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File: 670 KB, 855x912, chrome_fGK1ngA1Um.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20095427 No.20095427 [Reply] [Original]

is this legit? any downsides?

>> No.20095432

It’s real and hetro

>> No.20095434

stop drinking poison

>> No.20095458

it's a grey market drug being pushed by tiktok marketing. if anecdotal evidence and marketing buzz is enough for you to consider something legit, and to be fair that usually is the case on this site, then sure. but in the end, there is no hard research, just a company that found a way to legally market another party drug without care for studies.

>> No.20095467

Okay but does it get you fucked up? If so I'm in

>> No.20095469

>legally market another party drug without care for studies.
uh... wow!

>> No.20095474
File: 49 KB, 602x602, main-qimg-a7d5533c6309f9c5e204982ffe922712-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is a ketone is the horse tranquilizer juice???????????/

>> No.20095479
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no reason to care for studies, the medical industryu and the scientific establishment have been laughingstocks for over 20 years at this point. the only white paper worth reading at all is a rock hard level of science like circuit diagrams and physics shit.
I'd be interested to know if this "buzz" reduces pain or not, the lion share of my alcohol consumption is to dull pain from certain proceedures and this would be ideal if so but if not then who gives a shit?

>> No.20095489

>retarded opinion
>falls for a gimmick
>anime poster
it does check out

>> No.20095508
File: 73 KB, 850x941, __izumi_konata_lucky_star_drawn_by_kurokimoko__sample-e8266cced00959be19c98b60ffe0d8b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime website
>no arguement

>> No.20095513

god you're boring

>> No.20095533

I'm not here to entertain you, go watch your soyim box.

>> No.20095542

downside: costs over five dollars per can. just huff gasoline or something instead OP

>> No.20095552

You're so fucking stupid you'll never be able to realize how fucking dumb you are. How sad

>> No.20095557

OK but can I drink as much as I want and still legally drive to work?

>> No.20095736

what is this kikery?

>> No.20095754

No you can get a DIU with any substance

>> No.20095759

That's ketamine

>> No.20095760

Why would I drink this dubious concoction instead of just making a mule without the vodka
What is the "buzz" supposed to be
What kind of person wants the "buzz" but has hangups about alcohol

>> No.20095819

chug straight acetone like a man pussy

>> No.20095829

for me its listerine mouth wash, the best fast food sandwhich.

>> No.20095887
File: 1015 KB, 1262x666, 1sts13AlaskaKingCobra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whathcu no bout dat? prolly tons

>> No.20095889

This is one of the gayest products I’ve ever seen

>> No.20095950 [DELETED] 

>just a company that found a way to legally market another party drug without care for studies.

Reminds me of K2. I remember back around 2010 (and throughout the earlier-to-mid 2010's) K2 ("herbal spice") was EVERYWHERE. It became so easily accessible and popular that it seemded less people had marijuana. You could walk in to a number of corner stores or gas stations (in some areas) and get some for $10. It was marketed as "incense" and "herbal spice", and contained a chemical titled "JWH" (with a following serial number if I recall). After studies were actually done on it, they found that JWH actually bonded to the very same receptors in your brain that THC binds to. It would get you high like marijuana, and the "high" felt very similar to marijuana.

It boomed when it came out. People could still get high while on probation because it didn't show up on drug tests (as at the time, nobody knew about it and the studies were not there which showed it to have drug-inducing effects). So people would be on probation and yet still smoking joints rolled with this "incense" herb product and experiencing a high close to weed. For those of you who were either not aware of this during that time, or for those of you who were not old enough to have "been there", it was huge when it first came out. After feds caught on, chemists began altering the chemical signature of the faux weed product and using new chemicals similar in structure to JWH after JWH was recognised legally as an inhibitory drug. That's why new packages of the stuff eventually had "No JWH" printed on them.

>> No.20095955

just do whippets bro

>> No.20095979

>still no arguement

>> No.20095995

an ESL groid too lmao

>> No.20096018

>alcohol that people have been drinking since the dawn of man? no thanks
>some bizzare tiktok substance? yes!

>> No.20096021

>he lion share of my alcohol consumption is to dull pain from certain proceedures
dumb if true. You're better off with thc

>> No.20096053

Ketones destroy your kidneys for the last fucking time, and unlike your liver your kidneys don't regenerate
They just get worse and worse until they stop working

>> No.20096079

it would appear by this single post you have enough ability to do a cursory google search to attempt to learn something but you have fallen short of actually understanding the entirety of the subject leaving your incomplete comprehension to give you the confidence to state things that are incorrect without any sort of self awareness

>> No.20096080

This sounds like something for alcoholics desperately trying to substitute another substance for alcohol. Many such cases! It will never work! Any psychoactive substance that makes you feel good will get you addicted if you're an addict.

