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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20092903 No.20092903 [Reply] [Original]

Here you go growing teen, here’s two flavorless mozzarella sticks for todays lunch. Enjoy! And remember, you are forbidden from having any kind of food or drink in the classroom.

>> No.20092927
File: 115 KB, 583x641, jamie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every public school I ever went to had plenty of fresh food available. The kids intentionally chose to eat garbage and the salads/fruit etc. were thrown away. And every time kids or parents were educated on this, or a decision was made (like taking away soda vending machines or chocolate milk) people complained. Stop blaming the people trying to help you for your bad decisions.

>> No.20092929

that looks amazing
i never went to school so i didn’t get to eat during the day

>> No.20092931

my AP art history teacher fucked me in her van after a museum field trip
anyways I miss that shitty bagged milk and those once-a-year days that we got chicken cup noodles for lunch

>> No.20092951

Wasn’t like that around here. OPs pic would be the “main” meal which you also got milk and OJ with. There was a salad bar, but it was generally avoided since to most people it was just a diarrhea generator since it was never fresh or kept properly.

Most health oriented changes to school meals were based on faulty food pyramid science rather than things that would genuinely improve student health. All most initiatives did was starve kids during the day which just further encouraged them to gorge on slop when they got home because they hadn’t eaten anything in 10 hours

>> No.20092957

their only option should be salad

>> No.20092971

honestly, I liked the spinach served in the little trays, a little salty but it was nice.
I believe you anon.

>> No.20092976

They deserve less. Ever sat in a cafeteria during lunch? Kids throw away hundreds of pounds of food every single day.

>> No.20092982

Was she hot at least?

>> No.20092987

I'm so sick of this "X be like" trend. Why do people go along with talking like this?

>> No.20092995 [DELETED] 

it’s lazy
niggers are lazy

>> No.20093001

Right, but it takes effort to "jive-talk" so consistently. It's like a different language, almost.

>> No.20093017

>every school I went to was like this therefore all schools were/are like that and I will issue blanket condemnations

>> No.20093021

it doesn’t take effort to distort something out of confusion and perpetuate it as a standard
it’s just low iq entropy in human action

>> No.20093045

At my highschool it was totally chill to drink beverages brought from home in class and light snacking was permitted.

>> No.20093050

This. Most kids want to eat garbage. It's because that's what they're fed at home. Lawmakers claim they want to "tackle obesity" (which they always note disproportionately impacts black children) but all they do is increase EBT spending limits to "battle food insecurity" while allowing this EBT to go towards candy bars, cola, chips, etc. Foods through the WIC program are arguably the most nutritious food any kid with a welfare mama is going to see. Everything else they buy on EBT is guaranteed garbage. That kid is going to come to school expecting similar garbage.

Our government continues to pass the most pants-on-head RETARDED regulations for school lunches. As though altering one meal five days a week is going to have any impact on a kid's weight. Many school districts struggle to meet these guidelines. The end result is tons of food in the garbage can. Most of these politicians come from affluent areas where it isn't anything out of the ordinary for the rich little white kids to obediently eat their hummus or quinoa. You take that shit to the ghetto and they will throw it all into the garbage. They want hamburgers, chicken fingers, pizza, and chocolate milk. And there isn't much the schools can do about it. These habits were formed at home and are reinforced every day.

>> No.20093056
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>> No.20093062

>Lawmakers claim they want to "tackle obesity" (which they always note disproportionately impacts black children) but all they do is increase EBT spending limits to "battle food insecurity" while allowing this EBT to go towards candy bars, cola, chips, etc.
And if you try to change that so you can't buy junk food with EBT, they'll raise an alarm about systemic racism and the targeting of black people, and no politician would have the balls to point out who's taxes are paying for the EBT in the first place

>> No.20093063

i bet junk food corporations wouldn’t allow it

>> No.20093070

We had all drinks banned because people kept putting everclear in water bottles

>> No.20093084

I would Carry a stainless steel tumbler with me for every class to the point where if I didn't have it people would joke it must have been stolen. It wasn't a regular thing but occasionally I would bring some fresh lemon wedges and make a bourbon iced tea to loosen myself up for my pubic speaking and shop classes. I never got caught and hid the whiskey bottle in the drop down ceiling of a little used bathroom.

>> No.20093086

Black anon here, when we were kids, my mom shopped exclusively at the dollar store for our food because the EBT went further there. Those giant 3 liter bottles of no name soda were usually all we had to drink, and food varied from whatever the dollar store got in that week, but it was always unbranded slop. And this was not a unique experience, going over to other black friends houses their cabinets and fridges had the exact same shit. Id assume it’s partly to blame for why I got diabetes at 12

>> No.20093091

I think they let kids have drinks now considering it’s a meme that every white girl has one of those huge metal cups they carry around everywhere

>> No.20093093

i don’t get it

>> No.20093104

>every white girl has one of those huge metal cups they carry around everywhere
is this a fucking thing?? well shit my little sister said to me she wanted money for christmas so she could be buy some shoes and an overpriced brand water bottle. what a shitty fucking white girl trend lmao

>> No.20093111

what are some non shitty white girl trends lmao

>> No.20093115

I'm glad I graduated before my highschool installed vape detectors in every bathroom. The ones in the locker rooms would always go off due to the shower steam. People would always roll into morning classes with spiked ice coffee from the Cumberland farm gas station Down town.

>> No.20093118

scoobies where fucking cool man

>> No.20093125

How much did you weigh at age 12 and how much do you weigh now? List current hight.

>> No.20093128

white girls aren’t allowed to be girly anymore because it’s not feminist to act in ways that men enjoy

>> No.20093133

okay? dunno what braiding plastic has to do with that but continue as you like.

>> No.20093135

I'm racist but I still offer my condolences. A shitty upbringing is one of the worst things a person can deal with.

>> No.20093137

I am not surprised at all, and it makes me sad to hear you got sick at such a young age. What's terrifying now is this way of eating has now become generational. Your mom was probably one of the last generations trapped in the Welfare cycle that actually knew better. Now it's just what everybody eats. And the Dollar Store thing is really terrible. I'm a bit of an oldfag and remember when the dollar stores first started hitting the market after the Clinton administration opened trade with China. They were filled with cheap jewelry, statues, notepads, that sort of thing. Now when you go to a dollar store they are VERY food forward. The primary customers are women loading their carts with generic soda and cookies and other bullshit. When I was a kid there was EBT of course but those mothers would be in the grocery store buying actual food. But over the years restrictions have been lifted to keep food corporations happy, EBT acceptance expanded to keep other corporations happy, and all of the kids are getting sick which makes the pharmaceuticals happy.

>> No.20093138


>> No.20093139

Of the dooby-doo variety?

>> No.20093144

its spelled differently but yes those things

>> No.20093148
File: 72 KB, 704x383, D-cPBFuXoAIUe2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those giant 3 liter bottles of no name soda were usually all we had to drink
You of course never considered water

>> No.20093159

Gen Alpha only know twitter memes and black people speak.
If you think shit's bad now wait until they get out of highschool later this year.

>> No.20093165

>weigh at age 12
About 190 at around 5’8
>weigh now
A little over 250 at 6’7

>> No.20093169

so 5'10

>> No.20093170

Kids aren't going to choose water when soda is available. That's a habit the parents have to instill.

>> No.20093173

I quit soda in middle school and it was completely my choice.

>> No.20093174

No, you are right to be. I’m trying to break the cycle, at least with my family. Even white trash will at least buy frozen slop with a brand at least.
Water was never purchased for us as the soda cost less
>drink out of the sink dumbass
Drinking out of the sink in the ghetto is a guaranteed way to being sick for a week

>> No.20093177


And yet delicious

>> No.20093178

If you live in the ghetto water isn’t an option since the pipes are shit. No name soda is the cheapest clean drinking material you can get

>> No.20093179

What does your family typically eat for evening supper?

