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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 469 KB, 1600x1065, 2024ChallengeR1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20147731 No.20147731 [Reply] [Original]

Round 1- Sandwiches!
>But what even counts as a sandwich???
Anything even remotely sandwich-like will be accepted, but sandwich-ness will be taken into account during voting.
If a majority of the votes for an entry consider that entry to be Egregiously Not a Sandwich, the entry will be excluded from the final tally. Dare to enter a taco, calzone, etc.? I'll include your entry in the Voting thread, but the voters will decide how well you've met the challenge goal and whether or not your entry should be counted.

Your sandwich can be as simple or involved as you’d like, but the votes should reflect the amount of effort you put in.

Read the pastebin for the full guidelines:

Don’t like this theme? Submit an entry anyways, and then suggest a better theme along with your entry. Only themes suggested by participants who submit an entry will be considered for the next round.
In the Voting thread, Include “+1 for [theme suggested]” in your vote for an entry to decide the theme for the next round.

You have 8 days starting midnight tonight- good luck, have fun, and get creative!
Competition Opens: Sunday 1/28 @0000 EST
Competition Closes: Sunday 2/4 @2359 EST
Voting Opens: Sunday 2/4 @2000 EST
Voting Closes: Saturday 2/10 @2359 EST

>> No.20147803

Thank the Lord baby Jesus I'm in

>> No.20147812

Do hamburgers count as sandwiches?
There is a lot that can be done with these things...

>> No.20147826

a hamburger is a burger
don't over complicate things, you pedophile

>> No.20147838

Hamburger is shorthand for hamburger sandwich

>> No.20147840

Is a hotdog a sandwich?

>> No.20147845

Sandwiches have separated buns or bread

>> No.20147847


>> No.20147851
File: 1.87 MB, 3104x2328, challenge tokens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well shit, I'm in the middle of moving so wont be able to compete this round (lol). I guess it's only fair to give other anons a chance for once.

>> No.20147853

so cut the bun and it's a sandwich, got it

>> No.20147861

I will include hamburger/hotdog/anything that has any sort of claim to being a sandwich submissions in the Voting thread.
It's up to voters to decide. If they think "Eh, kinda a sandwich." They can take points off of the Challenge Goals category. If they think it absolutely is not a sandwich then they can give 0/5 for challenge goals. If >50% of votes on a submission give 0/5 for Challenge Goals, I won't inlcude the submission in the results.
To play it safe, I would ask "Would most internet food pedants consider this a sandwich?" before thinking of what to submit.

>> No.20147876

Slice the bun, and slice the hotdog
I don't mind giving you the handicap advice

>> No.20147900

Maybe I'll go with corned beef instead of minced beef... but if I use a hamburger bun, will it count as as a hamburger or a sandwich?
I mean, it's the bun that matters, right?
Not what is in it, right?
Oh God, how will I be able to compete when I don't even know if I can qualify in the first place? I'm not autistic enough for this retarded nigger bullshit

>> No.20148088

Shall be contributing. Stay posted

>> No.20148119 [DELETED] 
File: 2.20 MB, 4096x2304, 17064127186618025903348230512526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is an hot dog an sandwich?

>> No.20148153

I'm making cheesesteak.

>> No.20148754

Never done this but I think I’ll participate

>> No.20148829

Can't post images in incognito mode, so only newfags can participate.

>> No.20148841

>he thinks this stops the jews from fingerprinting him

>> No.20148865
File: 66 KB, 689x795, 1706435851017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand what time it starts and ends. But will monitor thread to drool on your sammies

>> No.20148899 [DELETED] 

I never start threads so I don't know what I'm doing in regards to that. Forgive my retardation, probably because I'm
because I'm at work and my phone's adblocker is on?
If you want to start a new thread that would resolve the problem I'd appreciate it, otherwise I guess I will from my PC at home once I get the chance in a few hours.
Started 5 hours and 23 minutes ago, Ends in one week, 18 hours and 36 minutes.

>> No.20148909

>ends in 1 week
Ah damn, can't contribute. Already used my paycheck for alcohol

>> No.20148940

If there's enough interest I'll host another challenge after the voting for this one ends, so hopefully you can participate later.

>> No.20148941

Hello newfag.

>> No.20148997

hello phoneposter

>> No.20149382
File: 36 KB, 750x433, 1631633607994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>back in my day nobody posted images on this image board
I hate election tourists so god damn much.

>> No.20150839

>24 hours
>24 posts
>13 ips
>page 9
>first place entrant from last time already said they wont be competing
>another retarded first round theme almost purposefully designed to be boring and dissuade engagement
Yes, surely this time the /ck/ challenge will be more than just a circle jerk of a dozen people bickering and only voting for themselves.