>> No.20096085
File: 41 KB, 1693x1373, Ketones Aldehydes Carboxcylic Acids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fuck is a ketone
The top row shows what a base ketone and aldehyde is in organic chemistry. Basically both of them have a double bonded Oxygen atom, the difference being a Ketone has that in the middle of the Carbon chain and an aldehyde has it on the end of a carbon chain. The row below shows how ethanol is digested in the human body. It starts as the alcohol, then it turns into an aldehyde (this building up is what causes red flush in Asian folks because many of them tend to not have an enzyme wypippo have that breaks down that aldehyde) then finally the aldehyde turns into a carboxcylic acid and it peed out. Note there is no ketone in that chain only an aldehyde. While ketones and aldehydes are somewhat similar they are chemically different. I would avoid any ketones as a general rule.

>> No.20096086

>anime website
Hasn't been a tranime website in years. This is a Wojak site, bud.

>> No.20096180

Nerd alert

This is 4chan kid, we just need to know if it will get you fucked up with no side effect

>> No.20096202

even H2O?

>> No.20096212

There's no such thing as a drug that gets you fucked up with no side effects

>> No.20096221

I don't need to do a Google search I went to college for this exact topic

>> No.20096282

If you drink enough water you will deplete your body of electrolytes and symptoms of that can include being delirious, so yes even water.

>> No.20096296

wait I can get wasted off water? why the hell am I drinking hard liquor?

>> No.20096299

Soma you epsilon moron

>> No.20096319
File: 82 KB, 500x385, hVudRjf[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still no arguement so even this reaction image is wrong
does thc actually prevent on contact pain? i thought it was for residual aches. do you actually become numb from doing it? to be honest I never did drugs growing up as I was too goody too shoes. now that THC is legal I guess I should look into it.
>um ackshully i went to schlomos paid luxury concentration camp so I am smarter than you
I dont have a dog in this fight but this is not an arguement either.,

>> No.20096324
File: 281 KB, 1912x1656, n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get off my lawn alphoomer.

>> No.20096329


>> No.20096330

you ever go into alcohol withdraws? knocking your electrolytes that far out of balance fells like that... because that literally whats happening when you stop drinking

>> No.20096338
File: 166 KB, 405x412, 1435459419048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime website.

>> No.20096399
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Thanks guys so DON'T drink this?

What about jankum

>> No.20096408

If you're thinking of breathalyzers, they are more for the convenience of law enforcement than anything - if your breath fails to register a significant amount of ethanol they are going to assume you're just fucked up on something else.
The problem isn't really the alcohol itself, as much as the unwillingness or inability of many people to raw-dog life while operating a motor vehicle. And if withdrawals make you drive worse, people probably don't want you driving then either even if it means losing your job.
I sometimes get called a faggot or goody-twoshoes, but honestly when I drank I risked unemployment rather than drive into work. That unemployment is so unacceptable and a daily self-driven commute is so often required is a societal failing.
If you just enjoy driving drunk... go on use private land and a friends with similar desires.

I traded drinking alcohol for THC infusions, and while it takes either significantly more time (infusing from shake) or money (expensive premade infusions/edibles) in this state, the experience compared to booze is night and day.

>does thc actually prevent on contact pain? i thought it was for residual aches. do you actually become numb from doing it?
Not quite. CBD is the active ingredient most involved in anti-inflammatory properties, and on its own the "radiating" feeling of pain is dampened. In comparison, full-spectrum oil including THC tends to cover up pain with pleasure rather than numb it, with indica strains tending to have a more powerful effect in my experience.
>to be honest I never did drugs growing up as I was too goody too shoes. now that THC is legal I guess I should look into it.
You are literally me down to word choice - yes you should look into it. Try a liquid tonic or edible where you start with a really low amount - greening out the first time, while not dangerous to your health, is no fun and may turn you off from it. The intensity should subside with tolerance.

>> No.20096427

lmao there's really dipshits like this stupid motherfucker who think "science bad" is real
get a grip on reality you fucking moron. this is what happens when you let your kid drop out of high school just because he gets bullied!

>> No.20096491

So basically what you're getting at is not to drink the ketone shit because while the body's processing of aldehydes is well documented the processing of ketones in the body is not despite having a similar atomic makeup?

