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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20087965 No.20087965 [Reply] [Original]

I've been vegan and eating healthy for a month now. Nothing but organic sprouted bread, mixed nut butter, fruit spread, nuts, fruits, brown rice, soups with lentils and vegetables. I feel hungry all the time, not like my stomach is empty, but like my body is craving some nutrient or food source that it's missing. I just want to go out and eat some garbage processed food and meat. Is this normal?

>> No.20087976

Try cooking your food in crisco, and use MSG

>> No.20087980

Maybe youre not getting enough protein. Instead of eating garbage try making some steamed white fish

>> No.20087991

Why do fat girls record videos of themselves like this?? I know it's still attention but the negative attention can't feel that good. They just fluoride stare into the camera and convince themselves it's empowering.
Sidenote: im craving tamales.

>> No.20087997

>just want to eat some meat. Is this normal?
Yes. That's your body telling you to stop being fucking stupid.

>> No.20088005

you probably aren't eating the vegetables like broccoli, pepper, brussels, etc. lard is considerably powerful too.

>> No.20088007

I don't have an inherent problem with eating meat, I just don't want to support the cruelty of animals in the modern jewish food industry

>> No.20088011

They do it for the money. You americans tend to overthink things.

>> No.20088015

Locally source meat and eggs then dumbnuts

>> No.20088019

Right after this Latina slampig got done shovelling shit down her gullet she went to go get her back blown out by Tyrone.

>> No.20088026

are you okay with the death of thousands of animals a second due to the jewish automobile industry?

>> No.20088028

How am I supposed to do that fag, can't exactly raise chickens and cows in my apartment now can I?

>> No.20088030

you can certainly raise chickens.

>> No.20088045

why are latinas like this

>> No.20088060

Oh look the city dweller complains about the megascale of animal suffering while living in the machine himself
You're a retard m8

>> No.20088063

her bagina must be vile

>> No.20088065

>Is this normal?
wanting processed shit is gross, but you're probably lacking some actually important nutrients if your body is craving all the time

>> No.20088066

she just like me fr

>> No.20088075

She looks and eats like my ex, this video made me equally hungry and horny

>> No.20088085
File: 91 KB, 679x516, meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its ironic because by not eating meat that's exactly who you're supporting

>> No.20088097

What the fuck does me living in a machine have to do with animal suffering you stupid fucking retard? In this jewed ecomony I can't even afford a house much less a farm. Go dilate

>> No.20088102

You deserve to starve and die.

>> No.20088105

>he's oblivious
Of course you are, virtue signaling bitch
Try thinking some time
Enjoy the Biden wave loser

>> No.20088106

"locally" doesn't just mean just your literal home esl

>> No.20088107

Why don't people eat a Mediterranean diet anymore bros? It's vegetables, lean meat, olive oil, wine, and bread in controlled portions. Why does everyone have to go to extremes?

>> No.20088108

The vegan calling someone a dag is sweet and delicious irony.
Like the taste a big juicy steak... Another thing you will neve be able to appreciate or understand you vegan cuck.

>> No.20088113

it's amazing how little substance you can pack into your posts. it's like witnessing a human trained entirely on tropes for communication. almost, dare I say, bot-like

>> No.20088130
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>I've been vegan and eating healthy

>> No.20088132


>> No.20088141

Great ironic bot-like trope arguments there trannies. Shouldn't you all be dilating each other?

>> No.20088149

Haha I will enjoy every second of it while big fat orange man struggles to even squeeze through the door of his own bathroom lmao!

>> No.20088151

>he has no argument
low iq post

>> No.20088152

>noooo the trannies
You're the vegan, sissy
Go back with yours "being vegan is actually based" psyop nigga

>> No.20088161
File: 62 KB, 1000x1000, 76e-1093053676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooo you must argue!!! This is serious!!! I must be convinced!!

lmaoing@yourpetty attempts. This coordinated effort is super lame and everyone here can tell. Not gonna work. Back to your discord to regroup
You guys will never be women btw

>> No.20088169

Anyone who actually believes op is a vegan and not just a troll needs to go back

>> No.20088171

Is there a difference?

