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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20128573 No.20128573 [Reply] [Original]

Whenever I cook rice it starts making bubbles and then boils over. I’m afraid to do anything because it will ruin the rice, I don’t know if you’re allowed to remove the lid or mess with the heat at all once you bring it to a simmer. What do I do?

>> No.20128576

Just turn the damn heat down lmao

>> No.20128581

I have it on 1

>> No.20128584

Bigger pot you goofball.

>> No.20128586

What if I don’t have one

>> No.20128590

Less rice! :D You could try adding oil to try and reduce the ability for the rice to foam, but that only works so well.

>> No.20128592

Im going to try that next time, thanks anon

>> No.20128597

if it's boiling over on 1 your burner sucks and cant go low enough to steam rice
just remove it from the burner entirely, hopefully you have a pan that retains heat and a fully sealed lid

>> No.20128603

You're not allowed to prevent it from boiling over, creates mustard gas.

>> No.20128605

You're whale cum. Haha.

>> No.20128606

>I don’t know if you’re allowed to remove the lid or mess with the heat at all once you bring it to a simmer
I always cook rice with the lid off so I can stir it. Here's how I make rice
>wash rice til water's clear enough
>soak at least 20 min
>bring double the amount in water to a boil with a tiny bit of salt
>boil ~10 min, add water along the way if it gets too dry, stir if it sticks
>once the water's about gone, turn off heat, toss, poke holes in the rice, cover with a lid, let steam 5-10
>toss and serve
If you want butter, add it before the steaming section.

>> No.20128613

You will never need to add more water to your rice if you're doing a 2:1 ratio. That's way too much water for almost all types of rice!

Stirring is entirely unnecessary also.

>> No.20128614

anon, invest in a rice cooker. the cheap ones work pretty well. Its worth the cost.

>> No.20128623

you are allowed to do whatever you want. Of course you can remove the lid.
hundreds of years ago before people had glass lid so they could see inside, before they had gas/electric stove that could be adjusted instantly, how do you think they knew what was going on inside the pot or what they wouldve done if they used too much water?
they open the fucking lid
all the faggots in this thread who tells you that you cant open the lid are clueless

>> No.20128627

2:1 always works for me, but I do live in a humid climate, so maybe that's affecting my measuring. Also yeah, stirring is basically unnecessary, I just do it to check if anything's catching

>> No.20128629

This is some retarded shit anon

>> No.20128630

Having a rice recipe that doesn't require stirring or opening the lid will prpduce better rice. Calm down, ricelet.

>> No.20128637

How? My rice turns out great every time

>> No.20128649

>needing a recipe to cook

>> No.20128682

you dont know what great rice is. youre eating mushy starchy uneven garbage because you didnt wash it and boiled it for too long with too much water and didnt let rest after fluffing
also the water ratio depends on the rice variety, completely different for sticky rice and basmati for example

>> No.20128698

>youre eating mushy starchy uneven garbage because you didnt wash it and boiled it for too long with too much water and didnt let rest after fluffling
Open your eyes nigga I literally mentioned washing it you tard. Also way to make assumptions about "mushy starchy uneven garbage". Maybe you cook it that way? But I don't. Also the steaming with the heat off is basically the rest period because I use that time to go finish other stuff in the kitchen, so it usually ends up taking longer. And you're right, the ratio can vary from rice to rice, but for me and what I cook (basmati), 2 to 1 is pretty much perfect. Last thing, learn how to use apostrophes, their absence makes you look stupid.

>> No.20128815

Ok, Anon. With all respects, here is the ONLY right recipe to cook rice:
- Find a TIGHTIEST LID possible. If you don't have tightiest lid, find something to cover lid you have;
- Preferably pot should have thickened bottom;
- 200 gr. of rice to 300 gr. of water;
- Boil for 12 minutes in total. 3 minutes on strongest fire, 7 on medium, 2 on low;
- After that let it stay for another 12 minutes to absorb the remaining water. Personally I cover the pot in a towel and let it stay like that;
- ONLY when rice is cooked and stayed for 12 minutes, ONLY then add salt/butter/dry mushrooms, whatever you prefer;

The thing is, that water shouldn't evaporate from pot at all costs, it should be ABSORBED by grains, 200 to 300 is the exact ratio to not make your cook a slushy mess or dryed dust. 1 to 2 ratio appliable only to buckwheat (and maybe other grains, but I've never looked desu). Well, and salt and seasonings absorb water if you add them earlier.

