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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 643 KB, 2400x1200, Ramsay grilled cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20113790 No.20113790 [Reply] [Original]

Gordon made an attempt to redeem himself for his infamous grilled cheese. What's /ck/'s verdict?

>> No.20113799 [DELETED] 

What a piece of shit human being

>> No.20113804

Coke nose.

>> No.20113814

It seems like a shortrib sandwich with cheese, not a grilled cheese

>> No.20113819

Fuck off.

>> No.20113836
File: 926 KB, 500x290, 58274a4f74fa7a234ec18bfc03a531a2c4e1cb8d_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uses mayo

>> No.20113862
File: 54 KB, 768x397, kraft cheeses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His grilled cheese sandwiches would be a hell of a lot better with these bad boys.

>> No.20113864


>> No.20113868 [DELETED] 

Nothing about this is a grilled cheese
Why is there short rib? Chutney? I'm so confused

>> No.20113877

>Not really a grilled cheese
>Cheese isn't all the way melted
It looks tasty as fuck and I never liked the retards who can't cook taking jabs at him for easy internet points but this is not a proper grilled cheese redemption

>> No.20113882 [DELETED] 

What a fucking joke

>> No.20113960


>> No.20113966

Cheese is unironically too melted. Also not a grilled cheese.

>> No.20113978

>calls a steak melt a grilled cheese
>grills it in the oven
>burns the bottom
>puts in so much cheese half of it drips out into the pan
Oh my goodness me.

>> No.20113982

Watching these kinds of shows I've noticed pretentious cooks often feel like they need to "justify" the dish by adding expensive ingredients and overcomplicating it. Like they can't accept that a good dish can be simple.
Nah he's just Bri'ish

>> No.20113984

if you put that much cheese in a sandwich and heat it in a pan, it better fucking be melted. unless cheese is a tertiary ingredient in a hot sandwich, it fucking melts.

>> No.20113991
File: 259 KB, 1254x996, Marco is NOT impressed..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, It's confirmed Gordo lurks here.
Marco needs to come visit and make this histrionic narcissist cry again.
>Celebrity chefs are just talentless people with big personalities-Chef MW

>> No.20113993

Didn't he also try to shill a scrambled egg that looked like baby barf? I have vague memories of it. Wonder if he ever got heat for that too

>> No.20114010

It looks like some of it might not be melted, but you don't get to see a good closeup.

>> No.20114011

That's why I can't find a cookbook. It's all overcomplicated celeb trash.

>> No.20114029

You can't have looked very hard. The big centrepiece displays at the bookstore might be celeb trash, but there are plenty that focus on fundamentals and easily achievable recipes.

>> No.20114049
File: 1.86 MB, 3368x2836, an-Ode-to-JOY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wonder if he ever got heat for that too
To be fair, those were French style scrambled eggs. End product was right, he just way over-complicated it to make himself seem more skilled than he is.

ALWAYS be wary of people who make everything they talk about to the extreme

Even worse is trying to get a decent recipe online. They ALWAYS want to show you fucking 25 glamour/foodpr0n pics while slowly doling out the recipe. It's getting hard to find an actual base recipe without trudging through pages of "Content"
Go with the classic cookbooks. Cooking has had VERY little real innovation in the last 20 years--just a flood of "Entertainment content"
there are still some good ones, like cook's country, or milk street, I guess, but even those seem to prone to faddish whims and marketing drive these days.

>> No.20114054

That's true. I usually walk through the bookstore, quickly flip through two books and give up. And that was a few years ago. I'll try again.

>> No.20114069

every celebrity chef who does french cuisine insists, with the utmost condescension and snobbery, that drinkable barf eggs are the only correct and proper way to do a scramble

>> No.20114071

This is also true.
Library is a great place to start. Also Goodwill.
There's also always going to archive.is and Libgen for looking up cookbooks.
Joy of cooking:

In this day and age, you really don't have to have a sprawling shelf full of cookbooks, nor really even a printer.

>> No.20114076

Even Adam Raguesa knows how to make a grilled cheese sandwich. Mushrooms? Jalapeno jam? What the fuck is the point, it's a grilled cheese sandwich, all you need is fucking bread and cheese

>> No.20114080

If you can't make it well with minimum ingredients, you shouldn't be trying to pimp it out.

