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File: 525 KB, 2170x2559, south-america-map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20163694 No.20163694 [Reply] [Original]

What foods do they eat here?

why does nobody ever talk about south america cuisine

>> No.20163711
File: 36 KB, 760x400, Cuy-chactao-guinea-pig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guinea pig, capybara, chinchilla and other fuzzy pets

>> No.20163779

Sopa de Macaco

>> No.20163790

>american education
South American foods literally lifted the food and nutritional quality of humans around the world.

>> No.20163807


Brazilians have cheese bread. Idk. Normal food.
With exception for peruvians I guess, they eat pigeons and guinea pigs. While pigeon is fine, guinea pig seems like too much effort

>> No.20163811

You joke, but you haven't lived till you had ocelot.

>> No.20163812

I think most people in the US have had some form of bland plantain rice pork platter or the all-you-can-eat swordmeat from South America, and we've definitely all had your weird fruit drink and the one that sounds like it should be fruit but actually it's pumpkin pie spice and condensed milk, and we all eat tamales, be they the corn kind or the banana kind
It's Euros and Asians that don't have a clue

>> No.20163912

in argentina and uruguay they basically eat spanish and italian cuisine, not a lot of autochthonous cuisine down there

>> No.20163914

Argentinians like to pretend they invented the wiener shnitzel

>> No.20163915

why are you so fucking obsessed? there literally is not a board you are not spamming threads about south america on you freak autist

>> No.20163931

It must be cool to live there, you go outside and there's the real jungle with monkeys and parrots and jaguars

>> No.20163933

So strange too because it’s Spanish food but actually good. Everyone I’ve met that’s been to Lima fucking raves about Peruvian food. The food in Brazil was delicious when I went, think I’ll make feijoada this week.

>> No.20163945

>all-you-can-eat swordmeat
That's suspicious and could be surimi

>> No.20163948

Tacos are only eaten in Mexico as far as I know

>> No.20163953

What I remember from Bolivia - saltenas, chicheron, sopa de mani, sopa lissa, piqué macho, pollo boracho

>> No.20163954

Yeah, real peaceful jungles...heh..r0nsw

>> No.20163959

Get a Old El Paso taco kit and you can make tacos just about anywhere on the planet.

>> No.20163960

Chile - seviché

>> No.20163962

it's shitty, greasy, deep fried versions of spanish food. compare argentinian empadas to real empada gallega. no surprise that burgers would prefer the deep fried version though.

>> No.20163971
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typical argentinian empanadas are not fried
and empanada gallega is a totally different thing, more akin to a pie

>> No.20163979
File: 114 KB, 648x432, 1687711777834311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is an empanada gallega

>> No.20163981

>What foods do they eat here?
You could easily fly there and find out.

>why does nobody ever talk about south america cuisine
I wish I could cook SA food but there are some ingredients you just can't get in NA. For instance, there's a type of coriander they use in Peru in Bolivia that just isn't available elsewhere. My mother tried to grow some from seeds and failed.

>> No.20163983

they are eaten everywhere.

>> No.20163988

Sure, like chinese food. But tacos are not a typical south american food

>> No.20163991
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Op doesn't know what he is talking about because he is a Chicano high-school dropout neet. You'll find him on various boards, especially /int/ and /sp/, spamming threads about south america under a German or Swedish flag. This is unironically what he chooses to do with his day.

>> No.20164008
File: 70 KB, 1200x675, MonkaSSS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait. Mexico isn't part of South America?

>> No.20164018
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Don't eat the slug.

>> No.20164024
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Bunch of Germans did flee to there.

>> No.20164043

Mostly this
>lots of meat
Peru has the most complex cuisine in south america, argentina is cool because its mostly italian x latin fusion. The rest of SA isnt that much special, venezuela has cachapas, colombia has arepas, belize has salbutes. Most of it is simple but very comforting.

>> No.20164054

You don't hear much about it because South American food in general is just okay, nothing special. Brazilian food, for example, is bland at its worst and merely confort food at its best. Its core is colonial portuguese food with amerindian, african and later italian, arab and german influences. Rice and beans with roast/bbq or stew meat are a must everywhere here, we don't overdo with spices except some fried seafood dishes blacks cook in the northeast coast, snacks in the southeast and south are mostly fried pork, beef, chicken pie-like dumplings, a bit like scotch egg, and non-south american tourists find our desserts too sweet. Aside from that we mostly eat foreign foods like italian, arab and japanese if one lives in São Paulo.

>> No.20164081

they don't really eat that much, rice, beans, plantains and corn down south because they don't really grow down there(well beans and corn do but they just don't really eat them that much at all), they consume more wheat products like bread because they produce tons of it

>> No.20164113

brazilian food is mostly horrifying
the lemonade is good but that's about all

mashed potato topped hotdogs
pizza with olives, hearts of palm, and corn
lemongrass mashed up into a paste and rolled into a sticky ball
it just screams of poverty and it's all really heavy a starchy with no real use of spices aside from excessive salt

>> No.20164133
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I think they meant this, like those Brazilian places that offer all you can eat meat on big skewers.