>> No.20128818

>not cooking rice in plenty of water like pasta to leech out 60 percent of the arsenic which you then drain
You're a bad cook and you should feel bad.

>> No.20128831

Just turn the heat off. The main thing is keep the rice hot while it absorbs the water. You don't need it to be boiling all the time. You can pop the heat back on near the end if it needs to be warmed up, but it you are doing it in a heavy pot or ceramic bowel, you won't need to.

You should be using the simmer burner (the littlest one). You can use a main to get the water up to temp if needed.

You only need to stir it prior to the boil point to keep it from sticking.

Pots, crockpots, instapots, donabes, fuzzy logic ones, ALL do the same thing, just at different cook times. You don't need to spend $200 on that shit. Regular pots work just fine. Crockpots take like 2 hours on high, but they cook rice too.

You only need a dedicated rice machine if you want rice cooked by a certain time to like wake up to or some shit.

>> No.20128901

The only retard is the person that opens their mouth without knowing anything of what they're talking about. That's you btw. :)

>> No.20128922

yeah and wash the rice, even like a 15$ rice cooker is perfect rice every time also asian people leave them on warm for like 3 days so you can make rice ahead if you want to and its always available

>> No.20128933

I regularly feed your mom my rice after fucking her in the ass and she loves it. She also says youre a faggot and a bottom

>> No.20128944

Hahaha! You're angry because you know I'm right! :D Your silly little post speaks volumes about your rice cooking skills. If you don't know what I mean by that I'm saying you SUCK at cooking rice! LOL! If your rice wasn't so disgusting I bet you wouldn't be so angry. Heh. If you ask me nicely I'll share my recipe with you and you can be happy for once in your life!

>> No.20128970
File: 40 KB, 945x630, uncle-roger-singapore-malaysia-food-weird_7jrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just buy rice cooker haiyaa

>> No.20128972

Didnt read i was busy deepthroating your sister while your mom lick my poop hole

>> No.20128993

Hahahaha still angry and a liar! Thanks for the you, ricelet. :)

>> No.20128997

>two hours for rice
anon, I get what you are saying, but that is a bit long, especially considering working hours
The instapot is a good suggestion, but damn do I get a lot of use out of my ricecooker, so if someone eats a lot of rice, I don't view it as a bad investment to be able to fine-tune it with how al dente you want your rice, and what kind of rice as well

>> No.20129004

Go cook us some rice faggot were gonna need it after all the screwing. Maybe then ill let u watch

>> No.20129023

Lol. So angry, but at least he admits he sucks at cooking rice! I like how you call me so many names(very low iq insults btw) and yet I seem to have direct control over your emotions. Really cool thing! Dance monkey, DANCE!

>> No.20129028

Didnt read

>> No.20129042

I think you mean can't read. Lmao!

>> No.20129048 [DELETED] 

I need to tell you this, your mom is really good at sucking dicks

>> No.20129052

no it won't. you're a fucking moron.
you can do whatever you want. just don't overcook. everything else is genuinely conjecture.

>> No.20129054

It's crazy how many 12 year olds infect this website. It's so obvious when they pretend to know things. Imagine being so incredibly ignorant about cooking something as simple as rice! Laughable!

>> No.20129056

The ricelet knows nothing about cooking rice! Cute!
Post rice. Oh wait you won't do that. Post recipe.

>> No.20129068 [DELETED] 

your moms poop hole is tighter than any jewish banker

>> No.20129076

I accept your concession, lil man. :)

>> No.20129080 [DELETED] 

The amount of cum im pumping in her pussy youll be calling me papa any day now

>> No.20129094

Some people get angry about rice. I guess that's just how the world works. I would be pretty upset if I was unable to cook such a simple grain.