>> No.20114083

>bread and cheese
high quality salted butter is also essential, but otherwise correct

>> No.20114091
File: 2.62 MB, 2560x1440, 2024-01.17_117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grilled cheese redemption
>makes a panini instead
>cheese still unmelted
Note how quickly the camera cuts away from the cross section closeup to a wider shot from farther away. Gordon cannot into grilled cheese.
Celebrities aren't chefs. However, I will always enjoy his Kitchen Nightmares series because it exposes how disgusting restaurants can be.

>> No.20114098

Nah, I've made some great grilled cheese sandwiches in a dry pan or just in the oven under the grill. But I agree that butter does make a superior sandwich

>> No.20114099
File: 227 KB, 1280x720, 4Seasons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say Pepin is much easier-going than that.
Marco White too.
They both acknowledge that there are different styles that are just as valid. The key is they are well prepared, with fresh ingredients and following the fundamentals:
>Proteins wet
>Vegetables and pasta al dente,(unless puree)
>let the food's natural flavor shine through, don't just dump "Seasoning" on it.
>simplicity with high quality is better than rococo with processed sysco shit.
It really is the same with any master of a trade; Know your materials, have decent tools and maintain them, and have decades of skill to produce attractive and resilient results.

>> No.20114100

Everything in those shows is set up to be disgusting, anon. They find somewhere already a bit gross, make it worse, then the angry youtube chef man comes in and screams at people, then there's a redemption arc, then the finale is the place being respectable. I can't imagine enjoying that show with a triple digit IQ.

>> No.20114105

Reminds me of "nerds" who surround themselves with tech gadgets, meanwhile some autist on his Thinkpad can run circles around him. A bad workman is always looking for better tools.

>> No.20114117
File: 15 KB, 236x177, CRAMPS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A bad workman is always looking for better tools.
I can't disagree, but a master of his craft knows a poor tool to begin with.
Now THAT might be a great show.
>Celebrity chefs
>Michelin tier menu
>Dull paring knives, garbage pots and pans and faulty cooking apparatus
>hilarity ensues
While it's true that a poor craftsman blames his tools, the Master craftsman doesn't use shitty ones to begin with.

>> No.20114127

For bar for a tool to be good enough to produce quality is shockingly low.

>> No.20114132

I *Think* i get what you mean.
Yes, a Truly skilled chef can almost work "magic" from an "empty" pantry a shitty 1 qt pan and a "Sharp enough" steak knife.
I wouldn't want to try to fillet a whitefish or remove silver skin with a dull butter knife though.

>> No.20114137

I mean that even a $20 kitchen knife can be brought to a good enough edge with a few passes of a honing rod.

>> No.20114205

At least until the "teeth" are all gone.
I actually have a dollar store serrated bread knife that I've jealously guarded for ~20 years. It works better than my Henkels.
Having spent years in commercial kitchens, there's absolutely nothing wrong with the good old Sysco white handled knives,as long as you watch the retards like a hawk. I've seen guys use their own knives to punch holes in #2 juice cans.
Made me shudder even though they were using the heel of the knife.

>> No.20114216

That's great of him, I think he's a very swell guy

>> No.20114254

My family is in the restaurant industry. I've "worked" in a French restaurant when I was maybe 5 years old: Sometimes my momma couldn't get a babysitter so she just brought me to her work, haha. So not only are they allowing me to help peel potatos, they had rats, roaches, and cut heaps of corners for profit from what I remember and from what my mom has told me.
If you think there aren't naturally occurring kitchens that are WORSE than anything shown there, you are living a fantasy I want a part of. Nevertheless, I consider that show to be reality TV so of course there will be fakery.

>> No.20114336
File: 733 KB, 1280x720, 1689965171132825.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Gordon. He thought me that you can save money on salt by wiping the cutting board with sweat

>> No.20114418

when chrischan recycles he’s considered a freak. when gordon recycles he’s considered a savant. why is that?

>> No.20114592
File: 742 KB, 1280x737, IMG_3563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the MPWcel.

>> No.20114658

To be fair, the part of the cloth he dabbed his head with was in his hand, not directly touching the board
>why season with sea salt when you can use sweat salt

>> No.20114661


>> No.20114765

but enough about yourself

>> No.20114792

dont post pictures of my wife

>> No.20114870
File: 121 KB, 600x590, no-no-not-like-this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20114926

Supposed to dilute the burnt butter taste because usually you do that with a high smoke oil not EVOO(unless he's using that refined gutter olive oil)

>> No.20114931

ramsey's burger place at vegas had the best burger, best home-made ketchup and best fries
he is the best

>> No.20114939

Could you taste the styling gel in every bite?

