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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 69 KB, 1342x756, Steven Reed - Weber Cooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20134586 No.20134586 [Reply] [Original]

Hello wildcats. What are the last 3 meals you prepared?

>> No.20134589

"ready for you to eat it"

>> No.20134590

wasn’t this guy a child rapist or something

>> No.20134600

Costs about a dollar. It'll turn out great.

>> No.20134668

he didnt really do anything bad

>> No.20134670

Thai curry
>Fried chicken, mushrooms, peppers, onions, garlic, raisins
>Add half a can of coconut milk, water, green Thai curry paste
>Let it simmer, take it off the heat and add crushed cilantro and lime juice
>Serve with rice or as a soup

Raspberry shake
>Mix a couple cups of tufu with a couple cups of frozen raspberries
>Add water, stevia, a squirt of lime, and blend it all up

Peanut butter banana shake
>Frozen ripe bananas
>Creamy, sugar-free peanut butter
>Add water, stevia, blend it up

>> No.20134681

Child rape is bad, anon.

>> No.20134686

he was a sex offender, but that means nothing unless you know the context

>> No.20134712

Was it really child rape though or did feds just honey trap him posing as a 17 year old girl?

>> No.20134745

Do you have a source to back that up?

>> No.20134945

17 is still child rape

>> No.20134960

I mean...I'M not a sex offender. Must've done something stupid. At the very least, he's capable of making decisions so bad it puts him on a sex offender registry. Probably not someone worth listening to.

>> No.20134967


>> No.20134986
File: 13 KB, 450x675, hello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20134992

gas all paedos

>> No.20135043

I'm beginning to think this is an off-topic thread...

>> No.20135133

So tell us what you cooked, nigga

>> No.20135302

It was public urination. Don't know what that still gets people on the sex offender list especially given all of the peeping toms/flashers etc that are way worse, plus the actual sexual assault perps/rapists

>> No.20135337

Brekkie: Bourdain's eggs and some toast.
Lunch Julia's chicken diablo, sort off (I made her sauce, but used cut up thing meat) some reheated rice.
Dinner shitty tacos as we got the kids to baseball and volleyball practice.

>> No.20135342

*thigh, but thing is funny.

>> No.20135499

Reverse chronilogical order:
>Dinner tonight: Baked potatoes, roasted veggies w/ olive oil/ lemon pepper (broccoli, zucchini, mushrooms, green beans), kit kat ice cream cone for dessert.
>Dinner two nights ago: More roasted veggies to go with wife's pulled pork.
>Breakfast that day: Ham & mushroom omelettes.

I guess I've been slacking, haven't made breakfast in last 48 hours, we've just been fending for ourselves. Lunch is usually a sandwich (I didn't count that as preparing a meal) and I have a fruit & protein smoothie every day, but again, I wouldn't say that's cooking.

>> No.20135512

Roast pork
Spaghetti Bolognese

>> No.20135519

- A quesadilla made with the leftover refried beans, meat, and pico de gallo from last night's burritos.
- pita bread and a few little cheese buns but it was the same batch of dough so it counts as one thing.
- Artisanal sandwich made with home made pita bread, cheddar, bespoke hummus, and some old wilted leftover salad that was starting to pickle in the balsamic vinaigrette.

>> No.20135523

learn to spell you dumb faggot

>> No.20135526

damn u right, how did I not notice that

>> No.20137269

..pissing in public is a sex crime whaat?

>> No.20137278

If near a school zone , which it was even thought it was after dark and no childrens present

>> No.20137408
File: 47 KB, 200x200, ff36316be52b424e8bfc23f1a45f7295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His criminal history and his death are all made up by Reddit neckfats. If you take a couple minutes to research any of the claims, you'll see the only evidence for it is a supposed screenshot of a sex offender registry page, a "mugshot", and later, an obituary.

The mugshot was the photo from his student ID, the "screenshot" was just fabricated editing details on an existing page and pasting in his student ID photo. The obituary is an entirely different guy.

The real Steven Reed, pictured left, is alive and well and still attends alumni events. He was never charged much less convicted of anything (Weber State doesn't accept sex offenders roaming around campus you fucking dumbasses). Quit falling for retarded Reddit shit.

>> No.20137411

You're saying its ok to urinate on a child as long as its in public???

>> No.20137413

Sex offenders are totally allowed to to go college, just like your mom.

