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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.84 MB, 561x900, focaccia.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20116458 No.20116458[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20116462

Social media was a mistake

>> No.20116479

She could be beautiful if not for that graffiti on her skin.

>> No.20116482

You could be beautiful if not for the malice in your heart.

>> No.20116484

She's beautiful despite how evil you are.

>> No.20116485

Looks dry af

>> No.20116488

You are a just and righteous man. Keep it up.

>> No.20116490

Why did she ignore her dog?

>> No.20116492


>> No.20116494
File: 89 KB, 561x900, 1704632514622238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20116532

There's already a webm thread, retard.

>> No.20116534

>boyfriend is always some tall brown dude
White women are a monolith kek

>> No.20116555

No, anon is right. Tattoos in general are an avoidable mistake that last a lifetime, but especially in women.

>> No.20116561

I'm only attracted to Trad women.

>> No.20116566

why are asians like this even when they are mixted ?

>> No.20116576

Fuck off you dumb puritanical mutt. Nowt wrong with a bit of ink.

>> No.20116587


>> No.20116590

Not as ugly as you

>> No.20116591

Demonic energy in this webbum.

>> No.20116594

Show us how you look you stupid hideous faggot.

>> No.20116607

no u

>> No.20116610

Those guys in the mirror at the end all gang banged her earlier that morning

>> No.20116623

She's not going to fuck you.

>> No.20116627

You caught a great amount of triggered inkoids, my man.

>> No.20116629

you're not wrong

>> No.20116630

How come on this site whenever you argue something the #1 response is to deflect some insult back onto you? Are you guys even capable anymore of making an argument and attacking one?

>> No.20116632

it's all tattoo fags who are insecure about their dumb doodles

>> No.20116636

based. total roastie death

>> No.20116645

All tattoo discussion to
All westhasfallen discussion to
Clean it up, jannies

>> No.20116652
File: 156 KB, 447x447, 1680864580679209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20116655

Rules go out the window for a femoid cooking thread.

>> No.20116659

Yet, she is cooking, and making food.
4chan can't handle women.
Like watching a spark ignite a forest.

>> No.20116760

Yes it is because it is a woman cooking and not because the video focuses on her vacant SSRI-stare into the camera and not the actual preparation of the foccacia which is only shown in extremely brief, quick cuts, that are off center. Though the tattoo didn't help.

>> No.20116770


>> No.20116788

she sure does

>> No.20116837


>> No.20116878


>> No.20116900

kill yourselves irrational faggots

>> No.20116916

not in principle no, but that ink is a shittoo

>> No.20116917
File: 198 KB, 498x498, sad-sad-cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>utterly disgusted by tattoos
>also utterly turned off by hypocritical "trad" roasties and retvrn to evropa schizo shit in general
>just want a normal communist atheist vegan #blm transgf with pure untattooed skin to bring about the decline of the west and the eventual white genocide as mother gaia would want if She was real
>get blasted as a chud because nobody can see past the tattoo preference
life is suffering

>> No.20116951

I will make some garlic-rosemary focaccia dough tonight and bake it tomorrow

I hate tattoos too. Definitely one of the worst things that m*llennials popularized
>yeah I got these doodles on my arms to show how heckin' quirky and goofy I am XD!

>> No.20117010


>> No.20117031

>this woman was spawned because at least 1 person decided to have pleasure for the duration of this video 25-odd years ago

>> No.20117055

Thousand cock stare

>> No.20117058

you amount of seething (you)s on this post indicate how righteous and based it is

>> No.20117062

Came to post this. She’s a knockout but yeah wtf man

>> No.20117103


>> No.20117114

Distracted by that ugly meaningless ink on her arm...

>> No.20117170

Yep, instant red flag. Tattoo culture was only cool when it was for hardened thugs and sailors. Now that every basic bitch and fratty kyle has one, it just makes you look like a washed out Gen X'er who peaked in 2004.

>> No.20117176

Thousand cock stare.

>> No.20117256

The 1,000 BAC stare..you just know man

>> No.20117261

this thread is probably full of simps
this thread represents dropping pieces of bread and watching pigeons circle only it’s brown teenagers circling a webm of a white mid roastie thot

>> No.20117266

you curbstomped that redditor

>> No.20117291

You're so transparently, obviously retarded to everyone who reads your posts that there is no point in engaging in "debate" because you're too stupid to understand anyway and will just keep posting your mental vomit no matter what, so it's just as productive and more enjoyable to just insult you personally.

>> No.20117295
File: 192 KB, 960x540, Vaas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sorry, I don't like... The way... you are looking at me... Okay, Do you have a fucking problem in your head, do you think I am bullshitting you, do you think I am lying? Fuck you! Okay? Fuck you!

>> No.20117296

she has the same psycho energy as that blue eyed youtube faggot who makes videos about disabled children

>> No.20117298

Blood alcohol content?

>> No.20117305

> it just makes you look like a washed out Gen X'er who peaked in 2004
Pretty much. Even for them it's more forgivable, since 2004 was before it really took over as something nearly everyone does. If you got tattoos in 2010+ it's over and I might fuck you but I will never respect you for a single second.

>> No.20117310

the only people who still think tattoos are cool are women

>> No.20117346

>Not liking tattoos makes you evil
I know this is a blatant samefag but what the fuck am I reading

>> No.20117357

Is this the video proof that NPCs exist? Her stare is peak soulless.

>> No.20117362

If you don't like something about a woman, any woman for any reason, you become a sickening and vile person who is seething because you're unworthy of love and you WISH you had a 1000 cock fluoride stare body painted hollow husk gf

>> No.20117364

this this this you incels need to man up and lower your standards

>> No.20117372

I want to see more of her malefriends :<

>> No.20117414

Big Alien Cock

>> No.20117679

You boys need to STEP UP and date the girls who you WISH you could be dating.

