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File: 148 KB, 1300x956, japanese-wasabi-sauce-soy-sauce-and-pickled-ginger-F72ANA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20138235 No.20138235 [Reply] [Original]

>comes with every plate
>no one touches it

Is there bigger waste in the culinary world? I can't think of another side or condiment that goes from the table to the trash as quickly as this shit.

>> No.20138240

I literally eat this every time it's served

>> No.20138246

well we are drôle today aren't we

>> No.20138254

You touch and dab sparingly. 90% ends up in the trash or reconstituted for the next customer

>> No.20138255

>I am scared of wasabi
>therefore no one has ever used these condiments and are wasteful

>> No.20138256

>>comes with every plate
>everyone uses it except OP who is a queer which is why she's baiting
Bait thread hidden.

>> No.20138259

i tend to use all of it
maybe some soy sauce left over

>> No.20138263


>> No.20138276

So are you frosting your morsals like a cake with the Wasabi or are you cleaning out the dishes with your index finger.

No need to lie here,, no one's is impressed.

>> No.20138290


>> No.20138294

i put a fair amount of wasabi on a roll sometimes, like 2 tsp maybe. not always that much, i'll vary from one roll to another
dip in soy sauce
top with ginger or just eat those themselves. they're good

>> No.20138296
File: 176 KB, 1024x1024, OIG4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tend not to have any soy sauce leftover because at one or several points in the meal I'll drop my sushi right into the little bowl and it goes everywhere

>> No.20138299



>> No.20138304

Whenever I get a lunch special at the local sushi place, I use most of the ginger and wasabi they give me. It's a really nice flavor combination.

>I can't think of another side or condiment that goes from the table to the trash as quickly as this shit.

The little sprig of parsley that every mid-tier restaurant in existence adds as garnish that serves no purpose besides making the dish look slightly fancier. Most people seem to just pluck it off and put it aside.

>> No.20138309

back in the 80s a lot of times those were actually plastic, I learned the hard way :[

>> No.20138317


>> No.20138327

I miss the plastic grass in sushi trays. It reminds me of the days before they were reduced from ten to eight pieces of sushi.

>> No.20138332

Naughty sushi boy.

>> No.20138570

I eat all of the ginger

>> No.20138633

as a party trick, next time you go out with your friends to eat sushi, just grab the whole ball of wasabi and eat it

>> No.20138725

My wife loves pickled ginger. Whenever we go out to get sushi, she will eat all of her pickled ginger and usually some of mine as well.
I've never liked it t b h. I prefer soy sauce + wasabi mixture.

>> No.20138755
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>> No.20138764

I sometimes eat wasabi but I prefer ponzu over soy sauce. I don't touch ginger.

>> No.20138823

>xe thinks they're getting real wasabi
you're getting dyed horse radish or some shit

>> No.20138859
File: 168 KB, 1049x978, E9bEsZ2VEAEp5pC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20138867

I eat all the ginger, I like it so much that I even put it on my sushi for flavour.

>> No.20138911


>> No.20139014
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I eat the ginger by the finger full once I'm done with my sushi, pour the rest of the soysauce over my chirashi rice, and treat the "wasabi" like the cinnamon challenge. If I think the gook waitress is cute enough I'll puke on the floor instead of all over the table.

>> No.20139019

>no one touches it
Do yuropoors really?

>> No.20139023

Most people have never tasted real wasabi, I strongly suspect I probably haven't. I heard real wasabi is actually not that spicy.

>> No.20139028

>AI art still can't quite do simple cartoon hands

>> No.20139032
File: 177 KB, 1024x1024, OIG3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah. this one's not too bad in the hands department but the rest of it is pretty off-script

>> No.20139087

low effort bait

>> No.20139091

soy as far as I can tell

>> No.20139135 [DELETED] 


>> No.20139138


>> No.20139141

I fuck with the ginger and wasabi but I'll barely touch the soy sauce. I'll have some on one piece then leave it. I don't like soy sauce as a condiment. I do like it as an ingredient when cooking or making marinades though.

>> No.20139148

I use all three. Ginger I'll dog entirely, wasabi I rarely use it all but I will use a significant amount. Shits good

>> No.20139173

but agnon-san, there's literally no salt or even savoury in sushi, the soy sauce is the only thing that completes the experience

>> No.20139193

My wife eats all the ginger every time. The green colored horse radish is shit.

>> No.20139223

SO, for the 'CRIME' of putting soy sauce on the piece of fish, he thinks it's OK to talk about ASS-FUCKING in this TEMPLE!!!!

>"Calm down Mr Miyagi" was the CHAD response.

>> No.20139225
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Yeah reddit weeb probably got his teeth smashed out

>> No.20139235

Don't care. Once you put soy sauce on it just tastes like soy sauce.

>> No.20139265

Mentally female.

>> No.20139266
File: 2.52 MB, 704x1407, save.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too. I'm a flavour man. Let's say I'm mincing cloves of garlic for a meatloaf or something... I'll sometimes just chomp-down a raw clove because I can't get enough foods. Shaved ginger? Count me in! It seems wasteful, but there's no wastefulness while I'm around bros and hoes. Call me a garburator-gut, but I like to think of myself as more of a cutting-board connaisseur.

>> No.20139267
File: 97 KB, 185x269, overconfident_03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're using too much. try dipping the fisch in the sauce, and not the rice.

temperance is the practice of a civilized man, anon

>> No.20139295

It's already perfectly sauced.

>> No.20139297

I like horseradish

>> No.20140216


>> No.20140258

I use all three. Don't know what's wrong with your tastebuds buddy/

>> No.20140273

I drench my sushi in the soy sauce until there's no more left. I'll eat the ginger too but only a dab of wasabi, picrel is way too much.

>> No.20140824

How could anyone sit there with a cook smack in front of you, handing you your food piece by piece? Have a waitress put a plate in front of me ffs.

>> No.20140876

Eating out is an experience. Stay home if you want to gorge out of a trough.

>> No.20140892

Very marrant indeed.

>> No.20140913

> Fucking Philistine

The ginger should be eaten before your first piece and in between each different type to cleanse your palate. But when your palate is only used to hot sauce covered grade c meats I guess it goes to waste…

>> No.20143290

I eat the ginger and dabble with the soy sauce. I don't touch the Wasabi typically