I dont know about the death thing but he for sure was on the sex offender site. We used to link it here back when this was a fresh meme

>> No.20137420

No, you didn't, you linked to an archive of it, which was actually an archive of a fake page a Redditor threw up just to archive and then immediately took down once he had his snapshot. There's a reason you'll not find one official record of any of it, because it's made up.

>> No.20137442

>Sex offenders are totally allowed to to go college

He wouldn't be allowed anywhere near campus, certainly not chilling in the AV club making videos with 17 year olds.


>> No.20137454

Easy to get a waiver for that

>> No.20137470
File: 93 KB, 1318x805, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So your crime was sexual contact with a minor? Here's your "waiver" bruh, enjoy being unsupervised around our thousands of supple young minors.

>> No.20137511

Careful guys! Your bishop will pull your temple recommend if he finds out you're posting on 4chan.

Reported to the area authority.

>> No.20137522

yes anon, flashing someone is a sex crime, which is technically what public urination is.

>> No.20137933
File: 281 KB, 450x600, 1703202870675666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be steve reed
>obviously massive alcoholic judging by gut
>discover I'm pretty good at making quick shitfaced microwave meals for the whole family to enjoy
>nervously decide to share my discovery with the world, maybe something positive will come out of my abyss of an existence
>take a day off after hard days work microwaving cheese sauce, grab a beer from the local 7-11
>oh man still kinda ripped from last night, need a piss
>end up on the sex offender register

>> No.20137939

oh shit

>> No.20138701

breakfast: a bowl of lima bean, broccoli, cauliflower and ham soup (I made a big pot a few days ago)

lunch: 2 soft-boiled eggs and a spinach and cucumber salad with balsamic vinaigrette

dinner: salami sandwich with pickles and cheddar cheese and pico de gallo on whole wheat bread

dessert: 3 medjool dates

altogether a little over 1,500 calories (I'm on a diet)

>> No.20138718

Bone in pork ribs pan fried with black pepper, powdered garlic and onions, and then just before it's fully cooked, chocolate navel oranges which taste like lime without the sourness.

>> No.20138849
File: 1.47 MB, 1194x690, chug wash.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken curry in crock pot.

Chicken Chili in crock pot.

Slow cooked potatos in crock pot

>> No.20138851

Thats why respectable drunks make an effort to hide behind a dumpster or something, saw one downtown that went to an intersection and whipped it out to piss like a shameless savage

>> No.20138855
File: 1.53 MB, 1194x690, hobomaxing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats why I would always just piss myself in public to not take the chance of getting a piss or exposure charge, its not illegal to have an accident

>> No.20138950

Last to third last:

Ragú with pasta

Greek salad with herb-roasted chicken thigh and rice

Mackerel and tomato sauce with quinoa and a side green salad.

>> No.20139242

unless your at a fag parade

>> No.20139246

fried eggs, baklava, and pesto shrimp linguine

>> No.20139263

Google seems to think that in the places where it is a sexual offense, it's only if there's kids around, and even then some places do specifically require a sexual intent.

>> No.20139351

Everything you made smells like farts. Are you on the Dr Butthole diet?

>> No.20141072

beans don't make you fart if you eat them every day
after about 2 weeks of eating beans the farts go away
I eat beans every day because they're cheap and I like them

>> No.20143050

Bacon and eggs
Macaroni cheese
Bacon and eggs

>> No.20144392

A woman goes to her doctor and says she is really embarrassed because she is farting all the time but there's no sound and no smell but she's sure people can tell even though there's no sound and no smell.
The doctor tells her there's really nothing to be concerned about and it's completely normal to pass gas depending on your diet.
But he tells her he wants her to see an ear and nose specialist

>> No.20144517

One batch of Spritzgebäck.
And before that a bunch of vegetables, mushrooms, pasta, and some cheese on top in oven-proof glassware. Two times.

>> No.20144843

he can smell her?

>> No.20145077

Braised beef in red wine and bone broth, had about 2 pounds of pearl onions and a pound of carrots in it, dutch oven for ~3.5 hours.

White chicken chili from scratch, made a pretty decent first time spicy verde to add to it as part of the liquid, used the meat of a full chicken a coworker smoked for me.

15 bean soup with roughly 3 pounds of smoked ham hock meat, pound of home made bacon I traded the coworker for some samples of scotch he wanted to try. I'm a heathen, I like to add crushed tomatoes and carrots into mine.

>> No.20145106

Hobo packets
Filet mignon with burre maitre d’hotel, scalloped potatoes and roasted sprouts

>> No.20145113


chilli cheese