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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 253 KB, 1921x1216, wheel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20164541 No.20164541 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics

Somebody please make the new before the g-tard or the weird Italian/tasting notes edition.

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz
If you're old and confused, do you miss her?

Previous thread:>>20140141

>> No.20164558

cowfee :)

>> No.20164563

Goffee, nigger

>> No.20164564


>> No.20164565


>> No.20164826
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Been having some squirting issues since switching to the Normcore tamper, which seems to have resolved by simply not tamping until it's bottomed out, but just until there's some resistance. Here's some medium roast Guatemalan, 19g -> 34g at 196F.

>> No.20164847
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>In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth,
>the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters.
>Then God said,
>"Sumatra or gtfo"

>> No.20164987

I'm sure 3 japanese housewives really give a shit.

>> No.20165011

>Been having some squirting issues
its called hitting 40 brother, get used to it

>> No.20165069

You know i feel like people who claim to "appreciate" coffee are lying when they only drink some specific espresso bean thats brewed in a specific way at a specific temp yadda yadda yadda blah blah blah.

if you really "appreciated" coffee you'd like all of it, even the "bad" stuff

>> No.20165115

>oh you appreciate women huh? well you must appreciate ALL women
stupid retard

>> No.20165155

not even remotely what im saying you fucking imbecile

>> No.20165175

yes it is
>if you only appreciate x under certain conditions you dont actually appreciate x at all, you only actually appreciate x if you appreciate it under any and all conditions
that is literally what you said.
which is what i said but i replaced coffee with women.

>> No.20165192

yeah but even an objectively bad "woman" still has some redeemable qualities and there's still something to appreciate. you don't appreciate schlock movies because they are "good" you appreciate them because they are schlock.

being unable to find appreciation in all things is a personal failing

>> No.20165198

>some specific espresso bean
I don't think you understand how agriculture works.

>> No.20165214

no, i do. dont worry. and if you insist that i dont, well then "you know what i mean"

>> No.20165223
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>Not posting the superior wheel

>> No.20165238
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I'm torn between getting the Fellow Tally and the Acaia Lunar. I mostly brew V60, but I plan on getting an Espresso machine eventually, hence the Lunar.

>> No.20165247

definitely go with the Lunar, forget the Tally. Lunar is so much better with an Espresso machine

>> No.20165252

My 2020 lunar(non usb c) is still going strong. Zero issues so far.
I have no idea what you mean.

>> No.20165258
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>Not posting the superior superior "coffee appreciator" wheel

>> No.20165278
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>> No.20165295

>being unable to find appreciation in all things is a personal failing
ok so why did you say this
>if you really "appreciated" coffee you'd like all of it, even the "bad" stuff
so do i have to "like" all coffee to appreciate it or can i hate it and still appreciate it.

i believe you have confused appreciate with prefer.
i prefer to drink the coffee that i like
i can appreciate coffee even though i dont like all of it, and i can appreciate it without drinking all of it.

stupid bitch

>> No.20165310
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>no banana

>> No.20165320

i look like this and say this

>> No.20165322

I've never tasted Banana

>> No.20165341

"so do i have to "like" all coffee to appreciate it or can i hate it and still appreciate it."

answered your own question there, huh? every being has a "like"able quality....

>> No.20165361

Is coffee good for you?

>> No.20165387

>every being has a "like"able quality....
except for you.

>> No.20165416

Only in suppository form, twice a day.

>> No.20165450
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>> No.20165474

i accept your concession :)

>> No.20165479

I really like Sumatra for espresso

>> No.20165505
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>> No.20165537

What's your setup?

>> No.20165644
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>garden peas

>> No.20165655


>> No.20165719

based coffee drinker

>> No.20165722

dont get angry because you cant understand stupid gorilla nigger

>> No.20165775
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>here's your barista bro

>> No.20165809
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>> No.20165811

Look mom I posted it again

>> No.20165818

Just wanted to drop in and thank the anon that recommended the proper temp and method for pour over in another thread, the flavor of my cupa cobbee is much better now.

>> No.20165829

never unfunny kek

>> No.20165833

>This makes the "Self-Improvement" TikTok community shit themselves in fear and rage
Just tried blending Rwanda with a new bag of Costa Rica, it has a very lemony aftertaste but the smell during first pull is like a Terry's Chocolate Orange

>> No.20165877

Where is moka?

>> No.20165896

In the trash where it belongs.

>> No.20165938

nice bait

>> No.20166033
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Grind better

>> No.20166141

not trolling, what is the most
>real nigga role call
coffee you can think of?

>> No.20166143

I like coffee flavored beer but I never liked any actual coffee. what kind of coffee should I look for?

>> No.20166196

Ask again but in normal people's terms.