>> No.20093181

Yea and they always have a big wad of keys in the same hand they hold the cup in

>> No.20093186

Dollar tree really opened up to food when they officially broke the $1 cap

>> No.20093196

Why do teen white girls have so many keys anyway? Some of them have key rings that rival a janitor

>> No.20093225

>be me
>170 pounds in middle school
>cannot see penis
>eat healthy school lunch for a year
>180 pounds when school ends
Thanks Obama

>> No.20093228

Would have built up tolerance. Also a bit of lead has never hurt anyone.

>> No.20093232

How small is your dick dude

>> No.20093246

Must be rough being 5' tall

>> No.20093248

>Black anon here

>> No.20093255

ur supposed to switch to healthy food, not eat it with ur daily junk

>> No.20093261

I’m 27 now. It’s a little over 5 inches. But the problem was my powerful gut covering it up
>5 foot
I’m 5’5 actually

>> No.20093277

prove it

>> No.20093363

Ok /ck/, if you are so smart, how would YOU fix school lunches? Here are some factors to keep in mind that can’t change
>average time to get lunch AND eat is about 20 minutes
>lunch costs about $2

>> No.20093373

Whites only

>> No.20093379

there's probably some mre cheap enough

>> No.20093391

De-federalize school lunches. The biggest problem with school lunch programs right now is their menus revolve around moving volume and squeezing profits from government reimbursements. School districts push for "free meals for all" to remove the "stigma" of receiving a free meal. What they're really trying to do is serve as many trays of food as possible to ring up a reimbursement. They don't care if the kids throw the food into the trash. Now they just serve mostly heat-and-eat trash. De-federalizing the school lunch program would mean
>shorter lines for lunch, meaning more time to eat
>less food waste
>more freedom in creating menus
Ideally cafeterias would return to scratch cooking. The problem with THAT right now is many cafeterias sold all of their equipment and can't afford to replace it. They also don't want to pay their workers anything and actual cooking vs. "from freezer to plate" would require a higher salary. There would be growing pains but ultimately a non-federalized, scratch-cooking based cafeteria could serve meals kids would actually eat, and be able to provide meals to the children in actual need. Though hungry children these days is a rarity. They are miserably overfed by EBT/WIC.

>> No.20093462

Man, fuck Jamie Oliver

>> No.20093503

watch this and see how retarded jamie was during this

>> No.20093523

I’m sorry to hear that, anon. Stay strong.

>> No.20093558

Is there any good reason lunch is only 20 minutes long? I know most schools have to break up lunch periods due to school population size, but that still seems ridiculously short. I say make the lunch period longer for high school kids and let them leave school and get whatever they want. Not everyone will leave, but those who do lessen the burden on the school staff.

>> No.20093576

Public school only has one purpose, to normalize the lowest, legal working conditions with the next generation. Doing hours of meaningless busywork and only being able to cut out 20 minutes to force your lunch down before going back to your busywork is by design

>> No.20093583

They think they're going to use it as a blackjack if someone tries to rape them.

>> No.20093594

Does Jamie not have children? They will willing eat dirt, bugs and all kinds of other shit they shouldn’t be eating and they do it with a smile. As an adult, they may look back and say that was gross, but as kids they don’t have that filter.

>> No.20093621

This. It’s such a pointless, futile effort to try to make your kids enjoy real food. People seem to forget that a child’s tastebuds are completely different than an adults. They are much more sensitive to flavors, so much so quite a few thing’s genuinely do taste bad. It’s not a big conspiracy that kids don’t like vegetables, they have a more powerful taste to kids which is generally unpleasant. Then you get a little older, your tasting power fades a little, and suddenly lots of food you couldn’t tolerate is now good.

Try to slowly introduce quality, cooked meals, but don’t be upset when they run back to the chicken nuggets. Eventually you will see them go back to the slop less and less as they get older

>> No.20094487

What do you expect them to get some full course steak meal or some shit? They are kids, breadsticks are fine

>> No.20094631

"Healthy" school food always tastes like garbage. It doesn't just need to be a bland salad to be healthy, there are plenty of tasty ways to make healthy food. They just teach kids that "healthy" = bland, so they might as well not even try.

>> No.20094639

Their main market is food deserts, that's why they're always located in weird places.

>> No.20094647

I don't see how defederalizing would solve the issue. It would just split one system into a bunch of other crappy systems that would be harder to change, would probably cost more, and would have varied success depending on the location.

>> No.20094675

>grew up in rural ass US
>grades 5-12 under a single roof due to consolidation
>still only 500 or so kids total
>would get fresh fruit; always apples, sometimes bananas, always grapes and then a selection of blue or black berries
>roasted or steamed veggies; broc, cauli, zucc, green beans
>or peas/carrots/corn, never mixed you could choose what you wanted yourself
>always some type of potato; mashed, baked, or cubed and roasted
>protein was usually beef or pork; cubed and braised in some type of gravy which was poured over it
>turkey during holidays if you wanted
>some type of sweet; usually cookies, jello, or type of pie
>this was a typical lunch for us from grades 5-12
>Bush gets us into two wars because they made his daddy look retarded
>Pointless war + the 2001 No Child Left Behind act which didn't really come to full fruition until 2004-2005 curtails a lot of school's spending for some nanny state ideal
>suddenly our cooks are gone, which I later learned was 2-3 retired chefs that lived in the area that got paid $50k/year to fully prep and serve breakfast lunch and take-home bags for the poorer students
>new cooks are making $6/hr but they don't work full-time
>food is either frozen or slides out of a bag into a microwave safe bowl and nuked
>fruit comes in cups, always peaches in that disgusting syrup
>veggies are steamed in plastic bags poured into a big plastic tub
>one of the cooks is legitimately a drug dealer and coke/pills start cropping up when the worst drug issues before was early 00s brick weed
>start bringing my own lunch within 2 weeks
>test scores go down, which means the NCLB kicks into high gear and all these kids that are newly failing get passing grades anyway
>can't point to the test scores as a reason to bring back the good food since NCLB
I guess some of you never had a proper school cafeteria and grew up on the frozen reheated slop and are nostalgic for it. But some of us had proper food in our schools and had it taken away.

>> No.20094839

are black people just more vulnerable to catching diabetes or something?

>> No.20094858
File: 67 KB, 735x791, snap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some attempts to get people using SNAP to make healthier choices but for most of them, if they were the type to make better choices, they probably wouldn't be on SNAP in the first place. Many states have partnered with farmers markets to allow people using SNAP to buy fresh produce at half price but only a small number do it.
Yes it is true that Coca-Cola and other junk food companies lobby against any restrictions on using SNAP for junk food but much of the opposition is from the grocery stores because complex rules means more work for the store. WIC vouchers are a nightmare because people with them try to use them for items not listed on the voucher and then play a game of chicken with the cashier, hoping that they'll let them get away with using their voucher for prohibited items because it's holding up the line when they're forced to get the right items. The current SNAP rule is if the product has a 'Nutrition Facts' label and isn't served hot in the store, then it can be purchased with SNAP. That's simple for stores to implement and causes very little drama at the checkout. If complex rules were introduced about product eligibility, some stores would start refusing to accept SNAP, which would defeat the purpose of the program.

>> No.20094987

There is no traditional cuisine that has a dish that takes bones, grinds them up into a paste, adds stabilizers, presses them out into shapes, and breads and deep fries them. He was right especially because he wasn't making a bone broth.

>> No.20094997

>And remember, you are forbidden from having any kind of food or drink in the classroom.
I didn't go to a shitty school so they didn't care if we had drinks or snacks in the classroom unless you were a retard who makes a mess.