Imagine getting defeated by rice. Lol.

>> No.20129109 [DELETED] 

imagine cooking the best rice in the world yet your mom only wants dick juice. she swallows gallons of it a day. ive been thinking of hiring tyrone to help me since im too busy with your sister

>> No.20129119

So angry about rice. Cute!

>> No.20129158

I've heard you can lay a spoon across the top of a pot to break the bubbles and keep it from overboiling
never been in the position to try that myself though

>> No.20129191

If rice is clean you don't need to wash it. but it doesn't do anything bad to it anyway so whatever, it's your choice.
>1 cup rice for 2 cups water
>bring to boil in covered saucepan
>immediately reduce to very low heat (eg if 10 is "quickly boil water max heat" then turn it down to a 2 or 3)
>leave 12 minutes
wa la. that's how jacques pepin taught me to do rice and it works every time.

>> No.20129234

>eaten by billions on this planet
>rice is so special food only I know how to cook it with magical voodoo rules

>> No.20129254

You sound stupid. Really really stupid.

>> No.20129298

Have you tried using a cooler pot than what you have currently?

>> No.20129301 [DELETED] 

there's nothing more autistic than a chink or a weaboo talk about "muh perfect rice" like it's some very careful process that requires skill and special tools and some Asian genetics (probably a small penis too).
Only bitter faggots think this way, you sound like a fag. It's not hard to NOT fuck up rice, it's the easiest shit in the world to make good rice. Rice autism is the most stupid thing and you should kill yourself.

>> No.20129608

Keep making up retarded stories in your head if that's what helps you sleep at night, lil dude. In reality your rice SUCKS, and you know very little of rice or countries that eat a lot of rice.

>> No.20129975
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You can easily cook rice in this pot.

>> No.20129986

Here's what I do OP because had the same problem. The first half cooking period keep the lid off but the temp a little higher than lowest setting. Then at the halfway point turn the heat to lowest and put the lid on and don't take the lid off until it's time.

>> No.20130049

the heat of the water cooks the rice

>> No.20130092

you cant open the lid idiot

>> No.20130167


>> No.20130255

ideally you cook it on high and have it simmer once it starts boiling.

usually i tend to have it on high for 10 mins and then simmer on low for around 10-15.
I used to cook rice manually for 15 years.
But honestly OP a rice cooker appliance isnt bad, i use it now just follow the rice and water ratio. Its so much easier and you dont have to have the overboil anxiety

>> No.20130275

thats really shitty advice. oil will make the rice cook slower and will result in crunchy inside and overcooked outside. I swear to god you retards can't even cook rice, its incredible.

>> No.20130283

OP, it looks like you're trying to make sticky rice. you only need to do two things:
1) wash your rice like 2-3 three times. drain it completely, do it until the water is clear and until it's not full of starch.
1a) optional - let it soak for 20 minutes.
2) sticky rice takes 20 minutes. first 2-3 minutes: bring rice to boil. next 10 minutes: cover, drop heat to low/med-low. remainder: turn off the heat, but don't take the lid off or remove it from the burner.

this steams the rice through, and you'll get a perfect pot of sticky rice in under half an hour, assuming you didn't do something stupid like salt it or add the wrong amount of water. works best with medium/short grain, but it's fine for jasmine, long grain, etc. for indian and persian rice, be sure to soak it for 20 minutes before cooking for long, fluffy grains.

>> No.20130470

That only happens when your fat and dumbass adds half a cup of soybean oil to your rice. You only need a very small amount to reduce foaming.

>> No.20130541

Let go of the fucking oil you daft cunt, you dont need it. Your original post had no mention of only using a small amount of oil, OP is a clueless retard who fucks up rice, your advice would have resulted in even worse rice for him.