>> No.20166217

Coffee-heavy stouts are a favorite of mine, and I like medium roast espresso, or Greek coffee (loumidis papagalos dark roast, brewed glycos, was the first coffee I really liked). I look for nutty, caramel, and chocolate notes. Not sure if our tastes will be the same, but it might be an ok starting point for you.
You can start with the Greek for like $15. Single serve briki/cezve and a small $4-5 bag of grounds. The hard part is getting it fresh, since it has to be imported and the Greeks are notoriously lazy and slow. You might have to just keep it in the freezer.
If you go the espresso route, you can go to a cafe and try a variety of drinks, depending on how much you like milk. Most people start with big lattes and slowly reduce the amount of milk over time, but you might as well try an espresso at some point. You'll have to ask the barista which beans they're using for their espresso that day to hear about tasting notes. If they don't know, go find a different cafe if you can.

I'm sorry, I'm white and over thirty, I don't know what this means.

>> No.20166218

*roll call
Fucking ESL retards everywhere today.

>> No.20166229


>> No.20166239
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>thinking niggers are proficient in english

>> No.20166354

>thinking Anglos are proficient in coffee

>> No.20166673

When should you start timing your shots? I start when the first drop hits the cup but am not sure if that is optimal.

>> No.20166691

Email trabatti faggot.

>> No.20166787

>When should you start timing your shots?
As soon as you start the shot when you flip the switch

>> No.20166793
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>mental health status
Buck broken by the italian stalion

>> No.20167338
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New vessel for espresso shots.
70$ on tenmokus website
17$ on temu
This is the temu version, came from China to America completely intact and packaged well. Super happy with the purchase. Absolutely beautiful.

>> No.20167357

did you check for cadmium?

>> No.20167371

Well fuck, how?

>> No.20167394

tell me you at least checked for lead?

>> No.20167406

Bro how

>> No.20167442

Damn I was hoping you got one off yuunansourcing. Now you'll be dead by march :/

>> No.20167443

well i think you can go to a hardware store and ask for a heavy metal test kit
or you just have to keep drinking from it for a while and then test your blood/urine

>> No.20167456

I perfer instant coffee. Specifically General Foods, Cafe Vienna. It tasts mostly like cinnimon and has a consistant and very high amount of caffeine in it.

>> No.20167464

Fuck it I don't like the cup anymore I'm scared. I drank one espresso out of it. It's too wide and shallow for my liking. In the trash it goes.

>> No.20167478

Back ordered a Profitec GO for my first espresso machine. Very excited.

>> No.20167496
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Rip Carl Weathers

>> No.20167504

he was coffee colored. Good post.

>> No.20167538

Goddamn. Can't believe I had to hear it like this.
He's got a stew going up in Heaven now.

>> No.20167542

Good choice. It has been selling out consistently the last few months. I would buy but I'm saving for something else and my breville barista works just fine.

>> No.20167546

sorry anon. at least it was only $17

>> No.20167552 [DELETED] 

yonta and blue girl want the dick, what do?

>> No.20167564

All good thankyou for the warning desu. A quick Google search reveals the origin city in china is know for producing glassware. Also a simple Google search reveals China has a problem with lead and cadmium in their soil or something lol..

>> No.20167581

Still some meat on those beans :(

>> No.20167679
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I'm sick of all the drama and bullshit arguing in the last few editions. Remember don't feeding trolls. They get bored and leave if they don't get any (you)s. If someone says some stupid shit, just don't reply. #1 way to spot em is their buzzwords, #2 is how the conversation pretty quickly turns to an argument over grammar.

Pic related is my favorite coffee, a French roast from my favorite semilocal place. I bought a half pound today, $7.50.
>They don't have a website :-(
I will take /ctg/ on a tour soon, it's a very hip place.

>> No.20167716

>it's a very hip place.

>> No.20168416

>g-tard or the weird Italian/tasting notes edition.

>> No.20168467

you had to be there

>> No.20168569

>go to a local roaster near me with amazing grades on google maps
>Ask for the lightest roast they have
>Oh we roast all of our coffee very ligthly
>It's fucking burned
God, french coffee culture is so bad outside of Paris.

>> No.20168610
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grade it

>> No.20168611

Full city

>> No.20168618

well as you can see thats pretty light for a french coffee roaster

>> No.20168648

Indeed, still taste like shit

>> No.20168711

>I will take /ctg/ on a tour soo
Please do. How are you brewing them beans?

>> No.20168791

Some people just doesn't know about real light roasts, like what the chart calls yellow.
I once roasted beans at home and I roasted them light because I really wanted to taste actual yellow roast beans and when I called a friend of mine who is a coffee farmer he was very surprised with my roast and how they tasted.
People just doesn't know, big coffee has brainwashed the whole world.

>> No.20169069
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Who makes coffee for co-workers, kek

>> No.20169095

If roughly the same price, between the Ode 2 and DF64 Gen 2, which to go for?

I suspect the latter, but I have a filter only set up only. I want to expand into espresso eventually, but that may not occur for a little while. Still, which is better for filter at the same price?

>> No.20169147

I think most people would be happier with the ode2 burrs over the italmill or dlc burrs for filter. Probably a better choice stock. Completely different story if you're going to toss some ssps in there. I'd go for df64 with ssp lab sweets.

>> No.20169161

Is the dfcoffee site reliable? I know it's full chinese and with tax evasion, no returns and everything, but is it actually a scam or not?
I want to get the DF83, and in Europe it's pretty hard to find

>> No.20169380

Had mine for a few months only problem was the common power button stopping working but after two days it magically began working again. Also espressooutlet sent me a replacement button no questions asked for when it does break. Besides that it's been great.

