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File: 396 KB, 1536x2048, jZbSefh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20092099 No.20092099 [Reply] [Original]

Ever buy those fresh-squeezed juices that they make at the grocery store?

>> No.20092108
File: 616 KB, 761x761, 1704406146785157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fresh-squeezed juices
>that they make at the grocery store

>> No.20092111

>fresh-baked bread
>that they make at the bakery

>> No.20092112

Yeah they take a fruit and juice it and bottle the juice. What's so hard to understand?

>> No.20092115

I used to work at HEB and made the store juices, they were actually just the fruit. Orange juice was just oranges, pineapple just pineapple, strawberry lemonade was just strawberry's, lemons, water, sugar.

>> No.20092118

I know this seemed like an easy target but just take the L and move on, anon

>> No.20092121
File: 3.56 MB, 2880x3929, Orange_juice_machine_in_a_supermarket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or even juice that you make yourself

>> No.20092122

overpriced garbage

>> No.20092145

When I was in Spain most Carrefours had one of these. I never see them in the US :(

>> No.20092148

I think most supermarkets (and even smaller shops) have them in Europe.
>I never see them in the US :(
Weirdly that picture is from the US, but they seem to be rare.

>> No.20092155

>Weirdly that picture is from the US, but they seem to be rare.
I've seen one of these in the US, and it was at a one-off overpriced puppy supermarket that carried all sorts of organic foods and homeopathy slop. The reason we don't have more of them is probably because stores would need to pay to train someone to clean and maintain the machine.

>> No.20092340

Nobody buys these, they are just decorative
Literally never seen a single person use/purchase any

>> No.20092344

They aren't rare at all they're just usually in a display near the produce rather than the cold drinks

>> No.20092345

Once. Tangerine. Wasn't worth it, imo, but I understand why it might appeal to others

>> No.20092646

and the snozberries?

>> No.20092656

>take fucked up old fruit that nobody will buy
>mill it down
>bottle and sell for more than the fruit itself cost times two
see I'd buy it if you priced it fairly but four oranges worth of juice is not $8

>> No.20092679

They identify as snazzberries now. Still taste like snozzberries, tho.

>> No.20093564


>> No.20093912

Yes I love feeling bougie and also they taste good but less sugary than the package standard ones. I also like the fruity kombuchas not because I am a hippy but because it makes my tummy feel better.

>> No.20093926

I jerk my own meat and squeese my own juice.

>> No.20094023

>four oranges worth of juice is not $8
Let me tell you how I know that you are a poor...
(I feel like throwing up, now that I know you are on the same planet as I am)

>> No.20094353

The top tier grocery stores in the US have way better food and ingredients than anything you can find in euroland.

>> No.20094424

Damn I can imagine myself making a b line for this and firing it up all the while having a panic attack wondering if people are thinking “wow, that autist is actually using the fruit juice machine”. Then never returning to the fruit juice machine out of sheer embarrassment.

>> No.20094425

American here, this is false.

>> No.20094427

Damn, i want one of those.

>> No.20094435

when I lived in Louisiana the market next door to me had one, I got fresh squeezed orange juice almost every day and if there was a market with one near where I live now I'd do the exact same. these machines are amazing and I considered getting one for personal use

>> No.20094720
File: 24 KB, 638x360, Juicy gossip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then never returning to the fruit juice machine out of sheer embarrassment.
But anon, the next time you go to the supermarket, everyone will point at you and think "there goes that fool who used the fruit juice machine last week". Random shoppers will see you on the street, months later and giggle behind your back. Your neighbors will catch wind of it and watch you through the peephole in their doors "look at the fruit juice guy", they'll say.
It will be the talk of the town. You will realize how people make random references to fruits or juice, in completely unrelated conversations, even when not talking to you. But if you confront those people, they will look at you like you are an unhinged paranoid schizo, accusing them wrongly.

And then they will grin when they think you are not looking

>> No.20094770

not him but youre thinking like a poorfag yourself. some of us are just smart with our money, its the opposite of poorfag to not want to give your money away for free, or get scammed

>> No.20094795

Overpriced as all hell, but I love them.

>> No.20094844

>The top tier grocery stores in the US have way better food and ingredients than anything you can find in euroland.
this is what amerilards actually believe

>> No.20094868
File: 89 KB, 600x600, asparagus water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the asparagus water.

>> No.20094870

timestamped shotglass or it didn't happen, faget

>> No.20094875

Fresh squeezed means that it's just been squeezed before you drink it.

>> No.20094877

>The reason we don't have more of them is probably because stores would need to pay to train someone to clean and maintain the machine.

This is it, I run a department in a store that has an oj machine and it's the worst thing in the world to clean.
>At least 30 mins by hand and the wax on the oranges gets on every surface. Strong enough that a brush won't remove it
>Bits of pulp on every surface that petrify overnight if machine not cleaned properly by the wagies
>DIY allowed and every single customer can't just watch the bottle for 20 seconds, overfills the bottle and juice spills everywhere
>Wax settles on the inside over the top of juice, then mould grows under the wax
>Sharp metal edges everywhere, cut your hands every singe time you clean it
>Ideal fruit fly magnet and breeding ground
>Juice goes bitter inside a day if it's winter and there are only Navel oranges

Still leagues ahead of any bottled orange juice money can buy, and not as overpriced as you might think. It takes 2.5-3kg of oranges to make a litre of juice, plus cost of packaging and labour. Store goes through 1000kg of juicing oranges a week, the machine was expensive but made its purchase cost back inside a year and basically prints money.

>> No.20094889

How much does it cost a customer to make a bottle of juice in that device?

>> No.20094904

8AUD for a litre, costs the same whether you make it yourself or buy one we make and put in a fridge beside the machine

our input cost estimate is about 5.50AUD
3kg oranges
+labour cost to clean and maintain the machine
+labour cost to sort spoiled oranges from the 300kg pallet and transport them onto the floor for use
+spillage from retard customers and wagies

>> No.20094912

There's a breakfast place in my area that has one out in the dining area that they use to make the orange juice fresh when you order it, thought it was pretty neat.