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20138409 No.20138409 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on sweetener.

>> No.20138417

you don't need it

>> No.20138442

>think i want sugar free foods
>what i really want is less sweet foods
Everything is crammed with sweeteners. I dont even know what a monk fruit is and i hate it so much.

>> No.20138588

It's shit.
the one thing that has no known side effects is - natural sugar.
Sugar won't affect your weight, they will increase it. - An effect well known in cattle and pig raising where they are added to their food to increase weight at slaughter or decrease time until desired weight is reached. What works in pigs also works in humans.

Anything else?

>> No.20138589

when I was a kid I use to grab a handful of splenda and ketchup packets at the self-serve butter station and eat those during the movie instead of buying popcorn

>> No.20138597

the only one thats passable is monk fruit

>> No.20138602

the only artificial sweetener one should entertain is xylitol because it has antibacterial and antifungal properties which prevent toof decay and candida and while other fake sugar encourages such things
>bad breath
>öral thrüsh

>> No.20138659

Sucralose gave me diarrhea from a single normal size piece of cake.

>> No.20139385 [DELETED] 

People would rather drink fake sugar than cut out their bad red meat and dairy habits making them fat and diabetic

>> No.20139398

Stevia fucks with your nervous system i've heard from stories.
Just accept that real food has real calories. Also honey or sweetness from fruits is the most natural sweetener you're gonna get. Fruits get a better score for containing essential fibers.

>> No.20139399

The reason artificial (cancer) sweeteners have gotten more popular is because of the rise of diabetes which correlates with the global (but led by America) rise in meat consumption and sedentary lifestyle of Americans

>> No.20139402

This one time i ate icecream containing that stuff. It made me shit 7 times in a row. After the first shit it was just slime leaving my body. It's vile but i can't exactly reject your statent about it being anti parasitic because of that.

>> No.20139412

to be honest your rapidschitz were probably from something else entirely. probably ate some subcontinental or asian fare 12-16 hours prior and then had some iced cream 40mins before your asianschitz started and just blamed it on something you haven't even digested yet. many, many, such cases.

>> No.20139418

They're cool, but honestly the taste/texture is off to me, I'm sure a skilled cook that has used a lot of it can make it work but to me I rather just manage calories rather than eating sweets with calorie free sweeteners.

Only exception to me is Diet coke/Coke zero both taste equivalent of regular coke to me. Pepsi's versions don't which is disappointing since that's the only fountain drink they offer at Costco

>> No.20139431

I cook a lot of different shit and very rarely have to add sugar to anything. And when I do it's such a minuscule amount it's not anything you'd have to worry about. I don't understand why you would need to use these gross artificial sugar alternatives. (Yes, I know stevia comes from a plant. Don't care; it still tastes like shit.)

>> No.20139437

surcalose is the worst one, and it’s in a lot of shit
stevia is okay

>> No.20139569

For people like this I guess lmao

>> No.20139601

Heating stevia makes it taste like crap. It doesn't taste that great even when it's cold but don't heat it for the love of God.

>> No.20139942

That shit is literally poison

>> No.20140466

its been known to make former alcholics relapse.

>> No.20140472

It's worse for you than regular sugar unless you have a shot pancreas. Blood sugar levels are the only reason to use one over sugar.

>> No.20140510

literally have no idea what youre trying to say

>> No.20140524

I don't know anything about this subject but can confidently say it's all poison except for sucrose.

>> No.20140609

Taste like shit. Eat sugar in moderation. Simple as.

>> No.20140990
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>Sugar won't affect your weight, they will increase it.

>> No.20141006

>Sugar substitute
Why don't you just get honey or maple syrup if you want to avoid crystalized sugar. I'd rather any of these three than that stuff.

>> No.20141515

>Best tasting sweetener
>is the baddestest
RIP sucralose :(

>> No.20141641

everything is better than sucrose, that shit is straight poison

>> No.20141697

Xylitol has been shown to be bad for your gut biome but it's still good for use in toothpaste as an alternative to fluoride.

>> No.20141725

Well I take probiotics anyway †bh so I'm prolly aight

>> No.20142426

>to be honest your rapidschitz were probably from something else entirely
Stop lying. Sugar alcohols are well known for making you crap

>> No.20142427

Are you talking about that recent study?

