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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 228 KB, 546x543, chrome_4fi4lANQdu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20141420 No.20141420 [Reply] [Original]

uh.. frozen fried convenience chicken bros? where we stand on this?

>> No.20141435

I've eaten bugs before. Lobster and melted butter is delicious. I also ate a shit ton of spicy bugs in Vietnam. I would never eat a land bug in the USA.

>> No.20141465

Tyson has always been shit. They bring in Somolians to replace locals.

>> No.20141479

>I've eaten bugs before. Lobster
lobsters aren't bugs

>> No.20141500

I'm aware. I used to work on my grandfather's lobster boat.

>> No.20141504

did you also work on his tube steak

>> No.20141507

Does driving him to a massage parlor count?

>> No.20141526

Bugss are garbage compared to lobsters.

>> No.20141527

only if you were the masseuse
no stolen valor

>> No.20141549

Land bugs are filled with goop, they don’t have actual flesh like sea bugs.

>> No.20141692 [DELETED] 

wahhhhh, keep crying ho

>> No.20141695


>> No.20141705

Shocker, the company that forced the jab is globohomo

>> No.20141706 [DELETED] 


>Tyson partners with insect company to make things like petfood
>dumbest right wing types REEEE THEY'RE FORCING US TO EAT BUGS

>> No.20141710 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 645x729, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your life is just one big brainlet.jpg pic

>> No.20141732 [DELETED] 

You're gonna feed your pet bugs? May as well feed him your fucking feces. You're a fucking retarded communist nigger. I bet you think Biden won legitimately.
You're such a stupid fucking retarded tranny nigger. I bet you think John Oliver is funny.

>> No.20141755 [DELETED] 

I don't even know whether this is someone who went retarded from /pol/ posting or whether someone is parodying posts from that shitty board

>> No.20141809

Do you get paid to say shit like this or do actually do it for free?
Have fun with your fibril fibrin amyloidosis

>> No.20141825

This is a slippery slope.
>inb4 slippery slope isn’t real
Current year +9 has proven the slippery slope theory is not a fallacy.

>> No.20141833

>Current year +9 has proven the slippery slope theory is not a fallacy
Fucking how?

>> No.20141869

trans kids

>> No.20141891

Gamergate is a pretty good example.
>we just want more diversity in gaming
>AAA gaming industry is crashing
Comic books is another one
>we just want more diversity in comics
>one manga sells more copies in the US than the entirety of American comics
Do we even need to talk about the state of film and television?