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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 183 KB, 1024x759, a-super-sized-extra-value-meal-at-mcdonalds-quarter-pounder-with-cheese-42-oz-coke-and-super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20113318 No.20113318 [Reply] [Original]

Do you miss it ?

>> No.20113325


>> No.20113396


Nah. Mine are better, and healthier, and cheaper.

>> No.20113423

Spurlock was right even if he was a drunk. Their marketing was manipulative and should not be allowed.

>> No.20113432


>> No.20113448

What about making their goyslop as addictive as cigarettes, is that okay?

>> No.20113584

You mean the 90's, back when life was affordable, people lived in the moment, and I didn't know the Earth was flat and controlled by Satanists/Jews/Illuminati/FreeMasons? YEAH YOU FUCKING FAGGOT, I'D SAY I MISS IT!

>> No.20113638

Yeah because even before inflation, the large would always be half filled because some woman manager wanting to fuck you over

>> No.20113675

bro wtf

>> No.20113678
File: 270 KB, 1200x819, STS_20231015_null_Culture_01_12-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mcdonalds ends the super size
>USA immediately goes to shit
He'll yes I miss it
Bringing it back is symbolic of the return of pax America
All hail McDonald's
All hail Columbia

>> No.20113985

Never had it, really wanted to try it.
Super size me and its consequences have been a disaster to the fast food industry.

>> No.20113998

i miss when they used to put pro-consumption chemicals in food that would make you want to eat more. sadly these days they put anti-consumption chemicals in food so you consume less.

>> No.20114003

Gen Alpha here, so was Supersize bigger than today's Large, or are we so fat as a society that Supersize=Large now?

>> No.20114008

Nope. Not only super size (never had that shit here) by all fastfood. Goyslopism is a mental illness. Respect yourself, eat clean, eat White.

>> No.20114062

Words of freedom.

>> No.20114136
File: 302 KB, 1200x939, 342k3bnmzu771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The super size drinks were 42oz (same as wendys discontinued biggie size) while large drinks are 30oz.
However, the super size fries were 7oz while large fries were 6.2oz. They played mind games because the super size fry container was huge, but mostly empty.

>> No.20114201
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>> No.20114349

I think you meed a little break buddy

>> No.20114437

Have obesity rates declined since they cancelled the Supersize option?
No, they've only gotten worse?
Then I wish cancer on the children of everyone responsible for its removal.

>> No.20116093
File: 383 KB, 1023x804, 2978698147_2a012627ea_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super size me

>> No.20116100

i was sad i missed out on it until i read that it doesnt double the size of the big mac
its just xl fries, thats boring

>> No.20116168

my mom never let me get the super size

>> No.20116211

>yeah, can I get a uhhh... [burger] and two large fries, please?

what's to miss?

>> No.20116214

I miss not feeling guilt eating shitty garbage.

>> No.20116216

yeah the fries and drinks have most of the profit margins

>> No.20116434

>america went to shit in 2002
You're about a century late

>> No.20117719

No, the 90s was an insane clownshow.

>> No.20117735

woop woop

>> No.20117753

The worst thing about McDonald's was how they used to fry their freedom fries in tallow, knowing full well that saturated fats are the devil. I don't care that they tasted really damned good. The important thing is that they were endangering the health and safety of our children by selling food cooked in the devil's fat at low prices. What they did was worse than anything Hitler or Trump (he is literally Hitler) did to the Jews

>> No.20117830

No one ever needs to be served such obscene portions.,

>> No.20118056
File: 188 KB, 682x1024, sokolof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funny part is the newer worse fries aren't even healthier. A millionaire had a heart attack and convinced everyone high fat foods were the cause (they weren't) and focused primarily on mcdonalds which is why you're no longer allowed to get them.

>> No.20118063

I made a ripoff DQP recently as an experiment and aside the fact that my shitty supermarket buns weren't as nice as maccadon's it was actually unbelievable. I realised the reason I never like burgers that much is because I overcook the patties. When I just barely cook them through, medium-rare-medium or so they're so joocy and still full of fat and taste just like the real thing. and salt, lots of salt.

>> No.20118089
File: 127 KB, 1024x768, __warm_and_sweet___mcdonald_s_interior_by_mina_fox_dc3mnfq-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the interior of the restaurants more than the nearly empty super size fry containers

>> No.20118246

This is my favorite trivia meme that people regurgitate at every opportunity even though we've all read this several times at this point.

>> No.20119269

This one is weird. It is obviously addictive but no one knows why. The canned line is "combination of salt fat and sugar" but you can do that at home and it won't be addictive. They must be putting something in it.

>> No.20119312

If home cooking didn't require effort it would be addictive, too. The lack of instant gratification when you have to actually make the stuff is what prevents it.

>> No.20119375

Back when mcdick's was somewhat filling and still affordable? Absolutely. Nowadays, forgetta about it. Thanks groggy joe, you stupid fuck.

>> No.20119397

It looks like an actual restaurant

>> No.20119425

I could never finish a super sized meal. I always wound up throwing away some fries and coke. But I do miss when entire meals cost $3 or less.

>> No.20119676

It is addicting though. The rare occasion when a fatties bakes cookies from scratch the whole batch will be gone in a matter of hours

>> No.20120008
File: 64 KB, 564x559, RR2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much would a super size qp with cheese meal cost in 2024?

>> No.20120039

he paid people to eat dog food in their underwear on all fours on a leash on TV and totally naked online, why would anyone listen to him?

>> No.20120101

Yo! I'll tell you what I want what I want what I really really want so tell me what you want what you really really want I'll tell you what I want what I want what I really really want so tell me what you want what you really really want I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna really really wanna ???????????

>> No.20120272
File: 982 KB, 1084x1400, 143713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the 90s

>> No.20121558

>Do you miss it ?
Edible McDonalds? Yeah, I miss it.