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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20085380 No.20085380 [Reply] [Original]

Is it even possible to buy normal sized firm clean chicken breasts in US grocery stores anymore?

I haven't seen a chicken breast that wasn't 250% sized striated spongy steroid monster meat in 15 years. I came to this realization while I was cutting a breast and it just tore in my hands like it was made of jello.

>> No.20085383

the hell kind of mexican black market lab meat are you buying, literally never had a problem even approaching something like this

>> No.20085396

Yep. Go to a butcher that sells locally produced meats. You can also raise your own chickens.

The large breast comes from a genetic trait in cornish cross called "double breasted" as the name implies it makes the breasts massive.

If you have an egg farm nearby you can purchase old hens for cheap. They will have quite tough meat that is only suitable for stewing. They have a texture like pulled pork, and flavor more like turkey. Delicious.

>> No.20085409
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>as the name implies it makes the breasts massive.

>> No.20085418

It's true. Cornish cross get to market weight in 8-10 weeks also. I raised 45 of them. The meat is great, but i prefer older, more flavorful chickens.

The meat is so soft because the birds don't forage at all. They just sit around the food and water, and then mob the feed trays when you feed them. They bite you hard if they're hungry.

>> No.20085472

I've had good luck at farmers markets

>> No.20085490

these, check out butchers and farmers markets for actual birds

>> No.20085636

That's woody chicken. Scar tissue running through the muscles and becomes tough when cooked. Bad breeding, overfeeding, growth hormones, and stressful upbringing. Covid supply chain disruptions and bird flu culling made it more difficult for bird farmers that aren't the gov-lobbying, cornercutting, mega chains to raise and sell their birds. Now stuck with low-quality mega suppliers instead of a bunch of people here and there. Will be a while before things readjust (if they can at all).

>> No.20085679

>You can also raise your own chickens
In most municipalities, this is illegal.

>> No.20085688

>growth hormones
Growth hormones are not used in the USA as it is illegal per FDA regulations.

>> No.20086018

>Is it even possible to buy normal sized firm clean chicken breasts in US grocery stores anymore?
find a meat market.
you are lying.

>> No.20086026

>I haven't seen a chicken breast that wasn't 250% sized striated spongy steroid monster meat in 15 years
This is why I don't buy or eat chicken anymore. I eat fish almost every day and occasionally ground beef if I'm making a cottage pie. There's no way the heavy metals and microplastics in fish are any worse than the copious amounts of hormones and drugs intentionally being given to every chicken.

>> No.20086032

You can also buy dog food, that's were old hens who don't lay eggs end up

>> No.20086037

>you are lying.
Here are my local laws

> your chickens must be 30 feet from houses, 5 feet from lot lines, and no more than 6 chickens unless 200 feet from neighboring homes.

Also roosters are illegal, only hens.

These rules make it illegal for 90%+ of residents to own chickens.

>> No.20086094
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get the quail pill, eggs are healthier, you can keep them in your backyard, need less space than chicken and totally legal to keep!
also quail chicks are really cute and tiny

>> No.20086124

Literally just buy the whole chicken and break it down yourself, you get better meat and use the frame for stock. Why are you buying breasts on their own anyway? I do this and I am constantly having to think up things to do with chicken breasts because they pile up in my freezer since I barely use them (leg meat is superior)

>> No.20086130

Imagine giving a fuck about retarded laws

>> No.20086135
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Post your quail. No need for downloaded images.

>> No.20086136

*breaths in*




>> No.20086138

nig I ain't cracking 20 fucking quail eggs to make scrambled eggs

>> No.20086139

its because they never exercised not because of the size

>> No.20086145

Good, I'd have to murder you if you were raising 20+ chickens within hearing distance of my property.

Doubly so if you had roosters.

>> No.20086151

Yet your neighbours have dogs that bark.

>> No.20086163

Yup, and very very rarely.

If I had neighbors running a dog breeding farm in their backyard i'd have to get my hands dirty too.

>> No.20086166

>20 chickens is the same thing as a dog breeding farm
You're a hysterical women.

>> No.20086198


Here are my local laws:
>Farm buildings containing poultry or animal
livestock shall be located at least 50 feet from a potable well and at least 100 feet from any dwelling on an adjacent property.

So, unless you live on a giant lot with neighbors that are FAR way...you can't keep livestock of any kind, including chickens.

>> No.20086203

Yup, basically be rich and own a bunch of land, which for anyone in a highly developed part of the US means you own old property with lots of land, or are rich as fuck.and can afford the absurd land prices of today, at which point, who gives a fuck about owning some chickens to save money?