>> No.20169485

>LOL! le penis! hahahaha! Get it? It's le cocc and balls!
Shill this dumb shit somewhere else.

>Who makes coffee for co-workers, kek
Evidently, you.

>> No.20169898

call me crazy but i would never go to a chinese site
i would wait until that product is on a western site and buy it from there

>> No.20170865

Alright so my GF bought a nespresso vertuo machine last january and we've used it all last year. Most of the flavors offered taste the same and we want to get back into making coffee at home. We have an electric water kettle thing so we considered french press since we are familiar enough with it.
What are some decent french press setups, as well as a good coffee grinder?

>> No.20170884

french press is trash
BUT if you must

>> No.20171737

You should buy something like the clever dripper, it's as easy as a french press to use and gets much better result

For grinder look at >>20166033
It depends where you live though, but a q2, K6 should do the trick. The new kingrinder p2 is apparently very nice for the price

>> No.20171738

What's the fucking difference between a $60 grinder and a $300 grinder? I got a Mueller flat burr grinder as a Christmas gift and it seems fine but I'm an uninitiated peasant so I don't know what I'm missing

>> No.20171742

Consistency of grindsize mainly

>> No.20171753
File: 119 KB, 755x755, Mueller+Home+Electric+Flat+Burr+Coffee+Grinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mueller flat burr grinder as a Christmas gift and it seems fine
You were gifted a poor imitation of a flat burr grinder. Significantly worse than a conical hand grinder that costs half as much.

>> No.20171809

My kawa grains arrived. The Washed ones are pretty good, but I'm not too sure about the honey ones. They're a bit too roasted for my taste I'd say sadly

>> No.20171831

>bit too roasted
Rough. How's that sidra?

>> No.20171832

i drink the cheapest instant coffee.
i'm going to make a night time cup now.

>> No.20171846

Haven't tried yet, too freshly roasted

>> No.20171950 [DELETED] 

>unstable mutt crossdresser obsesses over peenus

>> No.20172022

But he was just in Mando

>> No.20172236

Damn this shit gets so autistic

>> No.20172293
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Latest beeenz: successful-haitian washed mono-origin

>Coffee in the Dominican Republic has a rich and exciting history, dating back to the 1700s when Spanish settlers began growing coffee in the region. Since then, it has become one of the Dominican Republic's main agricultural products, with production steadily increasing over the years.

>Dominican Republic coffee is known for its dark chocolate aroma, which gives it a unique and delicious taste. It is also 100% Arabica, guaranteeing finesse and an absence of bitterness in the taste. It is often blended with other Arabica coffees to obtain an even more complex flavour. Coffee trees in the Dominican Republic are grown in mountainous regions, where the climatic conditions and nutrient-rich soils contribute to its unique, complex flavour.

Smellz liek a 80% dark chocco. Tastes like a nice dark choco but not intense in your face, more subtle. First pull, so not yet dialed, came out as a lungo (1:3), not bad but i can sense that it can perform much better in a tighter ratio. Eager to experience what it can achieve as a ristretto.

>> No.20172369
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Tldr dull 'blocks' of compressed metal powder aren't doing the same thing as 'blades' of milled and polished tool steel. The 'blocks'(and screw heads) in that Mueller as the doing the vast majority of the work, while the finishing teeth are entirely superficial. Compare that to actual flat burrs like ssp multipurpose. Even feed from the big "pre breakers" into smaller finishing teeth. The Mueller is all pre breaker and 90% of the surface area is doing jack shit. Spits out chunks and dust instead of gradually cutting finer and finer.

>> No.20172395

I love Lavazza Super Crema. Ran out yesterday and fell back on some meme brand I tried a few weeks ago, Intelligentsia? And I hate it, why so acidic? Gm gents, I will be at the Dunkin

>> No.20172430

>some meme brand
They hopped on this whole internet coffee fad back in 1995.

>> No.20172439

Yeah I just bought a baratza, I'll just regift the Mueller I guess.

>> No.20172445

Whether they are established or not I will call them a meme for tasting like shit from a butt

>> No.20172462

Sounds like a skill issue. Stick to cheap vietnamese robusta blends.

>> No.20172488

I agree. I don't know what goes into bean roasting but these guys have apparently not learned anything in 30 years of bean slinging. I'll hit the HMart and look for some Vietnamese coffee later. I am a big fan of that drink they make with condensed milk, I try to get one every time I have to visit a big city.

>> No.20172505

Do you prefer blacks or dark chocolate?

>> No.20172514
File: 226 KB, 384x490, Colombia's_Shame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're known for selling some of the darkest "third wave" coffee there is. If thats too acidic I may have something more up your alley.
>big fan of that drink they make with condensed milk
Sounds about right.

