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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20113391 No.20113391 [Reply] [Original]

I bought this 20 oz bone-in ribeye steak.
Left it 1 hr to warm up, salted it.

>> No.20113397


>> No.20113402
File: 325 KB, 1080x838, Screenshot_20240117_191154_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heated up the pan, used olive oil.
I think I kept it way too long, about 10 minutes on each side

>> No.20113405
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The end result.
I cut it up after 2-3 minutes

>> No.20113407

I cummed on it :3

>> No.20113411
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And a section. It came out mostly brown, no pink except a bit in the bone area.
It was mostly good, but the middle part was chewy.
The fat was tasty.
Did I overdo it?

>> No.20113415

You are eating my cummies :3

>> No.20113416

Got kik hotguy?

>> No.20113440

Looks ok. Pretty retarded to use olive oil. You should have used clarified butter, then added raw butter after to get the browning.

>> No.20113441

Just a suggestion, but if you have a bone in steak, it's better to throw it on the grill. You get a weird sear in the pan if the bone is there because the meat won't sit flush as it cooks.

>> No.20113444

Yeah, probably, I couldnt find a ribeye, so I had to settle for this

>> No.20113449

Gordon Ramseye uses olive oil, is he retarded?

>> No.20113454

Someone post gordons ultimate grilled cheese

>> No.20113460

Next time I will use a meat thermometer, I have it but was too lazy to use it

>> No.20113463

looks good

>> No.20113484

Yes he is a retard sandwich.

>> No.20113538

You take that back!

>> No.20113547

not supposed to cook with olive oil
high heat turns it into a trans fat
no its not more tasty trans fats cause fatty liver and are very bad for you
just read the name
trans fat
*thinking emoji*

>> No.20113620

Will literally make you trans

>> No.20113653

looks like it's still mooing. i would sear it again on both sides for about 3 minutes each and let it rest for 6

>> No.20113701

Ummm, first pic is the raw meat

>> No.20113760

Coincidentally, he posted a video attempting to redeem himself from that grilled cheese shortly after your post.

>> No.20113792

Sounds like bro science retardation

>> No.20113808

No, olive oil becomes harmful past a certain temperature. You should cook beef in beef tallow.

>> No.20113821

>bone-in ribeye
23 replies and nobody notices
absolue /ck/

>> No.20113823
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Quiet jew

>> No.20113828


>> No.20114173

>beef tallow
Is this for real?

>> No.20114180

>he doesn't know

>> No.20114182

But that's perverse

>> No.20114861

I've got 3/4 inch steaks but I'm worried that I will overcook them trying to get a good crust
Any tips?

>> No.20115014

Blazing hot pan.

>> No.20115020

Ice cold pan.

>> No.20115125
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>> No.20115130

Blazing cold pan.

>> No.20115134

Put some of this in the pan.

>> No.20115138
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>>20115134 this shit

>> No.20115147
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>> No.20115151

Blazing hot ice.

>> No.20115161

Where do you live? Asking for a fwend.

>> No.20115317

Are you sure that is a bone in rib-eye mate? It looks more like a T-bone or porterhouse with the fillet cut off. Whatever it is, it does not look like a fucking bone in rib-eye.

>> No.20115359

You don't use olive oil for steak because it burns too fast at higher heat. You won't get a good sear and crust. You need at least grapeseed oil, avocado oil is best. Beef tallow is good because it has a similar smoke point to grapeseed oil. If you ask me, olive oil doesn't belong in a frying pan.

High smoke point oil in a hot pan = better sear and crust. If you really don't want to fuck it up, look up reverse searing. You first cook at low heat in the oven (look up the charts), then sear and crust at high heat. (basically like sous-vide without using a plastic bag and an expensive water heater) You can bring lots of flavor if you butter baste it with herbs and aromatics. 3/4in is a bit thin though.

>> No.20115679

Yeah, that's a bone in ribeye, it said so on the label

>> No.20115826


>> No.20116009

>high heat turns it into a trans fat
I'm calling bullshit on this

>> No.20116020

I honestly have no idea what sneed oils are and the consequences but I spam "SNEED OILS" incessantly on ck

>> No.20116028

it's well done. next time use hotter pan for less time.

>> No.20116035

Yeah, I guess about 10-12 min on each side was waaaay too much

>> No.20116041

Davenport, Iowa

>> No.20116082

Big announcement guys!
I will try again to cook a steak, I will post results

>> No.20116092

Is this a Texan steak?

