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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20138399 No.20138399 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys manage your weight?

>> No.20138403


>> No.20138407

Not very well, but any kind of exercise helps and

>> No.20138410

Swimming laps and lifting weights. I also only eat meat and vegetables, maybe a potato here and there.

>> No.20138414

by looking at it and making adjustments to my diet based on trends

>> No.20138419

>based on trends
What kind of trends

>> No.20138431

You're a pedophile

>> No.20138433

What makes you say that

>> No.20138449

I got a McJob in the grill area and busted ass for a year; lost at least 40lbs, quit, and now that I'm back to NEETing I'm just staying mindful about my eating, not killing myself over eating "a lot", and working out more.

>> No.20138450

I starve myself. I think they call it intermittant fasting

>> No.20138454

It used to be know as food insecurity.

>> No.20138456 [DELETED] 

Report the shit bait thread. Do not engage with it.

>> No.20138457
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Fresh pineapple
Papaya seeds
Pumpkin seeds
Diatomaceous earth (secret weapon)
Every day.
The weight just melts off.

>> No.20138463

your weight dumbass

>> No.20138475
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By not eating too much and staying active. It really doesn't take much more.

>> No.20138490

i dont. im a 400+lb death feeder

>> No.20138492

I only buy shit I have to cook. I'm too lazy to cook so I end up fasting a lot.

>> No.20138503

I anxiously refuse to leave my room for weeks at a time and barely manage to stay hydrated.

>> No.20138508

Well, why?

>> No.20138511

I don't deserve what's outside, anon. My suffering must be more severe.

>> No.20138512

Low quality bait.

>> No.20138521

What did you do?

>> No.20138523

Meal prep and just not buying shit that would fuck up a diet. I can eat a bag of chips in one sitting so I never buy chips. Meal prepping healthy meals means I don't eat out at work or on the way home from work. Simple as that.

>> No.20138524

Don't concern yourself with weight. Weight is only a small part of looking good and feeling good. No point in being a skinnyfat.

Concern yourself with what you're building weight with, and how you're building it. Eat right, lift big things. Muscle is built in the gym, but abs are built in the kitchen.

>> No.20138528

I'm terrible at it. Literally the only thing that works is weighing absolutely every ingredient I use and calculating the total calories with myfitnesspal. I can't have any snack food around the house, ever. The moment I deviate from this I start putting weight on. Anyone who says shit like "your body just adjusts to eating less/healthy food, I don't even want junk food or sugar any more :^)" is a victim of their own selection bias and is projecting

>> No.20138529

kek this or OMAD in the end its all the same shit, just reducing your calorie intake

>> No.20138530
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I can eat fairly indulgently and not gain weight because I have a physical job.
But i want to get skinnier, so ive been cutting down calories. The most helpful thing has been just getting used to feeling mild hunger for a lot of the day. Thats normal, you dont have to feel completely full constantly.

>> No.20138538

I just eat until I'm not hungry
If you're confused drink more

>> No.20138546

Jon Arbuckle, two.

>> No.20138653

throw up everything

>> No.20139017

i dont eat carbs or sugar simply because they are shitty tasting anyway

meat and veg and animal fat

also genetics haha fat fuck

>> No.20139049

If you're a mindless robot. All the good soulful activities in life require physical inertia.

>> No.20139086

Lifting at least three times a week
Eat healthy food for the most part, not pre-made stuff or fast food except occasoinally
If I want soda I drink sugar free
That's mostly it, I eat when I'm hungry. I could certainly be thin though but I'm at a decent weight

>> No.20139106

By having a manual labor job

>> No.20139239

Pretty fat. Trying to lose weight. I make food and put it in 3 containers and eat one container for lunch then another for dinner.
It's worked really well especially with my increased physical activity. The killer for me is eating out. It seems like restaurants always give high calorie food and lot of it. My roommate encourages that too need to find a healthier way of hanging out.

>> No.20139248

Low carb, high protein, low red meat.

>> No.20139274

I dont, im fat as shit

>> No.20139282

If I feel fat I eat less. That’s it.

It helps that my belly gets noticeably bigger with little weight gain.

>> No.20139284

I simply live with the weight

>> No.20139292

I wear a jockstrap as not to dangle.

>> No.20139840
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Use TDEE to calculate the amount of calories you need to eat on a cut. Count all of your calories meal by meal on a daily basis and record them in a spreadsheet, making sure not to go over your weekly allowance. Keep a log of your weight week to week. Supplementing black coffee and nicotine gum decreased my calorie consumption by 33% and let me drop 35 lbs over a few months. Do some sort of exercise, I hate cardio but a beginner weightlifting routine a couple times a week is still enough to burn fat, I like curls, romanians, overhead press and pushups. Currently experimenting with T3 thyroid hormone, only a week in at about 500 mcg a day spread over two doses but Ive dropped another 5 lbs without changing my eating or exercise habits. Might try clenbuterol just out of curiosity. I will make it out of skinnyfatdom.

>> No.20139849

I do intermittent fasting and I've started drinking diet sodas to neutralize all of the bad calories. Basically, what I do for fasting is I go to sleep every night and I don't eat anything until I wake up.

>> No.20139859

Best way I have found is to just not buy excess food. You will not eat snacks and junk food if you do not have it within easy reach.

