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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20127350 No.20127350 [Reply] [Original]

Can't even grocery shop without being monitored.

>> No.20127355

what the fuck did you think a receipt was?

>> No.20127356 [DELETED] 

just be black(or jewish). black people aren't subject to the white mans laws.

>> No.20127757 [DELETED] 

explain how this is bad without vague gesturing to fiction clichés

>> No.20127770 [DELETED] 


hey remember when the government pretended there was a scary virus going around and we had to give up our rights and we did it because we had been conditionted to do so? And then corporations started trying to subject us to completely made up and arbitrary rules which they had no legal power to enforce but people obeyed them anyways and it made life really inconvient for everyone? You dont want to hear about those kinds of fictional cliches?

>> No.20127780 [DELETED] 

Said by someone who only lives in fiction.

>> No.20127781

Total human death one step closer, thank heavens

>> No.20127784 [DELETED] 

see you didn't actually answer me here
you just pointed at other things and expect people to construct connections in their minds so that you have no responsibility to proclaim them yourself (and risk the ignominy of possibly being wrong)
can't fucking stand smarmy ingratiating faggots like you who never say anything more substantive than "hmm isn't that funny" or "makes you think"

>> No.20127793 [DELETED] 

>and it made life really inconvient for everyone? Y
This is literally the opposite of that. "The scanner automatically checks your receipt as you walk by" is less inconvenient than "Sir please I need to see your receipt sir *stands there for 5 minutes*".

>> No.20127836 [DELETED] 

you should kill yourself. there was a time when nobody checked your fucking reciept, because we didnt let subhumans into our communities and we didnt tolerate our rights being violated by a waggie. Hows that for a fictional example you dumb faggot.

>> No.20127844 [DELETED] 

this post is a false flag to get me to trust invasive technology by making credible fears sound insane

>> No.20127847 [DELETED] 

We are a nation of laws. If you dont like how a business runs don't patronize them. If you want to feel like your voting with your wallet has an impact move to Rwanda. You strike me as the type of person that actually stands up and yells at the news on TV.

>> No.20127854 [DELETED] 
File: 327 KB, 640x601, fb769280-c15e-11ea-8fc7-48b73122b52b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't like personal accountability because I'm racist
weird rant but ok

>> No.20127887 [DELETED] 
File: 152 KB, 600x800, 1640404640988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incel goes one thread without crying about minorities challenge: IMPOSSIBLE

>> No.20127901

you want to know how to bypass the long exit line? just take your shit and walk out. and guess what, if an alarm goes off, just keep walking. nobody is gonna stop you. and if they do stop you, congrats you still bypassed the line.

>> No.20127974 [DELETED] 


>> No.20127979 [DELETED] 

are you actually alleging receipt checking isn't exclusively because of black shoppers? you should go and check out other communities and you'll start to notice very consistent patterns. it isn't racist to state this anon.

>> No.20127984

and that'll be the last time you're allowed in the store

>> No.20128049 [DELETED] 

>still crying about minorities

>> No.20128077

>artificial intelligence
it's just facial recognition looking for anyone with more 0s than Fs in the hex code of their skin color.

>> No.20128149

lol no one reads the articles here. they just seethe over the headlines and makes up their own headcanon

>> No.20128170
File: 50 KB, 461x531, Angel 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you live where they scan receipts? I have trouble finding an employee to fix the electric scales.

>> No.20128221

electromagnetic field = safe and effective

>> No.20128242 [DELETED] 

It isnt even statistically probable that you're right... And it's less probable that you're dumb enough to be arguing this in good faith... You'd have to be some flyover state hick or just a bad actor.

>> No.20128250 [DELETED] 

Got so much pussy during lockdown. Shit was great, was like I was fucking a bunch of mortal kombat bitches

>> No.20128287 [DELETED] 

Imagine that covid had ever lived up to they hype, the level of promiscuity at the time would have wiped so many of a certain tier people off the earth we'd already be living in the utopia.

