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File: 131 KB, 1500x1001, faw-cast-iron-skillet-test-lodge-pre-seasoned-10-1-4-diameter-rkilgore-5-05-e250893fa56d4c8e9ceda1dc445044f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20114361 No.20114361 [Reply] [Original]

I hate cast iron after trying to like it for years
You have to babysit it and it always stinks up the whole place if you don't season it religiously, and seasoning it with high temp oil in the oven still makes it linger a lot

Tell me why carbon steel isn't superior. I'm waiting

>> No.20114364

You don't have a fume hood over your stove?

>> No.20114368

The flavor is worth the labor.

>> No.20114379

i dont really give a shit about cast iron or whether people like it or not, but all the retards who can't figure out how to work a fucking skillet trigger the shit out of me. i have "seasoned" my pan once since i owned it, and wash it with soap and water like any other pan and ive never had any problems with it. i just don't understand. like bro, it's a piece of fucking metal. backwood inbred hibillies used them without issue for 200 years, why can't you figure it out?

>> No.20114386

My cat has been sleeping in mine and I have to clean it soon

>> No.20114390

Toxoplasmosis intensifies.

>> No.20114397

it's a meme

>> No.20114396

I don't think germs can survive in a hot pan, I'm more concerned about the cat flavor

>> No.20114403

precisely. op is not just pathetic, but spams about it on 4ch. the worst kind of human.

>> No.20114463

I never even posted about not being able to use it, just that it fucking reeks and it's more hassle than it's worth
Calling me retarded but you don't even have the reading comprehension to understand what I'm saying lmao

>> No.20114501

Cast iron, carbon steel. Same shit. Both need seasoning...
"need" because if you don't let pan rust, seasoning doesn't get damaged.
Only difference is weight and thickness. Cast iron is heavy and thick -> spreads heat more evenly and big thermal intertia. Carbon steel is thinner and spreads heat less and would react to heat adjustment faster.
Maybe carbon steel is a bit more smooth.
Same shit.

I'd understand stainless vs cast iron or idk, teflon coated aluminium...

>> No.20114506

>just that it fucking reeks and it's more hassle than it's worth
I think it's annoying how the oil like, vaporizes and you get oil vapors all over your stove top and backsplash. not worth the cleanup.

>> No.20114574

Works on my machine.

>> No.20114652

I just "wash" mine by boiling water in it then scrubbing it and rinsing it.
always heard you weren't supposed to use soap on it

>> No.20116143

You can use dish soap, it won't strip the seasoning.

>> No.20116264

post kote

>> No.20117242

>can't change a tire
>can't change the oil in a car
>doesn't know how to jump a car
>thinks cooking with a cast iron is some magical rocket science
zoomies are worthless pieces of shit

>> No.20117271

just use it often, especially with greasy stuff and baking
you know that brown/reddish lining that forms on old baking pans that are impossible to scrub out? thats what you want on the cast iron
just use it plenty

>> No.20117279
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Enameled cast iron master race.

Olde meme is not related.

>> No.20117308

>more hassle than it's worth
it's only worth like 20 bucks not like you paid an arm and a leg for it

>> No.20117313

who raised them

>> No.20117317

The internet.

>> No.20117320

why not their parents

>> No.20117324

Too busy watching netflix.

>> No.20117325

haha take that zoomers you’re stupid because you had bad parents haha! i’m smarter than somebody who was neglected hahahaha! i feel amazing

>> No.20117327

Enameled cast iron is the only way to live.

>> No.20117428

>just that it fucking reeks and it's more hassle than it's worth

The fact that your cast iron pan reeks and is a hassle is why you're retarded lmao

Just use it and clean it like a normal pan. You just don't want to put it in a dishwasher or let it have standing water for a long time. Just like carbon steel, all excess carbon, food particles, and animal fats should be removed after cooking so it doesn't stink like shit. It's possible to do this and not remove seasoning.

>> No.20118098

How are you having trouble with cast iron? I have no recollection of being "taught" how to use it. you use it, and if necessary season it. I season all of mine with some lard last year.

>> No.20118108


>> No.20118294

The advantage of cast iron is that you can get one for $20 and it can sear a steak.