>> No.20114955

thats a melt

>> No.20114970

my friend actually caught ramsey at that exact restaurant few years ago, so you can get him to spit on your plate if you really want to
he actually tours his places apparently and keeps them in shape
I sat at the counter overlooking the kitchen and the team was working like an oiled machine, faster than "fast food" places
you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

>> No.20114978
File: 2.82 MB, 790x550, gordon double dip.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20114981

oh and by the way the fucking burger took 40min+ to get anyway lmao, they're just so slammed all the time being on the strip

>> No.20114987

>So, It's confirmed Gordon lurks here.
No wonder why he started selling TV Dinners.

>> No.20114988

>not a grilled cheese sandwich
>cheese still isn't molten
>still taps the knife for no fucking reason

>> No.20114990

I went once years ago and the burger was delicious but it gave me explosive diarrhea that I almost shat my pants looking for a bathroom

>> No.20115008

Did find unmelted chunks of cheese in the toilet?

>> No.20115015

What he should've done:
>sourdough bread
>mayo on one slice, Kerrygold butter on the other
>blend of white cheddar, muenster, and smoked gouda
>also make bechmel with lager, similar to welsh rarebit, and put on top
>cut into triangles
>serve with hot basil-tomato soup

>> No.20115028

That was overcooked Hollandaise, not scrambled eggs.

>> No.20115867

Someone I know in real life also got food poisoning from a burger from the same restaurant, what the fuck

>> No.20116036

it's amazing how he doesn't understand what he's trying to make

the shitty grilled cheese that drunk college students make at 2 am are easier to make and taste better than his fancy cousine

two slices of bread
butter on one side
cheese on the other
maybe season, but not necessary

that's it

>> No.20116039

it looks gross, but it tastes really good
creme fraiche + butter

>> No.20116043

>grilled cheese: :|
>Gordon Ramsay™ griiled cheese: :O

>> No.20116061

>huurrhuuur le bri'ish hehe
Go back

>> No.20116063

You two wanna get a room together so you can actually fuck, instead of just wanking eachother off?

>> No.20116076

>easier to make
>and taste better

>> No.20116161
File: 208 KB, 512x384, 1688653741403896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tis a fine sandwich but tis no grilled cheese, english.

>> No.20116583

clean it up janny

>> No.20116758

>MACON, Ga. — Food YouTuber Adam Ragusea, noted for seasoning his X instead of his Y and dousing it in white wine, passed away unexpectedly in his kitchen in Macon, Georgia, Thursday.
Anon, how do I tell you this…

>> No.20116790

In defense of Gordon, he put a shitload of cheese on that sandwich. 5 slices and something like 4 handfuls.

>> No.20116799

kek did you see that thing fall out of it at 0:41??

>> No.20116800

>after adding your fillet beef to your corn beef hash, give it a generous splash of extra virgin olive oil and grate some truffle over it.

>> No.20116852


>> No.20116904

nooo he fucked up again XDDDD how??????

>> No.20116914
File: 668 KB, 768x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgusting, these are the only real option.

>> No.20116949

Wow I thought he was taking the piss with the tassie grilled cheese, but it would seem he has legitimately lost the plot.

>> No.20116967

other than a couple of seasonings i have literally none of that in my kitchen. you also won't ever find me trying to overengineer a grilled chee drunk at 2am. the most experimental ingredient i ever used was garlic salt.

>> No.20116986

There are 2 legit areas for experimentation:
>type of cheese: you are within your rights to run the spectrum from Velveeta to Brie
>toppings: feel free to add chives, bacon bits, fried onions
But the cheese must be plentiful, and melted, and gooey, and the bread must be pan-fried in either butter or mayo for absorption of delicious fat while still getting crispy.

>> No.20117001

The bottom is burned to hell, that's why he didn't show it or take a bite.

>> No.20117033
File: 246 KB, 354x367, 14324324443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and he still fucked it up. Unbelievable.

>> No.20117476

and that’s disgusting

>> No.20117493

why is he so shit

>> No.20117506

he’s a brand, not a chef

>> No.20117682

Trying to melt semi-hard cheese between two thick slices of crusty bread is doomed for failure. If he had a proper oven instead of a little fireplace it's possible he would be able to have enough ambient heat to melt the cheese. But pretending as though he succeeded was a bit preposterous. At least the concept was original, this just seems like elaborate goyslop.

