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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20164995 No.20164995 [Reply] [Original]

If fast food prices are rising because of inflation, supply chain, employee wages or *insert talking point here* why can TB afford to sell you an entire meal for 1 American dollar?

>> No.20165003

Because prices are rising across the board because of corporate greed, retard, literally no other reason.

>> No.20165005

>corporate greed
>an entire meal for less than a Costco hotdog
Doesn’t sound that greedy to me

>> No.20165035

Guzzle cum

>> No.20165038

totally agree

>> No.20165040

It's like $15 for a #1 at Taco Bell. That's 3 tacos and a drink.


I'm never going to Taco Bell again and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.20165055

Aww the little guy gets angry when his boiler plate response is called out for making no sense

>> No.20165062

What do you get out of making these threads?

>> No.20165070

if you trade them your info and do the in ap deals shit is not that expensive. The choices are more limited and you are at the mercy of their marketing. Shitty, but all the chains work this way now.

>> No.20165072

I get to imagine blowing the cocks of the CEOs that run these billion dollar corporations.

>> No.20165079

>sign up for Taco Bell app
>pay $1 for a full meal
>Taco Bell app scans your phone for contacts, GPS data, photos, videos
>Taco Bell sells your info to whoever for $10,000
yeah, how can Taco Bell possibly turn a profit?

>> No.20165094

taco bell and mcdonalds are not actually in the food business anymore. They are in real estate. Look into it. Their profits are not figured by or tied to food production at this point. Their wealth is in land holdings

>> No.20165116

Shut up man don’t get all existential now as if coming to this website has ever positively impacted anyone’s life EVER

>> No.20165286

Every fast food chain wants you to use their app, think about why that might be. You're smart, you can figure it out.

>> No.20165445

They love me and want what's best for me?

>> No.20165448

They used to just give you a burrito. Why are they so desperate now to get folks on the app?

>> No.20165456

>why can TB afford to sell you an entire meal for 1 American dollar?
they don't have to pay for advertising because gullible losers do it on their behalf for free

>> No.20165467

>Use our app so you can mindlessly order our overpriced slop instead of thinking about what you put in your body
>We'll even give you points so you can get discounts that are still profitable for us so long as you use our ecosystem
>Holy shit I can't believe this company that exists solely to make a profit is giving me free stuff and discounts!!!!!

>> No.20165486

because they're selling your data and gambling on the fact that once someone downloads their app they will have a higher likelihood of buying more taco bell in the future. why are leftoids like you such brainlets?

>> No.20165487
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Because it's literally not food. Food is defined as:
>any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth.
Technically this is not even on topic, as taco bell fulfills none of this. You are paying for an insulin shot which has been artificially inflated in price to temporarily please investors, and the rewards program is likely some dystopian corporate initiative to fulfill some statistical goal on their app participation through which they can target you with marketing and I'm sure you'll soon get push notifications and emails on the hottest deals calling you back to the trough, your response to which will be thoroughly analyzed until they can easily manipulate you. People like you should have their head dipped into a bucket of scorpions.

>> No.20165492

Taco Bell isn't new. People were going to it before the app

>> No.20165497

Yea but before there wasn't a nearly free ad-generator for them in your pocket which can lure you in with discounts and point systems

>> No.20165502

It's insane how retarded millennials and zoomers are that they will pay ten times the price for worse food and practically give away their personal info for free on top of it
I guess this is what happens when you live in a time of unprecedented wealth and you've never experienced financial hardship in your life, you're absolutely wasteful with money

>> No.20165511

>solely to make a profit is giving me free stuff and discounts!!!!!
it was that way not that long ago. somebody got too smart

>> No.20165514

Except it's not zoomers, the target is childless 30-something milennials, coicidentally the primary audience of 4chan. Zoomers cannot afford any of this.

>> No.20165520

>Zoomers cannot afford any of this.
zoomers get it on doordash. they are not content with paying one set of greedy jews for their food, they consciously bring in a second set of greedy jews to act as the middleman

>> No.20165528

Just let them buy it on layaway and Zoomer will consoom
>targeting childless 30yo millennials
weird you say that because I feel like a lifetime of internet which started when the internet still scared people has made me nearly immune to shilling and advertising. If anything Zoomers seem even more gullible to add since their entire existence has been in a post-corporate internet where ads are nearly indistinguishable from what is considered normal internet content

>> No.20165530

>zoomers get it on doordash
No they don't lol, go to a fast food place right now. There are no young people there, young people don't eat fast food any more. Most of them are so mutated with micro plastics and pesticides their bodies can't even process it anyways.