>> No.20139861

I only eat cereal and ramen

>> No.20139862


>> No.20139867

seafood diet

>> No.20139874

>Track the calories I consume: I use the LoseIt app to punch in the calories (Or the best estimate) of the meals I eat and see how many I have in my daily budget
>Do thirty minutes of cardio (treadmill) at least three times a week, supplemented by taking walks on my lunch hour at work. , I also drink a black coffee beforehand as caffeine boosts your metabolism and makes you burn more calories, and it works as a slight appetite suppressant as well
>Related to appetite suppressants, skipping meals: If I know I want something bad like fast food or a fatty steak, I'll skip breakfast (And maybe lunch too) to ensure that I don't go over my daily calorie budget
>Replacing fatty substances with lower-calorie alternatives: sour cream with greek yogurt, cream cheese with Light Laughing Cow wedges, heavy cream with half and half etc.

>> No.20139930

by not caring

>> No.20140191

>so i never buy
it's literally this easy, i don't know why so many people either don't realize or don't do this.
>oh however did this bag of chips get into my cart, guess i better buy them and eat them all!
i can understand the urge but you have to swallow your pride and put them back otherwise you just reinforce the behavior and make it even harder for yourself.

>> No.20140193

nicotine and intermittent fasting

>> No.20140220

yeah simply not buying stuff like chips, bread, or sweets is huge.

>> No.20140282


>> No.20140323

type 2 diabetes hands wrote this post

>> No.20140327

Staying thin while feeling good honestly requires so much fucking effort that it's just not worth it over being happy and content with a bit of a belly.

>> No.20140341

I only get snacks once in a while.

>> No.20140762

Expending calories through frequent rough sex with Uiharu

>> No.20140778

I don’t eat breakfast ever, or lunch most days. One meal at dinner time. This lets me drink 4-5 drinks per night without gaining weight. If I want to lose weight, I cut out the booze, or just add cocaine and skip dinner too.

>> No.20140826

How do you have energy to do anything during the day?

>> No.20140835

I started drnking diet soda, marching in place, and stopped over indulging in desserts.

>> No.20140861


>> No.20140871

Gym 5-6 days a week. Oculus Move goals. Eat keto or at least low-carb most of time. I'm 41 and still skinny and get mistaken for a college student.

>> No.20141028

What do you do at the gym?

>> No.20141045

i don't, always fluctuates a few kilo's. but not drinking alcohol in weekdays really matters. also stimulants (like amphetamine) can help, especially when binged for 24-48 hours. downside is that you will get extra hunger few days after binge.

>> No.20141048

I don't eat until I get home from work. I also have to walk a couple miles for work too.

>> No.20141051

I don't eat when I'm not hungry. I only drink water.

>> No.20141053

Look for grilled chicken or sirloin on a menu.

>> No.20141063


>> No.20141185

I have a desk job, it’s super easy. Usually I’ll have coffee in the morning, too. If all else fails, cocaine.

>> No.20141189

Ah I see. What do you do at the desk?

>> No.20141338


>> No.20141691

I jerk off into tissues and then rub them all my coworkers keyboard when she's not looking

>> No.20141912

replace everything with eggs

>> No.20142019

>How do you guys manage your weight?

Everyone is different but ultimately it takes a lot of discipline. I could go on a diet tomorrow of only 1,000 calories supplemented with vitamins if I wanted to lose a ton of weight quickly.

>> No.20142028
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>> No.20142042
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I don't

>> No.20142047
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Calculate your daily macronutrient intake, go into a caloric deficit if you need to lose weight
Prep your meals Sun-Fri, prevents temptation, cheat on Saturdays
Exercise at least three times per week, preferably weights + light cardio

/fit/+/ck/ gang

>> No.20142064

This. Not eating them when you have them is difficult (for most), not buying them is easy.

>> No.20142074

A boring diet of avoiding processed sugar, sugar substitutes, pork, dairy, and gluten. Once in a while I'll get a acid reflux if I've simply been eating too much, so I'll dial the calorie intake back a bit.

>> No.20142075


>> No.20142083
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>> No.20142092

I used to work in construction doing a fairy labour intensive job, and I never ate breakfast. Only had a cup of coffee in the morning. Never lacked energy ever.

>> No.20142095

Also, change up the meal recipes every week and you won't get bored

I usually cycle between chicken teriyaki with sesame seeds and Japanese rice, jerk chicken with rice and peas, chilli con carne and quinoa, pasta in marinara with turkey or fish, thai green curry with jasmine rice and almonds
Overnight oats are god-tier for breakfast
Wraps or sandwiches for lunch

Meal preparation will save you time, money and unnecessary calories

>> No.20142098

what meat do you guys eat every week?

for me its something like this

>monday - chicken breast
>tuesday - chicken breast
>wednesday - salmon
>thursday - chicken breast
>friday - chicken breast
>saturday - steak
>sunday - protein shake as main meal

>> No.20142099

Time goes by pretty quick when you're on the move a lot and focused on your work.

>> No.20142102

I just randomly choose between egg and potato, with a side of frozen vegetables. occasionally I will have chicken thighs or chicken sausage

>> No.20142109

I can smell you through the screen, fujoshit

>> No.20142114

How do I find a girl like this?

>> No.20142179

you have to draw them

>> No.20142226

i don't i'm fucking fat

>> No.20142250

are you poor, anon?

>> No.20142273

Yes, give monnie

>> No.20143048

This thread was moved to >>>/fit/73431105