The only place raising chickens makes sense is if you're rural, that's it.

>> No.20086213

City slickin', can't raise any chicken
Bow down get ready for this dickin

>> No.20086214

Can't raise any chicken, but I can earn 5x what you do in a year, so kinda evens out at the end of the day if you ask me.

>> No.20086222

i don't have any yet but i am planning on getting some really soon, i want to be very well informed on how to keep them happy and well fed

>> No.20086396

20 acres of pigs can gross nearly 400k dollars when done in a less efficient, but more sustainable manner.

I have plans to gross around 20k per month off meat birds and eggs using less than 10 acres of land my friend rents. 400 meat birds per month + 15-20k eggs per month. Our starting goal is 200 birds slaughtered per month, but I know we are going to want to at least double that number. There will be busy days, but most days this only takes about 1 hour of work to do.

This will be done entirely self employed, outside, in a beautiful outdoor setting, and a 5 minute walk from my house. The quality of meat is going to be better than anything you can get in stores, or most farmers markets for that matter.

>> No.20086935 [DELETED] 

Negro you aren't telling me 3 pounds is a normal chicken breast size are you?

>> No.20086941
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Negro you aren't telling me 3 pounds of sponge is a normal chicken breast size are you?

>> No.20086968
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Things will never readjust. The scamdemic and its fallout was the killing blow to cap off decades of corner cutting, penny pinching, anti-consumer (((business practices))) running rampant in this open air prison country. None of the possible solutions involve ballot boxes.

>> No.20086970

It's normal for chickens that have the double breast gene.

He is correct that exercise produces firmer meat. The birds have been bred to not forage, and are given nearly free access to food.

>> No.20086976

The double breast gene is what makes it so you can tear a chicken breast into chunks with your fingers?

>> No.20086979

wow its like I'm really reading a shitty /pol/ thread in 2020

>> No.20086980

woody breast was a thing long before the pandemic incel

>> No.20086982

No, but the rapid growth and minimal exercise does. Modern commercial chickens get to market size in 9 weeks.

>> No.20086999

At least shitty meat and poultry was priced to reflect its quality back then. Now shit quality anything costs as much or more as the good version of it did 5 years ago.

>> No.20087045
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>I was cutting a breast and it just tore in my hands like it was made of jello.
Is it normal for people to have their hands ripped apart by jello, or am I missing something?

>> No.20087052

huh you're saying the prices have inflated like inflation is a thing that happens like maybe thats an actual thing thats always happens wow wild what a concept you should write a PhD thesis on it

>> No.20087054

>it just tore in my hands like it was made of jello.
it was loaded with a saline solution that broke it apart, and was previously frozen far too cold.

This doesn't happen to me with purdue

>> No.20087060

i don't know about that. i remember in the mid 2010s looking at the most expensive tyson chicken in the store one day, noticing the bands in the breast, and going home later to google it. this has been endemic in all chicken breeding for years now

>> No.20087105

>durr me pretend to be retarded to make you look retarded too
Funny how people in 2019 weren't griping about how much more expensive things were compared to 2014 but in 2024 people are forced to change their lifestyle and make hard decisions just to survive because of how much more expensive things are now compared to 2019. Almost like inflation is a much bigger problem post-pandemic than it was pre-pandemic and you're a faggot for acting like ~2% inflation in the past is the exact same thing as the shenanigans going on now. And that's to say nothing of the massive drop in quality in almost every product and service in almost every business now compared to pre-pandemic.

>> No.20087331
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7 weeks

>> No.20087343

Is foster farms not a brand where you live?
It's not Mexican black markets that sell this, is big name retailers

>> No.20087350

Good post

>> No.20087380

>Is it even possible to buy normal sized firm clean chicken breasts in US grocery stores anymore?
Yes, look harder and stop buying bottom barrel crap. Alternatively stop buying chicken breasts. Wood chickens breasts comes from chickens who were abused growing up.

>> No.20087675
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Dang! They're big. Must be allxthat cake you feed them. My bresse minecraft chicken are like 11 weeks old. They are quite slow growing, and are ready for processing between 4 and 6 months of age.

>> No.20087680

Yeah just pay 3x as much.

>> No.20087795

inflation is how they steal from you without you noticing or caring

>> No.20088453

Don't dont raise chickens for meat much. Ducks and rabbits mostly. Chicken feed is to expensive and my room for them to forage is too small to be doing meat birds

>> No.20088551

Don't even try. Anons itt will just scream and stomp their feet and claim corporations "do it anyway" as though the USDA and FDA isn't breathing down their necks at every step of the process. People in this country have no idea how regulated the food industry is and how good we have it compared to most of the world.