>> No.20165538

>zoomers get it on doordash
>no they don't! they're not in the restaurant!
Hey Bill, DoorDash is a service you can get on your phone where immigrants pick up shitty food from McDonald's or Taco Bell and bring it to your house cold and half-eaten for triple the price. The point is that you don't have to go to the restaurant at all, which appeals to millennials and zoomers because they are socially maladjusted and have social anxiety from being humongous faggots all the time. Ask one of your grandkids to put the app on your Jitterbug.

>> No.20165541

>Most of them are so mutated with micro plastics and pesticides their bodies can't even process it anyways.
Yeah my little sister randomly became allergic to meat for like 2 years straight and becomes violently ill when drinking anything stronger than skim milk, shit was whack. Gen Z is giga fucked up.

>> No.20165544

>the problem can't possibly be my generation, it's everyone else's fault

>> No.20165550

Objectively correct, the world has only gotten worse since millennials and zoomers came into it. I realize that correlation is not causation but I also realize that statistically speaking people from these two generations are more likely to be gay than not. Seems logical that they made the world gay, if this offends you try not being gay for a while and see if your life doesn't improve dramatically

>> No.20165555

It's 2024. You can google almost any unknown information. Kill yourself since you're so goddamn useless.

>> No.20165562

You're mad because these bloated corporations are fucking up and falling apart. You can't get your cheap slop any more and all your toys are being taken away. You're going to be ground up into a slurry and fed to pigs when it's time for you to retire, because everyone is disgusted with the world you created. No one is going to foot the bill for your bullshit no matter how much you point the finger. Young people didn't put a fast food joint on every street corner, your generation did and you will pay.

>> No.20165563

>uh the deal is limited
>and um actually you have to pay for it
You could walk into a TB with $5 and eat like a king less than 10 years ago.

>> No.20165567

>eat like a king
Grow some goddamn standards. The only thing you could ever eat at taco bell is slop. Kings don't eat slop.

>> No.20165568

>children who have to look up a youtube tutorial on how to pump gas are going to kill all the boomers and take their place without the entire world going to shit

>> No.20165573

Yeah, that's another thing retarded boomers ought to be blamed for. All the companies they built are top heavy with management with ten miles of red tape to wipe their asses and they're getting btfo by literally who companies who just ask chatgpt how to do things. Future isn't looking good for boomers.

>> No.20165574

Whose fault is that? Is the impetus on the child to learn or the adult to teach?

>> No.20165578

If you're going to frequent an English website, I'd suggest brushing up on some of the idioms found in common English parlance.
And for fuck sake, wash your hands.

>> No.20165579

>These posts typed up by 30+ year old neet rejects that can't look someone in the eye
Find something better to do with your life than shitpost on 4chan guys. Be better (or just kill yourself)

>> No.20165580

>the boomertard defaults to racism when it's getting dunked on
Are we supposed to all stop and say how epic and le based you are?

>> No.20165581
File: 130 KB, 929x672, cdc-lead-levels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well it took boomers 30 years to figure out if cigarettes were good or bad for you and whether nuclear waste goes in the drinking water and whether lead should in gasoline because we're really really smart

>> No.20165583

>Tide pods

>> No.20165584

>>literally no other reason.
Prices have exploded in recent years because of coof-related inflation. We printed 2 trillion dollars out of thin air.

>> No.20165585

That sounds like that tick that bites people and fucks them all up and makes them allergic to meat. You should maybe take her to a fucking doctor once in a while, lol.

>> No.20165591

it's a loss leader you fucking imbecile

>> No.20165593

>bros my boomer parents are so retarded, why would I listen to anything they have to say?
>20 years later
>why didn't my retarded boomer parents teach me how to do this?
The hilarious part about this is that every generation has done this but all of the previous ones have had enough humility and self-awareness to reflect on their own mistake in not listening to their elders, whereas millennials and zoomers will be 80 years old and sitting in a pile of their own feces on a trash heap and still be blaming the boomers for not taking care of them 50 years after the last one died off

>> No.20165594

what is some 600 lb boomer that eats fast food every day going to do? your bank account will be drained and then you're going into the suicide pod, buddy.

>> No.20165601

>your bank account will be drained
Uh oh zoom-zoom, sounds like you might have to cash a check. In person! And it's written in cursive!

>> No.20165604

>confronted with a question
>ermmm why are you even here lol?
Does it ever get boring cosplaying in every thread as a teenaged Mean Girl? Does it make up for your actual high school experience?