>> No.20116480
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>boner ribeye
Uh-huh. Anyways, you really need to fooking start by HARD SEARING that damn fat strip. That LONG strip of white fat? Yeah, press that shit down HARD with a pair of tongs. Idiot (respectfully).

And get a steak weight or coffee mug, anything to flatten that uneven schmeat in the pan.

>> No.20116573

>start by HARD SEARING the fat cap
I did that you mong

>> No.20116586

well have you tried cumming on it?

>> No.20116836

Ok guys, I gave it another go, pics incoming

>> No.20116854
File: 433 KB, 1080x1222, Screenshot_20240118_205442_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used sunflower oil this time. Fat cap was seared first

>> No.20116859
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I left it about 5-6 minutes on each side

>> No.20116865
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I left it to rest for about 5 minutes, under tinfoil.
It came out medium rare. It was juicier and more tender than before. Taste was good and beefy, the fat was great. I ate it with salt and a bit of whore's relish.
Going to try to find some boneless ribeye next

>> No.20116868

You mean the professional chef who failed to make a grilled cheese? Twice?
Yeah, he's a certified retard.

>> No.20116872

I used sunflower oil this time you giant asshole

>> No.20116910

Gordon? Gordon Ramsay? Is that you?
Nope, just a second, lesser retard. Try reading comprehension.

>> No.20116915

Gtfo out of my thread loser

>> No.20116919

Lol, stop posting. You're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.20116934


>> No.20116938

Dumbfucking board last time I post a threat here

>> No.20116982
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Fair enough, they cut them a little differently in Australia, pic rel. Anyways, if you are interested enough to be posting you will no doubt be banging out top class steaks soon. Feels good! Good luck!

>> No.20116998

Thanks man, I already feel I improved a bit, it's literally just my third steak

>> No.20117146
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That is awesome for your third steak! Just start cooking a consistent steak (not too hard to do) and learn how to make a pan sauce (very easy). This will put you way ahead of most people. You 100% got this.

>> No.20117150

It's a bone-in strip

>> No.20117152

Thanks man, I found a couple of places where I can get some good meat.
I was thinking of making a bearnaise next time, maybe a pepper sauce.
My first steak was a t-bone, second is OP pic and third is a few posts up.
Been cooking some cheeseburgers some weeks ago but I got thoroughly shit on

>> No.20117219

Looks okay but I still don't think you're getting the pan hot enough

>> No.20117233

while I don't know if it turns to trans fat, it is carcinogenic at high temperatures. Butter or Lard would be better

>> No.20117338

I have a gas stove, I put the flame on high and leave the pan for about 7 minutes

>> No.20117352

I went with a blazing hot pan but in the end I probably got a good 1cm on both edges that were gray and only the centre was pink
Idk why they only sell thin steaks at supermarkets in my country
I'm going to reverse sear and butter the hell out of my next steak

>> No.20117363

you can't sear with butter
reverse sear is a good idea
preheat your pan in the oven to get it hot and eliminate cold spots

>> No.20117376

Make your own thread asshole

>> No.20117403

Really ?

>> No.20117418

instead of what

>> No.20117435

I just let the meat get to room temperature on it

>> No.20117460

That's useless, don't bother. High heat neutral oil, tallow, lard, or ghee. Very hot cast iron, carbon steel or stainless pan. Put the steak on one half of the pan, flip to the other half every minute. This lets the side not being cooked cool down and lets the heat penetrate deep, and lets the other side of the pan heat back up. You can get an even cook, great sear and no grey band taking a steak right out of the fridge with this method and it'll cook quicker than a reverse sear or if you leave it out at room temperature.

>> No.20117532

I should've mentioned. You don't sear with the butter, you finish by basting with it.