>> No.20096496

>this troon again

>> No.20096516

I didn't say I'm smarter than you, I said I know more than you do on this topic and that's just a fact

Ketones are a bad thing to have in your body, that's why they sell blood urine nitrogen tests over the counter at pharmacies
It's not for all the keto retards to use and see if their diet is working, it's so diabetics can see if they're in ketosis and then stop it because that happens to them inadvertently

Ketosis will turn into ketoacidosis if left alone, just like how HIV will cause AIDS
just because you don't have full blown aids yet doesn't mean the hiv isn't damaging your body

>> No.20096546

go to hell

>> No.20096567
File: 208 KB, 238x357, 1635535067221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already there.

>> No.20096568

Except HIV is a virus so it's completely different. Your dramatic analogy tells me all I need to know about your expertise.

>> No.20096571

Your body can handle some ketones. If people cut carbs on a diet like Atkins then eventually the body stops burning glucose for energy and will instead solely burn fat and proteins. When this happens the body starts producing ketones as a byproduct. This is called Ketosis. Though processing ketones is hard on your kidneys. Also I'm not sure what ketones they have in this drink. I doubt it is anything that will kill you outright, but we don't know what long term use would do to the body.

>> No.20096587
File: 201 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240112-181050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This shit is pure snake oil

>> No.20096624

>It did give me weird dreams about Jeffrey Epstein, fallen angels, and searching for a backpack and text book in an endless series of lockers.

>> No.20096697

This is essentially swapping the ethanol for nail polish remover.

>> No.20096754


Apparently they don't use KetonES but KetoHOL, a fantasy name for butanediol - better known as liquid ecstasy. Gets metabolised into GABA which then causes the same felt symptoms as ethanol consumption.
Big problem: The body is very good at and used to handling ethanol, but has no mechanisms against GABA overdose.
In other words if you drink it like you did with alcohol it could be very dangerous, at first the effects are similar, but GABA has a therapeutic treshold over which you suddenly become unconscious and are in life danger. Other than with ethanol, which typically works slowly from energized to slushed and feeling bad and then more and more drowsy. Like every substance in too high dose alcohol obviously can be fatal too but our body can handle ethanol DAMN well, but this chemical? Nope.

>> No.20096763
File: 2.05 MB, 480x848, 1686943939139421.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya ya, just pour the drink.

>> No.20096834

I feel like this is Brazil where they burn ethanol in cars

>> No.20096867

Its denatured. With ketones.

>> No.20096919

>not quite
then I dont have a use for it. my main need is to cover up burning pain from treatment at the moment of its inception not dealing with radiating inflamation afterwards
thc covering the pain with pleasure? are you sure thats right? like if I punched you you'd feel good?
dumb faggot science was my favorite subject and my highest grade. it was retareded slackers like you hobnobing on authority that caused the entire establishment to become a joke, and if you paid any attention at all instead of shoving dildos in your ass every lesson you'd know the entire establishment does nothing but shit on the people who are right until they too dead to take credit for the truth.

>> No.20096925

>I didnt say im smarter than you
ESL anon I'm not even the person you are talking to and the post you are replying to made that crystal clear.

>> No.20096940

dont be dumb, lad

>> No.20096946

You know how sometimes when you don't shower for a couple of days, your armpits smell like weed? That's ketones.

>> No.20096988

Gives me the shits

>> No.20097012

not an argument

>> No.20097091

and the fact you think it's a dramatic comparison says how little you understand about this because ketoacidosis is a worse disease than AIDS
it will kill you way faster without intervention than AIDS ever could

>> No.20097143

a criatura...

>> No.20097156

I'm gonna let other people be test subjects. Will drink it only after people drink it for decades without problems

>> No.20097262

>thc covering the pain with pleasure? are you sure thats right? like if I punched you you'd feel good?
If you punched me I'd notice it and feel pain, but depending on the severity and my current dosage, the pain itself is not going to register with the same intensity, and my body's automatic reaction to pain should be lessened.
It's like the difference between being punched and keeling over, and being punched, wincing, and asking why the hell they punched me.

>> No.20097273

okay thats interesting then, and you say its the thc not the cbd?

>> No.20097313

If you want consistent pain relief I'd go with both - also CBD counteracts the intensity of THC psychoactive effects, so going for a high CBD strain would probably be up your alley.

If you take a high THC/low CBD strain in my experience it still has the effect in >>20097262
, but more intense and sporadic. And fair warning: My tolerance is high enough that I don't encounter visual or aural hallucinations, but without CBD it's not uncommon for me to have tactile hallucinations - mainly paresthesia, but I also get that while sober since childhood.

>> No.20097316

You can only die from experimenting with novel drugs once, but a coward dies a thousand deaths

>> No.20097414
File: 2.36 MB, 1400x1400, cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll cowards don't even drink ketoacidosis juice

>> No.20097442

considering I've said this to exactly one other person on this board, it must have really bootyblasted you to remember how boring you are. mentally dominated, really