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20122172 No.20122172 [Reply] [Original]

>ruins the image of American cheese across the world
nothin' personell

>> No.20122178

Land o lakes American cheese is pretty good on breakfast sandwiches.

>> No.20122179
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>american cheese ruins the reputation of american cheese across the world
how about that

>> No.20122180

kraft singles are like hersheys chocolate. europeans claim to hate it, but i always see them eating it

>> No.20122246

American cheese is good, that shit in the OP is nothing like it. You gotta go to a proper deli to get the actually good stuff.
Land O Lakes is acceptable, though.

>> No.20122266

no american fast food place puts kraft singles on anything, it's best use is as fish bait.

>> No.20122910
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>won the world so the opinion of the rest of the world is irrelevant
nothing personal, kid.

>> No.20122912

gonna blow your mind and change your life, anons.
land o lakes on a fire grilled burger.

>> No.20122949

The only thing Europeans love more than shitting on America is literally everything about American culture.
Have you ever seen pictures of Europeans LARPing 4th of July celebrations? Their perception of America as a promised land for racists who eat nothing but Twinkies and own dozens of AR-15's is wishful thinking.
Europeans are uncultured cavemen at heart. They secretly dream of a land where they could shoot gypsies to death and drink champaign made outside of France without any social consequences.

>> No.20122976

Land o lakes is racist. They got rid of the Indian on the front of their packaging, and I will never buy from them again. I'd rather get some kraft than their crap

>> No.20122986

>Have you ever seen pictures of Europeans LARPing 4th of July celebrations?
No not even once.

>> No.20123016

It's at least 51% cheese so its okay if the rest is cum or shit or poop or aids. GET OVER IT YUROTARD USA USA USA USA

>> No.20123018

>kraft singles: american
is there anything but kraft singles american?

>> No.20123285

I prefer Swiss on cheeseburgers.

>> No.20123288

She has a name you know.

>> No.20123291

I think only Americans call it "American cheese".

>> No.20123490

Yeah, I actually lived in Germany for a couple of years while in the army. Europeans are legitimately obsessed with America. We used to let them on post so they could trick or treat with kids on Halloween. Walk around any western European city and you'll see people wearing American flags on their tee-shirts everywhere lol.

>> No.20123694
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>this mixed with any cheese makes euros seethe piss and shit their pants uncontrollably

>> No.20123804

IT MELTS!!!!!!!

>> No.20123814

mmmmm 64 slices of American cheese

>> No.20123871

>I actually lived in Germany for a couple of years
> Europeans are legitimately obsessed with America
Europe is far more diverse than a few kids around a US army base in Germany.

I can assure you that a lot of Europeans think Americans are twats. Don't flatter yourself kid.

>> No.20123881

I have never even seen Hershey's in stores in any European country. Probably because most of us hate the taste of vomit.

>> No.20123885

Every European thinks we live in Law & Order Rick Hunter Columbo cities or Bonanza Little House on the Prairie Dukes of Hazard country.
Either way we have to take our bullet umbrellas with us wherever we go lest we get shot.

>> No.20123889

Ive seen it in those candystores that import foreign shit but yea only retards buy that overpriced garbo so you never see people eat it. Why would you if you can get belgian or swiss choccy?

>> No.20123897


>> No.20123915

Yeah... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebild_Festival

>> No.20123923

According to Hershey's they make billions in international sales, with the EU being the second-largest export market after China

>> No.20123953

Having eaten Hersheys during a trip to America, I wasn't impressed, it has an oily, chemical type flavour, so I am not surprised that I have never seen it on sale in Britain.
The sales rankings must have huge gaps between USA and the rest of the developed world.

>> No.20123963

I can genuinely only buy it online or from shops specializing in imports. I have never seen it in any grocery store or even normal candy stores.

>> No.20123972

They own a bunch of other brands and also sell cacao

>> No.20123975
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>release 3 new flavors
>big enough deal that it gets on the news cycle.

>> No.20123979

I just looked up their products sold worldwide and I only recognized one. Didn't know they sold for kitkat in the US though.

>> No.20123982

and yet you cared enough to reply

>> No.20123984

feels good not knowing what this is and eating real cheese

>> No.20123987

>Europeans think Americans
yep yep yep, obsessed

>> No.20123991
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>> No.20123993

>no u
>no U
two retards at work here

>> No.20123996
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>> No.20124008

It's a component of 'real' cheese.

>> No.20124031
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>> No.20124072

no anon...it's not. it's only used in your foul "cheese product". real cheese in first world countries does not need added emulsifiers

>> No.20124096
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>> No.20124160

It literally is. It naturally occurs in dairy products, particularly cheese. It is extracted and concentrated and then readded to American cheese to make it melt better, but it's still a natural component of cheese.

>euros literally don't know what the fuck they eat
Kek it all becomes clear

>> No.20124322
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>> No.20124330

Outside of America, American cheese is known as "plastic", regardless of brand.

>> No.20124378

are you the shart that shows up in EVERY thread about kraft singles that cries and copes "ASCKSUALLLY that's not REAL american cheese!"

>> No.20124413

>a non-American tries to "meme"
a hate what this site has become

>> No.20124432

Fr fr, euros can pound sand for eternity

>> No.20125497

No, but it's interesting that you've apparently been seething over some guy who lives in your head, apparently for quite some time, and yet you haven't managed to use that time to formulate an argument against him that's anything more than shitty /qa/ memeing.

Kraft is garbage, everybody who's not stupid knows that.
They make individually wrapped "Swiss cheese" slices, too, and those are awful. If somebody says that you shouldn't judge real Swiss cheese based on Kraft's salty, flavorless, plastic-wrapped shit, are they "crying and coping." too?

>> No.20125501

>Be cheddar cheese, just emulsified with added milk

ok retards

>> No.20125507

American cheese is a mix of four different cheeses. (I don't know what Kraft is, some kind of weird orange salt paste.)

>> No.20125512
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kraft ones are nasty
the """"deluxe"""" kraft singles are even worse

I can eat an entire pack of trader joe ones though

>> No.20125700

>Nuhuh its real cheese
>Less than half of it is horsecum!
fitting that a mutt would say this

>> No.20126204

i don't know why anyone would prefer american chocolate over european chocolate. european chocolate is so much better, even americans agree on that