>> No.20088175

You read them like a book anon holy shit

>> No.20088176

If you're vegan it's almost guaranteed you'll be lacking protein and certain vitamins/minerals. Even with a "perfect" vegan diet you should probably be having protein shakes and taking a multivitamin or eating something fortified with vitamins/minerals.

>> No.20088178

vegan isnt a new fad diet. Monks in east asia have been eating that way for thousands of years. We have 100% proof of its long term effect right there.

>> No.20088179

Yes, humans evolved to eat meat, unfortunately later we also gained self righteous faggotry which makes us do retarded shit that hurts us. Eat some meat or your brain will atrophy like most leftie dumbfucks

>> No.20088185

Yes, which is why Westerners consistently blew their brains out then fucked their women. Veganism makes you weak in mind and body, which is why it's being pushed on whites at present

>> No.20088186

They weren't monks their whole lives

>> No.20088190

Nice meme text and meme image memer. You sure memed him. Cope, seethe

>> No.20088195


>> No.20088198

maybe you should start eating like a nigger then since white women cant get enough of their bbc
neither is op

>> No.20088204

Is OP joining a monastery to live a nonsecular life?

>> No.20088211

Joggers can't conquer anything though
I eat like a Mexican Arab mix honestly

>> No.20088212

what does that have to do with anything? Also im 99% sure op is a troll and not vegan.

>> No.20088220

If you take on a restrictive diet because of your faith and are looking for a life of sacrifice and self-imposed poverty, there's a sort of nobility to that
If you're doing it for the virtue-signaling memes that's the opposite of that

>> No.20088411

Thanks, OP. I was about to have a go at another cookie 'till I saw this webm.
I needed that.

>> No.20088418

The body acceptance meme. They're fat and trying to act proud of it, sticking it to the skinny "elite." Either way, shilling.

>> No.20088433


>> No.20088454

>In this jewed ecomony I can't even afford a house
>Haha I will enjoy every second of it
your brain on veganism

>> No.20088464

I think it might just be fetish material.

>> No.20088499
File: 191 KB, 1080x1357, FB_IMG_1703175323301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tldr: OP has been eating super healthily cutting all junk, animal and processed foods but doesn't have the will to keep at it
Mental gymnastics begin:
>"like my body is craving some nutrient or food source that it's missing"
No, there is no sixth sense telling you what your body "needs" unless you're pregnant and even then it's very limited. You're looking for excuses to pig out really, as evidenced by the following:
>"want to go out and eat some garbage processed food and meat."

> Is this normal?
Yes, it's normal to have a weak will. Also it's evident that veganism was just some healthy nut thing to you. It's certainly possible to be healthy with limited junk and animal products, so just do that if that is your only goal.

>> No.20088519

You can't be serious. Old Joe feeding his chickens is not the fucking guy running factories to supply McDonald's. Buy organic, non-GMO, all that good shit but don't pretend like the shit-tier slop that comes out of mass-farming is run by mom & pop, you're smarter than that

>> No.20088550

I've been eating nothing but eggs, cheese, beef, chicken and bacon since early december and I feel full all the time. I eat twice a day, max.

Me > OP

>> No.20088563

Yo you need to cool it with the antisemantics my dude. 4channel is a family friendly website after all. Perhaps pol is more your speed, mr nazi chud.

>> No.20088621

take organic multivitamins and calculate your daily intake of fiber and protein to make sure you're getting enough, dumbass

>> No.20088630

this is not normal. after a month you should be adjusted. a few tricks i use:

- eat slower. probably the most impactful single item
- have lots of low calorie snacks around. like pickles. kim chee. seaweed. rice cakes.
- drink water
- i used to do this but don’t do it anymore: have 0 calorie drinks around like diet soda

>> No.20088646

>No, there is no sixth sense telling you what your body "needs"
I don't think that's true. I think it's just that we've become bad at listening to our bodies because we're constantly stuffing our faces with junk food these days and most food cravings are just for the excitement of it. Anemic people often crave foods high in iron. And deficiencies being linked to food cravings or unusual things is accepted by doctors.

But a vegan diet is frequently shown to cause deficiencies if you don't take supplements. Also some people do just digest plant foods better than others and it might not be for everyone. Just saying OP is weak is more like you looking to lash out at someone rather than identifying real problems and coming up with a solution. Or it's a moral issue for you but you'd rather attack people instead of coming up with a solution that works for everyone.