>> No.20142429

anon isn't a kitten. even a 4chan tard can handle a little fuckin' sweetener

>> No.20142432

Nothing I said was incorrect

>> No.20142437

I've got a decent sense of the kinds of foods youse people on here eat, as well as the average cooking skill on here, and I think the chances of slipping ones bowel is much more likely to be a result of some poorly prepared thurdieslpo rather than <1mg of xylitol

>> No.20142438


>> No.20142458

Sacharine is best for diabetics

>> No.20142461
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>> No.20142677

Xylitol has laxative properties if eaten in large amounts

>> No.20142689

well yeah in large amounts but how the fuck is anyone ingesting "large amounts" of xylitol?

>hi my name is Anonynon, and I chew 432 pieces of xylitol gum a day

>> No.20142694

Well like that one anon said, he ate ice cream sweetened with Xylitol. So maybe like that?
Also some mints and breath fresheners and liquorice can contain it.

>> No.20142845

Allulose is really the only good one
Erithritol is good too, and u can make bombs out of it

>> No.20142858

>ate ice cream sweetened with Xylitol
nobody should do that to begin with anyway

>> No.20143077


>> No.20143487

yes my dude

>> No.20143623

>oy vey is he consuming sucralose instead of corn syrup?
>nurse add 20lbs to the antisemites weight and get him a prescription for metformin
>oh and report him to the adl

>> No.20143640

>Sugar won't affect your weight, they will increase it.
>they are added to their food to increase weight at slaughter or decrease time until desired weight is reached.

>Anything else?

Yes, could you stand on one leg and try to touch your nose repeatedly, please? And Blow inside this straw I'm going to hand you as hard as possible.

>> No.20143775

Based drunk retard ESL

>> No.20144046

i've read Erythritol is pretty good, it's the only polyol that doesn't have calories and does not affect glycaemic index. 70% as sweet as sugar

>> No.20145754

Okay well you should know it doesnt say what you just said

>> No.20145914

>the one thing that has no known side effects is - natural sugar.
other than diabetes of course

>> No.20145915

I find stevia to be a massive disappointment.

I mean, it tastes sweet, but it doesn't trigger whatever that satisfactory feeling is. Even aspartame manages to do that.

>> No.20145917

Threadly reminder that you can feed shitbulls 0.5g per kg of body weight of xylitol and most will drop dead in a few days. Median weight 30kg shitbull, 15g of xylitol. "XL Bully" 90kg "shitbull mix", 45g of xylitol.

Xylitol is a sugar substitute that is safe for humans (and also kitties!) but lethal to dogs. It is widely available in granular form in health-food stores. (IOW, no, you don't need to feed the dog ten packs of chewing gum.) Just mix it into a doggie treat like sausage or cheese balls.

Xylitol has two separate modes of lethality in dogs: first, the chance of putting the dog into a hypoglycemic coma (within hours), second, liver failure (within days). The above doses are the LD50 (meaning half will die from it) to cause liver failure; the hypoglycemic coma dosage is only 20% of the above. There is no antidote, but it can be treated if caught early, and only about half of dogs will die from a LD50 dose (by definition). The two different modes make it very likely to kill a dog with this dose.

Avoid getting caught on video or making it obvious that you're the prime suspect by complaining constantly ahead of time.

Good way to rid your neighborhood of dangerous dogs.

Common counter-suggestions and why they aren't as good:
>just shoot it!
* obvious intent
* police investigate gunshot wounds/deaths
* dangerous to bystanders in suburban or urban neighborhoods
* unless the dog is actually attacking you or someone else, this will get you criminally charged if caught

* takes literally 3X the dosage to reach LD50
* now has bitterants added to stop children and animals from drinking it
* weird options like boiling hotdogs in it makes your intent obvious

>rat poison or other poisons!
* obvious intent
* can be fatal to children or other animals you don't want to harm
* much more recognizable and hence treatable by a vet
* some "rat poison" products are just warfarin, which only works because rats often fight and bleed out

>> No.20145920

air go, tiny amounts of xylitol in chewing gum for humans is beneficial to oral health and hygiene as compared to sugar or some other artificial sweeteners

>> No.20145925

>how the fuck is anyone ingesting "large amounts" of xylitol?
"Large" is a relative term. In the case of sugar alcohols, it doesn't take much.