>> No.20173100
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Ok the coffee from this roaster is fire but it's $24 for 10 oz, that's almost $40/lb

>> No.20173176

i think we both know the answer to that anon

>> No.20173181

enjoy your stay :)

>> No.20173247

Kino goffee music time


>> No.20173363

There's only one reseller in Europe, and they don't seem to update things
I'm not that against buying from chinese since I buy from a lot of chinese sites, I just want to do some research beforehand

>> No.20173384


>> No.20173390

i havent seen the site but i know df machines are legit
but they are also generic i guess is how you say it
like generic medication
anyone in china can just rip those designs and make their own "df" machine and sell it.
so thats really the only thing you have to watch out for

>> No.20173459
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>> No.20173525

Looking to start making decaf iced coffee for drinking in the afternoons. I'm looking for "good enough", nothing amazing.
Should I make pour-overs in the morning and keep them in the fridge, making something like french press and keep it in the fridge, or should I do cold brew?
Also how cheap could I go on beans before I notice a significant quality decrease?

>> No.20173533

There is no easy answer for you. Bizzy has a really mild iced cold brew decaf you can buy. Whatever you do at home will vary on your own taste buds. Decaf already has a bad reputation for being bitter. Use really good water, I guess.

>> No.20173570

Cafe bustelo yummy yummy

>> No.20174121
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What's the cold equivalent to steamed milk?
I been making cold brew but I want to do something with the milk before I mix it with the coffee.

>> No.20174123

Cold milk.

>> No.20174139

You can mechanically froth cold milk without steam.

>> No.20174395

Uh huh
Yeah I've done it before with my french press but since my french press is what I use to make the cold brew it is out of the equation.

>> No.20174501
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Are these any good? Has anyone ever bought one? (not an antique one, one of the chinese new ones that look like its old)

>> No.20174511


>> No.20174598

Possibly the best vertically cranked handgrinder on the market.

>> No.20174604

kurasu iced coffee
the pastebin with directions might be in the OP but im not gonna check

>> No.20174607

mmm... mapple syrup...

>> No.20174635

does that include bench mounted ones?

>> No.20174722

It tops the chart.

>> No.20174877

Cold-distilled milk - freeze a bottle or carton in the freezer and then set it over another bottle or jug in your fridge with the cap open, what drips out first for the first 2/3 or so is like likely concentrated milk.

Goes good on cereal too

>> No.20174976

I quite like filtered americanos (I think I get a higher consistency with it than pour overs) but I hate how an espresso shot will clog a filter. thoughts on pressing it through an aeropress?

>> No.20175067

Have you tried bottom papers yet?

>> No.20175093

yeah but that's one extra filter, and my epf's are annoyingly a little big for my basket even though they're rated 51mm, as far as I can tell just pressing through still gives a clean cup from the aeropress

>> No.20175337


>> No.20175766

is the aeropress a gimmick or should I toss my French press and upgrade?

>> No.20175797

>prenons un kawa
God I hate parisien so fucking much

>> No.20175805

I'd rather one of these wheels also list the region the coffee comes from, rather than just the flavors

>> No.20175808

I've been digging into a fresh bag of French roast Thailand Chiang Mai for the past day or two

>> No.20175827


>> No.20175859

An Aeropress is more versatile, easier to clean, quicker to brew and it's paper filtered so there will be less grit in your cup. Even if you decide to get one, keep your French press since you can use it as a milk frother alongside the Aeropress for homemade cappucinos on a budget.

>> No.20175871

Best Coffee Brands:
Moose Munch

>> No.20175892
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Dae dip their finger in the cappuccino and then lick it? I would do biscotti if I had any.

>> No.20175900

The estropress is a gimmick. If you're coming from French press you won't like it.

>> No.20175907
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>> No.20175941
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Cheeky afternoon decaf enhanced with a matepono 90 square.

>> No.20175963

Never had Thai beans. Curious how they taste.

>> No.20176115
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It must be hard for you. Keep practicing and one day you will be able to read a whole sentence.

>> No.20176399

For me its monster hunter world 3 bomber.

>> No.20176467
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I finished this and did not like it and would like suggestions on what to look for instead. It tasted mostly like sourish water to me which makes me think I should avoid tasting notes of citrus and floral and those related words. I want something that's a bit more viscous. Not sure if I should avoid ethiopia region in general.
I only use a french press and I add some milk to my coffee. I typically get lattes at cafes and I would like something similar at home taste wise. Maybe the milk frothing is essential and I won't be able to get something similar with just milk added to french press.

>> No.20176504

>eating chocolate
Are you 14?

>> No.20176542

>I only use a french press and I add some milk to my coffee.
You're going to have a rough time with bright coffees in a french press. Even more so if you're trying to make lattes with one. Try these. You're looking for roasty blends to cut with milk. Don't worry about origins. Look for the comfy normie bags.

>> No.20176681
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>> No.20176766

no i just make biscotti though i do need to make more
its easy

>> No.20176769

Thank you. I've seen stump town in store so I'll try looking for that.
Based on the onyx link it seems like I would want a darker roast too.

>> No.20176950

holy fuck i bought my first specialty coffee beans (ethiopian, very fruity) and brewed them with a v60
what have I been missing all these years
is it how coffee is supposed to actually taste wtf

>> No.20176958
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Welcome. There is no going back.