Only exception was chem lab for obvious reasons.

>> No.20095032

>Every public school I went to

Nice sample size, faggot

>> No.20095052

Lol when the Obama school lunches went out I remember stories of little fatties expressing glee that cheesy bread sticks and soda were back on menus. Cope

>> No.20095058

cheesy bread sticks are not that bad if its something as a side like twice a school week,but why sell fucking fizzy drinks to kids when it will obviously make them slightly hyperactive?
dont american schools have actual fast food outlets now like a mini burger king stall near the grounds? i swear ive seen this somewhere

>> No.20095061
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>muh tradition

>> No.20095073 [DELETED] 

Enjoy xantham and guar gums while my food has ten real ingredients, tops.

>> No.20095077 [DELETED] 

Yes, many schools do actually have branded fast food outlets in them. It's more common in college cafeterias but some high schools have them.
>Soda in school
I graduated from high school in 2013 and only diet soda and flavored waters were sold

>> No.20095127

Kids dont do the shopping.

>> No.20095128

Unironically stop serving school lunches. They were originally created during the depression so kids had something to eat as many could expect an empty plate back home. Now there's like 40% obesity rates and school lunches have been coopted by corporations and lowest bidders to serve the cheapest, worst possible food to kids and get them addicted to junk food from an early age. Let the kids bring sandwiches from home for lunch and offer hot water for beverages like coffee or tea.

>> No.20095165

what's your opinion on schools serving watermelons?

>> No.20095167

>implying nigglets would not just bring pre-packaged junk food

>> No.20095180 [DELETED] 


>> No.20095181

Make the kids prepare the food (with supervision, starting from a reasonable grade like the beginning of middle school). End all federal school lunch contracts and guidelines, they serve no purpose other than to enrich the same faggots who supply prison slop. Employ an actual licensed dietician at each school district to drawn up a rough menu of what meals should be put into the daily rotation and do regular school inspections to ensure the staff are actually sourcing decent ingredients and helping the kids prepare it properly.

>> No.20095188 [DELETED] 

>Libertarians get what they want
>Slop served in school gets even worse
No one is going to swoop in and start magically serving quinoa and grilled chicken that kids all love, it is slop all the way down because kids want it. My solution is portion control. Serve the same things being served but mandate smaller portions

>> No.20095191

We weren't a wealthy school district, probably smack dab in the middle if you compared us to our surrounding districts, but we had 3 options for lunch, big ass salads, a fairly big sub, or lunch of the day. When chicken nuggets were on the menu, everyone got triples.

>> No.20095194

Ex-convenience store anon, I worked convenience store for a year and only saw one person use their EBT card in any respectable way, buying whole wheat bread, eggs, and skim milk with it. Everyone else was buying TGIF Wings, Slim Jims, Monster energy drinks, and subs.

>> No.20095202

Up until my final year of high school, there was no salad bar or anything remotely healthy that was offered on a regular basis. The fruit always came from cans, the burgers never had toppings besides condiments available, etc.
I wasn't a big fan of salads in high school, so I never went to the salad bar. Now, I love salad, but I know there were many other people in the same boat as me back then.
That's why it's so important to have more healthy options available, despite the protestations of parents.

>> No.20095204

>ending the federal mandate for every school to sell the same identical slop prepared in a factory and shipped out to schools for cafeteria workers throw in a warming tray is bad because... It just is!

>> No.20095268

i never ate lunch and saved all my lunch money to buy PS2 games

>> No.20095278

>implying they can afford it

>> No.20095710

What always pissed me off about school lunches is that they will hand you milk and juice but if you want water you have to go out of your way to go to the drinking fountain

>> No.20095758

nobody goes to a convenience store to buy groceries -- unless you're living in chicago and nigs caused the walmarts to move out

>> No.20095843

You need to approach the issue from a SNAP user mindset. Health is a bottom tier concern, you want your 6-8 kids to be full. A salad won’t do that, a dollar store frozen pizza will. SNAP users don’t want to spend ANY of their own money on food.

A simple way to put it, if apples and salads were free, the SNAP community would be some of most healthy people on earth

>> No.20095849

Branded places within schools started to end in the mid 00s.

>> No.20095854

thats fair enough i dont know enough about america to have a clue myself i just know i watched or read something recently that mentioned its still a thing, probably as the other anon said and its mainly for college students

>> No.20095935

Your solution, portion control, is already in effect. They don't serve elementary students the same trays they serve high schoolers. And portions are tightly controlled due to cost. If they consistently over serve that means fewer trays of food to claim a government reimbursement from. And some pencil neck is going to audit their inventory and somebody is going to get into trouble or get fired.

If the cafeteria programs had not been monetized by the school districts to push as much food through as possible operating on as cheap of labor as possible, meals would be nutritious and more kids would eat them. They're chasing those government reimbursements and crafting their meals to be as cheap as possible while qualifying for that reimbursement to squeeze as much profit from it as possible. The goal isn't to feed kids. The goal becomes to SERVE kids. Zip them through the line. If the government were removed, schools wouldn't be so obsessed with cramming food down as many throats as possible. They would also be free to serve a more varied menu and cater to the preferences of that region. Kids in southern states would be eating red beans and rice while kids from northern regions would be eating daal and rice, things like that. It would also permit for more farm-to-school programs, supporting local farmers while again catering to the local palate. But as things stand, the schools really seem to have no focus on their cafeterias other than $$$$$. They're all clamoring for ESL signage and learning materials because half their kitchen staff can't speak English. Half their kitchen staff can't speak English because they're from South America and will work for cheap. It's all about profit. It's not about feeding kids.

>> No.20095965

I have not worked at a convenience store, but had a close friend work at one for several years. They observed the same thing. There were also a lot of shady things going on to skirt past the "cold serve" food rules. They installed a milkshake machine that "accepted EBT" because technically the cup with the shake in it they purchased could be taken home and blended (but they had a free blender attached to the machine for their convenience). Or they'd ring up pizza as "cold serve" claiming the EBT customer had purchased the pizza to take home and bake (but they would bake it for free for them).

The issue here was that to address the problem of "food deserts" (i.e., grocery stores fleeing high crime areas) lobbyists pushed for EBT to be accepted at broader range of stores, such as convenience stores and dollar stores. But all that was was an excuse for lawmakers to please their corporate overlords to funnel more of those EBT bucks towards shelf-stable processed garbage.

>> No.20096020

Imagine being the schizo who chimped out at the first person who ever made bread, because grinding wheat into flour wasn't traditional at the time.

If people had the technology to turn chicken carcasses into delicious nuggies 2000 years ago, they would have done it, and it would be traditional by now

>> No.20096031

stop trying to help people who don't want to be helped

>> No.20096075

Fuck you, Maxstix are awesome I hope you fucking DIE

>> No.20096091

It's mostly for college students. I worked on a university campus and the food culture and obesity was appalling. I was there to witness university shutting down their foodservice operation and going full corporate. Used to be you could walk into the student center and order a cheap grilled cheese sandwich, or a hotdog, a salad, a wedge sandwich, lesser expensive items of varying degree of healthy. The main cafeteria offered a lot of scratch cooking. There were vending machines in buildings, and that was about it. But now?
>Starbucks in the library
>two foodcourts on campus featuring Chick-fil-a, Subway, Einstein Bros, that kind of shit
>it's all available through Door Dash so they don't even have to walk to get it
>a new cafeteria that is much more expensive
>food trucks selling shit like funnel cakes (yes, food trucks)
>kiosks in every major college building selling food
The students come there already a little porky but by the end of their freshman year they are FAT. They have food delivered to their dorms or bring a full meal into the classroom to eat and the professors can do nothing about it. Any trip to the library involves walking past the Starbucks in the lobby with the tempting aromas calling to them. The food is also quite expensive. Used to be if you were feeling a little hungry you could walk over to the student center and grab a wedge sandwich or a fruit cup or a grilled cheese. Now a trip to that student center is a full meal from Chick-fil-A (none of these students order a la carte) which is a huge calorie bomb and easily twice or even three times as expensive as a quick snack used to be. It's just awful.

