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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 61 KB, 500x375, Greek-Spaghetti-with-Ground-Beef-Sauce-recipe-–-Makaronia-me-Kima-2-500x375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20106377 No.20106377 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20106379

If you are making homemade spaghetti and it's gross, that's your fault innit bruv?

>> No.20106382

Damn, that is a good point lmao

>> No.20106391
File: 185 KB, 1500x1125, skettis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>things OP never EVER does
Really just pic related and salt your water way more. A lot more.
It should be almost as salty as the sea.

>> No.20106401

the only pasta my parents used to make was spaghetti and while it was ok, i just have never had it since i was like 10. there's so many better pasta varieties that aren't a pain in the ass to eat

>> No.20106405

my parents never season it, its just boiled water ‘ghetti and ragu

>> No.20106407

it because people are lazy and buy sauce from the store, if you make it yourself it's amazing.
with plenty of parmigiano reggiano on top that is obviously

>> No.20106410

if you serve pasta with the sauce ontop like this youre subhuman

>> No.20106433

if your spaghetti doesn't have at minimum 1 pound of ground beef in it then its SHIT

>> No.20106437
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>uncreative negative bait thread
I'm just not gonna reply, is all.

>> No.20106445

My MIL thinks hers is her 'specialty.' It's nasty. She browns ground beef then adds like 1/4 cup of vegetable oil. Tosses in some tomato sauce and various dried herbs. Her noodles are also covered in oil. Makes us all nauseated. My SIL calls it 'ready spaghetti' because you'd better be ready to run to the can.

>> No.20106460

My grandfather used to make a very simple meat spaghetti and it was fucking delicious.
When he passed away, my aunt asked me if there was anything of his I wanted and when I couldn't think of anything she suggested the bowl he used to serve pasta.
What a wonderful suggestion. I still have it, though I should use it more.

>> No.20106523
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Thought of this.

>> No.20106525

I'm trying to imagine the person who gets exhausted from eating spaghetti.

>> No.20106526
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>fucking up boiling noodles and making a basic meat sauce

>> No.20106549

Protip, once drained quickly mix in some olive oil. This will stop the spaghetti from clumping together and becoming bad.

>> No.20106560

the olive oil should already be in the sauce/ragù. that's why you dont put them on it like a retard but mix them together.

>> No.20106572

You never learned to twirl properly with a spoon. Watch a YouTube vid or something I guess. Most people eat spaghetti like fucking barbarians. Either trying to shove it into their mouths while it's all dangling and shit or worse, cutting it up as it they're 4 years old.

>> No.20106577

That or mix in some of the sauce. Make the spaghetti tastier and prevents sticking as well.

>> No.20106598

I doubt you've ever had any.

>> No.20106603

I'm from Southern Italy, where we're spoon twirlers (and spaghetti actually comes from). When I visit my cousins on the Northern side of the family (mum's half Northerner), they think twirling with a spoon is classless. I think their method, twirling on the plate, is retarded.

>> No.20106608

Where am I supposed to put the sauce?

>> No.20106614

Nah, they are right, spoon twirling is for faggots.

>> No.20106622

skill issue. if i can twirl them on the plate why should i use a spoon?

>> No.20106650

There are many ways to make it bad and few examples to make it good. Unfortunately /ck/ doesn't encourage effort posting and development of skill because of groupthink.

>> No.20106652

>just boiled water ‘ghetti and ragu
this is the way

>> No.20106653


>> No.20106658

I can twirl on a plate, too, but I hate the noise and it can occasionally, though not often, get messy.
Never have problems with the spoon and fork method.
Maybe! But that doesn't change the fact that nobody loves you and you have no friends. : )

>> No.20106679

I dangle all the time

>> No.20106701

Why does everyone say that shit like we all have a clue how salty sea water is? I don't do the beach, I've literally never tasted sea water. How about something actually helpful like, a 5% solution by weight? 1000g water? Add 50g salt! That would actually help, instead of repeating the same tired Italian bullshit over and over.

>> No.20106707

If you have never been to the ocean you can never truly make pasta.

>> No.20106839

>That would actually help, instead of repeating the same tired Italian bullshit over and over.

It means put more salt than you would put in anything else you cook dude.

>> No.20106860
File: 20 KB, 458x461, bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah and which sea? The Baltic one, which is literally potable, or the Red one, which is literally Jewish?

>> No.20106925
File: 3.25 MB, 600x1032, homemade_sgetti.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your homemade spaghetti recipe?

>> No.20106936
File: 183 KB, 1200x1800, garlic-bread-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*literally completes your meal*

>> No.20106945

No no fuck no. That's not even close to spaghetti. And as someone from a mixed race family, black people typically don't make good spaghetti

>> No.20107425

I used to twirl on plate or spoon but its better to cut the spaghetti and then eat with a spoon. Also replace the spaghetti with gnocchi

>> No.20107488

This was a very nice and concise thread, good on you OP.