>> No.20176963

brother i'm about to get into making custom brew water
what am i in for

>> No.20176966

Custom brew water

>> No.20176977
File: 80 KB, 1080x1117, 420135468_2482490491924691_6639099191649109829_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fruit seeds can taste fruity if you don't burn all the flavor out. Wild concept huh? Imagine how good they'll taste when you know what the fuck you're doing.

>> No.20177368
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>> No.20177376

about a 2-5% difference
at most
if you can add it to a part of your routine then do
but if you cant or just cant be fucked then its not a huge difference so you dont have to feel like you are missing a ton
as long as your water is filtered its good enough

>> No.20177461

It's fruity and citrusy, but not a light fruity at all. Blood Orange and unsweetened cocoa, slightly tannic

>> No.20177489

same bro, just bought a grinder and ground my own beans for the first time today and made a damn good cuppa

>> No.20177559

>buy very light roast
>it tastes like the smell of unroasted beans
i think i went too light
maybe some sugar will bring out the flavor

>> No.20177582

Yeah same with beer, even a “bad” beer is still pretty good. Coffee is one of those things you have to really go off the rails to fuck up, but the best of the best is still only marginally better than the store brand organic instant I drink daily.

>> No.20177601

bad bait
try harder

>> No.20177633


>> No.20177863

Inspired by the other anon liking his fruit ethiopian coffee, I took my fruity ethiopian coffee that I wasn't liking and made a pour over using a random funnel.
Not sure why I was expecting anything drastically different.

>> No.20178097


>> No.20178332

what kind of technique did you use
it makes a pretty big difference for filtered light roasts
im curious about the dripper too but thats less substantial

>> No.20178354
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My dripper was a regular funnel used for pouring liquids. I used the v60 technique from James Hoffman's video without really timing to carefully. I used a 17ml to 1g ratio cause that's what I use for French press normally and didn't think about changing it. Didn't preheat anything

>> No.20178370

>My dripper was a regular funnel used for pouring liquids
oh anon...

>> No.20178736

There's nothing better than having some atrocious gas station or vending machine coffee every once in a while.

>> No.20178826

Thoughts on decaf? I love coffee but avoid it drinking most of the time because I don't like the effects of caffeine, but I never drank a decaf coffee since it's seen as for fags here so I got brainwashed into thinking it tastes plain worse without even trying it

>> No.20178838
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>> No.20178849

I drink decaf frequently, but mostly at home. Good decaf is just as good as regular, but there's a lot of bad decaf.
If the beans have been through a decaffeination process, they tend to take on color differently in roasting, which means you get a lot of beans that look like they're on a different roast level than they are. They tend to get roasted incorrectly or brewed incorrectly because of this.
Decaf beans also stale more quickly, and get used less, so it's very common to get a stale bean that was roasted or brewed incorrectly in the first place.
Hoffman put out a really good video about this recently.

>> No.20178932
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Decided to yolo and try the geisha with an express method. Perfect allongé (1:5) for my taste. Was affraid it wouldn't be as tasty because the roaster suggested slow coffee methods. Came out fruity and floral without overpowering acidity and concomitantly with pleasurable mouthfeel. Concluded with a small 99 chocco square to equilibrate.
Although it's a delicious coffee, it's the first i won't buy again, but only because of the price. For me and my palate, i don't think it's worth the asked price.

>> No.20179625

Where did you find good decaf?

>> No.20179752

>regular funnel used for pouring liquids
>17ml to 1g ratio cause that's what I use for French press normally
>tasted mostly like sourish water
> I want something that's a bit more viscous.
The picture becomes clearer. Buy darker roasts, don't make high ratio french presses.

>> No.20179793

I've been buying the Counter Culture decaf from whole foods to make at home. It's ok, but nothing exceptional. A bit darker than I'd like. But I have no other options nearby and haven't ordered online in a while.
You're basically rolling the dice every time you go to a cafe for it, but if you find one that has good decaf, you know they really care about the coffee. That's so rare that I don't really bother much anymore, even though I travel for work and can try lots of different places. Shit, half of them can't even do regular espresso correctly, not to mention decaf. It's disheartening.

>> No.20179906


>> No.20180809

I think I prefer the light and separated flavors of pour overs and immersion over the in your face overwhelmingness of espresso, but the lingering sweetness and aroma of a good espresso also has its charm..

>> No.20180963

So have the ability to make both and do what makes you happy on any given day. I had pour over coffee with breakfast and am considering an espresso with lunch

>> No.20181261

Thanks, should have said I'm in europe. I guess I'll try the hoffmeme ones at some point

>> No.20182016

These beans I have recently taste tart like sour candy when I pull a double shot. I only drink espresso straight..but it's way to tart for me. It's almost like I'm eating warheads sour candy. How can I alleviate this?

>> No.20182211

brewing coffee follows

overextract on purpose either thru higher temps, lower dose, finer grind for same weight output but higher extraction time

>> No.20182214

Got a very simple espresso machine and trying to figure this shit out. I heard the coffee should drip for 25 seconds and amount to 60ml of espresso (double). My machine reaches 60ml in about 18 seconds. Do i just end it there or keep going for the whole 25 seconds?