>> No.20164292

>grilled, marinated meat
>seafood, ceviche
>stewed beans
>fresh fruits & veggies, esp avocado as a side to meats
>rice dishes
>fried yuca or potato
>malt soda
>tres leches cake
My family is Ecuadorian, but I live in Clapistan. That's the kinda stuff they bring around that's somewhat different compared to American food. A lot of other stuff crosses over though. My dad mentioned cuy (guinea pig) from when he used to live there.

>> No.20164301

Don't look at Mexico's obesity rate

>> No.20164700

most of it is shit. or a crappy rip off of a better item. empanadas? piss off. just a crap cornish pasty

>> No.20164859

Mexico is part of NA

>> No.20164873
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We didn't invent it but we added a ton of shit and put it into a hoagie roll and made fine sloppa out of it
We even put banana on top

>> No.20164879

It's region based, some regions it's fried in lard, some have potato inside like Jewish food, some have raisins, some have sugar

>> No.20164882


>> No.20164888

yeah I know, but if you order an empanada in buenos aires it probably won't be fried, and that's kinda like the standard version of what people would call an argentinian empanada
I know there are tons of versions(salteña, tucumana, mendocina, etc) too, and the vast majority of those are not fried either

>> No.20164895

Rg here
We have no food culture
My father told me when he first came to the city they would make pizza with shitty sandwich cheese because they had no idea what pizza was
There are so many restaurants were you can order a dish and they pretty much serve you kitchen scraps because they don't know what that dish is the elderly owner wanted it on the menu tho
We eat flan as dessert and they will burn the shit out of the syrup until it's bitter as fuck and black and that's the way it's meant to be, they put two scoops of thick as fuck dulce de leche on top which is disgusting since it's the exact opposite texture to flan, by the way argentinian flan is a sight to behold 16 eggs, a little bit of milk and an entire bag of sugar, I made actual flan using a french recipe it's night and day
Nothing hot could ever be sold here, serve spicy food and people vomit
90% of actual restaurants are Italians 0% of them are authentic
Seriously bring your grandma here, our society is exactly like what she was used to we are stuck in the 60s with the home cooked meals that came from a box

>> No.20164899

I worked in a grill that Carttered entirely to tourists and we served matambre empanadas deep fried (in oil the owners were Jewish)

>> No.20164909

sure, carne cortada a cuchillo
but that's not a standard version like most people would eat
that would be like saying deep dish pizza is standard american pizza

>> No.20164913

-pizzas made of mayonnaise and corn
-macaque soup

>> No.20164920

its out of convinience
there was a place that would fry any empanada and they had like 20 different fillings, cheap as fuck, i loved it
by the way matambre is a tough cut of meat thats boiled in milk for hours

>> No.20164929
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typical meal from brasil

>> No.20165186
File: 261 KB, 1200x797, bandeja-paisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colombian here. As mentioned peruvian food is actually well known internationally. I think it's gross. It's basically chinese food with indigenous influences.

Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela have very similar food. Mostly what you'd call poverty food. A lot of cheap carbs. We're lucky we have insane access to fruits and vegetables, which are not prepared in interesting ways so while our diet might be varied, it's not very creative.

Colombian food in particular seems to have pretty bad reputation as very bland and boring. I think Gringos who visit generally just eat day menu garbage (Corrientazo) but there are other things to try. Pic related is Bandeja paisa. Our version of a-big-ass-meal. From the region around Medellin that you pedophiles might be the most familiar with.

>> No.20165217

What's the South American soup/stew that's made with yellow pepper sauce, ground up bread, chicken, carrots, onions, and potatoes, garnished with hard boiled eggs, cilantro, and olives?

>> No.20165222
File: 125 KB, 1200x800, arepas-colombianas-con-queso-partidas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With venezuela we share arepas. Which are corn discs, thicker than tortillas and can be stuffed or eaten with stuff on them. Venezuelans almost always stuff them and have specific kinds. Colombians have more variety and they come in many shapes, sizes, colors and even sweet and salty. We stuff them with whatever the vendor has on hand or anything you feel like doing.

Pic relate my favourite one. The dough itself is mixed with cheese and then you stuff more cheese in it. Very soft and slightly sweet.

>> No.20165233

It's made with Amarillo peppers I think
Love these little niggas I bought a bunch of PAN so I can whip out a batch
I like them with cheese and also chicken tinga
Are there rules for fillings? Like if I put American-style taco meat in them would that be wrong? How far can you go?
Fruit fillings? Can I put corned beef and sauerkraut and make arepas Reubens?

