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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 306 KB, 1216x1243, 1706142495391746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20138747 No.20138747 [Reply] [Original]

That's it gaijin that a step too far.

>> No.20138750

yea hate it, koreans are worse though. what with their moaning and screaming witch each bite
gay thread though
*rapes your mom* problem?

>> No.20138766

Was the /pol/ thread not enough?

>> No.20138768

>even knowing this was on pol
you have to go back >>>/pol/

>> No.20138771


>> No.20138778
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>> No.20138779


>> No.20138784

Nice link, check mine out

>> No.20138787

go back, we don't want you here polcel

>> No.20138790

Nah, cry about it ckcel

>> No.20138797

post hand

>> No.20138844
File: 487 KB, 2048x1536, 1702033525056854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan has been taking nothing but massive L's lately. Dunno why the world can't just suck less.

>> No.20138848

shit looks good when you aint got a fag in your ear whining how yucky it is

>> No.20138850
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Nah I agree, all that japanese food looks bomb but lets not pretend japan itself hasn't been getting fucked over a lot the past few decades. I mean, it's really starting to fucking suck everywhere but ya know, since OP wanted to be a faggot about this topic in particular.

>> No.20138871

dont care, food looks good, yummy indeed

>> No.20138875
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You caring wouldn't make a difference dumdum.

>> No.20138880

yea so no need to even acknowledge it on the foodboard in the first place.
what kinda fish is that?
had okinawan pork belly a bit ago, was insanely good

>> No.20138882

That's true, but if you can't eat without making that sound you better stay out of the civilized world.

>> No.20138884

unagi da

>> No.20138891

somehow i thought one of the bigger parts was some part of the tail lol. kinda nice how their eel culture is still alive.

>> No.20138922

it just barely hangs on in the UK

>> No.20138948

That's because they're just fucking steamed or jellied, at least they're grilled in Japan

>> No.20138958

Yeah I think if we still served eel hot people would eat it more but the main reason it's dying out in the UK is that the eels were fished from rivers lile the Thames that were too polluted
They might come back now the Thames is cleaner

>> No.20138964

I don't mind them slurping but seeing someone crack a raw egg on rice and eat the raw white ruined my appetite
yolk, fine, but how do you stomach the raw white???

>> No.20139233

They always want others to bend over backwards for their convenience. A race of Karens.

>> No.20140450

>it pisses me off
>go to another country
>their ways piss me off
JFC go home
It just goes against my sense of politeness to try to take part, a Japanese friend challenged me to so I did though.

>> No.20140528

I WILL go to Japan and talk on the phone in the train. Retarded social norms deserve to be broken.

>> No.20140545

>They always want others to bend over backwards for their convenience.
that's based tho? wouldn't expect an amerishart like you to understand.

>> No.20140571

Based nigger

>> No.20140576

Japs are autists, there's nothing wrong with niggers talking on the train if they aren't rambunctious.

>> No.20140578

Whats that one fish that looks like a slimy dick. I think they serve it in omakase to fuck with you

>> No.20140580 [DELETED] 

Based nigger

>> No.20140582

Geoduck, chinks eat em alive and well. Looks gay.

>> No.20140777

That's actually good news, they will finally get back to trad Japan again and I will move there in a heartbeat
I hope it will happen very soon

>> No.20140779

I think that's an eel judging by the shape and fat content looks

>> No.20140796

>calling someone a /pol/cel
>asks someone to post their hand like a typical /pol/ user

>> No.20140960

libsharts have been mindbroken by /pol/ into doing their bidding.

>> No.20140985

what is this dish called, it looks real good

>> No.20140994
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I get irrationally angry over the sound of people eating but slurping or loud chewing never bothered me, it's always been when they eat their food is some fucking weird and annoying way that the frenzy kicks in. I think it stems from the fact that my sister used to chew her food with her front teeth, I'm getting annoyed just remembering it

>> No.20141023
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>> No.20141143

D-.. do japanese women slurp dick loudly in the same way? Uwu

>> No.20141155


>> No.20141194

The heat from the rice cooks the egg.

>> No.20141206


>> No.20141217

>making loud and intrusive noises on the train is bad
>making loud and intrusive noises in the restaurant is good
Explain your thought process, and it better not be some is-ought "that's how it's done around there" bullshit.

>> No.20141220

textbook misophonia

>> No.20141230

Just chewing with an open mouth for me. Everything else is okay I guess.

>> No.20141334

I agree with the slants on this one. Multiculturalism sucks people need their own countries and customs without retards trying to take over ... that goes for nipland as well as white countries.
If you are a tourist somewhere show some respect or stay home

>> No.20141356 [DELETED] 

Niggers = bad

Literally no one would care if they were 100% gone and the crime rate would go down. If you tell a nigger to stop talking to loud they will chimp out and punch you. Japanese won't.

>> No.20141369

I rather slurp noodles than be a fag trying to quietly shovel down noodles into my mouth and looking like a fool.