>> No.20117684

like who

>> No.20117691
File: 220 KB, 1676x972, Screenshot 2024-01-07 at 5.05.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, boomer seethe. Here's a recent letter to the editor from my local paper that you might agree with.

>> No.20117714

that boomer is right

>> No.20117820


>> No.20117838

Ok tranny

>> No.20118058

I rarely hear any real arguments to why people dislike tattoos in the first place.

>> No.20118116

>woman makes foccacia webm
>no context from OP
>On the slowest board on 4chan

>still generates /pol/ tier man hate rage


>> No.20118142

You're the ones who decided normal fucking skin needs to be sharpied up, why are we the ones who need to explain ourselves?

>> No.20118145

because they're ugly

>> No.20118241

Good lord of course /ck/ has all the inked up pig women

>> No.20118284

This video makes me angry
Happy people make me angry
Confident people make me angry

>> No.20118305
File: 38 KB, 628x628, 1689463844412244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about her crust. The dough looks cake-y despite the outside being toasted so well.

>> No.20118308

she wouldn’t be confident making this stupid worthless video if it wasn’t socially incentivized for her

>> No.20118328

I lel every time

>> No.20118334

you think it’s funny to hate women?

>> No.20118340

No; I think it's funny that people on here hate women and in general hate things for random/pointless reasons.
But if we can't laugh at ourselves and improve, isn't humanity doomed as a species?

>> No.20118346

you said no then yes in the same line
unironically take meds you don’t make sense

>> No.20118351

Death to America

>> No.20118352

Oh, sorry, let me dumb it down to a 5th grade reading level for you.

its funny that people here get mad at things that shouldnt make normal people mad. this website hates lots of things for no reason and its funny. u should be nice irl not online.

Stupid nigger learn to read.

>> No.20118359

that’s stupid
you have an autistic sense of humor and social skills

>> No.20118418

Can I just say? Some of you idiots in this thread shitting on women with tattoos really annoy me. My girl’s tats are touching and meaningful even though they might not seem it at first glance. One of them is a rose she got with her first boyfriend. Another is a cross she got when she and her old FWB got super drunk and dared each other to get a tattoo! Needless to say they both went through with the dare. One is a really complex one that she refuses to explain to me but whenever she looks at it or someone brings it up she gets kind of upset and distant with me for the next week. It’s weird, but it’s her body, so I respect that. My favorite one though is the one she got on her upper thigh of her date of birth. I met the guy who actually tattooed that one on her. Very cool guy, and seemed to have a great unspoken connection with her, which I think shows the mark of a true artist. I love looking at all of the tattoos that men put on her every time I look at her, including during sexy times.

Honestly, I don’t see why any guy would have a problem with his girlfriend or any potential girlfriend having tattoos. Grow up.

>> No.20118427

lacks bite or a punchline

>> No.20118441


>> No.20118443

>the SSRI stare

>> No.20118454

Based. Tattoos are for subhumans that think Rick Sanchez permanently inked into their arm is super cool.

>> No.20118467

I have some tattoos but I don't think mostly they're super cool :[

>> No.20118473

>/pol/ tier man hate rage
anon, i don't think you understand how reality works.
tattoos are for lessers.
/pol/ is now the entire internet.
and there is nothing you can do but weep and gnash about it.

>> No.20118474

>permanently branded himself with something even he thinks is gay and retarded
Highest IQ tattoo enjoyer

>> No.20118475

>its funny that people here get mad at things that shouldnt make normal people mad
it's not funny, it's sad that people get mad that normal people don't like tattoos.

>> No.20118478

I liked it, the complex one she won't explain that makes her get mad for the next week every time she sees it is intriguing. More of an atmospheric horror story than a joke.

>> No.20118484

This! So. Much. This.

>> No.20118487

i guess i just have a certain taste in pasta prose

>> No.20118536

>I don’t see why any guy would have a problem with his girlfriend or any potential girlfriend having tattoos
because tattoos are for lessers.
be better than that.

>> No.20118554

Her eyes stared straight into my soul. I feel naked.

>> No.20118558
File: 359 KB, 682x502, 1696911409389486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they all have sex with each other

>> No.20118774

I'll say that she is beautiful inherently but the tattoo is a massive turnoff

>> No.20118787
File: 142 KB, 595x572, 1705320206850661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Action ->reaction

>> No.20118793
File: 234 KB, 307x498, You Just Know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure about all, but these two definitely have something going on.

>> No.20118798


>> No.20118828

It is known.

>> No.20118848


>> No.20118917

People who feel a need to announce their dislike for tattoos whenever they see one have a personality based on hatred. You'll notice this if you pay attention.

>> No.20118927

everyone knows only seedy attention seeking drug using criminal types have tattoos

>> No.20118949

You tattoo freaks probably think nose rings are okay as well.

>> No.20118963

Sailors get a pass.

>> No.20119028

look, you are young you don't understand the cultural change around tattoos that has taken place in about 2-3 generations. To give you a hypothetical that you might use to understand, it would be like if people started casually using the N-word in conversation over the next 5 years, and then 5 years later someone said, "people who feel they need to announce they dislike the N-word whenever they hear it have a personality based on hatred. You'll notice this if you pay attention."

>> No.20119037

What are you fucking 80? Nigger hasn't been acceptable for over 40 years.

>> No.20119049

Does anyone know what she’s making? It looks good and comfy

>> No.20119053

it's called a tiktok, pretty good way to get people to notice your tits

>> No.20119085

If she had any.

>> No.20119090

Dude just stfu..I bet I could your scrawny bitch ass in 15 seconds flat. As an ex navy seal I know when a man is all talk and no action. And you are the definition of a barking little chihuahua.