>> No.20096141

Just because you're some cultureless mutt doesn't mean that tradition is bad.

>> No.20096200

We had proper meals, cooked on the premises in the school kitchens. Want a bacon & egg bap instead of the days meal? No problem they'd whip you one up.

>> No.20096327

Aren’t high schoolers with cars able to just leave during lunch and come back?

>> No.20096332

who the absolute fuck served this shit in middle school back in 2001? I want to switch timelines.
we just had a slice of pizza and fries for 2.50

>> No.20096333

I keep hearing 20 minutes but my schools and my kids' schools ranged from 35-50 minutes

>> No.20096341
File: 2.61 MB, 2736x1824, pc98chud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isn';t true at all people just dont like salad slop and cold bars
I and other kids ate tons of vegetables, we just wanted them on actual food, like a cold cut sandwich or rice bowl.

>> No.20096342

Colleges have them, when I was in college the cafeteria area was huge and there were stalls branded places could rent to serve food. That said, college is way different than public school. With public school there are mountains of regulations and the assumption most of the kids there are too dumb to make choices for themselves.

>> No.20096353
File: 73 KB, 850x941, __izumi_konata_lucky_star_drawn_by_kurokimoko__sample-e8266cced00959be19c98b60ffe0d8b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sorry to tell you this nigger anon but your mom was a lazy nigger and didn't know how to do math because i've lived in black majority cities and the dollar general is not cheaper than any grocery store there.

>> No.20096358

>w-well the water isn't potable cc-cus is the gheto
there is no way this is true, but even if it was just boil that shit nucca

>> No.20096361

That’s not been a thing for nearly 20 years. Schools are basically prisons at this point, one point of entry/exit (side doors trigger alarms but are there for emergencies) and that singular front entrance has a ton of security. You are locked in tight for 8 hours a day

>> No.20096365

Liar or bad memory.

>> No.20096371

My daughter is in middle school and her lunch period is 20 minutes. The lunch “block” is like 90 minutes long, but it has to be divided into 5 sections because the school is overcrowded, and if too many students of a certain variety are in one place at once it causes fights

>> No.20096376

>boil it
Tf you think I have a phd in science or something?

>> No.20096377

My 17 year old comes home for lunch daily, not all of us live in a vibrant diverse community of future doctors

>> No.20096387

Here’s the problem I see with college students. They just spent the past 18 years being treated like retarded prison inmates who can’t make any choices of their own, then they go to college 4 months later and have complete freedom and go nuts with it. Public high school doesn’t prepare kids for anything that’s coming to them and then we wonder why they get fat and fail their first semester in college

>> No.20096392

The future doctors aren’t the problem, it’s the kid who has his pumped up kicks they want to keep out

>> No.20096418

My first year of college the cafeteria had a special from 11-1 where they had fast hand made things to buy. Stuff like grilled cheese or ham sandwiches, and they were a steal like a buck each. Lots of people had classes that bled over into the lunch hour or started during it, so it was a way for people to walk through and grab something fast and cheap to hold them over till later. It was a huge hit too because there were never leftovers, if you got there are like 12:55 you were probably watching them personally make your sandwich before closing the gate.

The next year, they stopped this and brought in a bunch of fast food places which weren’t nearly as convenient, cost 5x as much and probably were 10x the calorie intake

>> No.20096433

I grew up on the slop and never got to go to coleg

>> No.20096442

>go to school in the big city
>three options
>stand in line for trash food that by the time you got it lunch shorty ends
>get candy and or soda from the machines with no line
>bring your own lunch
Was real shitty honestly

>> No.20096495
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>Middle school
>meat sauce pasta or chicken sandwiches every day
>high school
2 slices of pepperoni + some kind of chip every day
never really thought about it until right now...

>> No.20096542

These things used to give me the most rancid farts. Like I’d go back to class and rip one and even the teacher would comment how bad it was. Of course, I always acted disgusted as well so no one would suspect me

>> No.20096559
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Man that brings me back, was it only a UK thing?
The food in our canteen was barely edible, so if I didn't pack a lunch I'd buy Pasta King.
Was 1/3rd the price without sauce, so most days I'd spent 60p on the plain pasta and pour black pepper over it, then drizzle on ev olive oil from a little bottle. It's pretty nostalgic and has become a comfort food for me now..

Any anons have similar experiences? I do remember most of the sauce options being fucking awful, Basilico especially tasted like shite. Probably was terrible for us anyway.

>> No.20096566

My high school had a shopping center directly across the street from it that had every single fast food place, a walmart, sams club, and a bunch of normal restaurants and food places in general and we wheren't allowed to go there for lunch and if you got caught sneaking you got in trouble.

>> No.20096936

>liar or bad memory
most of the time the most popular foods where sandwiches, and the lunch of the day. Pizza and burgers where popular too but the reality with them was that they where cheap not that they where that tasty. compared to a cold bar? that shit sat out and basically no one wanted it.

>> No.20096942

I loved those cheese breads

>> No.20096958

bosco sticks

>> No.20096983

Sorry your mom didn't love you enough to send you to school with a meal.

>> No.20097030
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There have been proposals to mail "farm boxes" with produce in them to people on SNAP but the logistics probably would doom it from working on a large scale. My brother is on Medicaid and receives something called FarmboxRx. I've been rather unimpressed with the amount of food they actually deliver to him but it's the government paying, not him, so he makes use of what they send him without complaint. The freezer pack and rest of the packaging look like they're at least two or three times as expensive as the small number of fruits and vegetables they send.

>> No.20097058

Only dorks who wanted to be dunked in the toilet got a lunch from mommy

>> No.20097122
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t. pic related

>> No.20097128
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>There is no traditional
house design that incorporates a fucking ducted air system but I still love being able to put home at 18 celcius in the fucking summer.

>> No.20097146
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>It’s not a big conspiracy that kids don’t like vegetables, they have a more powerful taste to kids which is generally unpleasant

Also chalk it up to parents who can't cook.
>muh kid dun like muh 30 minuht muhcrowave carruhts, kids are fussy eatuhs

>> No.20097242

And you'd be healthier if you didn't.

>> No.20097288

Based chad, we all envy you except for the bagged milk think which suggests you might be canadian

>> No.20097311
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>And you'd be healthier if you didn't.
I'd be healthier if faggots like you were trebuchet'd into a fucking cliff-face. Laughter is the best medicine after all.

>> No.20097363

Thanks old man, we know schools used to have real food but anybody under 35 was in like third grade or less in 2001 so yes every one of us grew up having slop in school

>> No.20097438

pretty sure pasta king was a uk school thing only because of some marketing deal they did to say its healthy

>> No.20097444


>> No.20097462

They automatically suspected you even if it wasn't you because you were the weird kid. Sad but true

>> No.20097479

Unironically true and this is probably a huge part of the problem. Even kids whose parents would send them with a decent lunch will fucking BEG for the slop just so they're not a little freak for bring food from home. They will throw their packed lunch in the trash and use change they stole from their moms purse to buy the slop. Slop "culture" is unstoppable

>> No.20097532

You don't need lunch. Feed your kids a decent breakfast and dinner and don't worry about what happens at school.

>> No.20097599

Kids as well as everyone else should be on OMAD

>> No.20097626

I can't I'm 2MAD

>> No.20097825

The processed slop would likely be your best odds at getting a kid excited about vegetables because they already have a dulled taste.