>> No.20128316 [DELETED] 

i mean it killed off a lot of trump voters (white, obese and unvaccinated) so covid is pretty based all things considered

>> No.20128321 [DELETED] 

one less employee

>> No.20128332

>will replace exit greeters having to check receipts.
you were already being monitored.

>> No.20128338 [DELETED] 

Then don't go to Sam's Club you commie moron. Their house, their rules.

>> No.20128343 [DELETED] 

What about their post made you think it's communist?

>> No.20128347 [DELETED] 

Whining about "corporations" while they can just not visit the business. No respect for private property or private rights.

>> No.20128351 [DELETED] 

I live in rural Oregon where we have few black people. All the Wal-Mart thieves are white trash meth-heads. And it's a big fucking problem. NTA, but yes, I'm telling you that black people don't have a monopoly on shoplifting.
ANY poor and disadvantaged group in a community is likely to turn to crime, no matter what race. Depends on where you are.

>> No.20128355 [DELETED] 

This. And loads of ignorant truckers lost their jobs over it by choice, which makes me smile.

>> No.20128356 [DELETED] 
File: 135 KB, 221x228, 1689950483760603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh... you're one of those

>> No.20128384

I hope this way they can get rid of more employees and grocery prices can get lowered.

>> No.20128397 [DELETED] 

Oh look, it's a boot licker. I'm sure Chris Nicholas will rest easy knowing you are manning the defenses.

>> No.20129411 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself

>> No.20129425 [DELETED] 

No, receipt checking is exclusively because you look poor.

If you want to shoplift groceries, wear nice clothes and look well groomed.

>> No.20129427 [DELETED] 

>live in estonia
>everything is digital
>oh you need my drivers license? gives id
>oh you need my id ? gives id
>oh you need my isurance card? gives id
>oh you need my payback card? gives id
>parents can see what grades your child got and what your teacher teached you
>state emails you that you got a child and wants to know where to transfer the money for child care
>n-noo the state should never have my data, b-but meta here take all you ever want

fucking faggots

>> No.20129430 [DELETED] 

Mutt's Law.

>> No.20129431 [DELETED] 

>Got so much pussy during lockdown.
>tfw becoming a wizard in a few weeks
>any girl I want to date probably fucked bunch of guys during lockdown
it hurts

>> No.20129434 [DELETED] 

Stop having an IQ above 90 on post-2010 4chan!

>> No.20129496

>huh only 10 replies? I swear there were more. A new thread?
>jannies actually just went and deleted a fourth of the thread
What's the actual fucking point? If it russles your jimmies then just delete the whole thread for fuck's sake!

>> No.20129751

I thought I was going crazy for a second.

>> No.20129805

>some scihzo shits up a thread
>entire thread has to 404
no please don't do this, they do this on /n/ and it sucks

>> No.20129813 [DELETED] 

wouldn't be necessary if we didn't let non-whites live in our countries.

>> No.20129822 [DELETED] 

ban evasion is against the rules

>> No.20129830

so is being a narc

>> No.20129906
File: 232 KB, 2000x1333, 1066949406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they were already monitoring you. now heres what they will do just so you press the tinfoil hat closer to your head. They will monitor walking patterns, how long you take to look at a product, you picking up the product in the basket, you putting a product back, etc. And they will just auto adjust prices when needed. Why stores dont have e-ink price tagging is beyond me but it will eventually replace stickers or some shitty store app to scan your shit with your phone. layoff even more workers. Shelve stocking can easily be done by a robot and they would be ready to use the data made from some stores using service robots to clean floors and make row of food neater.

>> No.20130249

>physically going into a store
>not making a wagie bring it to your car
I haven't been inside a grocery store in 3 years

>> No.20130264

What happens to the people whose job it was to look at receipts?

>> No.20130305

yeah none of that is true. they're capable of some of that stuff at amazon's little trial store they did where there's no workers and you just walk out the front door, but not in your average grocery store

>> No.20130321
File: 87 KB, 672x420, IMG_0045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you guys thought the chinese were cucked, when they were just ahead.
Now I am expecting for it to arrive at my country within the next ~10 years,