>> No.20141371

I am undiagnosed autistic and the only time I hate hearing people eat is when I'm angry and I hate or am frustrated with the person who is making them
It confuses me when normies say that they hate hearing other people eat

>> No.20141391

Keep your mouth shut while you chew, autshit.

>> No.20141401

Is that the impression my post gave?
No my parents taught me to chew with my mouth closed when I was around 9 years old and I've done it that way ever since

>> No.20141406
File: 80 KB, 1136x640, 1639922510851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres a Korean cunt at my office who eats his noodles like he is a pig eating his favorite pile of shit. Its insane how disgusting some Asians can be when they eat.

>> No.20141467

They slurp ramen to show respect to the chef, mutt

>> No.20141489

Misophonia is common as fuck in actual diagnosed autistic people.

>> No.20141493

Yeh it's pretty obtuse, but then so is dictating what others do in their own home. I guess I would just eat in my hotel room.

>> No.20141502

Well I have misophonia towards very loud noises like trucks driving past or sudden noises in the cinema

>> No.20141516

Eating like a wild boar is a pretty stupid way to show respect.

>> No.20141543

Speak for yourself.

>> No.20141646

its fucking bbq eel=unagi
on rice=don
like wtf it doesn't need a name
grilled eel on rice, you're just asking for a translation to jap
you can get grilled eel in a can at any slanteye shop in america, dump it on a tray of rice and throw in oven till warm/crispy
just fucking look at the picture
fucking hate you faggots

>> No.20141670

Jesus anon I just wanted to know what it's called, I don't know much about japanese food. No need to be a jerk.

>> No.20141679

and my comment is that you can LOOK and SEE it is GRILLED EEL on RICE
there's nothing fancy
it's not a dish with a name
it's jap slop
you asking for a name of what it is is just being a fuckin weeb

>> No.20141688

I just wanted to look it up so I could see what kind of sauce it's made with or if there's anything else to it that doesn't meet the eye. Sorry for asking about a dish on a board about food and cooking.
And if I were a weeb I'd know what eel and rice are called in japanese, you're the one getting upset that someone doesn't know that.

>> No.20141693

It just looked like fish over rice, I would never have guessed eel specifically. Was the store out of tampons or something?

>> No.20141707

then your question should be 'what protein/fish is that?'
dish implies a process of production

>> No.20141716

it's eel. covered in eel sauce. on rice

>> No.20141742

How am I supposed to know what eel sauce is or looks like? I've never had it. And like >>20141707 (not me) said I didn't immediately recognize it was eel. Why would I ask "what kind of fish is that and what kind of sauce is that and is there anything else in it not apparent in the picture and does it have a name that isn't just its apparent ingredients in a language I don't speak" when I can just ask "what's this called?"
You're getting really angry for no reason, typing in all caps and absolutely furious that someone doesn't recognize a food from a foreign country and would dare to ask what it is. If you just replied helpfully with a real answer like the first person did or just ignored it you wouldn't be here getting angry over a simple question that was already answered over two hours ago. This is one of the most ridiculous arguments I've had here and that's obviously saying something.

>> No.20141752

>EMPHASIZED capitalization
i'm both the people you're referring to
how tf do you not know what unagi is and have an interest in that 'dish'
also it's obviously slop made in america based on the glass cube baking dish.

>> No.20141778

Yeah sorry I meant to quote >>20141693
Why am I not allowed to be interested in trying something I am unfamiliar with? For instance I've never had shark and I don't really know what it looks like but I'd like to try it.

>> No.20141797

I answered you question and I told you why you're a faggot
you're welcome
it's delicious btw

>> No.20141814
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I mean someone answered it already without calling me a faggot a couple of hours ago so this whole thing has been kind of unnecessary then. And I've been pretty polite to you all things considered. I'm just disappointed anon.
>it's delicious btw
It better be if I'm going to find the one Asian food store within 100 miles to get some OOOONAGI and OOOONAGI sauce to put on my DON

>> No.20141819
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i was also that anon

>> No.20141823
File: 652 KB, 375x268, 1575815383419.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well... thanks I guess

>> No.20141832

The sound of people eating isn't even a thought in my mind until I think about, then that's all I can think about it and it bothers me.
I hope I forget this by tomorrow

>> No.20141840

>find the one Asian food store within 100 miles to get some
they have a lot of cool stuff
>ceramic spoons
>cheap knives
>strainer spoons
>frozen dumplings
>fish jerky
be thorough in the store, i buy tons of shit I have no idea what it is for fun. the hardware section is actually usually solid af

>> No.20141855


>> No.20141856

I'll check it out. Though if it's anything like the Mexican and German stores I've been to here it will rape my wallet but that's okay.
are you calling me a faggot

>> No.20141893


This your pic? Was it Kyoto? Looks like almost

>> No.20142008

I thought that was literally every other asian country with Japan being the only outlier that doesn't smack their slips and slap noodles over their face whipping their backs with it and turning to your face let out a smelly ass OOOAAAHH exhale in your direction while eating.