>> No.20150860

I already did a test-run, the plating didn't work, so I'm going to try a different presentation

>> No.20150993

>another retarded first round theme almost purposefully designed to be boring and dissuade engagement
If you lack the creativity to make a sandwich that isn't boring that's on you.

>> No.20151041

>hurr durr le skill issue
That's the not point you fucking illiterate retard. You said the same shit last year when you defended "pasta", and we all know how that turned out. Since you obviously weren't around when these actually had participation I'm going to do you a favor and list some of the round themes from the last /ck/ challenge that was actually successful.
>childhood favorites
>no heat
>roll for a color
If you don't understand how these are all categorically different than shit like pasta and sandwiches, I can't help you. You are terminally retarded.

>> No.20151110

I agree those are better themes than pasta or sandwiches. If you have good ideas for themes and care enough to participate, wouldn't it be better to suggest them instead of just complaining about how retarded I am?

>> No.20151117

Hm what sandwich should I bepare in order to win I do wonder

>> No.20151119

If you don't make your own bread you deserve to lose.

>> No.20151130

Dozens of themes were suggested last time, along with extensive discussion about why certain themes are better than others, and all of it went ignored. And here you are, doing the exact same shit as last time. There's already another post bringing up the exact same fucking issue we had with the pasta round >>20151119

>> No.20151152

I will not be making my own bread
However for those who choose to I suggest ChainBaker

>> No.20151205
File: 943 KB, 718x541, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda sad I made banh mi a day too early for this first challenge.

>> No.20151212
File: 2.82 MB, 2248x3000, SammichChart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20151220

Effort-based scoring is gay
Food should be easy to make and delicious
I am going to make a fried egg and corned sausage hash from a can sandwich every morning this week and not submit any of them in your contest

>> No.20151235 [DELETED] 

>Some faggot foreign nation taking credit for the Elvis

If I could read your shitty infographic I would at least know who to be mad at because Italy sure as fuck didn't invent that

>> No.20151236

I miss when HearsOnFire rand the /ck/ challenges. Is ProgunIL dead?

>> No.20151238

>effort-based scoring is gay
Yeah, so is masturbating for pleasure, or showering to get clean, or sleeping in order to get rest. What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.20151250

>professional chef with 20+ years of experience starts posting pictures
>now they win every single time because they obviously have been doing this their entire life and career

>> No.20151260

Looking at the archive of last year's challenge results thread, there are 4 suggestions, none of which have more than 2 positive replies, and one of the suggestions was "Grilling".

I'm not saying you're wrong but the suggestions didn't seem to generate much interest.
I admit the sandwich theme isn't the best or the most creative. I'll try to think of a better theme and suggest it for the next round, and I hope other anons do the same.

>> No.20151266

nice looking rolls
egg wash or oil?

>> No.20151270

Your non-sequiturs aside, I will not be participating thoughbeit
nah they'd still lose because some autistic faggot dry aged every ingredient for 7 of the 8 days, flew in exotic spices which go bad quickly and are normally unobtainable in this hemisphere, individually massaged each individual yeast to ensure the quality of the bread, and put a paper thin slice of dragonfruit in the sandwich for extra effort points

>> No.20151273

Yeah it isn't fair how I enter MMA tournaments and lose to pro UFC fighters and jiu-jitsu blackbelts, I thought I could just walk in and be praised for the fact that I tried really hard and hopefully be declared the winner.

Fuck I hate zoomers so much. Do you even know what the word "competition" means?

>> No.20151274

Egg white :)

>> No.20151281

The point of MMA is to win the fight.
The point of cooking is to make something pleasant to eat, not to make something complicated and time-consuming.

>> No.20151283

>the archive of last year's challenge results thread
There was an entire theme suggestion thread before that round started.

>> No.20151289

Okay then why are you even in a thread about a cooking contest? Just make whatever low-effort sandwich you're going to make and eat it and act like you're superior to everyone else because it only took you three minutes to lazily shit out.

>> No.20151294

The point of the /ck/ challenge is to make something that looks good and you'd want to eat, but is also original while adhering to the theme of the round in a creative way.

Also, I've watched MMA before and I'm pretty sure like most forms of gay sex the point is for both participants to ejaculate, but that very rarely seems to happen, so that's not really a great analogy.

>> No.20151304

My bad, I didn't see that one before I made this. I'm nta that hosted last year.
Again I will try to think of a better theme to suggest for next time but I'm not creative when it comes to things like that, so if you have ideas please post them.
I didn't want to discourage participation by making the theme too narrow or intimidating.

