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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20112251 No.20112251 [Reply] [Original]

How much of this could you finish in one sitting?

>> No.20112255

I’d say the whole thing and then get to the third burger pissing and moaning and give up.

>> No.20112258

Small to average sized meal blablabla

>> No.20112262
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Could do it all, easily.

>> No.20112267

I'd eat two of the burgers and you can have the rest, OP :)

>> No.20112286

Three burgers max.

>> No.20112291

I could do about one burger and an order of fries, but I'm not fat.

>> No.20112293

i could eat all of that np but my stomach would hurt real bad after. the most challenging part would be the chili fries

>> No.20112294

Two, maybe three burgers

>> No.20112295

One 3x3 and one animal fry

>> No.20112297

Two burgers and the fries that don’t have shit all over them. Realistically

>> No.20112302

>chili fries

>> No.20112312

I’ve thought about this longer than I should, and I conclude I can finish 4 of those burgers, 2 animal fries, and the regular fries. I’d have a hard time finishing that last burger and animal fries.

>> No.20112314
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Ever since I started my weight loss regiment, I couldn't even think of downing more than one burger and a thing of fries. And that's assuming I don't order a drink on the side. NOT eating like a slob can really change your appetite.

>> No.20112315

what is the brown stuff then? onions?

>> No.20112329

Probably two burgers and two chips. Maybe one extra burger if I'm hungry enough.

>> No.20112333

this nigga said chips

>> No.20112336

The meat and the pickles.

>> No.20112340
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Is this a children's meal?

>> No.20112395

You should really reconsider. One day they will put you in a small persons coffin and your gravestone will have say 'Here lies a miserable cunt'.
Life is for living.

>> No.20112404

Anon, I said nothing about the food being bad, or going full on vegan by avoiding any kind of fast food. It's just that I'm genuinely not sure if it's possible to eat this much food in one sitting without feeling horribly sick afterward. Would it even be worth it?

>> No.20112406

>*takes one burger*

>> No.20112408

You absolute fat piece of dog shit, don't you dare reply to me you gelatin blob. You are now conscious of your protruding belly.

>> No.20112432

Everything but the onions and tomatoes

>> No.20112454

>chili fries
flyover detected

>> No.20112465
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>going full on vegan by avoiding any kind of fast food
do obese niggas really think that it is impossible to avoid mcgoyland without becoming a vegan?

>> No.20112476

Imagine being proud of being a coastie. What a nigger you must be.

>> No.20112814


>> No.20112825

If I hadn't eaten anything the day I tried.. could maybe do three burgers and one fries.
If I had to do one of those awful looking cheese & meatsuace? fries, maybe one burger only.

>> No.20112909

All of it. I just got done losing 40 pounds but my stomach still fits a lot of food and I can work up a huge appetite/burn up a lot of calories. Kind of hoping my stomach becomes less elastic though.

>> No.20112934

3 burgs and 2 fries before i push away
(and i will be having a shake with this)

>> No.20112936

The burgs or the fries, not both

>> No.20112938

If you keep your portion small, by year 2, you wont be able to even eat two large burgers in a sitting.

t.former fat lard

>> No.20112945

You could fit all of that in your Mom's ass with no problem op.

>> No.20112950

Depending on the size, 3 burgers and 2 fries

>> No.20112954

get the fuck out movieblob we unironically think you're a fucking loser

>> No.20112989

I could probably do like 3 burgers 1 fries or 2 burgers 2 fries. Maybe 2.5 burgers and 2 fries

>> No.20112994

Make those burgers protein style and I'll eat them all. I might pick up a fry or two but.... ehhhh.

>> No.20113070

I could finish the whole thing if you gave me 4 hours to do it.

>> No.20113332
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Well I think of them as hot chips, but real life usage doesn't require specifying.

>> No.20113344

when I had the stomach of a 20 year old I could probably do almost all of it.
now I think my max would be 2 burgers and 2 orders of fries. and I would be disgustingly full, an 1burg/1fry is more than enough now that I'm 30

>> No.20113371

I could do one burger and one thing of fries with all the shit on them, but I'd feel like shit afterwards

>> No.20113383

One and a half burgers, one order of fries. I'd have to force that extra half burger down, though.