>> No.20097831

Fuck that, being hot is the worst. If having my cool cave in the summer is wrong, I don’t want to be right

>> No.20097844

Did you grow up in bizarro world? The kid who came to school with a Lunchable and a little snack size bag of chips was a literal god in the lunchroom. People would lick his asshole if it meant getting just one dorito

>> No.20097861

Based, I was the same way. I pocketed $1.50 a day.

Looking back though, I wonder how I did it. I went from 7:30 or so to about 3:30 without eating or drinking ANYTHING. I didn’t even drink out of the water fountains. And this includes doing shit like gym class every day. Maybe that’s why I always had ear splitting headaches, but there’s no way I could do that shit today. Especially the drinking, I never feel like I’m properly hydrated

>> No.20097864

>decent lunch
>snackable and chips

>> No.20097868

You really can't go eight hours without eating today?

>> No.20097892

Lmao this. Sure, the kid who brought brand name slop from Walmart instead of generic school slop was the slop king for a day. Does not disprove the point I made in the least.

>> No.20097899

>without eating
Yes, but I get irritable. I don’t need to eat a full meal, even just a small snack can keep me going
>without drinking
Absolutely not. I have water on me at all times

>> No.20097900

Hate to say it but Americans actually do this one.

>> No.20097902

Who said anything about decent? The original argument was kids who brought their lunch were losers who wanted school slop which simply isn’t true. If you had store brand slop everyone was trying to get you to share it

>> No.20097906

>ctrl-f "decent"
Have fun.

>> No.20097911

>get bland slop for the day
>unzip trusty bottle of travel size hot sauce to make it edible
It was that easy

>> No.20097974

Hugely autistic if you actually did this, but I believe it. Travel size hot sauce in the backpack kid definitely grew up to be a 4chan poster.

>> No.20097988

My school served good food. Usually they made things like steak in onions and vinegar, porkchops, picadillo, Boston butt with onions, fajitas, and Bolognese pasta. Then, for those old enough to remember Obama's wife made the schools change the menus for healthier options, and it ruined the food. We went from white rice, to whole grain brown rice, and the cooks didn't knew how to prepare it. Also, a lot of the food went from being fresh, to be pre-packaged (most likely as a reward for political donations from corporations like Nestle and ConAgra).

>> No.20097994

Jamie Oliver can't make egg fried rice. Fuck that guy.

>> No.20098092

That's cool. When I was in school our options were a big, greasy pizza slice or a hot pocket.

>> No.20098265

>his school had options instead of a 1 item a day rotation

>> No.20098330

There was something about that big greasy slice of pizza that really hit the spot though. Sometimes I miss being able to truly enjoy slop

>> No.20098380

>boil it
>removing the heavy metals
room temp iq, I wonder why and how...

>> No.20098420
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I think this video was one of the stupidest fucking things I'd ever seen.
>Look kids. I'm using the SKIN. Eewwwww! And I'm going to throw in the ORGANS! And every bit that isn't just breast meat, euuuugh!!
How does a fucking chef even conceptualize this kind of experiment?
Say that it did work, what have you accomplished?
Would he have been satisfied in instilling in kids
>"Only eat the most nutritionally barren part of any animals kids, the equivalent of steak in any meat is the only part you should be eating, like a good fucking retard!!"

It just boggles the mind.

>> No.20098457
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A Californian delicacy

>> No.20098486
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Zoom zoom: back when I was in school the lunch block was "30 minutes" but the place was a prison where the lunch ladies would seat you one by one and then call your table up to get food. This is after walking in single file lines from your classroom which they count as part of your lunch time. By the end of this system you get 5 - 7 minutes to eat if you're not first in line and a good 10% of the time they would literally snatch your food out of your hand right after getting it. The kids would go crazy and bargain for undercooked bread filled with cheese and served with unseasoned tomato paste: a "Bosco stick." Pic rel: a Bosco stick.

>> No.20098877

People under actual military occupation are afforded more dignity than that
What the fuck

>> No.20098907
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Mine were good.

>> No.20099207

Kids will cry and throw tantrums because you took away a dried dog turd simply because "it's a thing and you're denying them", the fact they wanted to eat the chicken nuggets is just because kids are genuinely fucking stupid and their brains aren't developed enough for reasoning.

>> No.20099214

It's his demeanor, he's showing kids like, chicken and bone they don't have any understanding of, and asking them a political question, when they're just 6 year olds.

>> No.20099655

He actually believes this. That guy thinks organs and skin are Yucky and should go straight in the trash and is depressed that kids don't share this sentiment.

>> No.20099683

>the dollar general is not cheaper than any grocery store there.
it literally is you stupid retard. dollar general's whole business model is offering only 1 or 2 items vs. wal-mart's 20 items which allows them to have low inventory overhead and thus lower prices

>> No.20099688

Yeah kids are stupid but in fact it goes deeper than this.

I believe there is an evolutionary psychology phenomenon at play here. In the past many children probably died eating strange plants and mushrooms and shit. Humans probably evolved some inhibitions toward eating anything "not normal" when children. Thats why picky eater cucks exist and only want to eat chicken nuggets imo. And most grow out of it. The solution is to make the foods they consider "normal" be the healthy ones.

>> No.20099744

Was similar for me
elementary school
>whole class has to be in a PERFECT line before being walked to the cafeteria. No talking allowed on the way
>most times have assigned seating to prevent friends from eating together
>rare times we can choose where we sit we are only allowed to sit with kids from our class while cafeteria monitors watch us like hawks
Middle school
>have to be walked by lunch period teacher to and from cafeteria but there are no longer concerns over lines and talking so long as you aren’t yelling
>each class is only allowed to sit at a specific group of tables
>don’t know anyone in your lunch class? Tough titty
>not allowed to get up for the entire period except when a monitor comes by to send your table group up to the food line
High school
>leave the classroom when your lunch period bell rings
>get there on your own at your pace (line was long as fuck if you didn’t hurry though)
>sit wherever you want and move around freely as long as you weren’t causing a ruckus
>return to class when the next bell rings
I never really thought about it but they were super draconian in elementary school and I have no idea why

>> No.20099768

>I have no idea why
cmon man. you have no idea at all? could it be the fact that 6 year olds are mischievous little shits?

>> No.20099785

I can understand keeping them wrangled but
>you WILL be in a line
>you will NOT talk
>you WILL sit where we say
Seems really harsh, especially for kids. Lunch is the one small window of freedom we had each day and it was ruled with an iron fist

>> No.20100174
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For me, it's a Burton Dog, served by a hot 50s PTA housewife. With mustard.

>> No.20100213

when i was in early elementary they had a big traffic light on the wall that was supposedly monitoring noise level
when it turned yellow the lunch monitors would start telling the kids to be quiet
if it turned red they made everyone shut up, no talking allowed

>> No.20100216
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White rice, steamed veg, grilled chicken
If there is room in the budget maybe one of pic rels with various flavored corn syrups so jose and saniqua can't complain about they seasoning

>> No.20100237

I hated the school cafeteria because of all of the retards that put ketchup on their hotdogs.

>> No.20100241

No it isn't you illiterate porch monkey. Just because you go to those stories and look at prices doesn't mean their products are actually cheap. It's the unit price that matters. Of course if all your nigress screech mother cooks for you is the lazy goyslop SHE feels like cooking instead of what is both financially and nutritionally superior then obviously you are going to go back there and be drip fed from dollar general slop since standing in line at the food bank or going down to a real grocery store or doing math and reading ingredient labels to see what you are actually spending money on is shit you only do if you have a shred and absolute drop of k selected blood in your veins which niggers don't.