>> No.20142524

whats worse is when they have a runny nose. I can endure some slurping but that nose shit makes me cringe a little everytime

>> No.20142544

I show my respect by eating the meal and paying. How is being loud and rude being respectful?

>> No.20142551

Asians were uplifted by whites out of a feudalist medieval society so part of their customs from that era stuck and mix with a modern facade

>> No.20142575

Asians are weird about that.

>endless sniffling and snorting
>blowing your nose for 2 seconds

>> No.20142578

He's speaking for me too

>> No.20142581

Tbh i would rather they just let it drip in some tissue within the mask instead of making that noise im not comfortable making that noise either so this would be what i would do anyway

>> No.20142742

Both are good actually. I'm sorry to see your millennial brain can only see the world ironically.
Like that african gentleman said >>20140528
>retarded social norms deserve to be broken

>> No.20142746

Kino, the japs have perfected TV.

>> No.20142750

Sounds more like PTSD

>> No.20142981

So is this why mukbang was a thing? Is eating loud a common cultural thing in Asia?

>> No.20143018

Just google "asian noodle slurp"
I mean it could just be a meme, I've never been around Asians while they eat, but trying to eat noodles with chopsticks seems like a messy and noisy affair.

>> No.20143121

Baka gaijin, the heat of the slurp cooks the eggs

>> No.20143296

Japanese ramen broth is hot.
If you don't slurp it up, you'll burn yourself.

>> No.20143305

>completely ruins your clothes with oil stains
heh, nothing personell

>> No.20143317

ESL retard.

>> No.20143324

Are you baiting or what

>> No.20143345

That's because you're not slurping very well.
Actually, you are not slurping, you are inhaling.
In addition, there are various ways to avoid bouncing, such as the use of chopsticks.

Dyson man

>> No.20143348

He can be here anon all are welcome just don't break the rules.

>> No.20143366

I know there's a proper technique but no matter how fast you do it, noodles are still flapping around with sauce around them. I believe curry udon places straight up give you a napkin bib.

>> No.20143406

One of the reasons for this is probably taking too much at once.
Secondly, most Asians can do it, but they keep grabbing the noodle lightly with chopsticks.
This keeps the noodles from moving too much and prevents oil and broth from splashing around.

>> No.20143422

I guess if you're eating ramen or somen it's alright, but thick noodles like udon? You're gonna make a Pollock

>> No.20143442

When it comes to udon, you can grab even less.
Or just inhale once and bite off halfway through.

>> No.20143446
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*grabs a fork*

>> No.20143461

and you took it, good lil fish

>> No.20143462

I'm an average Japanese, so I don't understand English sarcasm and jokes.
Please explain in a way that even a young child can understand.

>> No.20143907


>> No.20143942
File: 715 KB, 1000x667, ZyJ9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't want the udon to bounce, open your mouth and inhale slowly
Or, if you hold the bowl and eat it, the broth won't bounce at all.

You can ask for a spoon with it.

>> No.20143965
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>> No.20143998

this, asians are still medieval mentally

>> No.20144101

>endless sniffling and snorting
JFC my chinese girlfriend and her parents are terrible with this. I think her sisters are significantly more polite, I haven't heard them sniff at all

>> No.20144107
File: 617 KB, 1920x1080, xenoblade-chronicles-3-future-redeemed-combat2-2621725799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and now you understand JRPG UIs.

>> No.20144215

peak 4chan

>> No.20144254 [DELETED] 

No, you need to go back. You piece of shit. Stop fucking up our board! Fucking Nazi scum.



>> No.20144281

Wtf I'm gay now

>> No.20144867

asian markets are notoriously cheap

>> No.20145983

>Crowd goes "EHHHHHHH?"

>> No.20146034
File: 96 KB, 1022x925, 1698898526957688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>autism: the face
weird how you can just see it... plain as day

>> No.20146130

I don't mind people slurping noodles or soups at dinner, but I can't stand people eating more solid foods with their mouth open. Slurping and chomping on a piece of pizza like some disgusting savage.

Absolutely should be the cultural norm everywhere. No one wants to hear your god damned "conversation."
90% of the blacks and 30% of pretty much everyone else I see walking around a store is yakking into their god damned phones, saying absolutely nothing of worth, polluting the natural serenity of life with their jibber-jabber.
Wrong. People need to shut the fuck up. At least talk to each other in person and not yell into your fucking cellphone on speakerphone.

>> No.20146975

Anons can I get paid to talk in weird broken engrish without actually knowing japanese and say things bombastically insulting to autistic japanese social conventions in order for it to be used as stock footage for asian ragebait? would like india or thailand or china be a better market than japan?
it occurred to me there's a gold mine of precious social conventions that are believably weird to westerners and asians tend to rage easily and not realize if it's bait, how do I exploit this for money?

>> No.20146992

Tom Green already did it.

>> No.20147235

Whiteu piggu go home

>> No.20147239

>Frenchmen being insufferable especially when outside of their home country

Nothing new. Jap man is right.

>> No.20147246

What is that in between the sea urchin and roe?

>> No.20147604

back to led dit

>> No.20147792