>> No.20182219


>> No.20182486

Any blueberry bombs this year /gtg/?

>> No.20182558

you dont really sound like youre interested in making a better pourover but if you are i really reccomend getting some equipment designed for brewing coffee
v60s are quite affordable these days
theres plenty to learn about the technique if you are so inclined, as well
youre talking about that fruit fermented stuff, right? in which they just inundate the beans with fruit during the processing?
i havent tried it but i dont think id like it

>> No.20182563

>amount to 60ml of espresso (double)
It's roughly 2g output for every 1g of input.
So 18g of grounds ~= 36g for a double
>My machine reaches 60ml in about 18 second
Grind finer, your shot is pulling too fast

>> No.20182656

Yemen Mocca

>> No.20182678

If you want fruity with less tartness, look for lighter Rwandan beans

>> No.20182707

I like sweet/nutty, what places should I look at for beans

>> No.20183233

can I brew cocoa powder like coffee? or mix cocoa power and ground coffee and brew it? Or do I need to buy cocoa beans and grind them more coarser

idk I just want to combine chocolate and black coffee without using goyslop syrups

>> No.20183331

give it a shot and let us know

>> No.20183356

Is it possible to calculate a rough particle size from my grinder's step size and step value?
For example, my K6's step size is 16um per click and I have it set at 115 clicks. That's 16um x 115 = 1840um which is huge. It'd be considered extra extra coarse when checked against any grind size reference guide. The grinds that come out obviously are not that big either.
If I halve it to 920um, it makes more sense as that falls into the medium grind size range and Kingrinder itself classifies up to 90 - 120 clicks on the K6 as "medium"

>> No.20183415

I took some cocoa powder and tried to do a pour over. The powder was too fine, it clogged the filter and I only got a mouthful of liquid to come out, but it was really good. I will need to experiment more, probably coarse ground cocoa will work

>> No.20183431

buy whole cocoa beans and grind them yourself

>> No.20183450

Mmmm. Love my coffee industrial.

>> No.20183461

>he doesnt know what industrial tastes like

>> No.20183534

you did a pourover with just cocoa or a cocoa and coffee mixture?

>> No.20183560

Each of those clicks is 16um of VERTICAL BURR MOVEMENT. It is not the change in BURR GAP. That 1840um of vertical movement calculates out to about 1225um of gap. I believe comandante is the only one who measures their "clicks" in burr gap change. Makes cdante 30um gap steps roughly equivalent to the ~20um vertical movement steps in 1z and kin. Neither way of measurement really tells you all that much about your grounds though, its just a frame of reference. If you want to dive deeper into what you're actually outputting you could try this.

>> No.20183564

just cocoa. Adding coffee would help but still I think it's too fine and would clog the filter

>> No.20183579

i assume youve tried just mixing the cocoa powder into the (brewed) coffee, and decided you want to try something more involved?
youre working with commercial hot cocoa mix, right? just to make sure were on the same page, here

>> No.20183650
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I have this cocoa powder, it's just pure cocoa. I've tried mixing it into brewed coffee but when you do that you get a chalky texture. So I just tried brewing it like it was ground coffee (by itself just as a test) and found water can't really flow through the powder. However I manged to get some liquid to come out and it had the cocoa taste without the chalky texture which was great.

So next step is I might find some cocoa beans and grind and brew them like coffee. There's also cacao nibs which are probably easier to find. If I can grind some roasted cacao nibs I think I could get a better result.

>> No.20183658

Might look into Cacao nibs.

>> No.20183677

you might try a more aggressive pourover with lots of agitation--heavy pours and lots of stirring

>> No.20183812
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Ditting Lab Sweet

>> No.20183982

The patrician's choice.

>> No.20184026

>not gravimetric
Not suitable for a busy specialty cafe

>> No.20184053

Its a bag grinder that happens to also single dose espresso pretty well. If you want the same burrs in a gbw direct to portafilter config, they've got it.

>> No.20184159

just made a sublime affogato

>> No.20185024

That’s just called astringent you fag

>> No.20185050

>he ACTUALLY doesnt know what industrial tastes like
>he thinks astringent is a flavor
sorry but the retard general is 3 doors down.

>> No.20185611
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don't like fruity flavor in my coffee

>> No.20185849
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Free museum day today, I visited the gallery and got a new goffee cup.

>> No.20186132

Oh that's a cool design.

>> No.20186175
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It's based on a medieval fresco they have on display. One of our most famous ones.

>> No.20186277

Yes that's why it's cool.

>> No.20186331
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Final fullcaff of the day
Anyone here tried coffee enema? I usually just do kefir or yogurt but I heard you can do coffee

>> No.20186671

How often does /ctg/ get a first shot/pour of a new bag right? I'll think I have a good grind setting and recipe for a specific light roasted cultivar, then get proven wrong every time. Leading me to question what I know about coffee. At least I know I'm close with this Ethiopian Natural so my 2nd cup hopefully won't be sour.

>> No.20186717
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>> No.20186750


>> No.20186813


>> No.20186849

I only ever went to Pula for Outlook. The opening night in the amphitheater was really special. From what i saw the region is really beautiful and history rich. Cool mug and fresco.