>> No.20100246

It's hopeless, "per ounce" is about as likely to take as "per capita"

>> No.20100247

Sounds like nigger town. My guess is if you had no niggers causing problems then your school was staffed by pedophiles.

>> No.20100255

Your mom still didn't love you.

>> No.20100266

I remember one day at school the geriatric they had working the cafeteria forgot to cook the hot dogs

>> No.20100304

You've obviously never done the math on the price per ounce

>> No.20100567

>daal and rice
get out of this thread currynigger

>> No.20100576

colleges used to be about mental and sexual liberation but now they're about calorific liberation.
the comedies that are gonna come out about this are gonna be legendary.

>> No.20100874

The fuck you mean its cheaper cracker ass it's a Dollar a pack at the dollar store and ten dollars a pack at the Walmart. Whitey really too stupid to count

>> No.20100980

School lunch was disgustingly cheap and nasty looking, in a delicious way. Like little Caesars.

>> No.20100990

honestly great take.
When I went to college my school had 0 fast food places built into it and door dash wasn't a thing. we had a school cafeteria that wasn't great but relatively healthy.

>> No.20101159

>box A contains two packets for a dollar.
>box B contains ten packets for four dollars.

This isn't fucking complicated

>> No.20101228

The turkey gravy mashtato day used to be my favorite. then in 4th/5th/6th grade? they switched to microwave food bars so over processed they didn't resemble the food they replaced.

>> No.20101716

Wouldn’t those just be the same comedies but now they are fat while doing it?

>> No.20101739
File: 2.00 MB, 282x480, jenga.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 33. When I was in high school we got a whole hour for lunch. Lunch wasn't broken up despite having around 2500 students. Everyone had lunch at the same time. Juniors and seniors were allowed to go off campus for lunch. It wasn't that hard for freshmen and sophomores to sneak off as long as they weren't obvious about it. Almost nobody ate the school-provided lunch. Everyone either brought their own or went off campus. If you stayed on campus there were indoor and outdoor eating areas and you could socialize with whoever.

Campus was on a busy intersection and the other 3 corners of it were all strip malls. Add up the fast food places, convenience stores, grocery stores and diners in those strip malls and we had around a dozen choices right across the street. They all had student specials plus dollar menus still existed back then. I specifically remember a few pretty tasty, filling $5 lunch specials some of these places had. The favorite for my friends and I was a teriyaki chicken and rice bowl that came with green onions, veggies, a drink and an egg roll. If you or a friend had a car you could drive for a few minutes and multiply your lunch choices, or go home if you forgot to bring lunch/money.

>> No.20101887

that faggot is even worse than jamie, going off on a bunch of liberal bullshit the whole video. chicken nuggets are not good for you but that's all the other processed ingredients they put it in besides the chicken, don't see neither of them even mention this

>> No.20101952 [DELETED] 

Pack of what, smokes? Sneed oils?
There is nothing cheaper in nutrition than chicken quarters and most of not every dollar general doesn't even sell frozen meat. Face it. Your fat nigress mother did not want to fucking cook shit.

>> No.20101956

My high school had a coffee machine for some reason. They charged you for the cup, not the drink. So I would fill up a 12oz cup with nothing but espresso, eat a fruit salad and an apple, and that would be my meal.

>> No.20101961
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A turkey burger and chips and one of these kept me going.

>> No.20101977 [DELETED] 

It's not true. Just purchased a home in the ghetto in June. I've been drinking the water since, no issues. Taste took some getting used to.
Niggers are just retarded

>> No.20101984

After watching the WolfePit videos, the Dollar store stuff seems to really be worse, and somehow manage to give You, the People, less.

>> No.20101990

>everyone eats junk at school
>poorest kids eat junk from home
>middle class and above eat normal healthier foods

>> No.20102022
File: 483 KB, 590x884, DSC_2068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm, we don't live in a commie country, so we bring our own lunch box, like people with freedom.

>> No.20102913

Poor people shouldn’t eat at all, a life lesson to stop being poor

>> No.20103542

School pizza always gave me diarrhea. The loud splashy kind

>> No.20103594

the cheese in these did not want to ever fucking break when you swallowed so you'd just have a tapeworm of mozzarella halfway down your throat still attached to the rest of it

>> No.20103720

>scouts meeting was in the cafeteria hours after school ended.
>we'd set the thing to ultra sensitive or off at random
>one of guys that was graduating in a few weeks and never went to the elementary school just takes the damn thing.
Scouts ended after my group graduated

>> No.20103779

there's literally nothing wrong with bread and cheese for lunch especially if you're a teenager

>> No.20104205
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It must have varied by school because where I lived, the only kids who got made fun of for bringing their lunch from home were those who had themed lunchboxes beyond a certain age (depended on the theme). The food kids brought from home was 1000x better than the slop the school served, excluding rectangle pizza. Maybe in poor areas where kids brought leftovers for lunch it would have been something worth laughing about but in my middle class school, the stuff from home looked much better than the institutional food service crap the rest of us got.

>> No.20104227
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>> No.20104444

>nice metal containers
>all of the food was made on the ground

>> No.20104536

ah, reminds me of the good old middle/highschool days of having some fried slop for lunch, then getting sleepy in English class and dozing off, only to get yelled at by the teacher

>> No.20104601

spent my daily $2 on a mountain dew (pitch black, regular, or code red) and a small fry during the 45 minute lunch in high school. it was also the only thing i'd eat all day most days. once a week get the $3.50 burger, clearly precooked and reheated somehow, but it was incredible, so was the bun.

>> No.20104635

It just depends yeah, whatever the most popular option is you will get ridiculed for deviating from. Just how it goes down in elementary school. If most kids bring lunch you're a freak for buying lunch, if most kids buy lunch you're a freak for bringing yours from home.

>> No.20104727

Literally only the reffy kids brought in shit like that, where you'd need to bring a fork/spoon. White kids usually packed a sandwich or something else you could easily eat on the go.

>> No.20104738
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Food doesnt affect kids under 23. I ate vending machine shit all through middle school and i experienced a normal amount of bullying (moderate) and dating (none) and now have achieved my goal of being a jobless neet into my 30s. I challenge you to prove that nutrition was my problem you literally cant.

>> No.20104797

Nice quads

>> No.20104906

Damn look at Mr Bitches surrounded by all those girls

>> No.20104916

I didn't have a cafeteria at school until highschool. Everyone just got a lunch packed from home. It was really strange to learn that in most places the school feeds the students, the idea of that was foreign to me.

>> No.20104919

wish you could try the chicken fingers from 3rd grade. you can only buy them 50lbs at a time though

>> No.20104951

Friend zoned by every single one of them.

>> No.20104980

Would have loved them I'm sure. I had leftovers plus a juice box and a snack most of the time.
Yeah. I'm not sure which system is better truthfully.

>> No.20105039

It never sounds real whenever I hear about American school lunches

>> No.20105093

I went to a small private school. They had an older Scandinavian couple making us lunches everyday. Yeah, there was soda and candy you can buy, but it was pretty comfy to get a fresh chicken burger or mashed potatoes and gravy for lunch. The one year I went to public school I was horrified at the green hotdogs and cardboard pizza they try to serve you. Never bought public school lunch, that shit is rancid.

>> No.20105182

It’s been very real since around 2008. Even before that, kids were being taught faulty Food Pyramid science.

>> No.20105186

Honestly when I was a kid if you put freshly made chicken and taters next to candy and soda and let me choose I’d always go with the chicken and taters. Not that I was a health nut or anything, I was just always hungry for something good and filling

>> No.20105222

>I'm racist but I still offer my condolences. A shitty upbringing is one of the worst things a person can deal with.
The internet hate machine that cares.