>> No.20117697
File: 60 KB, 960x720, 1452913338512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe when you're a professional chef you make so much fancy food you forget how to make simple things like sandwiches

>> No.20117718


>> No.20117804

>bread must be pan-fried in either butter or mayo for absorption of delicious fat while still getting crispy.
olive oil my man

>> No.20117811


>> No.20117814

Damn I just saw it. I think he really is on coke

>> No.20117822

>too melted
this is schizophrenic rambling

>> No.20117827

This shriveled prune doesn't even know what a grilled cheese sandwich is. Smh

>> No.20117836

that part at 0:40 where he spits onto his prep saying the word jalapeno jam. yum, I hope he gave that sandwhich to someone.

>> No.20117949

The bottom is completely burned, no one would eat it. He didn't even want it.

>> No.20117981

thats made by the same company...

>> No.20118079

holy gross. this old man has lost it

>> No.20118285

looks burned on the bottom

>> No.20118802

>the fucking comments
Even normies see through this chicanery


>> No.20118805

Don't forget the mayonnaise

>> No.20118833

Olive oil-based mayo
Check mate

>> No.20118897

>t. Jon Favreau
Jesus Christ Jon, it's just a Grilled Cheese

>> No.20119074
File: 426 KB, 1125x599, IMG_5161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let’s make this quite clear, he CHOSE to cry

>> No.20119121

>/ck/ - celebs & e-celebs

>> No.20119185

The fucking panini head should have just made a simple grilled cheese with kraft singles. Trying to make more fancy bullshit just invites people to keep up the meme

>> No.20119191

I never ate grilled cheese as a kid and the one time I tried making it as an adult was when I was sick and it made me puke almost. is it actually good or just a meme that kids with lazy parents remember eating? if I was going to make a sandwich with cheese I would want to put other stuff on too like tomato or meat or onions, but then it wouldn't just be grilled cheese anymore.

>> No.20119194

Mostly lazy parents. Although in college I would order a grilled cheese at the bar occasionally when smashed and of course it was always great in that circumstance

>> No.20119195

Sorry but we're gonna have to revoke those dubs if you're going to judge a food based on making it once, with no properly-prepared basis for comparison, when you were already SICK. Toppings are permissible but bread, cheese, and butter are really all that's required for a delicious comfort food (ideally paired with tomato soup).

>> No.20119198

Depends. Are you using good bread and good cheese, the shit plastic cheese and cakey white bread? Well it's hard to make a bad grill cheese, just need to toast the bread and melt the cheese. I use mayo on mine in place of butter, makes a nicer toast than butter at least for my tastes.

It really is only as good as the ingredients, Gordon just keeps trying to fluff it up and so makes shit grilled cheeses. It has thre ingredients, the bread, the cheese and what you spread to fry the bread, butted, oil, mayo, fucking fairy shit whatever.

>> No.20119416

I used bread I had made for chicken panini. aside from the being sick part it was underwhelming because it was basically just eating the sandwich I had made before but without the chicken, bacon, or tomato.

>> No.20119788

>professional chefs were making fast food quicker than high schoolers who are high on weed

>> No.20120121

Cozy video.

>> No.20120129

Did you actually revoked dubs??

>> No.20120143

It's the coke. He's blinded by it.

>> No.20120145

That shit ain't real cheese. Hell it ain't even really american since the inventor is fucking canadian.

>> No.20120269


>> No.20120358

>adds shrooms and shit to something that should be so fucking simple that a child could do it
Jesus fucking christ. Someone tell that scottish blockhead that all he needs is some toast, butter and a slice or two of cheddar cheese! What he made is like a fucking burger!

>> No.20120397

i'll say this for the pathetic, pedantic, cocaine-fueled, crag faced bogger, whoever did his hair plugs and face-life did an amazing job.

>> No.20120407

That looks scrumptious and he obviously has a good sense of humour about his mistakes. It's not his fault time was so tight, but he owns up to it and has a bit of a laugh at himself. Good sport. And now with this masterpiece, nobody can doubt his skills.

>> No.20120429

wow the ai bots sound exactly like his shitty pr team

>> No.20120469

does Marco have a grilled cheese video recipe? He should make one otherwise just for taking the piss.