>> No.20130572

No, lard boy. A few drops of oil won't ruin your rice. As long as you don't add too much it will not mess up your rice. Ever heard of spanish rice, dummy? You fry it in OIL before COOKING IT. It comes out nice a and fluffy. woaaaaaaaah.

>> No.20131068

These zesty lil nibbas getting spicy

>> No.20131091

I use 1 part rice, scant 2 parts of water in a 2-3 qt pot, typically. I literally use the same teacup for measuring. I'd go up to 3-4 quarts if doing a double batch.

1) optionally, rinse the starch off the rice to reduce the bubbling (caution:may remove vitamins). If you do rinse, reduce the water slightly or increase steaming time.
2) increase the size of the pot, bring just to boil with lid off, scrape across bottom once to lift up the initially sticking grains, then reduce to simmer, lid goes on.
3) set timer for 20 mins, leaving it alone.
4) at 20 mins, take off the hot burner or turn off burner, but keep lid on another 10 minutes.

This is a formula for the pan and lid that I use, but you will know if your pot holds heat well with a thick bottom, tight lid, or you have to add a couple minutes of time the 2nd time you try the formula. Also, depending what you enjoy, you CAN add a glug of olive oil or a pat of butter to the water, which breaks up bubbles and adds delicious flavor.

>> No.20131097
File: 110 KB, 1280x889, 0B206F0D-04BD-496A-A8FF-232D1A5C3E4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use super hot sink water and keep replacing it every 2-3 minutes, since it will cool over time and wont properly cook the rice.

Also it rinses the rice in the process.

>> No.20131405

Yucky doodoo rice. Ew!

>> No.20131409

Rinse your rice.

>> No.20132013

Get a heat diffuser or use a double boiler pan.

>> No.20132128

this. a heat diffuser is cheap and helps compensate for shitty stoves.

>> No.20132324

Holy shit, this thread has so many retards.
OP, here's a simple thing you can do. Add a drop or two of olive oil. It will heavily reduce the starch bubbling without making the rice greasy.

>> No.20132342

Haha, that's what I said, and then people said mean things to me.

>> No.20132374

Or you could rinse the starch off...

>> No.20132439

>You could try adding oil to try and reduce the ability for the rice to foam, but that only works so well.
For me this doesn't work by itself but frying the rice briefly beforehand works like a charm. When it's regular white jasmine rice it barely seems to change the end result also. It's not crunchy or anything like that. The rice is a little oily but it's barely noticeable.

btw no amount of rinsing seemed to help. It would change the appearance of the starchy bubbles but wouldn't eliminate them entirely.

>> No.20132520

I only use 1 1/2 cup of water per cup of white rice or 1 1/4 cup of water per cup of jasmine/softer white rice. 2 cups is too much

>> No.20132574

>poke holes in the rice
>stir while boiling
What the fuck lmao you know the holes occur naturally right, from the boil

>> No.20132577

Because you ‘poke holes’ in a pile of loose grain

>> No.20132587

>be me
>throw rice into cup (unwashed, fuck your feelings)
>boil water in uncleaned rice pot
>throw in rice and salt
>cover and reduce heat from 10 to 5
>rice foams up
>ignore it and it goes away
>it cooks perfectly
Works on my machine bud.

>> No.20133718

I cook rice without a lid at the start and I even stir it a few times to ensure even cooking, cooking rice isnt a sacred entity youre not allowed no touch

>> No.20133728

if you rinse the starch off it gets sticky which is unwanted if youre not making asian dishes

>> No.20133840

kek after reading this thread I finally understand why so many of you hopeless fucking weebs think a rice cooker is an essential kitchen appliance - you're all literally retarded

>> No.20134010

Buy a rice cooker - said every asian ever

>> No.20134022

stop eating rice then.
mos tof it is just chinese plastic anyways.

>> No.20134073

this and same

>> No.20135625

>Whenever I cook rice
Get a rice cooker.
Solved your problem.

>> No.20135670

a recipe for cooking rice? I am not the cooklet here. lmao. f4, seethe, and reply while I go get my dick sucked again.