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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.23 MB, 3024x4032, 1000010887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20085795 No.20085795 [Reply] [Original]

Why does it scare the American so much ?

>> No.20085832

As a continental, it scares me too.

>> No.20085834

I'd have awful sloppy shits but I'd fookin smash that scran in one sitting lad

>> No.20085846

You know how when you post a stale Ramsay meme and then someone tells you to fuck off and you reply with something like "seething Ramsay simp!" or whatever? Yeah, nobody's seething in that situation; they're just sick of your low effort, unfunny shitposting. That's how we feel about the food in your image: there's nothing scary about it. It actually looks really bland, and a really uninteresting combination of of flavors and textures. It looks like savory baby food, and you always post the exact same shit, which makes it even more boring with so much repetition.

>> No.20085858

Are you having a bad day, anon ? Cheer up. I'm sure tomorrow you'll be happier...

>> No.20085871

No self-respecting Brit would add beans to pie, mushy peas and chips. Gtfo.

>> No.20086007


>> No.20086027
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>> No.20086180

He's ranting but honestly the food looks gross

>> No.20086196 [DELETED] 

>faggot peas
>soggy potato
All brits deserve the jew treatment. Starvation and death

>> No.20086210

Everyone's disgusted by that shit ya focking bollocking bastard

>> No.20086712

yeah m8 how about that curry and tikka masala and tea
what about those swedish meatballs originating from Turkey

this is the biggest cop-out of an argument

>> No.20086723

whoever edited this should be pulled apart by machines and trampled on

>> No.20086760

>Why does it scare the American so much ?
I'm British and it scares me.

This is obviously a shitpost to hate on us Bongs but We wouldn't mix peas and beans and gravy is more of a Northern thing.

Having said that, after a few pints, I would eat it.

>> No.20086783

proppa scran right there

>> No.20086784
File: 265 KB, 1200x1800, IMG_5567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we basically invented baked beans in america

i will however of your cute derivative slop

>> No.20086787
File: 60 KB, 800x1200, IMG_5568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

* i will *approve* your slop

pic related: more american mogging

>> No.20086806
File: 541 KB, 1080x3684, IMG_5572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

place of origin: UNITED STATES

you’re sucking down our sloppy seconds old man while your wife’s working nightly at the glory hole over in the u s of a

>> No.20086823

Ahh a Wikipedia article, must be true then??

I guess Baked bean are American as Apple pie . . .Oh . . wait a minute!

>> No.20086874

we don’t need to have created it to be the namesake for it

consider yourself cucked m8 ur watching us plow ur missus while paying 5 quid to subscribe

>> No.20086882
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>> No.20086889


3 . . 2 . . 1 . .You're back in the room and wide awake!

>> No.20086927

There were no beans in the old world, they're entirely native to the Americas.

>> No.20086945
File: 157 KB, 1056x588, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have some weird looking scrambled eggs in England. I know that isn't cheese because you can't have your beans with cheese.

>> No.20086958

>There were no beans in the old world, they're entirely native to the Americas.
Beans exist around the world dumbass.

Haricot beans(which in case you didn't know are the bean used in Baked beans) are from the Americas but who is disputing this?

I guess you are personally trying to take credit for introducing Baked Beans to the rest of the world?

Good luck with that.

>> No.20086973

I'm not that anon, but you are agreeing with him while simultaneously appearing to be disagreeing with him.
Schizo much?

>> No.20087011

I applaud you.
Do you know why English guys are often the Baddies in films?

There is a certain type of Englishman that is far more cunning than you can imagine.

Nice to make your acquaintance anon.

>> No.20087026

Wrong. But I'll hit ya with some knowledge, as it's known it does have the name from hamburg Germany the modern hamburger was made in Connecticut, some say new York.

>> No.20087038
File: 31 KB, 500x502, 1691766318543092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20087087

>the country founded 250 years ago by europeans eats mainly european food

>> No.20087093

probably because they'll charge you the equivalent of $25 bucks for it

>> No.20087096

Gay niggers

>> No.20087163

Baked beans are British just like pizza is American.

>> No.20087168

Nah, that would only be true if you ate them more than we do but baked beans are still really popular here

>> No.20087344

Picrel only scares the American autistic dude because of how disorganized it looks. If it's not organized or the usual dino nuggies, they will freak. Just saying.
It does look good. I see beans, fries, green shit(beans? Sauce?), and a burger patty or meat of some sort.

>> No.20087369

>Do you know why English guys are often the Baddies in films?
Don't the English villains always lose to the Americans? I don't think that's the example you want to go with, chief.

>> No.20087439

>green shit(beans? Sauce?)
Mashed peas. Bongs love them, I've only ever had them mixed with mashed potatoes as a naan bread filling but that was absolutely fucking delicious so who knows

>> No.20087447

Probably all the brown and green liquids.

>> No.20087454

>Don't the English villains always lose to the Americans?
Most Films are American made, so Yes!
Hope you enjoy clapping at the endings.

>> No.20087834

This is the most Bri'ish picture ever.
Still would.

>> No.20087861
File: 758 KB, 1070x713, IMG_5974_done_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of the garbage plates in upstate NY. Primarily its carbs and a protein; usually mac salad, tater tots, fries, and a couple of burgers thrown on top, although there are a few variations kicking around. Perfect end of night, done with the bars and just unwinding with the lads at home food.

>> No.20087871

It doesn't scare American dogs. At least I don't think. But American humans don't eat dog food.

>> No.20087892

Looks like shit, no wonder NYers are all such assholes

>> No.20088262

>American food is from X place
>but British food is made from thin air I guess
Is this the argument? How long does it take for a food from one place to become food from another place? Bread comes from Mesopotamia, but does that mean English bread isn't English? Sausages come from ancient Rome, so does that mean German sausages aren't German?

