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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20098615 No.20098615 [Reply] [Original]

Why would anyone willingly fry food with oil in their own kitchen with the insane amount of prep and cleanup it takes? Just order out.

>> No.20098622

Imagine being a fucking anglo and being too retarded to cook with oil

>> No.20098623
File: 697 KB, 706x1000, 050820_frybread_hmed1p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I can't just "order out" my Navajo fry bread

>> No.20098625

yes you can its called naan

>> No.20098639

I can't order that out either. We have a Culvers, a McDonalds, a Subway, and a gas station/convenience store

>> No.20098640

so just make it yourself lazy ass

>> No.20098648

If it is crispy then it’s a buñuelo.

>> No.20098652

A-Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.20098653

If you fry food using some complicated and messy methods then you may be a little mentally challenged.

>> No.20098654

Im not the one who doesnt know how to make bread

>> No.20098658

No, it's a serious question.
>what's the point of doing x
>> because I can't
>well just do this other thing
>>can't do that either
>yeah, that's what I was saying
You are a 60 iq halfwit, aren't you?

>> No.20098691

youre lashing out because you cant be bothered to think maybe youre the problem
grow up buddy

>> No.20098693

Okie silly dilly dokie-o

>> No.20098703

Pour oil.
Fry food.
Remove, wick and eat food.
Filter cooled oil.

I don't see how that's an
>insane amount of prep and cleanup

>> No.20098825
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my deep fryer has a lid that closes so that no oil escapes and the smell gets caught in the filter. I still dont use it often because im scared of it catching on fire if i dont change the oil enough but I just do fries usually

>> No.20098845
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Oh yeah, just order out. Everyone must have money to order from restaurants!
Lmao, I only budget $100 a month for food, I haven't eaten from a restaurant in 2 years. One night of take out is like a quarter of my month's budget. No thanks, if I want fries, onion rings, or fried chicken I'll just make it at home.

>> No.20098863
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It's better than carry-out

>> No.20098865
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>> No.20098868
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>> No.20098874
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>> No.20098879
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>> No.20098882
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>> No.20098883
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>> No.20098886
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>> No.20098890
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>> No.20098893
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>> No.20098899

>Why would anyone willingly fry food with oil in their own kitchen
I tried frying food with water in my own kitchen and it didn't work so I tried frying food with oil in someone else's kitchen but the people were quite cross with me.

>> No.20099460

What's wrong with that cat

>> No.20099479

It's just a kitten
Sometimes babies look fucked up

>> No.20099481

you never seen a man who loves corn on the cob

>> No.20099520

He's happy, healthy, and full of corn.

>> No.20099607

At least 2 of those places have an indian working there. You can get naan.

>> No.20099628

I'm annoyed that this argument turned into whether or not he can get naan when it's fucking nothing like frybread in the first place.

>> No.20099636

Frybread is failed naan.

>> No.20099638

And I guess french fries are failed roast potatoes?

>> No.20100177

looks great anon. I hope you salted the fries while they were still hot and oily

>> No.20100221

The Cat is Zoinked on Corn. I Like This Pictur

Fry Bread is Good As Fuck homie if you ever Out That Way by a Native Reservation try and get you a Fry Bred Taco.

>> No.20100226

no Its Different. Ask You a Native Folks and They Will Tell you- Making FryBread is an Art not a Science...and Everybody Got They Own Recipe! LOL

>> No.20100240

If you mean deep frying, get a propane grill with a side burner and fry on that. I do it sometimes and appreciate my house not smelling like a fryer for the next several days while nature deals with the evaporated grease rather than it settling out on my kitchen cabinets and ceiling.

>> No.20100568
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>shallow fry
>deep fry
fuck no

>> No.20100586

No fucking shot you live on 3 dollars a day. It’s obviously possible but not if you claim to be making your own fried chicken whenever you want

>> No.20100722
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Me doing some of the food for the office Christmas party

>> No.20102300

>cat poster
checks out