>> No.20088590

>things were better back then
boomer post

>> No.20088654

I remember being a kid in the early 00s. I'd get $5 if I helped my grandpa walk up and down the road and collect cans and bottles.
Now, all told, it'd take him 2-3 months of saving up the cans/bottles to break even with how much he paid me to basically shoot the shit and run into bushes and just be a young kid while he took his daily walk and picked up litter.
But hey he's a grandpa and spoiling grandkids is part of the lifestyle.
For $5 I could get a medium sized bag of chips, a cold glass Yoo-Hoo, and since the spot I'd get my junk food at was also a gas station diner I'd get a slice of cake or a turkey sandwich.
Sometimes I'd get a soda or a gatorade, sometimes I wouldn't get chips.
Regardless I'd have $5 and I'd leave with enough food to last me that evening and a bit the next day and have change I'd put into my Casino Slot Machine piggybank (the irony wasn't lost on me).

Then Bush got us into a war with a country that had nothing to do with 9/11. Sodas went from 20z/.99c to $1.25 to $2.00. Yoo-Hoo went from 20oz glass bottles to 15.5oz plastic "jug" bottles in the same shape while the prices nearly tripled.
Every medium sized bag of chips became those rinky-dink small sizes you see in those employee breakroom vending machines.
$5 for a lunch+snacks became $12 minimum for the same portions and also meant having to buy more products to meet the same sizes as before, which always felt cumbersome so I'd just cope with less.
And my grandpa started breaking into his own money more often to keep my dumbass happy.
And he was happy to keep me happy, because I like said, that's part of his lifestyle.

Gas doubled. Payments for cans/bottles went down. It got to the point driving to the recycling center was itself not worth the effort because of fuel costs until you had 20 trash bags.
Trillions of dollars. 4,000 American lives. Two decades of news. Iraq is still a shithole. Afghan is too.
And the dollar got raped because of a political family's daddy's boy.

>> No.20088695

Go rent 10 acres of land that has only running water for a couple hundred bucks a month and raise livestock. Raising chickens is easy.

>> No.20088728

Oh fuck off. Other countries don't deal with woody chicken like we do, you fucking bootlicker.

>> No.20088729

Other countries have frequent salmonella and mad cow outbreaks.

>> No.20088737

Salmonella infection rates are broadly similar between the US & the EU (around 15 in 100,000) although a lot of infections don't come from hen's eggs (for example, chocolate easter eggs??? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/salmonella-cases-easter-eggs-eu/))

>> No.20088774

I always like it when euroids bring up the insect bits in chocolate thing. It never crosses their mind that we have that because of rigorous testing, they don't. They could bite into a whole ass rat in a chocolate bar and nobody would care.

>> No.20089793

>wah my meat has marbling
>wah my meat is too big
>wah my meat is too tender


>> No.20089804
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like anyone is gonna do anything about it here's some chickens i saw in an alley in a neighborhood i was working in

>> No.20089835

You overestimate the capabilities of both agencies. They are both severely lacking in funding and staffing. Most facilities won't see an inspector in a given year.

>> No.20089862

Have to pick through all the packs to find the decent ones. I stopped buying chicken in general a few years back when the chicken I got was crunchy somehow. Took me ages to buy any again now all the breasts are like this, shit sucks haven't had decent chicken in ages.

>> No.20089979

In my town it is and the cops don't give a single fuck unless you don't keep them penned in. Otherwise I've seen people keep chickens, ducks, goats, geese, whatever. Laws like that are stupidly applied.

>> No.20089987

>Yes, consume the water injected chicken that was raised in its own shit
>No, raising your own food is bad and should be illegal so you need to pay for bland tasting meat....because.....because you just do!!!!!

>> No.20089989

>They are both severely lacking in funding and staffing
What agency do you work for and why are you trying to increase pork barrel spending?

>> No.20089997

You're delusional if you think I give a damn. They're both nuisances.

>> No.20089998

>Has no knowledge of history
Zoomer post

>> No.20090004

Go buy your cage free eggs at whole foods you NIMBY cumstain.

>> No.20090006

Well, I'd like a barrel of pork. Where can I spend money on said pork barrel?

>> No.20090020

I'll be raising pigs soon. What sorts of pork would you like me to fill ye barrel with?

>> No.20090246

>wah anon's actual comment is too good
>wah i have to contrive a scarecrow argument


>> No.20090255

No I'll get eggs from birds intensively shitting up your nextdoor neighbor's yard, used test tube baby

>> No.20090258

>wants to spend hundreds on oversight for each dollar of waste detected
go you