I had some coworkers buy a big bag of Sorbee hard candies and put them at their desk as a prank to make other coworkers shit their pants. I wandered by, grabbed a couple, and thanked them, and when they grinned and said I could take more, I told them no, that was enough to make taking a dump easier without giving me diarrhea. They were like, "oh shit, he knows."

Seriously, just five pieces of that stuff and you'll be in the bathroom until you've exhausted your intestinal muscles. It's great stuff for when you're constipated.

Unfortunately, Sorbee quit using sorbitol, precisely because of that. I guess the new hotness is sugar-free gummi bears. There was a famous review going around for a few years based on someone's experience with those.

>> No.20145926

Best part of erythritol is that you can stockpile it and the FBI won't get suspicious. It makes a pretty good explosive when nitrated.

>> No.20145931

I chewed a shitload of mithril once and for a time at least it made me feel invincible but apparently it made me super boring as well

>> No.20145933

Sugar causes all sorts of swelling inside your body

>> No.20146118

Sweet 'N Low is the best. It contains dextrose and saccharin.

I enjoy one half of one packet in my morning coffee as it has a nice sweet taste and a pleasant "oily" mouthfeel.

>> No.20146184


>> No.20146192

how about just drink water?

>> No.20147868

get the cheapest shit because it's damn expensive. Usually that's splenda.

Now if you're baking with it, then invest in erythritol. It's a 1:1 sugar replacement and melts like sugar.

>> No.20147873

>get the cheapest shit because it's damn expensive. Usually that's splenda.
I have a Stevia plant and get free sweetener. You literally cannot get cheaper than this.

>> No.20148040

sucralose works best for me. stevia has the worst aftertaste.

>> No.20148184

Stevia is pretty good so long as you make sure it isn't cut with maltodextrin.

>> No.20148325

Ive had stevia directly from the plant before. Its a really nice flavor

>> No.20148348

Everyone here shouting a bunch of bullshit.
Show me one HUMAN study that shows an increased risk of cancer because of these sweeteners. Rat/mice studies or petri dish studies do not count.

>> No.20148932

do you want to be the study and getting asscancer because you couldnt listen to your own instincts?

>> No.20149073


These gummy bears are infamous.
After that getting known often used for pranks.
I never tried them myself but according to reviews after eating a larger amount you would feel violated after spending the next hour on the toilet.
Amazing stuff.

>> No.20149107

I'd rather watch pitbulls flay shitrats, thanks

>> No.20149117



RepliGut used, not actual human trials, but you should read.

>> No.20149273

I mean how much sugar do you use to use these?

100g of sugar is 387 calories. Thats less then say a snickers bar, quite a bit less since it's 488 calories.

1 teaspoon of sugar is 4 grams
1 sugar cube if anyone still uses them is also 4 grams

So let's say you drank 4 coffees a day with sugar at 2 teaspoons each.

Thats 32 grams. Thats 124 calories.

Like I mean do you care about 124 calories?

>> No.20149283

People need to stop posting this. It doesn't say what you think it does. sucralose-6-acetate is NOT sucralose, its an impure byproduct of sucralose manufacture, similar to how whey protein is a byproduct of cheesemaking. People need to read more carefully and stop spreading misinformation.

>> No.20149284

>Like I mean do you care about 124 calories?
Its not about the calories, sugar consumption increases appetite.

>> No.20149296

If fucking 32 grams of sugar spikes your insulin so high I don't know what to tell you.

For about 10 years now I had a cup of coffee with 2 sugars and 100ml of milk almost 5 times out of 7 a week as breakfast and I can endure just fine with that until I get to lunch at around 12~13

>> No.20149305

>If fucking 32 grams of sugar spikes your insulin so high I don't know what to tell you.
Things I didnt say for 500 Alex
Didnt read the rest

>> No.20149315

Look these here are specifically >>20138409 made for coffee and tea. Some people use them for smooties and stuff but 90% of the people use them for Coffee and Tea. 10% the diabetics use them in everything because they can't do sugar.

My point is. There 0 point in substituting actual sugar in tea/coffee with these as it's is a negligible difference in caloric intake and insuling spiking.