Stainless steel surface is strictly better though. And get a blow torch for anything you want to sear.

>> No.20118307

>stinks up the whole place
has never happened to me, scrape off that rancid shit

>> No.20118330

The hell is that

>> No.20118331

>I season all of mine with some lard last year.
Doesn't it kinda smell bad?
I mean, if your seasoning is a year old, and the pan is kept out in the open and used to cook shit with, doesn't it fucking stink like a skunk?

>> No.20118442

Its cast iron + enamel surface. basically cast iron heat retention but with more non-stick surface that doesn't need as much seasoning. BUT usually they can't get that hot without ruining the enamel so they are usually bakewear type things like dutch ovens. They're also expensive, so its retarded to use them for a pan instead of just buying a nice stainless pan.

>> No.20118453

I have never seasoned my cast iron, just cooking with it is enough if it isnt bare
What the fuck are you retards even talking about

>> No.20118528

Boiling water and salt is the answer

>> No.20118543

They come with seasoning from the factory so they don't rust but it's usually shitty and flakes off.

>> No.20118568
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Seasoning shouldn't smell at all, it should be a thin layer of fully polymerized oil, being almost plastic-like. If yours smells, you didn't bake the oil into the pan long enough and the oil went rancid. Wipe the pan down with a thin layer of oil and then bake it for an hour at 4500F. Repeat once a year, if that.

>> No.20118569
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You'll see the light one day

>> No.20118591

If soap removes your seasoning, it wasn't seasoning, its a layer of gunk

>> No.20118600

>Doesn't it kinda smell bad?
No. Is it supposed to?

>> No.20118602

good post

>> No.20118690
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>bake it for an hour at 4500F

>> No.20118729

Thanks, my mistake

>> No.20119197

OP is a retard who can't figure out for themselves how to take care of their literal hunk of iron pans
its literally a piece of iron in the shape of a pan you fucking retard, season it 1(one) time and wash it with warm water and soap after you use it. If inbred american faggots can use it and you can't you might as well go join the indians and eat cow shit and piss

>> No.20119203

Modern dish detergent is not "soap"
Lye was what used to strip the seasoning off pans

>> No.20119215

time to eat 1-2 cloves of raw garlic a day for the next week

>> No.20119647

>He doesn't season his pans in a nuclear reactor
ngmi buddy

>> No.20119660

I did that, now the pan stays hot forever

>> No.20119692

Until one day you forget the heat is on or some idiot heats it up way too hot and fucks up the enamel...

The main benefit of cast iron and carbon steel is that you can get it super hot and not worry about fucking up any sort of surfacing.

Honestly, stainless is king if you know what you're doing. Cast iron in todays world is just a novelty, something that cooking nerds.

>> No.20119920
File: 2.34 MB, 4064x1832, IMG_20240119_165028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried seasoning my carbon steel and it looks like this, what did I do wrong?
Should I scrub it and try to season it again?

>> No.20119973

I'm in the belief unless you're autistic enough, it's not supposed to be pretty for carbon steel.

>> No.20119978

No it's fine just start cooking with it

>> No.20120257

Just cook in it.
It is normal. You don't get full on black coating right away.

>> No.20120263

Cat flavor goes well with rice

>> No.20120349
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Based. OP is a retard that is filtered by a technology that literal 70 IQ yokels have mastered

>> No.20120394

>Tungsten pan
Isn't that bad for you?

>> No.20120410

I do one even better - I just scrub it with hot water, and rub it down with a paper towel dabbed with a bit of oil. No rust, much seasonings. Have used my pan for maybe 8 years now. It was a hand me down so I've never seasoned it either

>he actually seasoned his pan, and uses soap when he doesn't have to
wow get a load of this fag

>> No.20120826
File: 2.59 MB, 4064x1832, IMG_20240119_220101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I seasoned it one more time and then tried cooking an egg in it but it didn't pass the test at all, I guess I put it at the wrong temperature or it was not seasoned well enough
It was not hard to clean off though so I should probably try something easier like meat tomorrow

>> No.20120900

>cook with some fat(omg insta heartattack stroke lung edma XD)
>brush/sponge off shit under hot water
>wipe off excess droplets while on the stove to dry fully

I never season mine or my carbon steel pan unless I royally fuck up.
I done use a spatula to make eggs because they just slide around.
Who are these fuck-ups that "need" to season dey pan every time they use it?
How retarded are they?