>> No.20107667

Get out more

>> No.20107675

>putting his post in the subject field


>> No.20107746

>its better to cut the spaghetti
I used to do that for my son when he was a toddler lmao
He's six years old now and he spoon twirls like a boss.

>> No.20107764

>And as someone from a mixed race family, black people typically don't make good spaghetti
ok thanks for letting us know brownbro

>> No.20107864

if I plant these can I grow my own nigellas

>> No.20107901

I've never seen anyone make homemade spaghetti
You'd need to have a machine to extrude it

>> No.20107952
File: 1.38 MB, 2704x2706, IMG_20231207_1641118~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't need an extruder, I made this with the pictured roller. it has different little cutting attachments and I like to use it for all sorts of things outside of just pasta

>> No.20108279

spaghetti are just the noodles and nothing else
you start by undercooking the noodles by 1-2 minutes and then you finish cooking them in the pan with the sauce AND THE STARCHY SALTED PASTA WATER. nobody in their right mind uses spaghetti with a meaty bolognese sauce. it's usually either tagliatelle or pappardelle

>> No.20108896

mine tastes great and i've been to Italy to compare.
You stupid, stupid, dumb son of a bitch

>> No.20108904

use meatballs not meat sauce, save that for lasagna
or grow a pair and make chickian mostaccioli instead

>> No.20108908

how it should be

>> No.20108978
File: 250 KB, 428x448, 1576202358509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I'll stick with being "subhuman" then, because I'm sure as fuck not eating some salty-ass tomato and noodle stew.

>> No.20109222

wrong sauce retard

>> No.20109344
File: 3.08 MB, 274x274, 1624915966019.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can still turn your life around


>> No.20109347

You don't have to go full traditional Italian. Their advice on the salt water helps cook and season the pasta. I generally aim for a pasta that is soft on the outside but chewy through the middle.

I don't salt the sauce directly because I'll bring the sauce, noodles, and a few table spoons of pasta water together in a pan. This is obviously if I've done homemade sauces. Anything from a jar I'm probably just going to pour and power through. Start with simple Aglio e Olio and branch out once you're strong with that.

>> No.20109352
File: 559 KB, 3264x2448, 4JIRE27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I gotta agree. No matter what I do, it's just never that good.

>> No.20109383

touch salt

>> No.20109402

>1 liter of of water
>10 grams of salt
this works for most pasta except for stuff like carbonara where the two main ingredients are incredibly salty so you have to reduce the amount of salt

>> No.20109515

"authentic bolognese" is an oxymoron, no matter what you do half of the grandmas in Northern Italy will be mad at you.

imo the biggest trick for bolognese is to use pureed chicken livers, it really boosts the umami.

>> No.20109537

I hate vincenzo because his recipes are average at best compared to top tier youtubers and he's an annoying cunt but that's not his recipe and he's just there watching. I posted it because it's a very simple recipe that anyone can pull off.

there are many ways to improve your bolognese. chicken livers, parmesan rinds, red boat fish sauce etc. but OP should probably just stick to the basics for now

>> No.20109556

Black people don't *typically* do anything well. There’s just outliers. They’re *typically* leeches with a victim complex and also somehow an undeserved sense of achievement and superiority

>> No.20109594
File: 734 KB, 2217x1618, 1684465598054203.jpg .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure the OP post is bait.
Agree on the umami tricks; I like doing chicken livers + a few anchovy fillets + soy sauce.
I need to buy fish sauce, I see it get recommended a lot for bolognese and other dishes.

Black people are pretty good at endurance running/sports, committing crime, and creating government deficits

>> No.20109606

You gotta be patient. Takes about a dozen years before they ripen, but after that you're set for years.

>> No.20109626
File: 288 KB, 1000x1000, red boat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a few anchovy fillets
yea forgot about that one but you have to be really careful there otherwise it turns into a salty fish bolognese. as for the fish sauce red boat is nothing like the other ones but it's also much more expensive

>> No.20109656

>Northern Italy
the oldest recipe for bolognese is from Naples tho
>and doesn't include milk

>> No.20109670

> brainstem not found

>> No.20109687
File: 2.42 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_8558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make mine special.

>> No.20110143

If you are dumping sauce on plain pasta, instead of mixing it in the sauce pan, then no wonder you think so

>> No.20110146

by microwaving it for 20 minutes?

>> No.20110168

Does anyone know why homemadde spaghetti always tastes better the next day ?

>> No.20110174

same reason most dishes like do, lasagne, chilli etc.
give it time to "soak in" the flavour

>> No.20110179

i've personally found that you simply can't realistically "oversalt" the pasta water, the pasta will never come out overly salty or ruined from it. just dump a bunch of salt in and you're fine

>> No.20110278

have you ever cooked carbonara?

>> No.20110286

Fuck yeah you can, any dish that uses the pasta water will be directly affected by how much salt you use

>> No.20110304
File: 304 KB, 678x509, fazolinosschtup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make spaghetti
>make sauce
>cover with cheese
>add pepperonis
>pizza spag

pour a handful of salt in your mouth..