>> No.20165267
File: 119 KB, 669x446, 10-frutas-exoticas-colombianas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like with any other country we also have our own BBQ version. Carne Llanera, (Llano are savanna like plainfields https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZhHwFU7E2k)) Which we also share with venezuela.

And our coasts are full of fish options. We're extremely biodiverse so we really have an insane amount of options all year round. We're just not very creative with the preparation.

Gotta mention Colombian tamales, Lechona (our roasted pork), Toyo which is an animal similar to a shark, and Colombian empanadas too.

>> No.20165294
File: 69 KB, 564x890, cf83ec764ee38710ccdf2294e36c54e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Venezuelans have more strict categories but I'm sure they also stuff whatever. They do lots of beans and different meats. But they do have specific names for their different stuffed ones (Pic related). We have names based on the regions where different kinds come from: Arepa boyacense, Arepa santandereana, Arepa paisa.

Generally speaking in Colombia you put the same you'd put in a burrito. I always do beef, chicken, chicharron, chorizo, cheese, scrambled eggs and maybe lettuce. In desperation you can put whatever. My girlfriend is american and she has tried to do some heinous shit with arepas like jam and hot sauce for the sweet ones.

>> No.20165319

Thanks, I knew there had to be limits
Also I figured it out it's Ají de Gallina
Gotta make that again sometime that was nice

>> No.20165489
File: 44 KB, 768x432, milanesas-de-pollo-al-horno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What foods do they eat here?
the best food known to man

>> No.20165610

>It's basically chinese food with indigenous influences.
You are a retard and way overestimating the influence of the Chinese (Cantonese) in our cuisine. The majority of peruvian cuisine is influenced by native/Iberians and unironically Italians more than by Asians. You can think the food is dogshit I don't care but this nonsense is simply not true.

>> No.20166560

They don't got food because they tried socialism.

>> No.20166887

no creo que un gringo con plata venga a colombia a comer corrientazos.

>> No.20168338

looks delicioso!

>> No.20168361


>> No.20168364
File: 426 KB, 3000x1987, silpancho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silpancho is pretty good

>> No.20168424

>As mentioned peruvian food is actually well known internationally. I think it's gross. It's basically chinese food with indigenous influences.
you're right and it's a fact that makes me mad, because peruvians will relentlessly shill their "cuisine" but all they try to promote is derivative or outright stolen shit

what are the three items you most associate with Peru? ceviche, pisco and lomo saltado

derivative as fuck and invented by Japanese immigrants
stolen from Chile, but never tell a peruvian this or they'll either cry or start yelling
>lomo saltado
shittier Chinese stir fry

but if you've ever been to Peru and visited the local markets you'll see some crazy shit, hundreds of varieties of corn, potatoes with all the colors of the rainbow, tons of cereals and berries that i assure you've never heard of if you haven't been there. they have honest to god amazing ingredients but refuse to try and market them internationally out of some misguided need to aspire to be "high cuisine" or some shit.

>> No.20168529


>> No.20168575
File: 300 KB, 1080x1350, Screenshot_20240203_015344_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of anons highlighted the relative lack of authentic dishes and high amount of culinary syncretism from various countries in south american food. Here's another example. I had this meal some weeks ago here in São Paulo. Pic related is considered a timeless classic in this city but it's actually a lebanese food (that's why we call it a "Beirute") idea introduced when christian arabs started settling here around the 1910s. The basic concept is a large pita bread sandwich to be eaten with knife and fork rather than by hand. It may be ordered in many variations. This one I had contains short loin grilled beef, rocket leaves, pickles, tomato slices and american cheese.

>> No.20168735
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Used to have a Uruguayan chef at a local diner and they served some speciality atypical diner food local to their country that was like 50x better than any Mexican trash. Chivitos are awesome.

>> No.20168830

SA cuisine is just bananas + rice + black beans + mystery meat

>> No.20168909


>> No.20169192

yeah like 400 years ago
what have you done for me lately?

>> No.20169209

Can only comment about Uruguay and Argentina (because I fucking live there): a mix of Spanish and Italian cuisine basically. Also lots of red meat (it's a bit more expensive in recent years, but used to be cheaper than in Europe, so beef replaced a lot of traditional stuff).

Some examples, like may others already mentions: empanadas, faina (farinata, that is usually eaten along pizza), asado, nioquis a la caruso (gnocchi , a type of pasta, with a cream souce made with mashrooms, ham and meat extract), chivito (a meat sandwich traditionally made with tenderloin) milanesas, etc.

It's very good from what little I could compare when I traveled, but it's not "original", it's not going to surprise.
Peru and Mexico probably have that spot of interesting and good food in latin america.