>> No.20088686

>not like my stomach is empty, but like my body is craving some nutrient or food source that it's missing.
This has been proven over and over to be complete bullshit.
You don't want potato chips because your body is low on salt. You don't want a steak because your body is low on protein.
You want them because they're delicious.

>> No.20088745

soulless eyes

>> No.20088785
File: 674 KB, 1242x1394, 1568317800401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but like my body is craving some nutrient or food source that it's missing. I just want to go out and eat some garbage processed food and meat. Is this normal?
I struggled with this. I spent about 10-12 months vegan. I hit the gym and the feeling of wasting away was getting really loud. I felt some weird kind of fear and I needed more than I was getting. Veganism is doable but we're probably 10-20 years behind where we need to be in our nutritional understanding. We're lacking too many micronutrients to swing this diet.

I often feel bad for giving up, but I was not healthy or okay.

>> No.20088789

You need protein anon. You need eggs. You have to eat some eggs.

>> No.20088817

OP, you might have a serious protein deficiency problem, please for the love of god, eat at least an egg.

>> No.20088856

Anon, what are you talking about, based on the info given, this person actually has an lack of protein.
I thought we all knew about the fact that unless vegans take suplements that they lack their required protein intake.

>> No.20088966

eat some beans..
>not a complete prot-
..coupled with rice
>noooo you need the eggs

>> No.20088972

I don't want kidney stones.

>> No.20088978

>solution that works for everyone
Morality is a solution that works for everyone. If you can't live an ethical murder-free life then you don't deserve to live.

>> No.20088979

Plenty of non monks getting very old. idiot. I remember seeing a jewtube video about one of the oldest woman in the world. And she ate eggs every day. There is no diet that will guarantee you to live to a hundred years old.

>> No.20088980

More fat for satiety. Vegans don't realize how much grease was in the meat dishes they used to eat. When you have to add the oil manually to a vegan recipe you should think "whoa, that's way too much, that doesn't feel right", but you're actually adding the appropriate amount.

>> No.20088984

Since about half a year ago i quit being vegetarian and recently i quit foods containing gluten.
I'm trying to keep the amount of grains at a minimum and i feel loads better. Eating mostly salads with nuts and cheese / yoghurt with nuts and fruits.

Big difference in brain health and energy. Drinking about 3L of water a day really helps with sleep.

>> No.20089038

i didnt say anything about getting old schitzo. I also didnt say anything about any other diet. All i was saying is we have a very large number of people eating the vegan diet for a very very long time, thoudands of years. Thats not something we can say about keto, or carnivore, or any of these other diet. Which makes the vegan diet the furthest thing from a fad diet thay many people think.

>> No.20089104

It's not moral to force people onto diets that make them feel worse. I'm vegetarian for moral reasons but accept not everyone can/will do it. I'd rather see lab-grown meat or something like that replace it instead of trying to force everyone to stop. Have to accept the fact that meat and other animal products are extremely nutritious foods and there isn't really a great replacement for that yet.

>> No.20089171

>eat like this
>still probably has like 1000 dudes lined up to eat her asshole for an hour straight
God I wish this planet gets hit by fucking comet already.

>> No.20089254

ponder the brapp aroma lads

>> No.20089256

>steamed white fish

What type of fish would be best for that?

>> No.20089261

I'm actually impressed she doesn't bite off one of those long-ass nails as she's eating

>> No.20089265


Nice meme. Alc will never be good for you

>> No.20089266

>I've been vegan and eating healthy for a month now
>arbitrarly restricting your diet

>> No.20089272

Hake. We always have frozen hake in stores, you just put it in boiling water and voila. Obviously i dont know where youre from but im sure you have something like that in the freezers at the store

>> No.20089289

Thanks. I'm in United States but have not explored seafood at all really... Despite it probably being good for me. I like that idea though I will look for it next time I'm out

>> No.20089444

go to a good local butcher if that's your values the animals killed there at least live a good life compared to the supermarket shit.

the quality of the meat reflects this so eat some meat already you git.