>> No.20117547

NTA but this is not good advice, this is inane drivel

>> No.20117630

Too much oil, wrong oil, don't salt before you cook unless you did a dry brine in the fridge well-before you cook, if you want to salt just before cooking then don't let it warm up to room temp because it will just sweat out the water due to the salt.
Meat thermometer and just sear the fat cap to render out enough fat to sear the rest of the steak. Or even trim the fat cap before cooking, cut it up, microwave it to render out as much of the fat as you need then use that as your oil. Too much oil makes it very hard to get a good, consistent sear without causing too much smoke.
Transfats have nothing to do with cooking time or temperature. Fats can start polymerizing and creating highly oxidative subcomponent structures but trans-fats are hydrogenated fats. They are not produced in the presence of high direct heat to other fats. You're purely wrong.
Smoke point is not a good indicator of healthiness. If anything, a high smoke point oil is one that is less healthy. High PUFA content, very oxidative, very hard to digest properly. Beef tallow (NOT HYDROGENATED, NEVER CONSUME HYDROGENATED ANIMALS FATS BECAUSE IT DEFEATS THE PURPOSE) and other animal fats are healthier for consumption, and do not cause heart disease. Dietary cholesterol is not correlated with coronary cholesterol levels. Lifestyle and highly oxidative, unstable industrial oils are far larger contributors. Olive oil is not harmful it is just not tasty nor optimal. It's as harmful as any burned food. If burned food is not healthy, high temp cooked olive oil is not healthy. EVOO should be used as a dressing, topping, bread-toasting complement. Or low temp cooking. Otherwise it destroys the aromatic and flavor profiles of the oil. And when it burns it becomes bitter, turning whatever you cooked in the oil bitter also.

>> No.20117636

> don't salt before you cook unless you did a dry brine
no i and everybody else will continue to use salt until the sun explodes you stupid redditor

>> No.20117638

>Smoke point is not a good indicator of healthiness
You're eating fucking grilled red meat. Who gives a shit if one oil is marginally healthier than the other, the function reigns above all.

>> No.20117650
File: 132 KB, 617x1030, PXL_20240109_004710114.TS_exported_433_1705619214071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me your perfectly cooked 2lb steak then anon.

>> No.20117651

>no salt
Enjoy tasteless meat

>> No.20117657

Not perfect but check it out >>20116865

>> No.20117659

both look like shit
where’s the crust

>> No.20117660

You're misinformed by decades of propaganda that red meat is unhealthy. It is not. You can have a well-seared and very tasty steak without using inarguably inflammatory oils. I'm not a RW red meat supremacist or anything. I've had a marked difference in the quality of my life and health since I started eating locally raised red meat and as-much-as-possible avoiding sneed oils. Just my experience and it's backed by modern research.
Morons. If the question is about optimizing a sear then salting a steak that's sitting out for an hour before putting it on a pan is BEGGING to have a wet steak. You will have a worse sear for it. If you salt in advance, great. I'm not saying don't salt your steak at all I'm saying do it at a time that won't dramatically affect the quality of the sear which is the point of this whole fucking thread.

>> No.20117664

but your steak looks like shit

>> No.20117665
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Right here

>> No.20117671

Right here >>20116859

>> No.20117672

I haven't posted my steak here

>> No.20117673

You have a good temp, but try boneless next time you cook on a flat surface to get a better sear.

>> No.20117677

Both oils I've listed (avocado and grapeseed) are always listed as best to cook with and healthiest.

And nobody fucking salts a steak right before sticking it in the pan, are you retarded? You season it during its setting stage, and not right out of the fridge. I always do it an hour before cooking.

>> No.20117685

Immediately before is not ideal, but fine.
After is okay. More than an hour ahead of time is best. Anything else is fucking retarded.

>> No.20117687

And by the way, it's the charring of red meat that's unhealthy, not red meat in itself. The yooyoos eating raw meat have the good idea, but they could boil it for the same result.

>> No.20117689
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This thread is tempting me to grill a steak but I have this fucking huge ham that I need to get rid of.
Dubs and I make a steak, anything else and ham it is.

>> No.20117693

Yeah, that's my plan

>> No.20117695

Do you regret missing by 1?

>> No.20117704

Sorry bois.
Looks like my animal frens are gonna be stoked about hella ham this evening.
Probably also gonna make hella ham/cheese/egg breakfast burritos.
I’ll get some potatoes from the store tomorrow to put in those.

>> No.20117713

OP says himself that he salted it while it warmed up to room temp for an hour. >>20113391 It's not optimal. Especially if you don't pat-dry the steak. >>20117685 said it best.
>Both oils I've listed (avocado and grapeseed) are always listed as best to cook with and healthiest.
Who the fuck cares what's listed online by moronic, obese PhD monstrosities as 'healthy'. If high smoke point is all you care about, use fucking motor oil as far as I care. I don't want any refined fucking oils in my food. If it doesn't come out of an animal and render with some heat, or if it's not producible using a mallet and sieve then I don't think it's 'healthy'. There's your fucking list saying it's best to cook with and healthiest. Your appeal to objectivist dietary quack faggots is part of the reason you don't have a wife or children yet. Loser.
Ham sammiches, hashbrowns, thin slices cold on crackers, etc. Careful with the ham and yuor pets as it is likely very salty! Saltier than they are used to!