>> No.20105227

Since 2008? So why all the jokes about it on television shows all those decades prior?

>> No.20105239

I substitute teach and when that doesn't happen it's a nightmare. Also, lessons wear off as people age so starting overly strict in elementary school lets students degrade to a normal level in higher school.

>> No.20105273

I recently rewatched this movie, and at one point he visits a school cafetaria. He interviews the lunch ladies serving just fried slop while telling him "surely the kids take healthy stuff from home". Then he shows the tables with kids eating nothing but the fried slop, vending machine junk food, and their favorite brand of diabetes juice. This movie was released in 2004 though, yet lots of people seem to agree it went downhill after 2008. So how bad are school lunches now if they were already this bad in 2004?

>> No.20105274
File: 25 KB, 338x499, SUPER-SIZE-ME-POSTER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.20105434

>sweat it off, chud
i watch amerisharts bully europoors for having no A/C and now i read this? simply put: LOL.

>> No.20105450

the one year i was exposed to public school i made sure to make use of the salad bar to make the cheap-ass bread, turkey and american "cheese" sandwiches tolerable. with lettuce and tomato, condiments etc they were decent. the few times i tried the 'za it was insanely grim, made me really appreciate the pizza-day at the private school when I went back
>why one year of public school?
funny housing crash meme

>> No.20105457

At 140lb I cannot see my dingaling. 5'2 btw. My thighs & ass take up 1/3rd of my weight ;_;

>> No.20105463

Damn, only thing I feel like I missed out on not going to public school.
See above

>> No.20105474

>DB noise monitoring level
thanks for reminding me this exists. my private school employed this shit in my HS years, I grew up as tech was evolving to draconian levels and got to see it in real time.

>> No.20105485

The main issue with them now is OPs pic is what they feed high school students. That’s the most insulting example, but the other slop isn’t much better. And all the slop they serve is absolute bottom of the barrel quality and flavor. So what ends up happening is kids starve all day and go home and double down on greasy garbage and end up fat shits anyway. All in the name of “health” at school, which the only way they could make that trash healthy was cut down the amount of it they served.

>> No.20105490

Why was it even an issue? Every school I have went to the cafeteria is a separate area that has a pretty large gap between any classrooms.
Sometimes I feel like certain schools are set up specifically to allow the staff to live out a dictator power fantasy for 8 hours a day

>> No.20105496

And Native Americans, yes.

>> No.20105507

Vape detectors? WTF its vapour.

>> No.20105520

Sounds based, now those High School kids can get a10 year old GF that has a coke habit.

>> No.20105525

I get it if its threshold is set very high, especially for elementary school kids since they love to screech and yell as loud as they can for no reason. But if it triggers at a normal lunchroom roar, that’s just being needlessly draconian.

We had one of those when I was in elementary school, it even had a little DB counter. That would end up being its downfall, since it was triggering all the time anyway, it became a competition to see who could spike it up the highest. Any time it hit red, we lost recess. Which was every day anyway, so we had to make our own fun. It took about a month of ear piercing shrieks before they took it down for good. Luckily I had sane parents so when they got called in for my shrieking, they turned it on the principal for taking away recess every day

>> No.20105530

Humanity became the titan it is today off the back of wheat, red meat, rice and cows milk.

>> No.20105613
File: 172 KB, 1300x1240, Lunch_Box_Kids_and_office_Beans_Peanut_Sabzi_Turia_Moong_Dal_Tawa_Paratha_Mixed_Fruits_Boiled_Eggs-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> White kids usually packed a sandwich or something else you could easily eat on the go.
Eh, that was mostly because their wage slaving mothers (or single fathers) had to throw something together in a hurry. Children should not be eating lunch like consooming goyslop takeout.

>tmw you will never have a waifu who will send you freshly cooked multi-tier lunch box every afternoon to your workplace via the Dabbawalas.

>> No.20105666
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Americans brainwashed themselves into thinking having a loving mother that can cook and makes you real food for lunch is something to be ashamed of and "foreigner stuff".

>> No.20105675

Being cold burns more fat you retard.

>> No.20106044

I think nigger anon is saying he can’t afford the Walmart pack because it’s more expensive even if it’s cheaper by the ounce. You must understand he can’t just save up his sheckles, nigger is hungry now nigger needs food NOW. Aw shid this one’s a dollar fug. This is making less and less sense since EBT gives them like 200 dollars at a time

>> No.20106048

Silly anon you forgot to add the cost of bleach and dish soap. How am I supposed to cook chicken without them

>> No.20106061

>american nuggets are made of bones

>> No.20106161
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I have very fond memories of school lunch food. My favorite meal was the turkey & gravy they would serve before every Thanksgiving/Christmas break. Those cheese sticks sucked ass though.

>> No.20106193

>mfw I've gone 24 hours straight without food or water.
How much do you weigh?

>> No.20106252

i still recall the 1 time i got angry enough to walk back up to the cafeteria counter and ask for a replacement slice of pizza because they served me a burnt corner/edge piece. i put one bite into it and chewed it for literally minutes. i always hated eating pizza crust as a kid, and i'd had enough of this school's shit cooking. the lunch ladies were notorious for being so rigorous with their food "safety" standards thinking they were "protecting" us from undercooked food by routinely fucking burning EVERYTHING they cooked.

they actually argued with me, and the cashier actually tried to charge me again. i refused to back down and i refused to pay again.

thing that doubles down why the pure rage made it stick in my head is my classmates thought it was funny i'd complain about being served shit food, like they didn't agree with me that paying money to eat burned, disgusting malnourishing food was somehow "safe" or "healthy." brainwashed fucking morons.

>> No.20106269

The oldest gen alphas are literally 12 years old THIS YEAR you fucking retard.
It's zoomers who live and breathe nigger culture and perpetuate it everywhere. They may not speak it out loud like the wiggers of old but they sure as fuck type it.

>> No.20106270

>I'm a mouthbreather who cant understand something so I'll just say it doesn't happen because I'm a fucking dumbass

>> No.20106272

its amazing how quickly and collectively ebonics took over the internet

>> No.20106286

Kids today will never know the horrors of lunch time Chortle wars

>> No.20106291

Holy shit, I blocked it out of my mind that they used to roll call us like that until I got to high school.
>middle school had 3 30 minute lunch blocks (classes were at minimum 45 minutes btw)
>the dean would stand on stage in the "cafetorium" and slowly let random sections of tables get in line, like it was a fuckin game show
>could easily take 20 minutes to actually get through the line if you weren't called in the first quarter of students
>they would literally punish tables of kids if they talked during this segment meaning you'd get called last
>kids in lunch detention had to sit at desks on the stage with their backs to everyone but the curtain up as if it were an old time stockade AND they also only were allowed to go get food after the rest of the tables so often there were no choices left and they only got maybe 5 minutes to eat
Kek looking back I imagine it was better conditions at the fucking Treblinka mess hall.
Luckily in high school we were allowed to eat anywhere in the courtyard so we got a single 45 minute lunch so it was at least as long as class, and they had like 8 lunch lines so you'd have time to eat.

>> No.20106318

>wedge sandwich
A fellow Westchesterite I see

>> No.20106327

earth rockers 4 lyfe

>> No.20106591

It wouldn’t be fair to Ty’quoneesha to see Frank and Johnny get a home cooked meal every day, now would it? Better to just teach kids that parents are cringe so Dontavius Luther King Jr doesn’t feel bad

>> No.20106597

It’s the poster child for the dangers of ironic shitposting

>> No.20106617

Seriosly. I think a lot of white kids have been using ebonic ironically so as to make fun of the niggers because it sounds so god damn absurd that its hard not to make fun of it. But then it sticks with enough repetition.