>> No.20089609
File: 140 KB, 405x425, 1704372391843599 708c45a6-1a75-457a-8db8-0ed18c5ca7bd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the smell of her bathroom after that
holy shit

>> No.20089665


I want to say go kill yourself, but you seem to be ahead of it

>> No.20089719

Nta but
>I'm vegetarian for moral reasons
Please stop being ironic.
>Have to accept the fact that meat and other animal products are extremely nutritious foods and there isn't really a great replacement for that yet
No one denies that animal products are nutritious. But to say they can't be replaced, or that plant products aren't nutritious, is just your head. The World Health Organization, the association of american dietetics, and others have already proved that a fully plant based diet can be very viable. It has been for me and for many others as well, so it's not just my personal paradigm.

>> No.20089801

I don't understand why fat people put money and effort into their appearance. Seems pointless.

>> No.20089953

then don't drink milk

>> No.20089986


Maybe try and get two meals with meat in a week. That should be about enough. Buy the expensive, well reared stuff or offal like beef hearts or liver if it's an ethical consideration.

>> No.20090038

You might need to snag some nutritional yeast. From what I've heard, a b12 deficiency can turn the soyest vegan into a ravenous werebeast.

>> No.20090075

While it's true that beans and rice have a good sufficient amount of protein. The anon is in dire need of protein, he needs an emergency egg for now!

>> No.20090093

>like my body is craving some nutrient or food source that it's missing.

A month isn't long enough for this to happen. Your liver can store nutrients for several months. It's all in your head. You're probably just not eating enough. Vegan food tends to be more fiber dense and filling.

But of course this is a false flag thread.

>> No.20090336

based noticer

>> No.20090356

Not the same as optimal.

>> No.20090383

I'm not saying he doesn't lack certain nutrients. I'm saying his body isn't coming up with a list of those nutrients and giving him a "craving" for them.
Your body is not that smart. Sorry, buddy.

>> No.20090775

>it's not ethical to stop people from committing murder
fuck off

>> No.20090787

>No, there is no sixth sense telling you what your body "needs" unless you're pregnant and even then it's very limited.
Nigger are you fucking retarded? Nutrient deficiencies like zinc and iron scientifically induce cravings. People's bodies aren't as retarded as you are

>> No.20090799

This webm makes me crave mcdonalds and a fat mexican chick. Was this all part of the plan?

>> No.20090819

>diet soda
Just get one with real sugar, or none at all. Don't eat fake shit and substitutes. Your body can deal with sugars.

>> No.20091556

ah, i guess that Hammy is right when he says his body is craving that mcdonalds. let's just ignore the fact that your gut microbiome is tied to your brain. surely you know about that, since you are acting like you know everything

>> No.20091599
File: 235 KB, 720x615, 1703280542801474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To my knowledge fast food cravings tend to come from a lack of salt and iodine. Am*ricans eat something like one of the lowest salt and fat diets.

>> No.20091712
File: 27 KB, 344x317, Eating a Vegan Sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On all my time on 4chungers I didn't expect a pussy ass vegan to rant about the jews living rent free in their head.
I'm just imagining the stereotypical vegan with a constantly rumbling stomach ranting and raving, but instead of it being about how you're better than everyone for being a vegan it's just another rant about the jews, but with a vegan twist.
Vegetarians at least get protiens from animal products like eggs to help supplement their diets, vegans are weird but I don't really care since it's their body and they can do whatever they want with it. But being vegan specifically to "Spite the jews" is extremely funny in how absolutely sad it is that retards are so easily influenced by internet trolls nowadays that they actually use it to justify any stupid decision that pops into their head, it's like an Ancient Greek comedy and tragedy rolled into one human being. I want to tell you to go touch grass but it's already your main diet, so stop touching grass?
I don't care that this is going to make you mad and you'll screech that I'm zog for making fun of you, because you're a vegan and your opinion is worth basically nothing, and your mere existence is hilarious to me.

>> No.20091805

It is. 100%.