>> No.20117724
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Yes, a little.
But it is time for me to annihilate this ham.
I’ve had it since the day after Christmas (the whole thing was like $16) and it has absolutely fucked my fridge storage, hah.
I will be careful, I know it’s mondosalty for their lil’ kidneys.
But we are all having ham tonite let’s goooo

>> No.20117727

hell yeah man. enjoy the cooking of the hams. please share if small pet frens enjoyed ham too

>> No.20117728

I patted dry the steak with napkins though

>> No.20117736

10 minutes a. side! lmAO/

>> No.20117738

I acknowledged it was a bit much, read the thread dumbass

>> No.20117740

>If you ask me, olive oil doesn't belong in a frying pan.

fucking retard

>> No.20117754
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>use fucking motor oil as far as I care.
Motor oil is actually worse than olive oil in terms of smoke point. You sound like a fucking idiot who's watched too much youtube. You have absolutely no credibility and your opinions are groundless. How about you check how avocado and grapeseed oils made to begin with, maybe you won't sound so fucking dumb

>> No.20117755
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This is Rhetorical, yes?

>> No.20117767

1. Olive oil is not good for steak because it smokes at low temperatures. Avocado oil, lard, and clarified butter are all decent alternatives.
2. 10 mins on each side is excessive.
3. Let it rest for longer if you're only searing.

In general, if you plan on just searing the steak, just flip it every 20-30 seconds for even cooking, make sure you're pressing it down onto the pan so the crust forms. After 4-5 minutes of doing this, throw in a couple tablespoons of butter with garlic and herbs of your choice and then baste the steak on both sides. Remove it from the pan and let it sit for 5-10 mins depending on thickness. You can tent it in aluminum foil to keep it from losing too much heat.

I also prefer to just remove the bone from my steak before cooking to ensure a more even cook. Having an instant read thermometer can help a lot for getting to your desired temp.

>> No.20117771

You're either being intentionally dense or you don't have the faculties to piece out the very obvious points I'm making. Good luck walking down the street, I pray you don't suddenly forget how and collapse to the pavement.

>> No.20117775

>he thinks avocado oil is a sneed oil

>> No.20117780

>He thinks I think avocado oil is a sneed oil

>> No.20117782

Don't bother, mate, he thinks the vaccine is gonna get us in two weeks.

>> No.20117794

>yeah those 10 min on each side were brutal, I made a Drumpf steak, might as well drown it in ketchup

>> No.20118094
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what if it's too big to not put it in the middle?

>> No.20118153
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This was my first time cooking such a large steak, it was about 32oz and 2" thick. I use grapeseed oil and flipped every 30 seconds. I heard a lot that trying to just pan sear a steak this big would ruin the outside while the center is still raw so once i got the crust like half done i stuck it in a 400f oven. I was expecting the crust to develop a bit more in the oven but it did not. Pulled it out and started basting at 100f internal till it was 115. It rested up to 130.

>> No.20118213

Interior looks pretty much perfect, as you noted, crust could be a bit more developed.

>> No.20118299

I want to cook steak for some guests
It will be reverse seared and then basted in butter
My question is, am I better off buying 2, 1 pound steaks or 1, 2 pound steaks?

>> No.20118319

Butter basting does nothing except possibly worsen the product

>> No.20118322

Yeah forget the basting

>> No.20118326

>Butter basting does nothing except possibly worsen the product
This is why I use margarine
Butter is for animal murderers

>> No.20118344
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I am a fool and didn’t even think about how god damned long this would take, but I’m three hours in and it’s shaping up to be ham o’ clock at like midnight.
Here is a photo of my aminals who will be celebrating with me at ham o’ clock, a very old kitty and a happy lil’ goobermans.

>> No.20118354
File: 1.42 MB, 1170x1546, 71AB3C91-6E2C-4784-8C8D-5189D3FDAC88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Photo to confirm that I’m well on my way to ham o’ clock.
You guys are being dicks to each other about steak, which I don’t really care about…
What would be unforgivable, however, would be not sharing your steak with ur aminal pals.

>> No.20118362
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Also, get a fucking thermometer y’all.
If you’re as inexperienced as 98% of this board it’s the difference between wasting every cent you’ve spent on a steak and not. It’s a no brainer.