>> No.20120511

keeps le butter from burning, they say. I don't know if it's true but I like it so I keep doing it

>> No.20120536

It's not true, but they do have very different flavors.

>> No.20120564

grilled cheese is one of the things i was taught to cook first to learn heat control

>> No.20120800

If he didn't say that, I would doubt the story. Fucking savage mpw

>> No.20120891

how do you use knorr stock pot to make grilled cheese though?

>> No.20120905

Uhh... what continent do you think Canada is located on?

>> No.20120911

Fpbp fuck this Epstein cunt

>> No.20120977

When you're a popular tv chef you realise nobody wants to watch you make a basic cheese sandwich.

>> No.20121069

nvm. He's still taking the piss. LOL what a sick lad.

>> No.20121072

yeah paradoxically the only reason people would wanna see a normal grilled cheese is because he first made a shit grilled cheese. but that’s just the big brain celeb play to keep people talking about you

>> No.20121818
File: 364 KB, 1920x1080, Gordon Ramsay Makes a Grilled Cheese Sandwich (WILL IT MELT ) - YouTube - 0-0-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the haircut alone needs redemption
also, never use Mayo on grilled cheese
god damned brits
garlic+oregano-infused butter or die.

>> No.20121823
File: 287 KB, 1920x1080, Gordon Ramsay Makes a Grilled Cheese Sandwich (WILL IT MELT ) - YouTube - 0-0-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, compulsory "least saggy man-tits from the British isles" post

>> No.20121824

North pole

>> No.20121837

It's zoomer broccoli head style without the perm because that would make it too obvious. He thinks it makes him look young.

>> No.20121943

turned it off once he started chopping up the third ingredient that wasn't cheese

>> No.20121950

A normal person would skip to the end to laugh at the result.

>> No.20122012

is he the ugliest most famous man alive?
who else even comes close?

>> No.20122036

Quentin Tarantino

>> No.20122060

The only ingredients in a perfect grilled cheese are just lots of butter, white bread, and two Kraft Singles slices. For a slightly less perfect grilled cheese, you could use mayo in place of some of the butter.

Grilled cheese isn't supposed to be some fancy gourmet crap.

>> No.20122085

Cheddar or even colby tastes better than kraft slices. The only reason to use kraft slices is if you have no idea how to control temperature.

>> No.20122087

for me, it's regular ass wonderbread, one slice of cheese, and butter. i tried mayo once, it worked but it didn't taste good. any more than one slice of american when it's the only thing in the sandwich, no thanks

>> No.20122135

You don't get the right grilled cheese taste with cheddar or colby.

>> No.20122149
File: 70 KB, 1550x776, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this true?

>> No.20122153
File: 24 KB, 474x321, 1700642083052475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me? it's the patty melt, the best grilled cheese sandwich

>> No.20122159

no real grilled cheese uses those piece of shit fraft slices except for the shitty ones your dumb ass mom cooked for you.

>> No.20122235

it depends. does it have to be good?

>> No.20122239
File: 103 KB, 1517x857, Z13YQYe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't Amerilards just sit and watch something in real life? They always have to be holding up their smartphones recording it like a drooling fucking baboon nigger retard even when there's obviously a professional camera crew getting the best shot anyways. It's really irritating.

>> No.20122245

As dumb as americans are this is obviously not just an american trait

>> No.20122252
File: 3.59 MB, 480x263, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an american I can tell you this is the most disgusting country on planet Earth. The jews have won
Gordon Ramsay literally fucks he has 100 kids.

>> No.20122281

Crazy how he refuses to just put it in the microwave.

>> No.20122285

When is Marco going to make a grilled cheese and tame his student?

>> No.20122411

he's clearly milking it
he'll be 90 and make a grilled cheese video where he does it right then says it's terrible or something retarded
keep watching!

>> No.20122449

>seasoning cutting board
Gordon is so low he's now copying Ragusea

>> No.20122463

what upsets me the most is the retards insisting on recording in portrait mode like they've never held a camera that wasn't part of a phone before. then they come here and complain that their images are sideways. someone needs to find a way to hack all of the phones in the world and make them emit some kind of radiation pulse that will sterilize their users so these morons will stop reproducing.

>> No.20122533

3 out of 16 people are doing that.

>> No.20122846
File: 1.82 MB, 2431x1440, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like the part at 2:00 where the camera slowly corrects the angle to fit in the watch advertisement. i wonder how much that company paid him to wear it.