>> No.20121521

Did you use oil?

>> No.20121663

You only need to wash cast iron with water?
Will a hard cloth scratch the seasoning layer?

>> No.20122067

too complicated
redditors saying shit like "lye"

>> No.20122098
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This is about as good it gets.
Still prefectly fine though.

>> No.20122107
File: 286 KB, 720x540, IMG_20240119_225216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perect 4 making rösti, sunny eggs, scrambled, omelettes, american pancakes.

>> No.20122566

>bake it for an hour at 4500F
Finally, a use for my cyanogen grill

>> No.20122583

I know an oils guy with a cast iron skillet that’s 70 years old and he claims to have never washed it besides rubbing it down with salt and oil occasionally. Pretty based

>> No.20123449

Well my food keeps sticking to my cast iron pan and when I tried to wash the burnt spots the seasoning came off, notsure what I did wrong, did I preheat it too much? How can I know I seasoned it correctly

>> No.20123463

Why are catfaggots the most disgusting people on earth?

>> No.20123470

Is that a Matfer? I fucking love mine

>> No.20123622 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20123664

Stick it in the oven on self clean. When it's stripped, sand the whole thing with 80 grit sand paper, especially the cooking surface. Then rub a thin layer of oil on it and bake it upside down for an hour at 400F Then use it to deep fry food like chicken strips a couple times and just keep using it. If food sticks to it then heat it up until it starts to smoke and pour some water in it and rub it with your spatula. Everything will come off. Then dump out the water, wipe it dry, and rub a layer of oil on it. Every time you use it, rub the oil off, add fresh oil. Put some water in it once the food is out and it is still hot, dump out the water, dry it off, add a small amount of oil.

If you want to know how to do eggs and not have them stick, add fat. Now before you flip them, heat up your spatula on the pan for like 5 seconds, then flip them. A hot spatula is the key.

>> No.20123700

Turk brand

>> No.20123722

>You have to babysit it
Have you tried leaving it alone? I found 2 old pans in my attic like 5 years ago, seasoned them once and they've been fine ever since.

> it always stinks up the whole place if you don't season it religiously
The type of pan you use doesn't control that. It's your ventilation and whatever you're cooking.

>> No.20123733

>after trying to like it for years
Dear cast ironfags, why do you try and force yourselves to like it?
What sold you on cast iron?
I've never been convinced they're worth buying, no matter how hard they're shilled here. Every time I see someone post a picture of one, their kitchen is dirty or they look like they're a poor American.

>> No.20123837

In order to pass an egg test, you need to cook something less sticky first. Bacon is good, because it is greasy (even though they say animal fat doesn't season cast/steel).
You can do the autismo seasoning where you just keep on wasting electricity/gas on heating shit in oven or whatever in attempts to get thick black plastic coating right away, or you can do it like your parents did, just use it as is and earn that seasoning.
You can use dish soap. It is actually a detergent, so it doesn't destroy the seasoning, like old school soap did which was more caustic and contained lye.
What you shouldn't do ever is leave that thing wet, or soak it, because it would just rust.
>Will a hard cloth scratch the seasoning layer?
Maybe. But don't worry about it, unlike teflon, it does grow back.
You know you've seasoned thing correctly when you pour water in cold and it beads up, i.e. doesn't wet it.
If it wets the surface, cook something less sticky.
If it comes of in chunks, it is too thick, or wrong oil was used.
>What sold you on cast iron?
I got tired of teflon (or whatever patent-free "ceramic" teflons) coatings just getting fucked over in 6 months, and I got tired of polishing stainless to prevent sticking.
Saw cast iron pan in shartmart for cheap, bought it, was sticky at first, after a bit of sanding (made in china, so it was rough a bit) and seasoning it again and cooking non-sticky foods, it started working 90% as good as fresh teflon pan.
Also it works with induction.