>> No.20186871

Lelit kino has arrived

>> No.20188481

80% of the time. (Coof from the10th page.)

>> No.20188758

i did NOT have a good affogato today
too much coffee
melted the coffee too much so it was just a soup
tomorrow is tasting day of my rested roast.
first smell first taste
hope it goes well.

>> No.20188763
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>> No.20188841

behemor binz?

>> No.20188845


>> No.20188851
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dis roaster?

>> No.20188865


>> No.20189095


>> No.20189132

Drew Barrymore is alive?

>> No.20189137

i was kinda shocked too

>> No.20189188

Quick question, am I putting too little water in my moka pot? There's a safety thingy there and I pour so that water barely touches that little circle around it. Is it OK or can I pour a bit more?

>> No.20189196

yeh just dont cover the safety valve
but some moka pots put it higher or lower than others so its not some universal standard amount of water.

>> No.20189198
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Just follow this tutorial

>> No.20189202

Is moka pot a meme?

>> No.20189238

is this the murican way?

>> No.20189243

It's the TRVE italian way

>> No.20189417

Of course.

>> No.20189938

>method promising to get faux-espresso for 1/10 of the price

>> No.20190056

its fun and easy
so yeah

>> No.20190447


>> No.20190748

its bery tasty

>> No.20191144

>https://youtu.be/5HWs2njGcEY [
Based. Shits all over those gay little italian carts.

>> No.20191588
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iconic and tasty

>> No.20191589


>> No.20191722

coffee noob here. I was in Italy (Naples) for a month and I want to have the same sort of coffee at home. It's thick, dark and pretty intense. What kind of beans do I need to buy for this?

I'm picking up a used gaggia classic later and then I'll go buy a good grinder

>> No.20191751

bad ones

>> No.20191757

>What kind of beans do I need to buy for this?
Toraldo, Kimbo and Caffè Borbone are all neapolitan roasters.

>> No.20191764

most italian cafe coffee is pretty dark. that said, this scenario is something of a meme in the espresso world, person bad at coffee goes to italy, discovers that coffee can taste better than their shitty office coffee, goes home, tries to recreate it, spends 5 years before finally realizing that actually specialty coffee is even better. don't waste 5 years, just jump right into graduating italian espresso coffee.

>> No.20191768

That's exactly what's happening lmao. I'll try some specialty coffees too, since I'm already spending so much on stuff to make coffee now. Thanks for the suggestion. But if I'm going to enjoy italian bar-style coffee for 5 years first, that's not necessarily a bad thing either.

got myself a bag of kimbo, thank you!

>> No.20191777

>But if I'm going to enjoy italian bar-style coffee for 5 years first, that's not necessarily a bad thing either.
I agree, it's still great. if you want to split the difference and do both, gardelli is easily the consensus best specialty roaster in italy, but it will be more specialty-esque than "italian cafe". some unsolicited nobrainer advice, don't be discouraged if you don't get there immediately, no one dials in perfectly on the first shot, but even idiots will get there eventually if they keep trying.
also don't buy all the beans you wanna try all at once, espresso should ideally be used fresh, not left for 2 months down the line

>> No.20192072
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Bought a sampler pack from Afterglow, and this is the first stuff I cracked into. It came out really nice, but it dialed in to some pretty odd brew parameters. Ended up doing 1-3-2 on the JX Pro, 18g -> 36 in 30 seconds with 200F water. That grind setting is a whole three clicks finer than I do the Sidama Ethiopian beans also pictured, which is interesting to me as the Obata wants the other brew parameters more like a medium roast than the Sidama, which I'm typically doing with 205 F water and 15 g -> 40 g.

Anyway, you can see the physical difference between the beans in that bottom right section. Once I had this dialed in, it was coming through with pleasant honey sweetness balanced with tart acidity. Very little bitterness came through at all. It's actually not dissimilar from the Ethiopian beans when it all comes down to it, which again, was interesting considering how differently I had to treat them.

>> No.20192087
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>> No.20192088
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The shot. Guess it was 24 seconds actually.

>> No.20192158
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Ok but why not grind some of these and give them a brew?

>> No.20192188

do it pussy, you wont.

>> No.20192192

cohee :)

>> No.20192196

that doesn't look sweet and fruity

>> No.20192199

looks crooked. is it normal?

>> No.20192207

its the cheapest flair on the market
and he emailed flair 300 times before they "replied" and said yes perfectly normal.

>> No.20192212

shit engineering desu

>> No.20192236

if you can make better for the same price or cheaper, go for it, I'd buy your espresso maker

>> No.20192252
File: 66 KB, 720x862, espresso maker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no need to be a chef to know when a dish is dogshit

>> No.20192259

except you do in this case cause flair generally makes great espresso.

>> No.20192264
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i'm just asking if it's on purpose

>> No.20192281

Yeah probably. it's a 100-200 dollar espresso maker undergoing extreme forces at an angle, it's probably designed to tilt a little. don't see how it'd really affect the shot too badly either, so not really bad engineering if it makes it work

>> No.20192291

The sidra is very good, just tried now. I was a bit afraid because the fermented smell was quite strong, but I like the sweetness of it.