>> No.20106664

they don't think it be like it is but it do

>> No.20106684

Hey buddy, all that sugar you eat is processed with bone char. Using bone in cooking and food processing is ooooold. Get over your silly fixations

>> No.20106757

You need to think about the reality of what you're suggesting. The main reason you're ignoring why school lunches are so shit is because of how centralization/standardization works. The goal is actually, in fact to feed as many children as possible, it would require significant overhead to make everything "localized".
"farm-to-school" programs are great, and sound great, until you actually try implementing it. What do you do when you have a small farm community that decides to arbitrarily raise prices? Or even exploit their own income from the schools? What's your solution? Reduce that one school's quality? Raise prices to the parents? Maybe different contracts could be made with other farms, but eventually, distance will make that prohibitive. You could say this wouldn't be common, but with >100k schools in the US, this kind of situation is bound to happen to at least a few of them, in these cases do we just say "fuck it"?

>> No.20107035

I want a steak

>> No.20107096

aspics and other collagen/gelatin-thickened dishes appear in medieval cooking manuscripts
other gelating substances like gum arabic have also been used for ages as stabilizers, hell having jam/confit set relies on using fruits with enough pectin vs water content
shaping soft foodstuffs before cooking has been around for who know how long
there are traditional deepfried dishes on every inhabited continent
Chicken nuggets are just a high calorie combination of the above and refinement techniques.

>> No.20107266

You're right, a lot of the "good lunch" stories seem to come from the late 90s and early 2000s where you'd have retired people or a local farm/group that actually had a shred of care about feeding kids a decent meal and weren't 100% cost and profit driven.

Something like that would likely be much harder to keep going with good ol' inflation erry year making it harder for any decent employees to survive on a "feel good purpose" tier salary and local farm groups would likely be too busy struggling not to get gobbled up by Monsato to have much leeway to make sweet heart deals with schools.

>> No.20107285

they pretty much just served us chicken nuggets and reheated burgers every day

>> No.20107293

I feel like they still do, but as certain phrases age, they kinda slip into normal lingo. Or perhaps it’s just they sound less ridiculous than modern phrases and are retroactively not seen as bad. Like people still make fun of shit like on god no cap frfr because of how retarded it sounds.

>> No.20107417

>you are forbidden from having any kind of food or drink in the classroom.

>> No.20107459

You're forgetting for all the good stories, there's a huge number of bad ones that are never mentioned. the problem isn't that things are getting worse, the problem is that everything is averaging out, there's less left that's good, and less left that's bad. That's the real crime that society is committing against itself

>> No.20107497

A book I read a few years about on the dangers of meritocracy mentioned one of the Scandinavian countries outlawed bringing food from home because it was a form of inequality. The only exception were children with food allergies documented by a government doctor, in which case parents could apply for a waiver but would have to submit their child's meal plan to the school dietician each week for approval.

>> No.20107643

Learn to lie better

>> No.20108143

It’s gotten shorter. I was born in 94 and I remember recess going from 25 minutes to 15 minutes around 5th grade. And lunch going from 40 minutes to 30.

>> No.20108759

Recess was something they were trying really hard to abolish in the 00s. I really don’t know what their endgame was on that but it doesn’t seem to have worked out. I live close to the elementary school I went to and they just recently did a playground overhaul so apparently it’s still in use. I guess kids these days can’t handle the classic steel slide that burns your ass in the summer

>> No.20109198

School would end at 1pm and I'd just ride my bike home and get something to eat there.
When it was a day with school in the afternoon I'd just head back before 2pm.

Really not a fan of that whole both parents have to work and school is now until the evening so school has to provide some kind of lunch kind of thing they do now

>> No.20110040

Problem is, today there are honestly kids who never get another meal then the one provided by the school and sadly, thats more of an issue than the kid that gets a healthy breakfast and supper and would get a healthy packed lunch but is prohibited from bringing it. Still, its easy to make little snack box and teach your kid that those meals are not valid food. Just teach them early to eat healthy salads, sandwiches and stew and once they're older have them make their own lunch.

>> No.20110089

I wonder why they felt the need to do this. It's like they were expecting 11 year olds to stage a coup using mixed vegetables.

>> No.20110199

Yea, the school day could easily drop 2-3 hours without worry. Kids might not hold such resentment towards it if didn’t eat up the best hours of every day.

>> No.20110658

In my ghetto school in London they had a healthy school food programme, and I'd wake up at the supermarket at 7am bulk buy sweets and fizzy drinks and sell them at a markup at school.

I'd have 2 unregistered lockers (lockers I'd rent from classmates) since teachers knew I was selling and they wanted to bust me but never managed.

I ended up stopping once I got all my shit robbed from my bag in PE class.

All that money basically made me obese as a child, and a "gamer" since I basically would have like £30/£40 coming in daily as a 14 y/o I'd just buy games and fast food (also eat any leftover sweets).

Now in my 20s all I have left from those days is a steam account with like 130 games I never play and an eating disorder.

Also the main competitor who I suspect was behind my bag robbery ended up getting fatally shot at a party years later :(

>> No.20110707

This was the craziest episode of Degrassi that I have ever read

>> No.20110741

I had the bagged milk in elementary school and I'm 33

>> No.20110753


>> No.20110770

Even white adults have so many keys that are more than likely useless from an old job or the gym ect. It's so bizarre. I have 4 keys and that still bugs me in my pocket

>> No.20110780

It's mainly keys to their various adult boyfriends' backdoors.

>> No.20110962

for me, it's
boat trailer
camper second door

>> No.20111006

Plot twist after I left london got an engineering degree worked on science labs and data centres got fried quit travelled to south america and now i'm doing my master's in milan.
But it's 1:36 am and I really wannnnaaa munch on some propa bri'ish food m8.

>> No.20111012

that's good.
i got
first car key
house key
second car key (emergency)
po box
blockbuster keychain scan thing
winn-dixie (old) keychain scan thing
winn-dixie (outdated) keychain scan thing

>> No.20111134

I miss those so fucking much. Fuck big mike.

>> No.20111871

I'm sure you can get a banga in the mouth somewhere in south america at 2 am

>> No.20112685

Anyone else get the shits from school milk? Milk from anywhere else was no issue for me

>> No.20112907

I don't get this jamie oliver bit. He's using the meat of an animal to make edible food and the only thing leaning on the "Ew it's gross!" angle is because it's not thigh, breast or leg meat. It's not poisonous, he wasn't cooking bowel or shit. So we eat the thigh, breast and leg, what's supposed to be done with the rest of the animal? Throw it in the garbage? Kids just showed us it's completely reasonable to eat the whole animal.

>> No.20113038

>its easy to make little snack box and teach your kid that those meals are not valid food.
or you could teach your kid to make their own lunch, like my mom did to me

>> No.20113724

Some people think they are the only ones who have looked behind the curtain on how food is made. And once they bring what they know to the public it will cause a revolution.

>> No.20114017

The nuggets aren’t biodegradable for some reason. Doesn’t sound good.

>> No.20114271

>t. street urchin

>> No.20115647

>why aren’t you feeding little Johnny a full course lobster dinner every day for lunch?
>capcha - dook

>> No.20115735

The quality of the veggies here in Sweden was always so shitty. Only veggies I ate at school was shredded carrots with fried fish and those were weirdly dry.

>> No.20115741

Post moobs and benis.

>> No.20116053

>>Recess was something they were trying really hard to abolish in the 00s. I really don’t know what their endgame was on that but it doesn’t seem to have worked out
I remember that. They quietly dropped that once studies came out proving how important it is for children

>> No.20116221

that Jamie Oliver thing was in my hometown of Huntington WV. everyone there is fat just to troll coastal elites. it's indescribably retarded

>> No.20116344

People like to kilm themselfs