my beltbag, and I have a collection of grinders and specialty peppercorns at home.
I sometimes just put a lil bitta coarse cracked pepper & flaky salt in a dish and eat it licking my finger while watching reruns of IASIP on my 2007 Xbox 360.
I even grew a few plants and processed them myself just for fun.

>> No.20167100

Too many reasons to go into. Suffice to say, at least for now, neither of us are interested in doing so.

Juvenile is okay. Dumb is okay. But both? Nah, son.
Partner also feels weird, but it's the term she uses. I just haven't settled on one that's neither juvenile nor dumb.

>> No.20167103

I love fresh green peppercorns but haven't been able to get any in a while. Next time I see them, I'm gonna try to freeze them. Unless you've tried it already and it results in significant degradation of quality.
The brined ones are okay, but it's sometimes difficult to figure out how to adjust the other salty elements of a dish of I use a strand (string? chain? bunch?) or two of brined peppercorns in something like a green curry, what the prawn paste and fish sauce and so on.
Works fine for a more Western style stew, tho.

>> No.20167137

partner or girlfriend sound better than "notwife" my dude, that just makes you sound autistic. or just say she's your wife, it's not like the randos you talk to on mongolian image boards are going to know you're not *actually* married.

>> No.20167150

>just makes you sound autistic
Well, we're Quaker so... kinda?
One of only two religions to get special recognition in US law in regards to the right to affirm rather swear an oath, despite the two being practically identical, precisely due to that autism.

>> No.20167156

wow what a weird fucking situation for you i suppose

>> No.20167255

literally any form of garlic
garlic garlic garlic garlic garlic

>> No.20167269

Just wash the brine off so it doesn't taste like salt and vinegar.

>> No.20167277

my 'prika be cumin in your mom's anise if you know what i'm saying

>> No.20167999

Every month, I just throw come cumin seeds, paprika and telecherry peppercorns into a mortar and grind the shit out of them, until they're a powder. Easy/simple/goes on anything.

>> No.20168078

She is your de facto partner, usually called "partner" for short but in English "de facto" will also clearly communicate it.

>> No.20168832

I like salt

>> No.20168842

cumin? or caraway

>> No.20169278

>implying McCormick cumin could pull Mrs. Dash
Maybe Chad Spice Island would have a chance with those glass bottles