>> No.20149345

I dont care I didnt ask

>> No.20149384

The dumbest post I read all today. congrats anon, you're retarded

>> No.20149659

Alright anon buckle up
Erythritol is calorie free and good for baking but gives you diharrea in large ammounts
Xythil is like Erythritol but tastes a bit worse and has more calories
Allulose is pretty new iirc and ive never used it to make anything myself but it tastes good
Stevia is alright but bitter if you use too much so be careful
Sucralose is like stevia exept not bitter
Ace k is falling out of fashion because its bad for you or something
Citric acid is alright for acidic things like soda and shit
Saccarin has a slightly "sharp" taste and fucks your kidneys in large ammounts
Glucose is sugar and tastes great
Sucrose is sugar and tastes bland
Fructose is sugar and tastes "sharp" and good
Sodium cyclamate apparently causes cancer or something and is used in tandem with saccarin often

Thats all the ones i can think of of the top of my head

>> No.20149820

Spoilsport. If people couldn't link to dodgy or inapplicable studies, then what will antivaxers do?

Anyway, sweeteners to use:
Coffee: none
Decaf coffee: splenda
Tea: saccharin
Diet cola: Ace-K
Diet citrus sodas: stevia

Simple as.

>> No.20150195
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Sugar substitute?

>> No.20150314

>Anything else?
Love the confidence

>> No.20150606
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>This Whole fucking thread is just bait for me..
How tiresome. Guess I should be flattered, but as almost the sole poster of this info for almost 2 years now, I could give a fuck. None of the "Challengers" do anything but goalpost shift, strawman, or just BLATANTLY LIE.
Look at all the bluster coming from this sub-midwit retard.
You clearly didn't read it either, you illiterate hypocrite.
Here's the link to the study I keep poasting
Fucking read it yourself, page 3 lists the historical claims that have PROVEN false, with the studies that did cited.
>However, the concentration of sucralose-6-acetate relative to sucralose in feces of rats dosed with sucra-ose was significantly greater than amounts in commercial sucralose samples, with fecal sucralose-6-acetate levels up to 10% (Bornemann et al. 2018;
Werness and Schiffman 2020)

You can CRAM as much of this heavily lobbied, toxic garbage up your ass for all I care But Misleading others for money, or out of half-assed disingenuous ignorance merely exemplifies the absolutely TRASH sub-human you are.
>People need to stop posting this. It doesn't say what you think it does.
How cute...You didn't even fucking READ it, as is clearly demonstrable from your erroneous "conclusions"
What's the old saying? If you can't Dazzle 'em with brilliance, BAFFLE 'em with BULLSHIT, right?
>People need to read more carefully and stop spreading misinformation.
For anyone else who would like to know WHY Sweeteners are BULLSHIT,(and the diet food industry knows this,) here's a comprehensive study on how artificial sweeteners actually promote weight gain, and metabolic dysfunction.
Remember: These same fuckers who handwave these studies are the same ones who want you to believe even more dubious ones, rife with COIs when it benefits them in some way--(like $$$$, or having to be "Right" for the benefit of nobody but themselves.)

>> No.20150644

>Here's the link to the study I keep poasting

>> No.20150706

Show me a human study or all this yapping is immediately discarded from my memory

>> No.20150738
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>dipshit didn't even see the catbox link
Again...If you aren't even going to READ the shit you are "Debunkinggngng", faggot, you aren't even worth responding to.
BTW, you PULING hypocrite:
1) YOU show ME a human study confirming YOUR posits--You can't.
Either use equivalent standards or fuck off.
2) Point out the "Falsehoods" in ANY of those studies I cited--You can't.
Why are you so invested in defending this proven toxic shit?
...And don't give me that lame bullshit of "I just don't want people believing disinformation "
That's bvullshit and you KNOW it.
I have ALWAYS cited studies.
How many human studies were there for the Vax??(it was brought up to ad-hom, so, fair game.>>20149820
That's right, NONE.

>> No.20150741

>Erythritol is calorie free and good for baking but gives you diharrea in large ammounts
Can't say I've ever had that problem but I guess I just don't eat enough of it. If you drink Monster Ultra regularly without issue you're probably fine for anything else you'd have it in.