>> No.20169221

A lot of it, today, has its roots in a mix of central American cuisine and west african cuisine. Expect a lot of starch with starch and some protein. Lile cassawa with rice, pasta, and a piece of fish. Expect a lot of empanadas, tortilla-based food, and soups.

Beyond that, Brazil has a lot of variety, argentina has a lot of beef dishes and their own takes on Italian fare. Peru has ceviche and chinese/latin fusion (not uncommon fusion to be found in Argentina and Uruguay, too, by the way). Chile has cocaine served in the navel of a prostitute stripper, ofc. And so on.

>> No.20169388
File: 41 KB, 400x400, baby capybara yerba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey SAbros, gracias por yerba mate
t. amerigan

>> No.20170033

Guinea pigs were breed for food. Capybaras and chinchillas are wild animals. You are an idiot.

>> No.20170037

>what have you done for me lately?
What have you done, ever?

>> No.20172159

made an omelette, now what gayboy?

>> No.20172179

>I think most people have had this specific, niche, overpriced ethnic restaurant food at least once in their life
Most people in the US (and everywhere) don't even have a restaurant offering anything like that within an hour's drive of them.

>> No.20172180

the heat of the tumor duck cooks the pizza

>> No.20172533

>falsly call it milanese
>don't serve it the milanese way
south american intellectuals

>> No.20172538

you can't be more wrong, all I see outside are houses and other buildings

>> No.20172540

brazilian food is horrible, unhealthy and bland
t. brazilian

>> No.20172542

>lemongrass mashed up into a paste and rolled into a sticky ball
I don't know what that is, pretty sure it's not brazilian

>> No.20172544

I know matambre as a completely different thing, in my region it's a roast filled with sausage

>> No.20172773

if you live in a village in the middle of nowhere that is

>> No.20173193

don't they eat a shit ton more beef per capita in brazil and argentina compared to the US or Europe?

>> No.20173336

>made an omelette
Do you want a medal?

>> No.20173359

Picanha is pretty dang good desu

>> No.20173395

no anon, its ok. south america can't afford that.

>> No.20173416

I unfortunately agree
For brazil yes, and it's a terrible push done by livestock farmer lobby to inflate their importance to exports and keep their power in center-east and north property exploitation
We should consume much more fish given the immense coastline but both the average favelado and landowner want a juicy barbecue picanha because it's a symbol of status and comfort

>> No.20175135

capybaras were bred to psyop westerners into thinking they're cute

>> No.20175140
File: 27 KB, 225x400, uma-delicia-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What foods do they eat here?
>why does nobody ever talk about south america cuisine

>> No.20175264

They eat eachother.

>> No.20175288

That makes no sense. We're all westerners so to speak if from the Americas. What's the psyop bullshit, are you scumbag looking for reparations, I thought this was black month where those fucks are trying for reparations.
Get in line cunts.

>> No.20176304

jaguars are in mexico and guatemala, retard

>> No.20176724
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>> No.20177022

carne > pollo

>> No.20177161

Salteñas are good.

>> No.20177167
File: 152 KB, 817x450, asa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no mention of asado
step it up my niggas

>> No.20177184

carpinchos (capybaras) were usually considered bush meat in some regions of Argentina
have you ever tried it on escabeche? it's sorta like rabbit or vizcacha in that regard

>> No.20177852

Humintas al vapor, and al horno
Chuño phuti
Papa a la huancaina

>> No.20178415

Bandeja paisa is god tier. I haven't had one in years. Gonna have to go to a Colombian restaurant this week and tear through one of these.

>> No.20178788

>the Bolivianos
best Bolivian food is the Picana but almost no one cooks it good
next time use Tri-tip / colita de cuadril and slow cook it for 6-8 hours at least, never ever chicken

>> No.20178801

>using colita de cuadril for ANYTHING besides grilling over hot coals
I weep

>> No.20178901
File: 365 KB, 768x768, GettyImages-180723850_square (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is llama meat commonly eaten there? Since it's like their equivalent of sheep

>> No.20179348
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it is eaten, but not commonly
deer and wild boar are much more common game meat, at least in my country
other weird game meat, not that commonly eaten is "ñandu", it is like a little ostrich or emu

>> No.20179381
File: 56 KB, 480x384, 1696267291389237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, we have sheep
they can live pretty much anywhere
in fact "cordero patagonico" is a very traditional dish in patagonia, probably the most well known from that area

>> No.20180050

Westerner does not refer to inhabitants of the Western Hemisphere. Though there are inhabitants of the Western Hemisphere who are Westerners.

>> No.20181316
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>american education

>> No.20181343

He's not that wrong.
Australians are 'Westerners' despite clearly being in the East.

>> No.20181516

South America starts at the Panama-Colombia border.

>> No.20181519

>le poorfag transsexual face

>> No.20182490

I had Pastel de Choclo for lunch yesterday, thanks grandma