>> No.20122885

gordon always has to rush everything, het adds tons of unnecessary ingredients, burns the toast, and cheese still not fully melted. what a retard

>> No.20122889

>still taps the knife for no fucking reason
guess he learned that from salt bae

>> No.20122943

its FOMO

>> No.20123607

That's not a grilled cheese. It's a deconstructed bread bowl

>> No.20123852

gordon is a highly trained professional, he doesn’t need to hear all this

>> No.20123858

That reference is older than a lot of the people on this board.

>> No.20124125

Do not want. Look at all the cheese that he put in there and the sad cheesepull he managed to get. He overdid it again and fucking It up all the same.
It's embarrassing when Jamie fucking Oliver makes a better grilled cheese than you. What was that show he did with that farmer friend of his? In one ep of that, he made grilled cheese sandwiches. It was simple and it was good and it had a nice cheesepull.

>> No.20124361

this is typically gordon, overdoing everything by adding more ingredients to make it seem fancy, but he cannot even nail the basics of preparing it correctly. because he is always in a rush, like an ADHD kid

him adding peas, mushrooms, garlic, chili, parsley, streaky bacon, smoked bacon (instead of just the way tastier pancetta or guanciale if you do it the traditional way) to a carbonara. again overdoing it with the ingredients, rushing it like an ADHD kid, he barely has any passion left.

Is this the series you mean? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4410458/

Everyone can make grilled cheese. gordon just needs to do it in an impossible time frame. a pan grilled cheese just takes time to do it correctly. i think gordon was good in his prime but nowadays... ugh

>> No.20124605


>> No.20124609

> widescreen.jpg

>> No.20124613

for gorgon ramsey it does

>> No.20124683

>Is this the series you mean?
Yes, though I didn't think it was that one. I was thinking it was another show they'd done together called Food Fight Club, but it was, in fact, FNF, yes. It's only been a few years since it went off air and I'd already forgotten the format, thinking it was just set in the cafe the whole time rather than having segments set and filmed elsewhere. The sandwich in question was done in his back garden over open flame, iirc. Lemme see if I can find video

>> No.20124709

Mistake 1: using thick sliced bread again. This CAN work, but you have to cook it on really low fire for like 20 minutes for it to cook through. Or you can steam it for 5 minutes then uncover it and raise the heat to toast top and bottom to get it crispy.

Mistake 2: wrong type of mushroom for grilled cheese. Mushrooms CAN work, but they must not be this type and must be sliced thin or in tiny pieces so to not interfere with cheese pull

Mistake 3: making a chutney jam for a grilled fucking cheese

Mistake 4: cutting thick ass pieces of ginger and then thinking that will soften or you can cook out the intensity of that by sauteeing it for 5minutes. Posssibly the worst part of this whole recipe

Mistake 5 : thick ass slices of short rib

Mistake 6: only toasting, and possiblyburning, only one side of the sandwich at the end. Leaving the top softer, unequal cooking on top and bottom

Mistake 7: overseasoning . You dont have to season the fucking cheese you tard. Good cheddar and gruyere cheese has enough flavor and is sharp enough on its own.

>> No.20124710

It was this one.
So it wasn't FNF but rather Comfort Food and Jimmy wasn't involved at all.
Jamie's had so many things on TV that it's hard to keep track what came from which show

>> No.20124715

>making a chutney jam for a grilled fucking cheese
It's nice as a side or sauce to dip into but not actually IN the fucking thing.

>> No.20124759

i've watched the video and i definitely will be trying it to make a grilled cheese this way next time, will raise the setting my induction stove from 5 to 6 at 3 mins a side and do the cheese afterwards. i think it looks kinda weird with the "crown" tho, will make it so it just covers the bread.

this simple but slightly elevated grilled cheese is better than gordons.. thanks for sharing.

>> No.20124857

Holy shit, I can't believe he actually responded to the allegations

>> No.20124859

I would agree with pretty much everything on this list. My main take-aways:
>It's a grilled cheese, didn't need any of the extra shit
>Pretty much everything was cut too thick, especially the ginger (see previous point)
>Insists on using retarded "old-school" kitchen utensils to cook like that sandwich press thing. "Just use a spatula and flip it, you rantallion"

>> No.20124998

grilling cheese

>> No.20125043

me and my buddy tunechi and also dustin were raid my dad's fridge and dust says hey man do ya think we can have some of that cheeeeeese

>> No.20125055