>> No.20151307

In MMA and UFC there are weight classes. You don't get put against fighters with higher or lower weight. Good fighters also fight other good fighters. Nobody is taking fights with people far below their level.

So you basically just proved my point.

>> No.20151338

You don't have a point. According to you if I slice some cheese and slap it on two slices of wonderbread I should be given an equal shake to a guy who bakes his own bread from scratch and makes a banh mi with fresh ingredients from his garden.

It's the equivalent of letting a retarded kid into Harvard because he was able to put a round peg into a round hole 1/10 times.

>> No.20151348

Both of you just make a damn sandwich

>> No.20151354

>didn't want to discourage participation by making the theme too narrow or intimidating
That's exactly the same thing the host said last year, almost word for word, and it received immediate pushback. Using an All-Recipes tag as a theme IS narrowing. It specifies exactly what is and isn't acceptable (of course your theme is even worse because it plays into the stupid fucking "is X a sandwich" shitposting meme). It's also not a challenge. There's no interpretation or creativity to it. Challenge goals is scored from 0 to 5 points, but a theme like this is black and white with very little gray. Go back to the "fire" round listed above. The winner of that round roasted shit on a gas stove, broiled shit, grilled shit, torched shit, flambeed shit, and cooked shit with a flaming wad of toilet paper on the edge of a toilet seat. Do you understand how that's a more creative interpretation of the theme than say someone who just built a fire and cooked some skewers of meat over the flames? The latter is still using fire, but they are interpreted in different ways and utilized to different extents. Sandwiches also brings up the exact same issue as pasta, which was the fact that everyone who made pasta from scratch scored higher than everyone who didn't, which is the most obvious way to make the challenge seem intimidating for beginners. It immediately puts you into one of two categories and there's no recovering if you started out as the "store bought" anon and not the "homemade" anon. Everything about it is terrible, most of all the fact that you essentially just made a sandwich general, where anyone who makes a sandwich over the next week can just post it here incidentally. There's nothing wrong with that, but that's not the point of the challenge. You should be able to look at a dish, be told the theme, and go, "ahh, I see." If I posted a ham sandwich and then told you the theme was, "yesterday's lunch" you'd think I was trolling.

>> No.20151358

I like ham sambwich :3

>> No.20151364

Enter ham sambwich
It's the best-selling sambwich in all of French

>> No.20151372

Again you have another erroneous argument. If you put in minimal effort you will be judged at minimal effort. The guy who bakes his own bread from scratch, even if it comes out like dog shit, will get a better score than you.

You don't know how to make analogies, stop.

>> No.20151374

>>But what even counts as a sandwich???

>> No.20151445

Alright, the theme sucks, I understand.
I was just sharing my thought process for choosing it, I should have looked through last year's suggestion thread.
Again, I'll try to think of a better theme and suggest it for the next round. If you'd like to make any more suggestions or criticisms they are welcome. I'm genuinely attempting to inspire creativity and OC. I'll take what you've said into consideration when I'm trying to think of the next theme and I won't post a theme like this again. Thanks for the feedback.

>> No.20151448

>puts pumpkin pie as "bent toast" instead of quiche
why fuck up your own joke

>> No.20151457

it really was so close to being a decent joke. topologically, toast and quiche are identical, but i guess the argument is that a quiche would require the surrounding starch to contain the filling.

>> No.20151487

I feel like it's important to emphasize that a good theme is important because it not only makes the contest more fun and creative, but because it actually evens the playing field in a lot of ways. A quarter of the score is determined by challenge goals, but if it's just a matter of "is this a sandwich?" that becomes a yes or no answer and everything else comes down to skill level. A good theme should allow someone who makes something simple but really creative able to compete with someone who makes something professional tier but completely unoriginal. Since we can't actually taste any of the food, that wild card element of themes that can be interpreted in any number of ways is what really makes it interesting. It also evens the playing field across countries the less specific types of ingredients or tools are required.

>> No.20151518

but the other similar pies were put as quiches

>> No.20151546

Thanks, I get what you're saying and I agree. Sorry for being dismissive at first, I thought you were only here to troll/ call me and my thread retarded.

>> No.20152438

sandwiches are inherently reddit

>> No.20152449
File: 290 KB, 1300x1300, McDonalds_2024_Promo_112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to enter our Double Big Mac®
Four 100% beef patties, a slice of cheese, lettuce, onion and pickles. And the sauce. That unbeatable, tasty Big Mac® sauce.
Have you anons tried it?

>> No.20152488
File: 131 KB, 1024x773, 1000007750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is an idiot a sandwich?

>> No.20152516

Sex with the quibble lady

>> No.20152592

this please

>> No.20152745

Reminder that this is what /ck/ looks like during non-American hours.