>> No.20113409

Yeah fried onions

>> No.20113426

>How much of this could you finish in one sitting?
All of it, provided I also get a large coke.

>> No.20113505

That's a fairly small amount of food for an average sized person I'd say?

>> No.20113692

3 - 4 burgers and 2 fries. Depending how long I'm given maybe the whole thing but I'd feel horribly sick afterwards

>> No.20113780


if you blended it with 1/4 liter of water, what would the volume be?

>> No.20113782

i honestly dont care much for the fries. I probably could eat 2 of the hamburgers before they got cold and turned into a sloppy mess.

>> No.20113816

Three burgers and two fries

>> No.20114025
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Ive eaten 4 double doubles before.
five im not sure. I dont like their fries

>> No.20114033

Probably two burgers and one of the fries.

>> No.20114050

Probably could the whole thing but I'd hate myself for it

>> No.20114065

Looks like shit, you couldn't pay me to eat that commiefornia slop

>> No.20114068

A burger. I don't like InO fries and I wouldn't want more than one boigah

>> No.20115287





>> No.20115303

If I was really hungry and I knew I had the room, I could see myself eating all the burgers. The fries would be the hard part

>> No.20115311

I could shove it all down.

>> No.20115326

Back when I didn't give a shit about what I ate, 2 double doubles and an animal fry, and I didn't really need food for the rest of the day after.

>> No.20115334

>Would it even be worth it?
Maybe if you only do it once in your life.

>> No.20115346

god that's heavenly, have a full hard-on.

>> No.20115355

I'm sorry guys it would be easy for me to eat the whole thing. I'm so sorry everyone. I'm disgusting.

>> No.20115393

i think i can do 2 burgers and a fries.

>> No.20115402


>> No.20115467

I could do ~40-50% once and the third meal would be those leftover vomit fries.

>> No.20115496

found the ketotard.

>> No.20115500

fast food is shit, but you can tell In n Out isnt that bad.

>> No.20115628

All of it if I starved myself the whole day

>> No.20115645

Based starving Hanoi Hilton poster

>> No.20115820

i sometimes eat 2 double doubles as my only food for the entire day. i can probably down 4 in a single sitting. their fries are shit though.

>> No.20116812

being fat is whats miserable you stupid asshole. I'm so much happier now that I'm not fat anymore.

>> No.20116816

doubt it

>> No.20116825
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I've done something similar to that
I think I ate about 3.5 burgers, 8 or 9 tendies and most of the chips

>> No.20116830
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And drank the pint

>> No.20116855

post belly king

>> No.20116895

Wtf is on those fries

>> No.20116905

2 burgers and 2 fries. If I didn't eat for like two or three days maybe 3

>> No.20116911

Looks like some kind of sauce.

>> No.20116913
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I live in New Jersey, I haven't eaten fast food in like 10 years. I don't think we even have this

>> No.20117072

1 of the burgers and 1 of the fries at maximum.

>> No.20117075

I think it's what shakeshack calls animal style

>> No.20117149

That one tray of fries in the lower righthand corner
I fucking hate melted cheese on my fast food

>> No.20117162

Hehe. That's what she said. :-)

>> No.20117163
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the whole god damn thing +
>2 neoplitan shakes
>a large lemonade (i'll go back for 4 refills)
>a flying dutchman with extra onion (i'm on a diet)
and last but not least
>an animalstyle without the pickles

>> No.20117204
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went to in-n-out got 3 double doubles 2 regular cheeseburgers and 2 fries cooked crisp.
Five guys was a block away picked up their all the way bacon burger and a small seasoned fries. Five guys fries for the win!

>> No.20118054

I've had 4 3x3s Animal Style and a fries once. I think I was maxxed out.

>> No.20119423

one burger and the order of fries without the diarrhea

>> No.20119482
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I now come into these threads specifically to rep bobmob. He truly is a gift to all mankind.

>> No.20119511

could eat it all. wouldn't be proud of it, but i could do it.

>> No.20119556

I could eat all the burgers if I didn't have any fries.

>> No.20119569

If I was allowed to eat while sat on the toilet, all of it. I would become a human conveyor belt where food is passing in at one end and out the other in a smooth motion.