>> No.20150803

>didn't read the study just looked at the title
The authors of the study themselves say that they could not show causality for artificial sweeteners and type 2 diabetes. Its literally a correlation. They did not control for reverse causality (people who are at risk or have type 2 diabetes tend to drink diet soda more, rather than people who have diet soda tend to have diabetes.)

Why not quit pushing your agenda and read the data faggot?

>> No.20150906

>and read the data faggot?
Pure cheap, hypocrisy.
>shows ZERO studies of his own.
>doesn't read the actual methodology, just latches on to exactly the "non-causal" but ignores "Two longitudinal cohort studies have
shown positive associations be-
tween diet soda consumption and
incident metabolic syndrome indepen-
dent of baseline measures of adiposity"
Your argument is WEAK and you know it.
You are trying to assert that all the participants in the study were fat, when that is factually FALSE.
There are no better studies out there.
Any thinking person has to ask:"What is YOUR agenda"
What agenda do you think I'm pushing?
Until you produce one SHRED of a study that fall within you own "Acceptable parameters" you won't get another (you), and everyone can see the FAIL.
>INB4 some study with a n=<100 for less than 12 weeks AGAIN as "proof" this gut killing, cancer-chem shit is "Safe and Effective"
You know they said that about all kinds of things that made Billions of dollars in product sales, right?
You remember what Edward Norton's character in Fight Club did for a living, right?
Get fucked.

>> No.20151009

>shows zero studies
The burden of proof is on you fuckin tard
>there are no better studies out there
Yeah I figured you were illiterate and don't understand how to look at research I'd show you what real evidence looks like. This is a META-ANALYSIS (highest quality study type) showing NO evidence for weight gain and in fact replacing sugar with NNS causes a reduction in overall weight

Stop sending me your schizo conspiracy bullshit and learn to read fucking tard

>> No.20151058
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>Here, our meta-analysis suggests that
the use of NNS results in clinically appreciable lower weight/BMI values in certain research or clinical scenarios.
You must be fucking kidding me.
This is META-ANALYSIS, dipshit--IOW, revisiting past RCTs results--no new studies at all..
...And *just* like I predicted:
>We included only RCTs with a duration ≥4 weeks, as differences
in weight or body mass index (BMI) are less evident over shorter time

Really flexing that double digit IQ there.

>> No.20151094

Worse than sugar. Most are known carcinogens or provably worse for blood sugar regulation. Just use some pieces of dried fruit, or honey, or stop being a little pussy bitch and thinking you need to add sugar to everything.

>> No.20152253

>Most are known carcinogens
Evidence needed

>> No.20152267

>META-ANALYSIS (highest quality study type)
Not even close

>> No.20152881

elevated erithritol levels cause heart disease
allulose seems okay but that's just because it's brand fucking new to the market and unstudied, also pricey af

>> No.20152889

stevia and monk fruit are similar in that their chemicals are shaped like hormones so they make ur hair fall out and make you fat over time.

>> No.20153685

Lol oookay

>> No.20154016

balding fatty

>> No.20154037

>Stevia disrupts the communication between bacteria in the gut.
>"Ten-Week Sucralose Consumption Induces Gut Dysbiosis and Altered Glucose and Insulin Levels in Healthy Young Adults"
Yeah, no thanks.

>> No.20154051

Do you have 5 millions to fund a (((scientific study))) and another 2 millions to (((publish))) it in a (((scientific jewrnal))) ? You can decide the outcome, the hand that gives is always on top.

>> No.20154395

Concession accepted

>> No.20154600

lay off the weed, son

>> No.20154886

Good rule of thumb is that the more processed any given food thing is, the worse it is for you.
>inb4 but everything is processed anon!
Shut up you dumb niggers. You know fucking well what I'm talking about. If you look at an ingredients label and can't pronounce half of it, it's probably terrible for you. Ditto if you can't explain how it's made inside of 3 sentences, tops.

>> No.20154956

That shit is disgusting

>> No.20155255

>Also honey or sweetness from fruits is the most natural sweetener you're gonna get. Fruits get a better score for containing essential fibers.

>> No.20155271

nothing 'makes you' do anything. it's a choice

>> No.20155285

i take shitloads of xifaxan which is related i'm sure in some way to help my guts cause i have liver failure. i'm pretty sure it's killing me and the only time i actually shit is when i stop taking it

>> No.20155464
