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20079993 No.20079993 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20079996

>he doesn't buy bergomots and make his own with loose leaf assam

>> No.20080005

>implying anything from the isle of used-to-coulds is refined

>> No.20080094

I like the big boxes of twinings earl grey from costco. I have many nice chinese and japanese teas but I like the convenience of the humble twinings bag

>> No.20080243

Red rose is better

>> No.20080356

Lord Nelson himself drank Earl Grey tea.

>> No.20080464

The best tea is Da Hong Pao

>> No.20080474

Nah, best tea is Mao Dong Pe.

>> No.20080554
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>MFW Yorkshire Gold was sold out and I needed to buy Twining Irish Breakfast instead.

>> No.20080559

Drinking too much Earl Grey will cause harmful reactions. Look it up.

>> No.20080564

Nah, best tea is Ching Chong Dong

>> No.20080580

It isn't. First-flush darjeeling is the champagne of teas.

>> No.20080584

too much tannin. Shit tastes like drinking an oak barrel with no whiskey

>> No.20080588

It's the queen of teas, you're thinking the champaign of beers

>> No.20080589

That sounds more like second-flush.

>> No.20080711

No, "champagne of teas" is the phrase people use in English. I wouldn't be surprised if it's called the queen of teas in another language, though.

>> No.20081133
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>> No.20081161

Sorry, no, the "champagne of teas" thing was something invented about 10 years ago and it just took off, it is and always will be the queen of teas

>> No.20081285

Yeah, both are just memes and shouldn't be taken too seriously. Harney & Sons uses the phrase "Queen of Teas" but "champagne of teas" seems to be more widespread.

>> No.20081321

It's this new thing I swear someone got confused with beer and it just stuck given the power of the preexisting slogan

>> No.20081441

they saw picard drink it and they wanted to be like picard and have romulan pussy on demand

>> No.20082328

Who wouldn't?

>> No.20082334

i regret starting the earl grey meme years ago

>> No.20082349

Nigga I was happily drinking that shit 30 years ago, you didn't start shit.

>> No.20083076

I didn't look it up, but it seems to me that most of the harmful reactions are from Anon when I post too often about drinking Earl Grey. Understandable, I suppose. *sips*

>> No.20083085

It's the Ferrari of beers; you're thinking of the Aston Martin of brandies

>> No.20083092
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>i regret starting the earl grey meme years ago

>> No.20083199

pfft. Its ok now and again, But Yorkshire Gold is the tea of choice.
Also if you are talking refined then you wouldnt be using a teabag you peasant

>> No.20083208

for me, it's Huangshan Mao Feng

>> No.20083221

Earl Grey is good but only on a rainy autumn day

>> No.20083253

Incorrect. I'd say it's Ning Due Pyou, hands down.

>> No.20083281

>all the leaves are red
>and the Earl is Grey
>I've been sippin' tea
>on a rainy day

>> No.20083316

>earl grey from a bag
>when a pound of dried tea costs the same amount and is infinitely better
americans should all be castrated. kellogg had the right idea 100 years ago.

>> No.20083366

crazy how yorkshire tea was considered one of the worst teas not too long ago and now through aggressive marketing people imagine its good, for some reason. its not

>> No.20083743


>> No.20083818

Same, I have yet to encounter a brand with as much availability and value as Twinings with a taste just as good

>> No.20083867
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You’re damned right I do

>> No.20083925
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He should have insisted on the lapsang souchong. Earl Grey is for cucks.

>> No.20083937

Lapsang is great, it's the mezcal of teas

>> No.20084049

>deliberately hindering your potassium absorption
Enjoy dem cramps

>> No.20084074

>he doesn't eat ten bananas per day

>> No.20084234

why not just get loose leafs especially it the type of cup you're drinking your tea from?

>> No.20085175
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>> No.20085288

I like a good Assam with a splash of milk.

>> No.20086268

Makes me vomit if I drink it on an empty stomach, but that might be because I do 7 — 11 cups at a time.

>> No.20086478
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>7 — 11 cups at a time.
>seven to eleven cups

>> No.20086826


>> No.20086866


lemme guess, you made it with boiling water?

>> No.20086989
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