>better pic of kot

>> No.20118368

I'm a little surprised you decided to do it tonight
Also I have thermometers but honestly math is always more accurate

>> No.20118386

any ribeye worth a shit should have plenty of fat within to cook with; you shouldn't need to any sort of oil or fat to it

>> No.20118399
File: 3.22 MB, 4032x3024, 20240117_191804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I've been having a hard time developing a crust like im seeing online. I've also been letting it rest on the counter till it gets an internal temp of 50f which takes an hour or two depending on the size.

>> No.20118413

It's your method
That method will always sacrifice the interior for the crust but you didn't develop the crust long enough so the interior was saved
Why not just reverse sear? It is simpler and harder to fuck up

>> No.20118414
File: 126 KB, 498x350, thumbnail-9aaabbc0-843c-418c-8529-b665267588b9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat was also not fully rendered on the tip

>> No.20118432
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Do you mean pan searing, flipping every thirty seconds, or sticking it in the oven?

>> No.20118449

Oh my god, the desperation. Is anyone going to tell him he made a fucking club sandwich, not a grilled cheese?

>> No.20118524

(not the dude you replied to)
When I reverse sear what oil should I use because when I get my pan wicked hot my house gets smoky as FUCK if I use butter or olive oil.

>> No.20118537

Use avocado oil, or just whatever oil from the grocery store but way more of it
If it smokes, you aren't using enough

>> No.20118764

Wait really? I get my cast iron SMOKING hot (max heat) with only a half tablespoon of oil in the pan. Is that wrong?

>> No.20118835

Overcooked it. Next time, yank it off the skillet the moment it releases. Use a timer.

>> No.20119531

Reverse sear is ineffective for thin steaks

>> No.20120385

2 1lb steaks. Can choose how done a steak is to guest preference. Plus easier to cook each one.
Butter basting is a plus for steaks that are leaner and if you want to add herb flavors to the steak. Rosemary + thyme + a little garlic can do a lot, but it doesn't work if you drop a tablespoon of butter into an already hot pan. Pulling the steak off the pan ~30s before it reaches your resting pulloff temp, turning off burner, letting pan cool a little then adding butter and aromatics makes more sense. You don't want browned butter you want some gently toasted aromatic butter to pour over and onto the steak. Burnt aromatics and burnt butter worsen the product.
thank you VERY much for sharing the fellow ham-sters in the haus. I hope ham o'clock came and went with joy and love.

>> No.20120388

I think he means that each method has drawbacks, but that the reverse sear (oven until mostly done, followed by extremely hot and fast sear) is the most consistent.

>> No.20120400

Using butter or olive oil to sear is wrong simply because you're burning the fat and thus (generally) negatively changing the flavor of the steak. Using avocado oil to sear can be better because as others have said, higher smoke point. Honestly with a reverse sear, I would just sear the fat cap until you have enough rendered beef fat to barely coat the side you're cooking, and then you get a nicely rendered fat cap + enough fat to sear each side. It will still smoke but you will have an end result that doesn't send shitloads of grease and oil all over the stovetop when it spatters because some retard online told you to use a ton of oil. Reverse seared steaks come out of the oven just begging to spurt juice. juice + hot oil bath = spatter city.

>> No.20120409

Then use more oil

>> No.20120420

You have to take your meds

>> No.20120449


>> No.20120468

You are sick. In the head.

>> No.20120474

For not wasting oil or making a nasty, greasy, unpleasant mess all over my well-maintained and clean cooking surface? If being a hygienic and well-kept cook is sick, I DON'T WANNA BE WELL

>> No.20120501

If it spatters it's because you're not using enough fat

>> No.20120530

Unless you're deepfrying something you just need enough oil to literally coat a single side of the meat. Any more and you're wasting oil and energy to produce the same result.

>> No.20120614

No, it won't splatter and won't smoke unless you're using too little

>> No.20120941

Well, hard to say exactly what the issue is. But patting the surface of the steak dry with a paper towel before throwing it on the pan can help. It's also important to make sure the pan is very hot. Typically I can start seeing the beginnings of a crust on my first flip (30 or so seconds after I put the steak down).

>> No.20121024

Am I the only one that doesn't bother with oil/butter at all? I just put my griddle on my grill, get it really fucking hot and throw the steaks on 2-3 minutes per side depending on thickness. Comes out perfect every time.

>> No.20121184

does your griddle have raised portions, like grill grates? If so it's a different kind of sear.

>> No.20121810

no its flat. I used to have a double sided one but still always used the flat side.