>> No.20192308

Crooked streams are caused by air bubbles forming at the base of your shot

>> No.20192375

espresso is just too tasty.

>> No.20192470

This is the Pro 2, and the chamber there is essentially level with the counter. If you look at flair videos in general there's always some play in how the chamber interfaces with the holder, which I imagine is on purpose so that it can give a bit into a fully settled position as you are changing the angle of the handle instead of being complete statically locked in place.

>> No.20192857

Dear Trabatti/Gianinnia/Hario/Flario, I wrote you, but you still ain’t callin’
I left my cell, my pager and my home phone at the bottom
I sent two letters back in autumn, you must not’ve got ’em
There probably was a problem at Poste Italiane or somethin’
Sometimes I scribble addresses too sloppy when I jot ’em

>> No.20192859

Thinking about buying those cheap vacuum tubes for espresso. It would save me time on weekday mornings since I would no longer need to weigh out beans

>> No.20193108

How do I make "red" coffee?

>> No.20193367

Literally just use the V60. Your brews will always be tea-like and suitable for hipsters.

The real question is how do I make BLACK coffee without a shitty French press or an expensive espresso machine? Could Chemex be the solution? Seems very dark and black in all the pictures and videos I see of it but I haven’t tried it yet.

>> No.20193498

Make turkish coffee

>> No.20193589
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Red: lighter roast and/or higher ratio.
Black: darker roast and/or lower ratio.

>> No.20193600

chemex is just a shittier v60, if the goff in pictures is darker its just because they think thats what people want, which is true to a degree, so they used overroasted beans
id get a moka pot

>> No.20193701
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Y'all think this shit got cadmium in it? How poisonous you think this is?

Here's the link for it on a specialty site for 4 times the price.


>> No.20193789

I wouldn't buy anything off temu, If you're looking for teacups, go to a tea shop.
If you're willing to go outside of the jiazhan stuff, some espresso stained ruyao might look sick.

>> No.20195051

my coffeebed is not flat
what now?
i am using a clever dripper
should i grind finer/coarser???

>> No.20195407

>picked up and cleaned the second-hand gaggia classic
>got myself some kimbo beans
>wasted half the bag on figuring out how to configure the grinder
>drank 20 coffees in the process
>couldn't sleep all night

I have the same exact espresso as you would expect in some random neapolitan bar and I'm happy about it.

>> No.20195411

You should. I got the spl life sciences ones off Amazon. Work great and perfect size for 18g of beans. Spend about 10-15 mins every few weeks filling them up. Then just grab one and toss into the grinder when I want an espresso.

>> No.20195428

Based Gennaro Savastano

>> No.20195430

>should i grind finer/coarser???
No. you should use better technique if the problem is that your bed isn't flat. especially on a clever dripper the bed should be flat and wet before you even start drawing the water through so the fineness shouldn't matter, just pour evenly and give a light swirl a while before the drawdown to let the surface settle. how does it taste? that's what you adjust fineness for

>> No.20196374

Bros im sick of triple natural process anerobic lactic ferment shit.
Why they trying to make coffe taste like baby poop smells?

>> No.20196411

Buy good quality dutch process coca powder. Add a tablespoon or more to a mug, fill with hot water and stir. Buy good quality random cheap stuff from the grocery store will probably taste burnt and ashy

>> No.20196424

Dutch process coca will dissolve more readily in hot water. It's also less acidic and has a darker chocolate flavor.

>> No.20196489

let it rest a bit

>> No.20197081
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Has anyone else had their favourite mug break? This didn't even have anything in it. I picked it up by the handle to make my covfefe and the handle simply came apart.

>> No.20197179

it's a bad omen..

>> No.20197219

I am very upset and frankly scared to go about my day.

>> No.20197360

2 options:
1. Attach the handle using molten metal.
2. Sand down the broken handle nubs and use it as a large cup.
Don't throw it out. It can still hold beverage.

>> No.20197368

I was thinking of the second option. I guess I'll watch some YouTube videos on it

>> No.20197423

i'll pour one out for ya mate

>> No.20197654

anyone try ghost burrs b4?
gettin the cafesing orca to try it out

>> No.20197744

The cafesing is a white label product. You can buy the exact same grinder direct from China for a fraction of the cost. I forget the exact search term, but it's been mentioned in these threads before.

>> No.20197749
File: 411 KB, 1742x940, precision-gs3-filter-sale-all-di-pacci-816_940x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a name for this sort of looking grinder?

>> No.20197752

oh do share if you know id be interested in not paying $200 for it

>> No.20197754


>> No.20197764

He's talking about Potu. The grinder was a collab between cafesing and potu, not a white label product. Potu doesn't make hand grinders any more, they moved onto electric.

>> No.20197778

commercial coffee grinder
but most of those are from Mahlkonig

>> No.20197782

I want one that has like a maunal crank or something, something with SOUL

>> No.20197799

so you want a commercial coffee grinder with a manual crank
that doesnt really exist

>> No.20198190
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>> No.20198270

Just buy washed