>> No.20123857

Post your gray flooring

>> No.20123941

>got tired of teflon not lasting 6 months
you get what you pay for. if you buy a cheap pan, it wont be 'non stick' for long. buy one a famous chef on youtube uses and youll never have to buy another

>> No.20123999

PTFE is PTFE no matter how much you pay.
It is meant for lubricating and sealing pipe threads. It is good for making gaskets and bushings. Its electrical and thermal resistance properties are good for wire insulation, for some expensive shit like avaiation, military or space.
I don't think PTFE was ever meant to be used on cookware, I think it is some DuPont employee joke that went too far.
PTFE is also quite soft (which is why it is useful to seal pipe threads). But this is why all non-stick pans will fail eventually.
Not to mention heat resistance of PTFE isn't great, anything above 200C will slowly but surely destroy it, producing toxic fumes along the way. And 200C might be too high for cooking, but due to uneven heating this occurs more often than you think.
And I think all non-stick cookware uses PTFE, in one way or another. Maybe except some ceramic coatings.

Other thing is that its a fucking pan. I don't want to wait for hours soaking shit to remove accidentally stuck food. Id get a knife or any object metal and scrape it. This damages coatings. So this is another reason they don't last long. Abuse. I don't want to baby it.
Cast iron, on the other hand, it is old technology. Thousands of years old technology. It is simple. It is robust enough and self-healing. Yes, there are caveats like acidic food, or rust...
It is also quite similar to teflon in a way too, since burnt oil and mill scale (iron oxides) form a sort of a polymer, except it doesn't contain fluorine in it. Just carbon and hydrogen, which are much safer when burnt, compared to teflon.
If you need to deal with acidic foods, stainless exists.

>a famous chef on youtube uses and youll never have to buy another
Thing about a chef is that he can cook with any sort of cookware. But it just happens that %brandname% gave him a freebie in exchange for ad.

>> No.20124033

It's cast iron with a coating but you cant heat it up super high like you could with cast iron, it's less non stick than well seasoned cast iron and it's also more expensive.

>> No.20124038

Well I tried cooking eggs in carbon steel again and they turned out way better, I learned that the key with it is heat control since it heats up faster and more than non stick so I have to be careful stuff doesn't get burnt

>> No.20124045

cast iron pans attract autists, this is a known fact. there's a whole subreddit dedicated to cast iron autism, they love it.

>> No.20124157

So this is the power of public education.

>> No.20125214

Imagine using something for years and still not being able to figure out how to use it properly. Now imagine that something is a fucking hunk of metal.

>> No.20125226

>hours soaking shit
have you never owned a proper non stick pan before dude?

>> No.20125468

It works well for first idk, 2 weeks.
Then it starts to get sticky.
Plus I suck at cooking. I can stick fucking bread to pan, which is thought to be impossible to science.

Teflon just sucks. I.e. 90% of non-stick pans.

>> No.20126057

Yeah it's frustrating to season your pan only for the seasoning to come off

>> No.20127381

are you genuinely retarded?

>> No.20127645
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>Turk brand
I didn't want to buy anything called Turk at first but these pans are better than the french meme brands. I got this rivetless 28cm and my old deBuyer is a joke compared to the Turk

>> No.20127659

>I hate cast iron
>You have to babysit it

Gr8 B8 M8! I r8 it 8.8

>> No.20127684

Trolling is not allowed outside of /b/.

>> No.20128117

Serious Eats says that you can use soap on cast iron without issues

My cast iron:
Le Creuset enameled cast iron skillet
Lodge cast iron skillet
Lodge dutch oven (not enamel)

I am thinking of getting a Le Creuset Dutch oven.

>> No.20128120
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>Tell me why carbon steel isn't superior.
Because stainless steel exists

>> No.20129399

>I am thinking of getting a Le Creuset Dutch oven
why did you get a skillet over a dutch oven in the first place? retard

>> No.20129685

You can use soap if it makes you feel better, but you really don't need it.

>> No.20129692

>Doesn't it kinda smell bad
No. Why would it smell bad? It's a plasticky coating, there's nothing to smell, neither good nor bad. Also carbon steel pans develop the exact same coating.

>> No.20129696

You're missing out on all that delicious iron.

>> No.20129702

It's revealing of your low intellect that you think it had to be forced.

>> No.20129706
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>buy one a famous chef on youtube uses, he said unironically
i guess there really is a sucker born every minute