>> No.20088675

Strong argument from an "Englishman" named fucking HOLLAND

>> No.20088677

nigga do some history lessons

>> No.20088772
File: 187 KB, 790x719, 1522404279355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks really brown, like the English population.

>> No.20088780

It says not to do that in the Bible
This nigga really heard "barbecue" and thought "hamburger"
For fucks sake barbecue is a native American word

>> No.20088798

>Looks like shit
They know. It's literally called a garbage plate.

>> No.20088855

>lives in a sub-60% white country

>> No.20088857

he lives in america?

>> No.20088865

(you)d the wrong anon

>> No.20088866

not from what i can see and read.

>> No.20089028

Most bongs are grossed out by American smoked meats.

>> No.20089045

What is it? It looks very wet and seems like it would be cold in the middle

>> No.20089059

What's not to be scared about? I'm from Spain and seeing this provokes a pavlovian reaction to watch out for falling brits from the balconies.

>> No.20089092

>baked beans
Way too sweet. Gross.
>gravy on fries
Alright, somebody pull up Britain's obesity statistics

>> No.20089096

>um ackshually hamburg made the hamburger
Total lies. Euros are so far up their own ass.

>> No.20089102

the fuck thats PEAS? i thought it was some sort of salsa verde..

>> No.20089108

Do you eat out of it like a horse eats out of a trough?

>> No.20089113

no you use your hands

>> No.20089114

Unseasoned, mushy peas, and soggy fries. I would go over the piece of meat there but I already said unseasoned, no reason to beat a dead cow.

>> No.20089159

Most bongs have never tasted any american food

>> No.20089183

My town opened this fancy foodcart area and they have a british foodcart over there. I had fish and chips with mashed peas and it was better than I thought it was going to be

>> No.20089487

I'm only being as facetious as he is
That's the entire point

>> No.20089525

>umm akshully
you can do this with any food or any cuisine under the sun.

>> No.20089536

bongs REALLY fucking love peas, especially 'mushy' peas where it's just mashed up

>> No.20089544

If I had that in my city I would go there everyday

>> No.20089548
File: 1.67 MB, 3024x4032, yexjg845jh061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine preferring that slop to Carne Asada fries

>> No.20090266

>self-respecting Brit

>> No.20090281

if all anglos are on this level of cope with their "cuisine" i respect them even less now

>> No.20090289

These anglos eating beenz

>> No.20090445

You'll find plenty of Americans eat bong type slop. When it comes down to it you just need something to fill you up.

>> No.20090448

American here, I would put my dick in it.

>> No.20091288

American here, I would cram it up my ass

>> No.20091294

I want to go on a date with a British girl to this cafe. She’ll think it’s lush or whatever they say over there. I then take her home and give her a Dutch oven under the covers. show her the power of the True American Brap

>> No.20091298

That looks terrible

>> No.20091638

I dunno, there's no grated cheese on the baked beans so that's a thumbs-up from me.
Fucking can't British fatasses who do that.
Like these cunts right here
I hope they get raped by snapping turtles
They're only doing it because they want to be obese seppos

>> No.20092046

England imported the Hanoverian royal line from Holland.

>> No.20092195

typical mutt rage

>> No.20093445

Holland is an area of the Fens in East Anglia, famous for being where Hereward the Wake fought against William the Bastard

>> No.20093450

I'm sure you pulled this off page 10 because Americans don't live rent-free in your head, 24/7

>> No.20093451

I'm american and this scares me. Good thing the fries were there to calm me down.

>> No.20093455
File: 247 KB, 1152x2048, GDk_0mDXkAAVvRs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>various slops with different colors
>french fries

culinary excellence, i can't believe it's not indian

>> No.20093458

Where's the fried stuff? The only edible thing on that plate is the sausage roll.

>> No.20094826

I'd need some hot sauce to enjoy that. Maybe with three slices of wheat bread too.

>> No.20094834

i used to love eating shit like this before bed

>> No.20094836

seems like a good diet for fat people too. you get a lot of flavors and textures so hopefully it will satisfy you enough.

>> No.20094849

Why do you need to eat 90% carb foods

>> No.20094853

soak up all the alcohol

>> No.20095661
File: 203 KB, 1600x317, Authentic-British-Cuisine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the whole fucking WORLD knows bri'ish food is dogshit its not a secret

>> No.20095680

looks decent but they would probably try and charge you like £11.50 minimum for the novelty

>> No.20095857

Bacon and mustard flavored beans are killer, I hate the sweet ones.

>> No.20095871

Doesn't scare me I wish we had take outs that did this kind of food. Late night drunk food. I like the doner ones with chips too.
A place like that, open from 1800 to 0300 would absolutely kill in a college town.

>> No.20095874

That looks like someone took a box of food then splorted various bodily fluids all over it for the lulz.

>> No.20095906

There are new world and old world beans. Before the Columbian Exchange, Europe had access to other pulses like chickpeas, lentils, fava beans (broad beans), field peas, pigeon peas, and lupini beans. South and East Asia used other beans in from several families like adzuki, mung, gram, or most famously soy beans. Only really phaseolus came from the new world, which include everything from kidney, black, pinto, lima and haricot, as well as peanuts if you want to count those.

>> No.20095932

Every “gotcha” post you make is indirectly also praising Americans and our accomplishments.

>> No.20095944

I would rather eat that than OP’s image.

>> No.20096090

it doesn't, i still can't figure out why this kind of thing isn't more popular here, especially at bars.


seems like this would be a hit, but admittedly im biased due to having a soft spot for $1 frozen savory pies i used to eat as poverty food.

>> No.20096110

Holy fuck, can they not put more than one word at a time on the screen?