>> No.20091916

>meat is optimal
>every "healthy" omni diet severely limits meat and animal product intake
>still doesn't get the full benefits of a fully plant based diet

>> No.20091921

i can't discern if this fixation with eggs is genuine or a troll post
OP isn't in perceivable danger and even if she was, there are plenty of other plant foods rich in protein

>> No.20091943

I only see recommendations to limit red meat and fatty products. Not animal products in general. They always so how great fish is for omega 3. Maybe no diet is perfect. Fully plant based diets often have more deficiencies without supplements. Maybe eating is harmful to everything and everyone and we should find a way to not have to eat anymore while staying in peak condition and still somehow being able to taste whatever we want.

>> No.20091956

>Is this normal?
Yes, that is what happens when you are eating a protein poor diet. And yes, that is expected of a vegan diet since you went full retard and cut off all sources of animal protein.

The solution is to stop being an extremist and change your diet from vegan to vegetarian, so you can eat eggs and dairy and actually be healthy.

>> No.20091961

>What the fuck does me living in a machine have to do with animal suffering
The very existance of large cities is a major cause of animal death and suffering. Not only does it destroy a very large area of otherwise healthy enviroment full of wildlife, but it causes the existance of neglected animals that suffer from starvation, animal abuse from stupid people, roadkills and neglect.
You want to help stop animal suffering? Move to a poor rural area, buy yourself a cheap small ranch and go grow your own food, raise your own animals and protect wild flora within your propriety so that wildlife can coexist with you peacefully.

>oh but I do not want to live in a poor area and work hard just to sustain myself!
Then stop complaining about the modern food industry.

>> No.20091965

>Nice meme. Alc will never be good for you
You could just make a wine reduction to make sauce, that evaporates the alcohol while leaving the beneficial nutritional value of wine intact.

>> No.20092013

This chick consumes more calories in a single day than I do in nearly a week.
t. burger

>> No.20092028

Large cities are also the reason for a need to churn out a lot of meat products to try and produce enough for everyone there. If there wasn't any large cities, there wouldn't need to be a reason to cut so many corners when trying to raise an animal for food.
>cheap small ranch
You might also get fucked out of this depending on where you live. States with medical marijuana laws have had foreign actors come over to buy the land at an incredibly high rate so they can grow a ton of marijuana. Which probably goes to the people living in the cities ironically.

>> No.20092041

>You might also get fucked out of this depending on where you live
That is why you remenber the 3 Ls: Location, Location, Location.

Find a cheap, poor rural area where these laws do not exist.

>> No.20092048

Fucking go buy organic and locally grown stuff in stores you numbnuts, it literally says that shit on the labels if you were literate.

>> No.20092068

No can do. Rural areas don't have enough trannies and twinks to keep me satisfied.

>> No.20092070

Then continue to cause animal suffering and stop complaining about it.

>> No.20092161

>implying organic labels mean anything in 2024
>implying the "compliance" isn't determined by a lowly paid, easily bribable inspector
>implying the same corporations don't farm organic and non-organic on the same farm right next to each other
>implying they don't mix the two together to drive profits up on the slim chance it is organic
>implying you have any idea where "local grown" food comes from or how it's grown
You're so retarded and gullible I don't even know where to begin

>> No.20092190

>lives in the big city
>only way to feed 1,000,000+ is mass production of meat products, which often entails animal cruelty
>wait wtf WE'RE KILLING tons of animals, AND we're NOT nice to them before we kill them, cut them up, and devour them to feed everyone??

stay hungry, you whining bitch. you act like you can't even leave the city to get anything locally produced. so if that's the case, stay poor you retard.

>> No.20093668

>drive 1 hour to the local factory farm
>use a ton of gas
>gas is obtained by destroying habitats and killing/displacing all of the wildlife and the waste products from petroleum processing are dumped into the environment and kill more animals
>actually every piece of your car is made from materials dug from the earth by destroying habitats and when your car is trashed it is dumped into the environment and kills animals
>the local factory farm gives you the same garbage you get at the grocery store but with 100% markup because it's local
>they probably sent the same shipment this morning to the store
>but feel good anyway because its locally produced and that means its good
>drive an hour back home
>hit a deer along the way
Imagine being this much of an NPC

>> No.20093703

god all i want is to be able to feed her and feed her some more

>> No.20093706

Good Christ you're right

>> No.20095047


>> No.20095050


>> No.20095056

I do not habeeb that this bitch eats like this daily
that's a shitzillion calories and it wouldn't be cheap either.

>> No.20095208