>> No.20165608

Dude what the fuck are you even talking about? No one over 40 does anything beneficial for society currently. At all. What did you do today to keep the gears turning? Be honest.

>> No.20165607

>confronted with a question
"REEEEEEEE BOOMERS" is not a question.

>> No.20165613

Speak English, you fucking faggot. Holy shit.

>> No.20165614

>What did you do today to keep the gears turning?
I complained about fast food prices on the internet and then I bought $300 dollars worth of taco bell with my disability check.

>> No.20165616

And being a woman is not a viable path for you, sorry bud

>> No.20165623
File: 116 KB, 1116x746, EXTERIOR_EVENING___LOW_RES_1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, that's the reason.

>> No.20165647

>No one over 40 does anything beneficial for society currently. At all.
He said, in between social media bouts during his work-welfare WFH job "in tech"
>projecting this hard
It's literally all millennials and zoomers who are trannies. They are, statistically speaking, more likely than not to be trannies. I want you all to look to your left, and look to your right. You're at home in your mom's basement, so that exercise was pointless, but the odds are greater than even that you're a tranny.

>> No.20165678

Oof, the old ass trannies look the worst too.

>> No.20165682

The older millennials are hitting the wall, it's pretty sad honestly. And they still don't have a house because they've been shelling out $2,100 a month for the loft with the granite countertops. That's like the mortgage for two ranch houses but those are old and gross

>> No.20167189

go to taco bell
a.i ordering system that records your data to sell
which down the pipeline will eventually end up in the hands of vindaloos who will try to scam your family and friends

yeah im good.
They fucked big with this one

>> No.20167195

If o1 American dollar ain inflation *instert* , why is fast food supply...Afford sell you chain employee wages if Fast food are what TB entire meal? SGet full meal...just for sign limited *talking point*ddd

>> No.20168358

okay???, then why are they increasing food price by a bajillion so no one wants to visit the location therefore they can't open more stores?

>> No.20168532

its 20% of a $10 max order, big fucking whop

>> No.20168537

Its not $1, it's $1**

>> No.20168562

Hate to tell you this but it was actually old folks eating those too. Dementia snacks

>> No.20169094
File: 59 KB, 135x173, yuru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey idiot. its to get you in the door you absolute fucking clown
>hey wow a whole meal for just one dollar!! haha im a thrifty little boy arent i
>hmm im hungry and really tired from my shift in the wage cage. oh look theres a taco bell on the side of the 16 lane highway! well sure i have the app so i might as well get something on the way. a little fast food is okay once in a while.
you are being played, you absolute buffoons. corporate ghouls wouldnt run a promotion like this unless it was netting them cash hand over fist from faggots like you.

>> No.20169265

>zoomers have the mental capacity of a dementia patient
I know what you wanted to say but I'm not sure you really thought about what it meant. Probably because you got distracted by a tiktok halfway through your post

>> No.20169341

>taco bell is downloading entire gigabytes of data off my cellphone in the second it takes to scan a QR code using their shitty restaurant wifi
did you niggers drop out of school or just on your head? Do you also want to explain to us about taco bell's gamma ray techonology that is stealing your current location while you're inside their restaurant

>> No.20169349

So they can sell our data to China

>> No.20169354

>what is a loss leader

>> No.20169356

He said the Taco Bell APP. As in, the app that's installed locally on your phone and has access to too many permissions and your internet connection at all times.

>> No.20169367
File: 47 KB, 328x443, IMG_4812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people seem not to comprehend "rewards" programs. The point is to get you invested. Make their services a part of your life. Often through limited time offerings and FOMO with things like expiring points. Why home cook a meal when today you could have free slop? Then next time you're stressed, you think "oh I could buy slop, build up to the next free slop and reduce stress" (this is you, not me). Then they have a light form of mind control.
Often this is compounded with rising prices so you get a """deal""" for using their app. It's kind of like paying a member's fee, but the fee is your brainspace, not your money. Anyone else not initiated pays extra for their slop. It's a blight.

An extra bonus for them, they get to reap and sell your personal info too.

>> No.20169405

>implying that the world's tech companies and megacorporations aren't running a massive black market with your personal data
If you really think Google and Apple are respecting your privacy and not auto-transferring your phone backups to Taco Bell the minute your GPS even says you're in the parking lot you are even dumber than you look

>> No.20169554


>> No.20169555

define a woman next

>> No.20169556