>> No.20110306

yes. "real" one too btw with guanciale, egg, no cream, etc.

maybe if you do 4 cups of salt to one gallon of water, which is why i said "realistically." i just always see people timidly advising 1tpbs per pot or something as if doing 2tbsps is going to ruin your pasta and it's just not true.

i dare both of you to try it next time you make pasta, dump more salt than you think in and taste your noodles, see if they're oversalted

>> No.20110477
File: 6 KB, 167x302, IMG_8224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine is top shelf.

>> No.20110551

I use 10-12 grams of salt per liter generally.
More than 15 grams per liter gets sketchy.

If the other ingredients are really salty (carbonara like the other mentioned) I use about 5 grams per liter.

>> No.20110580
File: 3.72 MB, 1347x979, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never cooked spaghetti begfore look at this awful mess

>> No.20110737

dude your sauce is getting cold

>> No.20110937

average seawater is around 35g/l, 2 or 3 more if you want authentic italian seawater salinity

>> No.20110981

fork twirling is for faggots. i eat it with my hands when i am alone for forbidden primal pleaseure. you think i'm memeing but i assure you i am not

>> No.20111610

>i dare both of you to try it next time you make pasta, dump more salt than you think in and taste your noodles, see if they're oversalted

I've never put a ton of salt in my pasta so now i'm curious to see if there's a difference or not. I have some Gragnano pasta that looks pretty cool but I don't know what else to add.

>> No.20111664

this is how I make spaghetti:
I pour about half a jar of whatever tomato sauce was cheapest at the store into a pot.

add a little bit of water, and then add the spaghetti
I usually mix half thick spaghetti with half thin spaghetti for variety

add in the frozen meatballs (I make meatballs in big batches and freeze them cause I hate doing it)

add a tiny bit of soy sauce and some thyme
add in a little bit of chili sauce for some spiciness

by the time the extra water is boiled off everything will be cooked

I do it this way because I'm lazy and I only have to clean one pot.
plus I think pasta boiled in sauce tastes better than pasta boiled in water

>> No.20111682

Because people make it wrong, use shit ingredients, 99 cent barilla pasta with store-bought sauce, use bad recipes and no technique.
Italian food isn't French or Mexican, there is no turd-polishing going on. Quality ingredients for specific purposes served well.

>> No.20111761

the way i eat homeade spaghetti: adding mayonnaise, and some bit hot sauce. mix the dish, then eat with chopsticks
perfection, more westerners should try it

>> No.20111790

>he makes sauce so amazing that he has to add fromunda cheeses to make it tolerable

>> No.20111812

bro are you sure you're part of that family because you spelled "parents" like "spaghetti"

>> No.20112130

Chad, spend time on what you care about.

>> No.20112382

>Because people make it wrong

I never liked my moms spaghetti but my brother did. I think the sauce was most likely the shitty part. If it was spicy I probably would have ate the whole thing, ironically.

>> No.20112507

I just hate when people don't drain the grease from ground beef.

>> No.20112591

I willhate spaghetti forever because the only way my mother ever made it was by overcooking the noodles and dumping a can of shitty watery tomato sauce on it (ketchup and cheese optional)

>> No.20112620

your mother is dumb and lazy

>> No.20112771

its so weird that americans eats bread with pasta

>> No.20112802

Are you serious? You dip the bread in the pasta. It's delicious. What are you, retarded?

>> No.20112817

If properly made the pasta and the sauce is in balance and mixed beforehand with some pasta water, olive oil and parmesan cheese. This creates a rich emulsified sauce that coats the pasta. After eating the pasta no sauce will remain on the plate.
I guess if you dump the sauce on the naked noodles like some savage animal and you use way too much sauce (which would be characteristic of dumb gluttonous americans) you kind of need the bread to dip it like it was a stew or something.

>> No.20113912


>> No.20113917

You don't use bread to clean your plate? How disrespectful

>> No.20113926


Americans fucking suck at pasta. You have to finish the pasta by tossing it in the sauce during the last minute of cooking so it absorbs and "marries" to the sauce.

>> No.20113971

okay that is acceptable. but not a fucking loaf of garlic bread like americans do. for fucks sake thats half days worth of food just by itself

>> No.20113988

You know, I've actually come around, I used to think it was the most retarded, completely lost in translation dish and just a showcase for American ignorance
Now It's just hilarious
>wrong sauce
>wrong pasta
>wrong plating
>wrong bread
It's so wrong it's alright. It's its own thing, and pretty comfy
Gotta be homemade, though

>> No.20114084
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>> No.20114189

I get what you mean, I think the same applies to pizza.

>> No.20114330

>i eat it with my hands
That's the old way to eat pasta (and the reason spaghetti and other long shapes were invented), common when the church tried to ban forks, the argument being that forks are an afront to God because he gave you perfectly good fingers to pick your food up with and using a fork instead is like telling him he did a shit job making you a set of digits.

>> No.20114691

>tfw always use at least two pounds